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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54058243 No.54058243 [Reply] [Original]

Spread this far and wide, anons. If Washington can’t eliminate student debt, we’ll do it ourselves. If Washington wants to use our money to bail out the banking system, they’re gonna be fresh out of cash. Thoughts?

>> No.54058260

No we should cause the holocaust. That will fix the deficit

>> No.54058276
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>wants to gather a tax protest
>with an imminent cbdc rollout
i'm afraid you're too late

>> No.54058295

True, but this could get the redditoids to cause a tax revolt for us. Plausible deniability. Divide and conquer, anon.

>> No.54058310

They let banks make money from nothing and they still somehow fail and cause contagion
They can pay off all student and health debt and the economy would be in better shape.
It wouldn’t even hurt the banks. The only reason they don’t pay off all debts is because they want to keep everyone poor.
People are just beginning to wake up to this shit but the banks will cause WW3 before they give up their grip on politics and business

>> No.54058312

Just trying to add fuel to the upcoming fire. If we can unite the left and right in a tax revolt, the CBDC will be worthless on rollout.

>> No.54058326

Let’s force them into WWIII then. Let them see how resistant people are to the war and get themselves fucked.

>> No.54058539

Violence isn’t the answer unless you could somehow wipe out all of the elites at once.
Any war with elites can’t be fought like traditional conflicts. It has to be guerrilla warfare with moves made tactically without blow back
We’re better off just dropping out of society and start our own community based on growing food and drugs.
The wealthy have too many weapons and political connections

>> No.54058579

You’re right that unguided violence won’t solve this. But undirected violence is exactly what WW3 would be. No reason, no goals, just slow down the “enemy”. And right now, people are becoming resistant to such wars. If we force the banks into a position in which they think war would be their only way out, the lack of desire for war would end them. We’d have civil war before a draft for WW3 would ever succeed.

>> No.54058590

How about you just reduce the cost of education, and retards who went into debt to purchase status symbols have to live with the decisions they made?

>> No.54058603

That would be ideal, but that’s not the point. The point is to get retards who went into debt for student loans to cause a tax revolt. I don’t give a fuck about student loan forgiveness, I just want to see the fire rise.

>> No.54058626

I appreciate your honesty. However, fleecing sheep is too profitable for the stakeholders, and besides the sheep lack the requisite political influence to get changes across, and they lack the intestinal fortitude to usher in a tax revolt.

>> No.54058654

You don’t believe in meme magic? Start spreading shit like this to leftist groups. I feel like Reddit would fall for it, but I don’t have an account with karma to post in subs where it would get noticed. If we can get the left to internalize this as their own idea, we could see it gain traction with politicians. Either they’d end student debt, adding to the increasing economic issues in this country, or the left would have a tax revolt, with the same effect. Win win, if it can spread.

>> No.54058661

I do believe in meme magic, but I don't think this is it. But you do you senpai, best of luck.

>> No.54058709

Fair enough, I’ll keep trying to push it. I think it has potential, and could create even more chaos in the system. You could be right and it’ll go nowhere. But if it does, it’ll be a fun ride.

>> No.54058713

>american universities

>> No.54058729
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How about the Democrats introduce an actual bill if they want this shit so much?

>> No.54058731

If a few leftoids catch on to the idea all it would take is one CNN or NYT article: "The disturbing alt-right origin of the tax revolt", "Here's why a tax revolt helps Putler" and they'll start paying extra so they can't be accused of being a heckin chud.

>> No.54058739

Not the point anon, the point is to convince people who think they’re educated to cause a tax revolt over their stupid life choices. Student loan forgiveness is just the vessel for the true cause.

>> No.54058754
File: 36 KB, 419x444, three_letter_agent_glows_so_bright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another glownigger on /biz/.

>> No.54058761

It doesn’t really matter where it starts if it gains popular traction. It could even encourage leftoids to question the media if they work against an idea they agree with.

>> No.54058811

The true cause is stealing properties from urban kulaks and installing a communist regime that will persecute white people whose fault this all is. Welcome to 4chan btw you’re here forever

>> No.54058819

>he thinks he can drop out and not get Waco’d or Ruby Ridge’d
They will come for you anyways and burn you and your family alive. Remember that.

>> No.54058856

Waste of digits. Faggot, the true cause is adding fuel to the economic dumpster fire we’re seeing right now.
>persecute white people whose fault this all is
>white people whose fault this all is
>white people
Jews aren’t white. Lurk more.

>> No.54058950

>retarded npc who tells you to lurk more doesn’t understand the whole system is designed by kikes in the first place to cause a neobolshevik revolution
unironically lurk for two years before posting newfag

>> No.54059036

>Faggot afraid of subverting the kikes’ system against them tries to call OP a communist instead of trying to change things
Keep holding those bags anon, if you aren’t a kike that’s the only reason you’d want to avoid this system collapsing.