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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 1200x799, jerome powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54047252 No.54047252 [Reply] [Original]

>rise rates
>banks implode
>lower rates
>inflation explodes
what the FUCK is he supposed to do?

>> No.54047270

Let the banks reap what they have sown.

Not his problem.

>> No.54047278

Keep raising rates. Titanic sunk because they attempted to turn.

>> No.54047298

We need a banks-people pact. The former promise to refrain from very high risk gambles for a while , the latter agree to live über frugally for the next 5 or 6 months.

>> No.54047307

Pick one. The soft landing was a pipe dream anyway. I'd raise rates to 12% and let them pick up the pieces.

>> No.54047312

Step out of the way and abolish the fed

>> No.54047381

Could have been a small recession (the soft landing) if they started hiking rates in early 2021 slow and steady. If we had a 3% fed funds rate by early 2022 inflation would have likely been much lower and they could actually pause around where we are now for a year or two

>> No.54047410

the guy is autistic
total unsuitable for such a job
get him out of the job

>> No.54047446

The sins of the last 20 years (really 40) have to be paid for at some point. May as well raise rates and rip the bandaid off now.

>> No.54047475
File: 18 KB, 360x240, penguine-16663435373x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you try to raise it up to 20 perfect the Gov would be bankrupt. Gov need to cut spend ffs. These Boomers are retiring and want to spend on their way into the Grave. Fuck them

>> No.54047498

Based as fuck, he should really be hiking rates higher to squeeze these overexposed faggots even harder.

>> No.54047516

Agreed. We’re almost at the point of national debt where we’ll have to take severe austerity measures just to remain the global power. If we start now they be far less severe

>> No.54047518

what is there to cut? social security? not happening!

>> No.54047523

Get rid of the gibs from the government that's putting more money in consumers pockets. Finally getting rid of the payment pause on student loans after 3 years would be a good start. Y'all niggas better hope that the SCOTUS doesn't rule Biden's student loan forgiveness legal and instantly give 40-some million Americans another $10-20k to throw toward houses, cars, consumer goods, etc. All the free and easy money from COVID has always been the problem, rate hikes were just the only tool the Fed had to try to address the unintended consequences resulting from shitty public policy, so they raised rates. But it was never fixing the root cause.

>> No.54047536

Close all the banks. Prosecute the bankers and hedge fucks for financial terrorism, dissolve the FED, would be a great start!

>> No.54047550

>what the FUCK is he supposed to do?
he should safeguard the USD, that's his job, the economy, jobs, that's the government job.. banks that play risky should fail, no bailouts this time, fuckem

>> No.54047582

its the banks fault.

>> No.54047583

Reassure the NPC's while everybody else panics.

>> No.54047584

Their mandates ensure both price stability and high employment. They should only have the price stability mandate as a central bank and leave employment for the government to worry about. They aren’t elected, so they don’t have to worry about being unpopular since it’s part of their job

>> No.54047587
File: 1.63 MB, 540x540, 1678484631571975.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower rates
>inflation explodes

Isn't that the plan after all? You'll own nothing and be happy.

>> No.54047594
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The leveraged must suffer.

>> No.54047597
File: 272 KB, 542x518, 1665242427492087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm, excuse me. Im gonna need another 1 Trillion for my failing country.

>> No.54047611

monetary policy is as important and sometimes even more important than fiscal for economic well-being

>> No.54047646

I think 3-4% is enough to slow down inflation without blowing up the economy

Easy mode: we go back in time and let the economy run, even if some people catch a cough

>> No.54047651
File: 104 KB, 534x681, Heinrich_George_by_Hugo_Erfurth_1930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about just letting them be stable instead of fucking around with them all time, like you're some kind of autistic wizard?
Any time you change the interest rates you create instability and uncertainty, which is of course the whole puprose behind it
They want to crash the markets, like they do everytime they start their rate juggling autism

>> No.54047664

How would our economy function without banks?
>inb4 use cash for everything
Yeah great way to shut down a majority of the economy
>abolish the fed
What would that accomplish? They aren’t the ones who got us into massive debt

>> No.54047678
File: 21 KB, 300x230, TranslateHate_Web-SmirkingMerchant-Inline_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, ever forget who we're dealing with here.

>> No.54047683
File: 25 KB, 464x261, _74179052_pulp-trolley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there isn't enough actual stuff to go around
> what can the man with the pen do?
the abstraction of money has blinded people

>> No.54047684

Yeah if increasing rates causes your bank to implode it was a retarded bank.

>> No.54047687

fuck himself

>> No.54047721

>titanic should have slammed straight into the iceberg
it works have gone under in minutes

>> No.54047722

>Easy mode: we go back in time and let the economy run, even if some people catch a cough

The (((flu))) was there to prevent the MASSIVE crash from 2020. It's no coincidence.


>> No.54047724

yes I want the boomers to see this and feel the pain, let's not wait until after they all die

>> No.54047742

you need to stop inflation midwit, blame your government for blowing newly printed billions on ukraine every week.

>> No.54047743
File: 87 KB, 700x700, CB2D7C76-A654-4C96-A458-2A27E3803DDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unemployment peaked at 10.3% when Volcker tackled inflation in the early 1980s. Powell is determined to get the job done, and there’s going to be no bailout for any failed companies this time with a split Congress. The soft landing narrative is dead, now we get to see how rough this is about to get

>> No.54047750

>Start hiking rates prior to a midterm election

Sure, that was going to happen...

>> No.54047756


Wages were keeping up, debts were inflating away and young business were flush with cheap capital. We could have inflated ourselves to stability.

>> No.54047767

>what the FUCK is he supposed to do?
order all jews into the gas chamber, it solves all the problems

>> No.54047773
File: 489 KB, 740x740, BD64AFC5-2566-446A-AE3D-0C7002DC7657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this retard saying

>> No.54047775
File: 2 KB, 363x294, 2023-03-11_201930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation is a non-issue, retard
they are crashing the economy on purpose like they do every few years

>> No.54047777

Almost all of that is weapons. Beyond that, this current inflation is from the three stimulus packages. Any inflation from Ukraine is unlikely to appear until next year since there are large time lags

>> No.54047778

How about dissolving the federal reserve and letting rates be determined by the free market

>> No.54047786

>abolish the fed
>What would that accomplish?
I can smell the matzoh dripping off of your post.

>> No.54047796

This isn't a problem monetary policy can fix, only fiscal policy had any hope of averting this situation. Of course we fucked up royal by not taking advantage of the momentum provided by 08' to trust bust and to pass some actual regulations, instead the situation has gotten even worse than it was before and the only thing we have to combat it is the shit that is Dodd-Frank

>> No.54047810

They wanted to kill inflation because lower and middle class wages were growing and existing debts and mortgages would be worth less to the banks. What does a few cents on eggs matter when starting wages went from 8 to 18 dollars at walmart during the pandemic?

>> No.54047816

>inflation is a non issue
Food prices alone are nearly double what they were prior to 2020. Beyond that 5% is historically low for interest rates

>> No.54047828

as if that mattered, the opposition party swept the elections and mysteriously lost their seats when mail in votes kept getting discovered

>> No.54047830

They simulated it and if they rammed the iceberg the hull chambers would have worked as intended and gave them enough time to be rescued. Turning meant that multiple chambers were ruptured when they scraped along the iceberg.

>> No.54047833

Asking cause and effect questions makes you part of the long nose clan now? Back to your hug box on /pol/

>> No.54047838

ands entry level wages more than doubled. An overnight stock clerk at walmart makes 21 dollars

>> No.54047843

How will food prices come down if you raise interest rates?
The whole logic is asinine.
The market determines what the price of a product is, not Jerome Powell

>> No.54047846

Call the white house and say they need to stop with the expansionary fiscal regime

>> No.54047871


>> No.54047893

The same thing, government expenditure.
if the fiscal policy is literally doing the opposite of reducing inflation the FED needs to step in.
venezuela and argetina are enjoying their never ending inflation, wages are also not keeping up at all with the inflation and doing nothing will just accelerate the issue.

>> No.54047894

Overnight stockers make $16 base per Walmart. They were making more than $8 an hour in 2019.

>> No.54047896

fpbp. The banks can handle it. The people can't.

>> No.54047906
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x1024, 1678510642846644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasted digits. Biden is the party that wants you to think
>fight inflation by spending money
Lets call it the Fight Inflation Act. Jesus, democrats are full blown retarded. What happened?
Yall niggers are retarded. Minus the (((outside))) issue that lead to democrats shitting their pants and shutting everything down, nothing, not one fucking thing the democrats that run this country now have done has done anything to bring down inflation. 3 years. Fucking pathetic. Ukraine as you know is just another way for the democrats to feed the mikitary industrial complex which has a very heavy hand on the market. See this is why i left the democrats a long time ago. You faggots have become everything you hated about Bush and the repiblicans. You all wanted to shut the country down, well guess what, the stimulus checks were there to help protect the people, NOW you use it to gaslight your failures. Fuck you faggot and fuck yoir science denying party. Chromosomes still exist. Good luck rewritting all those science books.

>> No.54047911

actual retard
and/or a cryptomongoloid

>> No.54047917

They would have run him out of town on a rail. Nobody swept anything. Rs barely got the house and nothing in the Senate. That would have been drastically different with hikes prior to election.

>> No.54047925

Quantitative tightening means that poor countries will be unable to buy dollars in order to buy food. This lowers the demand for food and causes the market to reduce prices. It also discourages commodity traders from being retarded and artificially inflating the prices when demand is lower globally and it costs more money to borrow

>> No.54047936

The titanic sunk because guys who opposed the creation of the Fed were on their way to the US to lobby against it

>> No.54047944

Section 8 Housing

So many great options. Let 'em have it.

>> No.54047946

I'm not a ship doctor but I would imagine the front/rear with zero windows would be stronger than the side that has 6 gorillion windows

>> No.54047966

>talking about the inflation impact of Ukraine aid makes me a democrat
Anon you are making a lot of assumptions and I never once brought up politics or whether I thought it was good or bad. Perhaps you’d be more comfortable bitching on the political board /pol/

>> No.54047969

its commonly known in economics that increase in interests rates reduces overall demand which in turn reduces interests.
now if you ask if this will reduce prices then no (most of the time at least), it is used to stop prices from increasing further

>> No.54047984

Not in my market, its the same as cap 2 18+ a 3 dollar differential

>> No.54048000
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Dont care, fuck you faggot.

>> No.54048013

every time i think there's too much money and they literally cannot print more they just go and print more anyways
i don't even know anymore

>> No.54048021

>its commonly known in economics that increase in interests rates reduces overall demand which in turn reduces interests
which in turn reduces *inflation*

>> No.54048052

You retards from /pol/ need to leave. The jeet scammers all left, but you faggots remain shitting up this board

>> No.54048055

Prices go up or down as detrmined by the market. This rate juggling autism is pure communism

>> No.54048073
File: 2.46 MB, 960x1714, 1676677420719173.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont ever tell me what to fucking do.

>> No.54048081

Or it doesnt. Interest rates are a price and increase production costs.

>> No.54048104


give felatio to a shot gun

>> No.54048107

>tough guy post
/pol/ shitskin confirmed

>> No.54048108

what are you talking about son?

>> No.54048126
File: 344 KB, 880x1156, 1678563562057066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ shitskin confirmed

>> No.54048129

haha idiot
the US has FAR more debt now than back then
it's impossible to do that

>> No.54048135

we can start with all the shit that gets funded just to get fucking stolen by the politicians and their friends in whatever industry they're padding the pockets of.

>> No.54048139

Conspiration theory

>> No.54048146

Ha! I'm sure the (((bankers))) would make good on that agreement

>> No.54048147

Im talking about that everytime the FED goes on a rate hiking spree they crash the economy, on purpose.
Every other shit they tell you is hogwash.

>> No.54048157
File: 171 KB, 1446x580, IMG_1144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bank(s) plural are not imploding. SVB was run by pikers who had no idea what they were doing. Every other bank takes steps to hedge out interest rate risk amongst other issues. These idiots had $120bil in Securities and hedged NONE of it. They deserve to blow up.

>> No.54048158

>Bro, they wanted to kill them!
Why they hell would they sink a ship where people on 1s deck, aka government officials, would be safe?

>> No.54048161

why do you faggots keep blaming the FED. powell's hands are tied. the only thing wrong he's doing is not being aggressive enough with the rate hikes. we should be at 6% already and they should have been raised sooner.
blame congress for failing to properly do anything on the supply side. enjoyed your tax cuts? well it's time to pay the piper

>> No.54048186

Kek this and they made that gay movie to spit on the victims

>> No.54048207

Powell knows he needs a recession to kill inflation. He's just not allowed to say it publicly. That's why Pocahontas tried to make him say it. She is grandstanding for her low IQ voters. Politicians need soundbits for the next election. And everyone knows some banks or some companies have to fail now. It's all a big circus.

>> No.54048221

Imagien believing this crap
Inflation is already down for the last 6 months.

>> No.54048263
File: 997 KB, 638x618, 1666756729883005.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it down to 2%?

>> No.54048291
File: 299 KB, 1100x690, inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation above 2% if literally the norm

>> No.54048295

we need everyone to believe in that piece of shit Dollar for a little while longer

>> No.54048307

Based on what, CPI? Hahahahaha. You do this shilling for free?

>> No.54048309

>The people can't.
Maybe try getting a job you lazy fuck?

>> No.54048351

Inflation is still running over 6% annually and ticked back up in the last readings. This inflation is much stickier because the economy is ok and unemployment is low. People are still spending and there has been no demand destruction.

>> No.54048357

you need to find a job, your worthless cryptoshit is not coming back

>> No.54048361
File: 463 KB, 1200x1520, Donald_Trump_official_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this would be happening if Trump was still president. He kept Powell in check and made him cut rates when he saw the economy start to slow down.

>> No.54048362
File: 16 KB, 363x294, 2023-03-11_201930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep lying your ass off

>> No.54048365

Then why do we care? People have money and their are more jobs than workers

>> No.54048439
File: 31 KB, 781x623, 2023-03-12_002213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation has been modestly higher for a period between 2021 and 2022, but it has since come down already into a completely normal range.
Everything they are doing now is malicious to wreck the economy.

>> No.54048449

Consumer debt spiral? Savings plummeting? Real wage growth being negative even by official readings? None of this sustainable but you know that already

>> No.54048451
File: 2.42 MB, 853x480, 1627507469196.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keeps raising rates
>Banks close
>Announces that you can get your money back if you join the CDBC

>> No.54048459

raise rates to 9999%, make debt illegal, make money creation illegal, track down people who benefited from money creation since year 0, seize 99% of their fortune, track down people who exploited people so much they made half the planet left wing, also seize 99% of their property and redistribute the money, but since this will benefit the citizens forever, this will never happen

>> No.54048478

Powell can go up to about 10% on the Fed Funds rate before the US Treasury literally can't pay its debt anymore. He has plenty of room to work with

>> No.54048503

Eeewwww the reddit jews are trying to say inflation is not high and that all is fine. I await the chaos this coming month.

>> No.54048518

At the very least he should go above the “totally legitimate” CPI reading and keep it there before even considering a pause

>> No.54048521
File: 42 KB, 796x621, 2023-03-12_002747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A longer term chart
Inflation has completely normalized for the last 6-7 months

>> No.54048528
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>pump the markets
>sell the top
>raise rates
>zombie corps collapse
>let the bodies hit the floor
All according to keikaku.

>> No.54048531

Blame Pootin.

>> No.54048541

It’s likely just somebody who wants their underwater crypto or overhyped stocks to pump again

>> No.54048565

If the fed / US government stops pretending to care about inflation then interest rates will skyrocket as private lenders realize that rates aren't coming down over the long term. This will cause a sovereign debt crisis if the federal reserve doesn't step in to fund the government, which would lead to hyperinflation.

>> No.54048566
File: 224 KB, 501x501, 35C6F06D-E17B-4DE9-9ECE-298E489B88C4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also believe its the lowest unemployment ever?

>> No.54048628
File: 205 KB, 2532x1170, DC63CD11-838D-4F45-8BB2-D5DB2E45FD8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Labor participation is still several percent lower than the norm

>> No.54048653

I would be honored to help bail out our banks

They are our greatest ally

>> No.54048670

This. It's not hard as a person to just withdraw your money from your bank. If the bank fails, that is good if you have a mortgage. There are few people as strong and resilient against the globo as Powell.

>> No.54048842

You seriously think your mortgage would just disappear if your bank failed? That shit is an asset on the balance sheet and will promptly be bought up in the restructure and dispersal.

>> No.54048886

He needs to prove he has balls and keep rates high even after shit starts blowing up. That's the only way people are going to keep faith in the dollar long term.

>> No.54048929


Nothing or anything. We ground global productivity to a fraction of what it was for like a year. We should've experienced the consequences then, but we kicked the can down the line via printing. Now we have to deal with it and there's no getting around that.

>> No.54048999

>what the FUCK is he supposed to do?
Flip the switch and make XRP the new global reserve currency

>> No.54049004

Deal with what?
Getting a dick in the mouth from the kikes at the federal reserve?

>> No.54049027

You stupid fuck. 6% is YoY. You're showing quarterly.

>> No.54049037

year of year is lagging and completely irrelvant

>> No.54049051


>> No.54049064

He’s showing MoM anon. Only problem is 0.5% 1 month followed by 0.5% the next does not equal 1% on the yearly because it compounds

>> No.54049088

Because inflation can get out of control to the point that people can't afford to live and get basic necessities. It's getting there already with people having jobs. Inflation is also starting to eat into corporate earnings and as earnings drop they start layoffs in size. Then you get Stagflation= high inflation & high unemployment. Look at the 1970's.

>> No.54049092

Blaming the rate increase is dumb, some underperforming ill times treasuries shouldn’t sink a bank, it’s the systemic norm of 0 reserve requirements, that is also unironically the MAIN cause of inflation ahead of money printing, cause of a little thing called th le money multiplier affect

>> No.54049094
File: 110 KB, 796x621, 2023-03-12_002747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the range is completely normal for the last 6-7 months

>> No.54049099
File: 2.93 MB, 640x480, 1669821935019542.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats CPI at?

>> No.54049106

Its what the image is about, are you fuckign retarded?

>> No.54049110
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>> No.54049114

He's supposed to crush inflation with rate hikes. It's the fact that he's a pussy and didn't get this done last year that we're facing a crisis now.

>> No.54049130

I meant YoY you fucking jew.

>> No.54049142

lagging and completely irrelevant

>> No.54049143
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Only shills for the synagogue care a out MoM CPI.

>> No.54049159

No, thats your IQ. You bore me. I hope your family loses everything in the next year.

>> No.54049166

He should have started 2 years ago. Demand was clearly picking back up and 0% interest rates are meant to only be used during the worst parts of a crisis because it encourages speculation, risk taking, and debt

>> No.54049175

Well if they never made rates almost 0 we would also be in a much better spot.

>> No.54049185
File: 34 KB, 929x523, 107205144-16782919702023-03-08t160715z_117837401_rc2qpz92j1t6_rtrmadp_0_usa-fed-powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself and take that moron Powell with you

>> No.54049204

nothing. inflation are controlled by fiscal AND monetary policies. jpow can raise rates all he wants but if the congress are still throwing hundreds of billions to ukraine and other inane shit then there's nothing much he can do.
Elizabeth Warren was trying hard to blame everything on jpow and make it look like the congress had no fault in blowing inflation out of control

>> No.54049222

>Inflation is still running over 6% annually
my country has 10%+ inflation every year and it's doing ok, why would america crash its whole economy over a tiny 6%?

>> No.54049223
File: 2.80 MB, 720x480, 1675555362393179.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded Democrat detected.

>> No.54049235

the democrats are in charge, retarded kike

>> No.54049254
File: 2.88 MB, 700x576, 1671593892520709.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then take blame for doing jack shit to bring inflation down and stop trying to lie through stats to cover for your pedophile leader.

>> No.54049277

Inflation has already come down, you stupid motherfucker.
Kill yourself and stop posting retarded videos like you are contributing anything

>> No.54049292

Raise rates, and let the zombies collapse. It's the lesser of two evils, you do NOT want to lose reserve currency status.

>> No.54049313

Banks are supposed to adapt and adjust their risk to changing economic climate. It's not Fucking rocket science.

>> No.54049314
File: 2.83 MB, 680x414, 1657594548816.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is winter? What happens to inflation when there is snow covering 50% of the country. Holt shit, democrtas really are just the retards the teachers give stars to to shut them and their inbred parents up at student teach conferences.

>> No.54049327
File: 21 KB, 552x384, Inflation_Annual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know this: the Fed raised rates from 0 to 4.5% in a year and all it did was knock inflation down 1%. There is along way to go. Look at the monthly annualized numbers. Inflation is sticky and not easy to get back to 2%. It will crush the economy and people's lives if not taken care of.


>> No.54049344
File: 89 KB, 610x680, retard_by_kittykatofhyperness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have this. Now deepthroat a shotgun

>> No.54049350


Keep raising the rates, its time to stop kicking this can

>> No.54049351

There is nothing he can do. The world order is changing.

>> No.54049374

The main thing the fed accomplished with those hikes was preventing inflation from getting out of their control.

>> No.54049405
File: 49 KB, 512x512, 1676083653269365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at Fed funds rate of 7%!

>> No.54049407

This is the way. Pour it in to those MotherFuckers. Make them Fucking tap out!

When they start saying they have had enough be like that dude that shot the dudes on the Subway in NY in the 80s, "You don't look so bad. Here's another!" and Fucking hit them again!.

>> No.54049416

Its not what should be done its about what they want to do. 2008 was enough to earn but he continued the scam. Virus was cover up for financial breaking point that was clear a year before the virus. Now they have CBDCs in place and want the cattle to lose faith in banks. After collapse even a more centralised financial system would be brought in and cattle would willingly accept it.
You are retarded if you think trillions in debt can be removed with interest rate hikes

>> No.54049418

You retarded fuckass, inflation numbers form a year ago are fucking irrelevant.
For the last 6-7 months inflation has completely normalized already

>> No.54049420

Try paying a livable wage in a 40hr work week. Fucking boomer.

>> No.54049469
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Holy shit, your parents should have coat hangered you. Seethe faggot retard.

>> No.54049484
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>> No.54049487

Just fuck off already, you fucking moron

>> No.54049517
File: 2.30 MB, 1308x1388, Powell Vergil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will do what needs to be done

>> No.54049521
File: 51 KB, 656x365, Inflation_monthly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha. You're an idiot even for a troll. You telling me going from 8.2% last September to 6.4% in January 23 is "Normalizing" Look at the rest of the months and consider we are a 3x higher than we have been in the prior years.

>> No.54049545
File: 304 KB, 365x360, 1669941939362447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry. What did you say? I dont speak tard.

>> No.54049547
File: 3 KB, 363x294, 2023-03-11_201930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are not the monthly numbers
these are

>> No.54049563

>what the FUCK is he supposed to do?
implode the inflation
explode the banks
simple as

>> No.54049581

Oh nice. Look at that spike! To the moon!!!!!!!!!

>> No.54049603
File: 34 KB, 796x621, 2023-03-12_002747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, completely within the normal historical range

>> No.54049622

the death of the american economic empire makes me so fucking horny holy shit

>> No.54049636
File: 1.42 MB, 640x430, 1672372846069525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep posting that graph and i will keep calling you a retarded Biden testicle sucker. Does he make you eat his old man ass as well while you are down there?

>> No.54049655

I mean honestly, who is paying you to be this retarded?

>> No.54049666

Because you have no argument. Just fuck off already and stop posting retarded images noone gives a fuck about

>> No.54049667

This. If we're going to print money, it should be to top off the FDIC to back regular Joe's insured accounts

Everyone else got over a decade of ultra loose monetary policy, Wall Street and idiots in corporate America can take a hit for once

>> No.54049704
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Ok Satan. I have two options. Follow what the fed is following to make my decisions or listen to your jewish ass while trying to lie through stats. Hmmmmm what ever shall i do? I think i will root for Papa powpow to prolapse your fucking anus. You are a democrat so there is a good chance you are into that so have fun!

>> No.54049734
File: 47 KB, 617x422, Inflation_monthly_annualized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my numbers are annualized so you see how it affects you from a year ago.

>>54049603 Your other chart doesn't take into account what the base level of inflation is that the month over month gains are starting from. Is that from inflation at 1% or 5% where the gains are happening? That is the issue.

>> No.54049748

in case you don't know:
>there isn't supposed to be a central bank
>risk must be taken and not taken by individual parties
>money must be created from credit and insured by private institutions
>government bonds should not be a thing as governments are not businesses

this idea of "the tax payer is now a counterparty for risk taken by the government" is ludicrous, illegal, completely immoral, insane and should be treated as terrorism

but since governments are now democracies that last short periods of time, rulers take "short term gain, long term pain" positions
the solution is crypto

>> No.54049772

do as little as possible while flexing the threat of doing something worse in order to make the weakest links implode on their own. it's a brilliant strategy because it gives time for the contagion to sort itself out without causing panic.

>> No.54049776

Your number shows what happened a year ago. thats only when the FED started hiking.
Since then, Inflation has normalized for the last 6-7 months
It is absolutely retarded to base your policy on inflation numbers from a year ago.

>> No.54049827

Lol, lmao even. If you are so smart why does the Fed watch YoY so closely? Surly if you were so smart you would work for the fed right now.

>> No.54049830

Elections aren't real. Neither is the economy. If it crashes it's because kikes want it to crash. Covid wasn't real thus they doubled the money supply intentionally not because of some kind of le emergency. Whatever they're doing it's according to plan.

>> No.54049851

>why does my authority do something stupid, thats impossible!!
You really love that authority cock in your mouth, dont you

>> No.54049878
File: 431 KB, 1024x1144, Screenshot_20230311_184837_Photo Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, you earned another one!

>> No.54049879

No, it's gone back to the pre-boomer norm.

>> No.54049901

So says the bitch from the party that shut the country down over a fucking cough. Please dont have kids, we can barley handle your level of retard.

>> No.54049945

What the fuck makes you think Im a democrat you retarded asswipe?
Trump lambasted Powell al the time to not raise rates.
Powell is a fucking moron
You are the authoritartian cocksucker here.

>> No.54049958

Because youvare fucking retarded.

>> No.54049965

My chart shows the past months "Monthly Inflation" rate Annualized for THAT MONTH.

January 2023 +.5%. Annualize THAT current month is 6.4% You think that 6% current inflation is normalizing inflation?

>> No.54049970

So, Trump was also retarded for being against high interest rates?

>> No.54050007
File: 15 KB, 370x300, 2023-03-11_201930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My chart shows the past months "Monthly Inflation" rate Annualized for THAT MONTH.
No it doesnt. MoM was zero in July. that annulizes to nothing else than zero

>> No.54050030
File: 40 KB, 552x690, 1664130397064055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before covid? Nope. That was the perfect time to help grow the economy.

>> No.54050116

CPI is a recorded measurement. Month to month, year to year is how the measurement changes .

July 2022 CPI: 296.276
January 2023 CPI: 299.170 (That's higher than July)

The July is 0% is because it was the same CPI print as June.

Going from June 296.311 to July 296.276 rounds to 0% change.

>> No.54050134

We already a decade of QE and 0% rates by then. There was already a bubble in the stock market and a bubble was starting to form in housing. Borrowing should not be free, as it encourages debt and degenerate speculation instead of a healthy mix of saving, consooming, and speculating

>> No.54050138

>zero monthly annulizes to 8% yearly
You're a fucking moron, just kill yourself

>> No.54050192

I get that but hindsight shows me without that extra bump from trump the covid crash would have not been an pretty as it was. Someone knew what was about to happen and he got ahead of it. Democrats and their shills are flat out demons. Until CPI YoY is down to 2.5% the Fed has more work to do and the democrats will kick and scream like the spoiled rotten children they are. I cant wait till the bullets start flying.

>> No.54050210
File: 234 KB, 740x534, 1667697523413589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up nigger rerard

>> No.54050229
File: 31 KB, 438x414, CPI_22-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha. Sold to you faggot. The 8% is how much higher the CPI index is from July 2021 to July 2022. These are official government statistics. I didn't make them up.

Look at the CPI. The index is higher in Jan 23 than in Jan 22
End of story.

>> No.54050258

Imagine thinking any of them are fiscally responsible.
>Bush Jr
Budget deficit
Budget deficit
Massive budget deficits not seen since WW2
Massive budget deficits not seen since WW2. Both parties spend more than they take in and both parties have rapidly accelerated spending in the past decade

>> No.54050309

And i have been pissed about the spending and decisions since Clinton. Im done with the game, i can see its devils. I wanna see it all fucking burn at this point.

>> No.54050330

You are too retarded to live, you stupid cunt
Your own grap here shows, inflation was negative in December 2022!
It has compeltely normalized into a historical range for months now.
Noone gives a fuck about inflation numbers from 2021 or beginning of 2002

>> No.54050343
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>> No.54050386
File: 38 KB, 620x413, z28063963Q,Jaroslaw-Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>296311 in June 2022
>299170 in January 2023
Thats not even 1%!!!!
Your graph shows it has barely moved since June 2022!!!

>> No.54050390

Slimy Jewish fingers typed this

>> No.54050394

And that is why this old occupy ws kid now supports powpow starting the fire that will burn the demons out of the institutions. I just never knew the modern day democrats would be the ones to support ws and the kike bankers. Funny how that all turned out.

>> No.54050428

>abolishing 10k from young people is bad
You can’t even get a decade old civic or Corolla with 10k you retard.

>> No.54050995

So you're saying the Fed doesn't need to do anything because inflation is normalizing for the past 6 months, regardless that everything is much more expensive due to increased inflation than it was in the past couple of years.
Nobody cares about 2021 except when they go food shopping and people get half the food they used to for the same money. Rents are up, goods are up, used car prices are up and people's wages are not keeping up with inflation. So the Fed should just let it it be because prices have plateaued at levels that equal an average of 8% increase across the board with a high chance that inflation can easily pick back up again going forward.
What should the Fed do if CPI comes in hotter this month or next? Say above your 6-month normalizing level. Just let it go?

>> No.54051539

This. Honestly you can't fix this shit. You need to let it go back to reality.

>> No.54051582

They have caused the inflation crisis by giving all their criminal banker minions free money.

>> No.54051592

They caused this. This is purposeful. They want to crush the middle class and consolidate all assets to the chosen few

>> No.54051634
File: 423 KB, 640x627, exciting time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cointoss then let it rip ig

>> No.54051642


Revalue gold to 50k

>> No.54051655

Admit to the public that are monetary system is Jewish parasitic garbage

>> No.54051749


Yeah because wages have gone up 30% over the last couple years, people didn't have to pay rent for years meaning another $1k+ in their budget every month, they still aren't paying their student loans so that's another $500-1k+ a month they can spend that they couldn't before the scamdemic, etc. No wonder cars are so expensive, people have no problem affording the $1k a month payments with so much margin in their budgets due to all the government fuckery related to COVID.

It's supply and demand. Part of the problem was supply (lower production due to government disruptions to supply chains because of COVID) and that's mostly returned to normal, but people all have had way more money to spend over the last couple years than they have. More dollars chasing the same amount of goods or less goods is going to increase prices of those goods, that's inflation.

>> No.54051910

Can I buy it? Can I buy my own mortgage

>> No.54051913

And seeing as how everyone loves to load themselves up on high DTI expenses no wonder everything got more expensive

>> No.54051917

they will need to open the gold window at some point, and if they redeem the bond market then they would need to print like 30 trillion. Gold itself is undervalued though, because people don't need the actual properties it has yet.

>> No.54051948

>what the FUCK is he supposed to do?

Banish the kikes.

>> No.54051986

Would you like me to explain the problem to you?

>> No.54052005


>> No.54052054

you can't buy loans individually, they're sold as a package

>> No.54052111

you can buy your own mortgage by sending in a check equal to the remaining balance

>> No.54052133

>this is your brain on MSM rot

>> No.54052146

>He's literally said he's not bluffing and going to keep raising rates and there's going to be hardship
>Retarded Americans think he's bluffing

>> No.54052184

Let the system collapse and stop kicking the can. Downturns suck but they're a necessary part of the economic cycle. Delaying then will only make them worse

>> No.54052205

12% interest rates. The shit banks will fail. Many depositors will be screwed. Sucks I guess, but its the only way we can get back to some normality

>> No.54052210

There sure as fuck not opening the gold window why would they do that? they're way more likely going to make it illegal for civilians to own gold again

>> No.54052218

does your country owe a holocaustillion dollars to other countries?

>> No.54052250
File: 194 KB, 900x900, 1668126810113601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he trying to cause a housing price drop of 50% and raise unemployment to combat inflation


>> No.54052343
File: 407 KB, 359x371, 1604034245596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>build entire economy off of keeping people in debt payments for their entire lives
>Create securities so that investors and banks an literally profit off of interest collection
>Pandemic wipes out massive amount of value, shutdowns fuck things up further, government can't think of anything to do besides hand out funny money and fuckhuge interest free loans to businesses that will get forgiven anway.
>Money supply gets diluted and ultimately funneled up to the elites who just happen to run every industry that runs extremely profitable during a global health crisis
>Student loan backed securities now raped from loan moratorium
>Same elite have a temper tantrum over the fact that they can no longer skim off collection of interest because student loan debt is uncollateralized

>> No.54052359

>The shit banks will fail. Many GAMBLERS will be screwed.

Not going to loose sleep over this.

>> No.54052377

Not my problem

>> No.54052378

>live über frugally for the next 5 or 6 months.
impulse and frivolous purchases are the economy, shit would crash us so hard if everyone did it.

>> No.54052396

>he trying to cause a housing price drop of 50%
wtf? based

>> No.54052426

None of those are substantial enough though. You can't cut anything. Just face it.

>> No.54052428

Yeah a lot of the SV faggs were doing exactly that. Many money losing companies, essentially dumping free money on a roulette wheel

>> No.54052447

This. They've all been on borrowed time since 2008.

>> No.54052582

Jesus christ

>> No.54052585

Yes they are and it's coming out of your tax dollars. Cut it and let the single mothers with bastard babies figure it out.

>> No.54052589

Also banking is deprecated. The future is DeFi.

>> No.54052640

He's the goyish fall guy for the impending collapse. There's nothing he can do.
The effects of the last 50 years of jewish looting are reaching critical mass so they put a goy in charge to take the blame

>> No.54052688
File: 934 KB, 500x355, lain-of-the-wired.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the FUCK is he supposed to do?

Go on camera and tell the politicians that if they keep bottlenecking energy production and housing construction civilization will collapse.

Only way out is the truth.

>> No.54052711

he is a communist leaf shilling against crypto.

>> No.54052718

Normies dont know who the fuck Jerome Powell is. This will be blamed on Biden lol.

>> No.54052740


>> No.54052804
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>> No.54052867

Inflation crushes the middle class- not popping some shitty tech start-up scam bubble that nobody cares about.

>> No.54052914
File: 87 KB, 917x1143, 1677810322659023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the middle class keeps voting for more spending specially the women on the middle classes.

It's contradictory to vote for more spending and less inflation while energy and housing is bottlenecked due to politics and regulations.

If they let this bank fall they will have cascade collapses just like some meme cefi lenders caused liquidations in crypto.

They may be able to hide it like ftx for some months but it will all go down if they let it happens.

On the other side if they rescue it, other banks may appear suddenly telling they are also fucked up.

Bad time to be a central banker in the usa desu.

>> No.54052924

This. JPOW is actually based beyond belief

>> No.54052991

You haven't been paying attention. It is always the middle class who eats the brunt of finance psychos machinations. Look at how many small to medium businesses folded during hoaxvid plandemic lockdowns.

>> No.54053024

So will cash become more or less valuable than paying with a card due to this, if at all?

>> No.54053088
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>> No.54053146

it could go extremely either way, it depends on whether the fed is ready to kill a ton of businesses and make everyone unemployed to control inflation

>> No.54053148

if you can buy your mortgage you probably don't have a mortgage

>> No.54053155

I wonder how much time, effort, and money it would take to build a company with the means to dabble in purchasing those packages.
I'm sure FDIC membership at a minimum

>> No.54053159

conspiration government

so ukraine

>> No.54053284

>what the FUCK is he supposed to do

order total death to orcs and hook noses

>> No.54053589

Go back in time and tell his jew buddies to stop printing and doing illegal and fascist lockdowns.