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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54051454 No.54051454 [Reply] [Original]

If you’re not withdrawing money this weekend, you’re not going to be able to next week.

>> No.54051475

anon i have a debit card. how long is $2000 going to last you?

>> No.54051502

I don't even have $100 left but even if I had 2k right now I owe at least $1300 in bills.
So yeah I'm gay and trans and OP btw.

>> No.54051545

these threads are fucking retarded. probably the same loser

>> No.54051560

at least it's possible to withdraw 2k today. next week is going to be a fucking bloodbath.

>> No.54051574

>these threads are fucking retarded. probably the same loser
hi CIA.

>> No.54051586

Monday morning as soon as my bank opens

>> No.54051588

/pol/ is being flooded with them as well.
It's clearly a coordinated effort.

>> No.54051616

are you this fag >>54051547

>> No.54051621
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I trust my bank, Wells Fargo.

>> No.54051648

Let em fuck this gay earth let them accelerate it to the end.
I literally have nothing left to lose.

I want to see bombs falling like I saw in my dreams in 2014 and jets covering the skies like ants.

>> No.54051663

Today I withdrew $20,000 from the bank and the teller asked me what I do for a job and I said I was a NEET, and she said which company, and I said 4chan. Then she asked what I was going to do with the money, and I said I was going to bury it. She didn't laugh or have any reaction, just looked me straight and then counted my money with a loud machine showing the amount on a screen and that made me insanely paranoid but when I turned around no one was behind me. Then she put $10,000 paper bands on my cash and handed them both to me in paper envelopes. I swear I thought I was going to get mugged as soon as I stepped out into the parking lot but nothing happened and then I drove home and vacuum sealed the cash into plastic and put one envelope in my toilet's water tank and the other in a box of hot pockets in my freezer. I also keep my glock 17 under my mattress now, loaded with a full mag, even though I live in California and that is illegal to do, because I'm feeling this is the start of it. Good luck everybody.

>> No.54051690

you're doing the right thing, anon.

>> No.54051817

im doing my part

>> No.54051936

You all are schizos and this is a nothing burger. Also I use a credit union, so either way, get fucked.

>> No.54051969

If everyone takes money out won't it kinda be like a self-fulfilling prophesy?

>> No.54052062

Did $600 today and doing $600 tomorrow (atm limit). Transferred $5,000 into my discover account on Friday. Leaving the other few thousand because I doubt my local bank is at risk, but always good to hedge against risk

>> No.54052075

That’s the point faggot

>> No.54052281

>Today I withdrew $20,000 from the bank and the teller asked me what I do for a job and I said I was a NEET, and she said which company, and I said 4chan. Then she asked what I was going to do with the money, and I said I was going to bury it. She didn't laugh or have any reaction, just looked me straight and then counted my money with a loud machine showing the amount on a screen and that made me insanely paranoid but when I turned around no one was behind me. Then she put $10,000 paper bands on my cash and handed them both to me in paper envelopes. I swear I thought I was going to get mugged as soon as I stepped out into the parking lot but nothing happened and then I drove home and vacuum sealed the cash into plastic and put one envelope in my toilet's water tank and the other in a box of hot pockets in my freezer. I also keep my glock 17 under my mattress now, loaded with a full mag, even though I live in California and that is illegal to do, because I'm feeling this is the start of it. Good luck everybody.
best fucking LARP of the night

>> No.54052302

>Transferred $5,000 into my discover account
isn't that called paying your credit card bill?

>> No.54052305


>> No.54052328
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uh yeah why do you think i'm doing it?

>> No.54052367
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>> No.54052382

bitcoin doesn't need banks

>> No.54052392

It needs electricity

>> No.54052398
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>> No.54052437
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have a bunch of these already from schizos on here shilling them years ago
>Verification not required.

>> No.54052445

>a few schizos from 4chan withdrew a total of $30k, banks are finished
Come on guys, normal people dont give a shit about this.

>> No.54052449
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SURELY, every time /biz/ suggested some dead shitcoin pnd and the sheer volume of how much that happens must be proof to any sane anon the source of this overwhelming amount of LE BANK RUN meme posts.


an endless list of shills and psyops yet they keep coming back. you know why? cause you fucking niggers listen.

>> No.54052456


Wait, you guys actually WANT economic collapse?


>> No.54052473

You don't belong on this website. Reddit is more your speed kid.

>> No.54052491

Not listening to any of you faggots anymore, I lost 6k swapping out of USDC

>> No.54052507

Some men just want tangerines the size of rubies

>> No.54052524


I dunno, seem kinda fun.

>> No.54052533

and... banks

>> No.54052553

Just rip the bandaid off!

>> No.54052576

I am coming to your house right now. You forgot to lock the kitchen window.

>> No.54052579

go back to plebbit NPC

>> No.54052620

GPT or llama?

>> No.54052642

so that on the DAY OF THE ROPE all the CHADS and STACIES suffer while THEY are vindicated for all time and eternally based

>> No.54052644

Are you talking about $30k from each of us or from all of us? Because I pulled out $25k myself over the week and encouraged my mom to do the same, she plans to take out $7k soon. That's more than your projection from one poster.

>> No.54052667

I literally pulled all my physical cash to invest in shit stocks last week. Am I fucked?

>> No.54052694

Sell it and buy USDC

>> No.54052716

What good is paper going to be?

>> No.54052731

good trip anon

>> No.54052852
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>that tfw when Monday comes and goes and nothing happens

>> No.54052896

>>toilet tank

You know that's one of the first places people look? You watch too many movies.

>> No.54052913

Discover has checking and savings accounts. I transferred to my savings account. They offer nice comfy 3.5% yields and no fees

>> No.54052929

No one keeps bills between their cell phone and the case? Just me? Alright.

>> No.54052932
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Don’t forget to boobytrap it against civil asset forfeiture

>> No.54052933

Hey guys, Ally will be ok, Ally will be fine, RIGHT????

>> No.54052965

I stand to profit from it.

>> No.54053004

I have mine hidden in a tree stump

>> No.54053069


>> No.54053085

all I see is gold, silver, and toilet paper

>> No.54053097

A few people in my family pulled around 600k between us. They are planning the rest on Monday. Fuck it can't trust them anymoar. Better holding savings in guns, PMs at the moment.

>> No.54053114

>next week is going to be a fucking bloodbath.
Could you please elaborate on how you have come to this conclusion. Yes I watch the news, but I want -you- to tell me your personal story on how you believe this. Inside info or you have internet too?

>> No.54053128

>what is a bank run
Am I on the right board?

>> No.54053156


>> No.54053184
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Toilet paper will be useful for a period.

>> No.54053475

shits fucked bro. confidence for banks is going out the window. I mean look at the state of /biz/ currently. People are withdrawing their cash. just take a look at this anon here >>54053097

its fucking over.

>> No.54053518

they'll just print enough money over the weekend, you cant beat the FED, we r living in infinite inflation

>> No.54053545


That worked real well for Russia.

>> No.54053591

I only have enough money in the bank to pay for the bills. I don't trust any 3rd party with the rest.

>> No.54053615

What do you think $2000 is going to prevent?

>> No.54053688
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You monster, you desecrated that scar and acog with shitty housepaint. That's like putting a wooden fucking spoiler on a porsche.

>> No.54053734

Hows the AC vent thats where I put my shit.

>> No.54053738
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>> No.54053748


Wasn't that what they used in No Country for Old Men?

>> No.54053800

you really only need one set of original goldbacks. it's a collector's item with a retardo premium
>t. i also have some original norfed dollars, whose invoice came with the message "epstein didn't kill himself"

>> No.54054221

Got a link to original goldbacks?

>> No.54054229

dont give a fuck nigger if they run the banks this shit is good as gold

>> No.54054281

it's utah

it literally is gold, just at like a 66% premium

>> No.54054324

i guess i should clarify: utah 2019. didn't realize they made more utah ones. i thought they just moved onto new hampshire, wyoming, nevada, aka all the based and redpilled states

>> No.54054332


>> No.54054351

The current world order enables many unjust things. It finances everything we hate about this world.
Its undoing would cause great pain. It might be the single largest event in modern history but I think our grandkids would thank us for it if they aren't brainwashed into hating us.

>> No.54054388

Only ATM I found near me that was even ALLOWING withdrawals only allowed $60.

>> No.54054413

>if they aren't brainwashed into hating us.

They very well could be.

>> No.54054419

Regs require banks to file a report for cash or cash equivalent (cashier's check etc) over $10k, was just a wagie rubber stamping paperwork

>> No.54054428

Nice BB gun

>> No.54054551

As the saying goes "if you know you know"

>> No.54054696

I think a lot of you are sorely overestimating how much attention normies actually pay to even know about any bank failing

>> No.54054752

It doesn't help that the story is being deliberately suppressed.

>> No.54054791
File: 137 KB, 1289x939, 0F56DF6E-FF7B-4ED3-AF46-767DE8B33CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately this is 100 percent true…
>pic related. It was yesterday

>> No.54054836

yeah. i'm gonna withdraw money tomorrow, but only cuz i need cash to buy a cat next week. it's not like i use jewish mega-banks for anything except (((credit cards))) anyway, i only store money with gentiles

>> No.54055155

can't build the new system while this old one is still out here pyramid scamming

>> No.54055660

thats why im posting non stop on kiketube and twatter to let them know

>> No.54055684

I have $108k in credit cards.


>> No.54055728

based, max that shit out

>> No.54055815

same, $22k in cc debt. Balance transfers too, so 18 months interest free

>> No.54055827

Russian/CCP Shills

>> No.54055888

Lol you do realize if the bank goes under, they'll just sell the debt to a collector right?

>> No.54055933
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you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip

>> No.54055988

oh i get it now, they're trying to cause a bankrun and worse the condition, for lulz

it makes sense

sneaky chinks, gotta hand it to em, they're articulate with english

>> No.54056018

lol you realize that, credit card debt is unsecured and theres nothing they can do but annoy you with phone calls begging you to pay right?

>> No.54056037

You do realize that if tha banking system collapses physical bills will be just as worthless as digital dollars, right?