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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54054633 No.54054633 [Reply] [Original]

Normalfag here. Is 2008 coming? Should I be scared?

>> No.54054652

Don't worry anon. When Bear Stearns failed, there was still another six months or so before Lehman.

>> No.54055549

>Is 2008 coming?
More like 1929. But probably worse.

>> No.54055567

It's going to be so much worse it's not even funny

>> No.54055592

No, the next financial disaster won't be in the banking sector like 2008. The biggest systemic banks are in good shape financially and have serious regulatory audits. The problem will come from another industry it's just figuring out which one.

>> No.54055866

So should just be holding cash still?

>> No.54056033

touch call
but yeah. i'll go with cash

>> No.54056070

2023 is what’s coming. They’ll be studying this fallout decades from now like 1929 and 2008

>> No.54056077

Ahh the construction industry has been collapsing the last couple of years due to skill shortage and cost of materials. Now every halfwit is wondering why there are no houses and rent is sky high.
Farming.. mono crop farms are getting justed due to decreased labor force and fertilizer costs going up couple hunderd %

>> No.54056092

>More like 1929. But probably worse.

Actually more like the fall of the Roman Empire followed by the Dark Ages

>> No.54056373

more like 1929

>> No.54056411

Bronze Age Collapse

>> No.54056596
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Go back.

>> No.54058106

Think about how bad it is. It’s even worse than that. Think about it again. It’s still worse than that. You think you thought about it? Nope, even worse than that. Imagine the worst-case scenario. Worse than that. Re-read this. Think about it again. Still worse.

>> No.54058125

Government cant afford bailouts this time

>> No.54058126

2008 just happened. 2009 is coming.

>> No.54058134

much worse lol

>> No.54058158

this but for real

>> No.54058167

We're all fucked! And there's nowhere to run.

>> No.54058176

If I had to describe it, it'll be like the end of A New Hope and you're currently working on level 333 of the Death Star plumbing sector unclogging Vader's shit from the pipes completely unaware of the Xwings outside.

>> No.54058225
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No one knows.

>> No.54058234

you ever wonder how much money we've made SJ Games over the last 6 years or so with this website?

shout out SJ Games, fuck the secret service for arresting game designers for being too cyberpunk for mainstream society

>> No.54058246

>Normalfag here. Is 2008 coming? Should I be scared?
Don't worry anon The Fed will save you!

>> No.54058250

Not my problem, I live at home with my parents. Why would I move out when daddy is a CFO and we live in a mansion in Mosman, Sydney? I practically get my own house, that's how big my room is.

>> No.54058315

We ARE in the dark ages. The anglo dominated centuries will be described as the dark ages in the future. Shit art, collapse of morale, economic crisis every 20 years or so.
We are waiting for a new renaissance spearheaded by either Italy or China.

>> No.54058437

>2nd Renaissance
LOL, lmao even

>> No.54058518

Just saying, the two consistent cultural centers of humanity have been far east Asia and southern Europe for as long as humanity remembers its history. The rest were either one hit wonders like Persia, arabs or india or banking on the cultural achievments of the one or the other (Japan and Korea are China-lite, german and slavic empires were Rome-lite, anglo-dutch investment banking capitalism is italian city states-lite, etc.).

>> No.54058547

>2nd renaissance
Within Europe alone we're in a 7th cycle at the very least. It would be an 8th renaissance. Other Anon is right btw, Italy, Spain, France or Greece have always been the ones to save Europe and allow it to bounce back.

>> No.54058565

>is 2008 coming

Much worse. You should get nonperishable food asap, and ammo if you can.

>> No.54058721

think more like 1929 but with more plague and more war

>> No.54058986

The crisis of the third century

>> No.54059014

So everything is OK in the East?

>> No.54059041

Is the game actually any fun?

>> No.54059080

Are you implying Greece did it twice?
Why would it be some new nation? Netherlands had its golden age, Germany had one with Bismarck and they were huge in importance globally
Why would it not be... ok... hm... Poland? Lol

>> No.54059094

It will be Japan.

>> No.54059102

You fucking optimist. This'll be like the Bronze Age Collapse, but worse.

>> No.54059103

2008 is nothing compared to what's coming tomorrow
but don't worry, BTC holders will be safe

>> No.54059118

Actually more like Kristallnacht and the the holocaust, oy vey!

>> No.54059125
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>but don't worry, BTC holders will be safe

>> No.54059132

Vietnam, Australia, Indonesia?
India? OK prob not

>> No.54059143

Sea peoples will be... Arabs and other migrants?

>> No.54059233

Already happening, but they're coming as rapist uber drivers rather than warriors.

>> No.54059249

>Bronze Age Collapse

Yes. and fall of the Roman empire.

The collapse always happens when affordable resources are exhausted.

>> No.54059490

Hands slippery from gutter oil typed this. Enjoy the social credit point this (You) has earned you, chinksect.

>> No.54059537

>The crisis of the third century

which was an energy crisis, just like today

>> No.54059546

swarthoid cope, success breeds jealousy, enjoying your toilets and clean running water and internet retard

>> No.54059573

Lol its more like going from now back to the precambrian era prepare your anus

>> No.54059598

my sides, thans for a good kek 8/8 b8 m8

>> No.54059607

Just wait till the sea people start invading us

>> No.54059966
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Strange that all the anglos in charge have funny noses.

Couldn't be that? Nooo...

>> No.54059977
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>> No.54060024


>> No.54060039
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You should buy. Have up lad that piggy bank will be fat if you play your cards right. The Lean Hogs will feed.

>> No.54060040

Yes and yes

>> No.54060866

retarded zoomer

>> No.54060902
File: 198 KB, 1080x1347, 1885910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 is 2011 for quantum strong haircomb
liquid stacks
unbreakable anonymity
bitcoin fee market
instant scaleable transfers to ten million wallets
all without additional claims

>> No.54061199
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no. nothing will happen.

>> No.54061748 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 2000x1026, 1678440790317967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Cities will burn and dumb spics will live in the burned out shells smashing corn between rocks in the middle of what once was a freeway and erect slums from scrap and cinderblocks.

>> No.54061775
File: 186 KB, 2236x1248, gibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already here. wait until the gibs run out and people start to lose their homes. btw im getting these gibs and don't pay my mortgage until june now. thanks feds you stinky niggers.

>> No.54062214

Check for a meme of literally me

>> No.54062249


>> No.54062267

That's a man

>> No.54062307

more pictures of this muscular lady please?

>> No.54062382

>Just saying, the two consistent cultural centers of humanity have been far east Asia and southern Europe for as long as humanity remembers its history.
>southern Europe
The fuck am I reading?
MENA says hello, btw.

>> No.54062563

chadpill me on what this means

>> No.54062616

No one cares that a bunch of scam startups lost money. Everything is fine, buy the dip.

>> No.54062659
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I'm actually 40 but yes

>> No.54062674
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they passed trillion dollar bills and this was part of it. each state has a set amount of grants to fund people behind on their mortgage. texas has about 700 million. if you make under 90k and behind 30+ days on your mortgage and can explain a hardship. I got laid off for example among other life shit. they will pay all your past due mortgage and taxes, hoa etc. AND if you meet certain DTI you can get 3 future payments. i got that. feels good. I got approved just days ago. applied jan 1st.

>> No.54062702

Look at the hand - that's a man for sure.

>> No.54062731

so the government is giving "free" money to its citizens but the money is about to run out?

>> No.54062959

say wut? big banks like jp morgan have been paying billions in fines for dirty business dealings. it's just normal business practice for them. regulatory audits...don't make me laugh.

>> No.54062961

no the fund and money is already set. fund started march last year and only half way spent. it might make to 2024 but i'd expect it to dry up this year. gov made this fund to dampen the 2008 effect.

>> No.54063279

most of italys population is like 70 years old so probably not them

>> No.54063508
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>Anglo dominated
My guy...

>> No.54063580
File: 40 KB, 550x512, If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you fucking talking about have you seen home prices shit out there is worse than 2008 by a wide margin and I've already started seeing newly abandoned properties across my shitty city this month and last.

>> No.54063655

lol, sure Chang.

>> No.54064916

One of the subtle jokes in King of the Hill is how Cotton Hill can correctly identify anyone's race based off the shape of their face while everyone else is clueless. For instance he look over Kahn for a moment and says, "Nope. He's Laotian." Based old man.

>> No.54065096

The Middle East had one shortlived period where they were culturally, scientifically and economically relevant like a thousand years ago.

>> No.54065159

>like a thousand years ago.
See, this is how I know you're a stupid American. Anyone else would know better. Look up the early influences on Greek culture and society.

>> No.54065244

There are concerns, but you being scared doesn't improve your situation in any way.

>> No.54065358
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>even seeing their name sends the muttoid into an uncontrollable seethe spiral