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File: 34 KB, 929x523, 107205144-16782919702023-03-08t160715z_117837401_rc2qpz92j1t6_rtrmadp_0_usa-fed-powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54041433 No.54041433 [Reply] [Original]

>thinks inflation is worse than a crashing economy
>keeps raising rates like an autist
>deposits go up in smokes, does nothing
>ensures bankruns start monday

>> No.54041490

Another retard thinking he knows better than the FED because HIS personal assets are failing.
>Thinks inflation
Hyperinflation is worse
>Keeps raising rates
Like a proper Fed chair would, sub-10% is pure clown shit
>Deposits go up in smoke, does nothing
You are responsible for your money, get dabbed on
>Ensures bankruns start
He has done nothing of the sort, only idiots would run on a bank. It's pure autism. You're money is in a ledger and is safe, you can't drain an organization dry though overnight and expect things to function.
Bankruns have always been the autism of the mob, not the fault of any organization.

>> No.54041513
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The Austrians were right

>> No.54041531

This anon speaks the truth. OP is just butthurt.

>> No.54041537

He just is trying to hold on until Putin's Price Hike is over

>> No.54041644
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Cry harder faggot democrat

>> No.54041707


>> No.54041706

>get dabbed on
> You're (sic!) money is safe
Make up your mind, fucking moron
Do you work at the FED?
You would fit right in there

>> No.54041731


>> No.54041733

Read my guy.
>Your money is safe in a ledger
>You lost your money because you invested in a clown bank that isn't insured
That is on you, they are required to declare that in documentation somewhere that you signed. You probably didn't read the paperwork.

>> No.54041772

the bank is insured, you fucking moron
just kill yourself already

>> No.54041798

Then you have no problems, so chill out bro.
You'll get your $32.37 back soon.

>> No.54041830
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Since early 2022 he said he would nuke the markets to curb inflation, he's just doing what he's promised. Have you been living under a rock, op?

>> No.54041832

>First gentile FOMC chair
>keeps raising rates over the kvetching of his hebrew board members
>banks start failing
>keep raising rates

Honestly if Jerome crashes the global banking system just to prove a point he goes down as the good guy in my book.

>> No.54041844

97% of the deposits are not insured and go up in smoke, you fucking retarded asswipe

>> No.54041888

>dude it's insured
>dude it's not insured
make up your mind nigger

>> No.54041907

its insured only up to 250k, which I assume is alot of money to you
its not

>> No.54041911

>Pp--p-p-p-ppeople ll-lost money
Damn, almost like markets change n shit, and that banks are some absolutist institution and you have to choose wisely.

>> No.54041972

don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the collapse of the banking system, but you blaming the depositors for its collapse is peak kikery.

>> No.54042026

>You're blaming the depositors
Yeah, I am. It's not Kikery. It's absolutely retarded not to know the liquidity capacity of the bank you run your ENTIRE BUSINESS out of. All the Assets and Money are still at SVB. The problem was a couple of retarded Oligarchs, there were like 7-9 at SVB. Who all tried to pull their entire companies accounts out at the same exact time.
Considering SVB had a 1.87% interest rate bond portfolio for stability reasons, the oligarchs should have fully known this was not a high withdrawal capacity bank. They chose to start a run that day.

>> No.54042099
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>just analyze your bank
Guess you're smarter than Warren Buffet


>> No.54042135

I only find fault with Powell for how timid he is. If he had raised the fed funds rate to where it is now a year ago, we'd already have inflation under control and the recession over with.
He's fucking delusional to have ever thought that he could avoid causing a recession thanks to trying to control the inflation which he also caused. We're going to get a worse recession because of it.

>> No.54042134
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>It's absolutely retarded not to know the liquidity capacity of the bank you run your ENTIRE BUSINESS out of.
I think you're being fucking retarded

>> No.54042150
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>> No.54042160

lol, austrian economics was invented to stabilize the austrian empire and it did the opposite

>> No.54042165
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>You need to know everything about your bank
If you run an entire company out of it, then yeah. You might want to know a little bit about who is holding your money.
Just like with a retirement plan, you kind of want to make sure yours isn't in retarded scams.

Warren Buffet is talking about the difficulty of analyzing institutions. You don't need to analyze them, simply understand the capacity of the institution. You can literally ask the Manager at the bank before you put your money there.

>> No.54042166
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checked & seethe. You in powell-topia now

>> No.54042170

>the problem was the people who wouldn’t let the banks piss their money away
>it has nothing to do with the banks gambling like drunken sailors
post nose moshe

>> No.54042181

>You don't need to analyze them, simply understand the capacity of the institution.
What the fuck of word salat is this

>> No.54042182

nice try, Powell. Isn't it past your nap time?

>> No.54042187

At least one of them was anyway

>> No.54042197

why are you acting like all banks aren't the same thing, they are all connected and federalized, it's like saying pick the right hospital they're all government institutions at this point

>> No.54042212

This. Dude spent all of 2021 looking at 10% inflation and saying "It's probably just supply chains working themselves out" while speculative bubbles were exploding all around him.

The fact that QE was still being done into 2022 is criminal malpractice.

>> No.54042214

>>thinks inflation is worse than a crashing economy

it literally is, the whole funny money economy can collapse tomorrow and the USD will hold come what may. the only thing that will kill the dollar is runaway inflation, so the fed's only job is to prevent that from happening.

>> No.54042220

>Yeah, I really did just put all my companies money inside some recent start-up bank
>Yeah, I didn't know anything about how my money is being handled
>Yeah, I literally did zero due diligence
How about this
>Yeah I really did just walk into this forest
>Yeah I didn't study nor prepare for any of the wildlife here
>Yeah I have no equipment with me if anything bad happens

You always blame the retards.

>> No.54042228

You have no idea what austrian economics even is and no, it has little to do with the economic policies of the austrian empire

>> No.54042257

Based fpbp
Im loving all these salty zoomers seething because their magic internet funny money is being exposed as completely worthless

>> No.54042277

>The problem was the people who wouldn't let the bank piss their money away
They had a stable 1.87% profit portfolio, but just like any investment. The bank has to wait for it to mature to make the money back.
Their money was safe, and would have gained interest. They chose to sperg.
An analysis of the entire financial institution, is not the same as asking the Manager what the banks withdrawal capacity is. Finding out if it's a good fit for your business.

>> No.54042280
File: 137 KB, 1501x1176, 50F3AA26-97D7-48D0-90C1-A181FBC85621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/cel conspiracy chuds get completely mindfucked by Powell because they have their dumb chuddy belief that all people in positions of power are lying about everything, Powell just says exactly what he’s going to do and then actually does it, the /pol/cel brain literally can’t comprehend that

>> No.54042293

>Honestly if Jerome crashes the global banking system just to prove a point he goes down as the good guy in my book.
this. Instawhores and zoomers need to get worked

>> No.54042326

>the banks withdrawal capacity
the what?
are you on meth?

>> No.54042329

Stop believing their lies.
China gave you the real purpose.
They want to completely destroy economies of the developing world so that the US comparatively fare better.

>> No.54042339

>Bruh, don't like banks. Just have infinite money bro
This is your brain on MMT

>> No.54042357

eat your kiked world salat
maybe that will keep your belly full

>> No.54042407
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Bro, just stop whinging. The Globohomo elites didn't prove your accounts anus. Nobody needs your $32.27
The billionaires can WAIT to withdraw their money, like ALL billionaires that aren't new money do. They give more than a months advance notice to the bank in many cases for large movements of cash. Like I get it, you've never heard of this before because you have literally never had that much money. It's all a real thing though.

>> No.54042443

Im not a billionaire, no shit

>> No.54042489

>be low IQ
>don't understand danger of inflation
>cry when fed raises rates
many such cases!

>> No.54042513

low inflation is literally an anomaly
its a fetish

>> No.54042512

it was literally invented in the austrian empire, for the austrian empire. If you'd like more concrete examples of the failures of PM based currency, look up the sterling system or bretton woods

>> No.54042530

deflation has been the norm throughout human history nigger

>> No.54042533

So you admit you don't understand what these Oligarchs did to SVB then.
They are either supremely stupid, brand new to wealth, or have potentially have malicious intentions if you want to be conspiratorial. This is not the Banks fault. This is not the FED's fault. The Oligarchs that all tried to withdraw money from SVB at the same time, basically exceeded the capacity of the bank to honor the withdrawal. The bank either needed time to take out a loan to fulfill their obligations, or to sell off assets. Either would have been fine, but it would have taken a week.

The Oligarchs were shitting and screaming in the lobby for a few hours though, and starting posting it on the internet. So the bank locked down to prevent a run. This is all pretty standard.
Now everybody is shorting it based off speculation, which is hurting the bank further.

You can blame the Oligarchs who tried to make the retarded withdrawals in a retardedly short amount of time for this.

>> No.54042536

lol. He's failed to deliver. He broke the back of america before he broke the back of inflation

>> No.54042545

not in the last hundred years

>> No.54042551

high inflation would actually help the us economy because all of our debts can be easily paid off, the globohomo dont want that they must stop inflation at all costs

>> No.54042554

>it was literally invented in the austrian empire, for the austrian empire
Since when did Menger and Bohm Bawerk work for the austrian empire?
Also the vast majority of austrian theory was never implemented by the austrian empire.

Read a book you clueless retard.

>If you'd like more concrete examples of the failures of PM based currency
What failures? The late 1800s in USA during their gold standard was the most successful economy in history.

>> No.54042555

whose deposits went up in smokes?
you don't know what you're talking about, do you? this is day 1, not day 100. in about a week, when jp morgan steps in to buy up this flaming garbage heap for cents on the dollar, you're going to turn around and claim some kind of bullshit conspiracy while ignoring the fact that that very purchase is what makes unsecured depositors whole.

>> No.54042565

Shut your leveraged hole.

>> No.54042579

How does your brain get so warped you believe this?
The government is literally creating inflation.
Without them there would be deflation.

>> No.54042604

the real answer is that inflation can lead to a countries self destruction.
an economy tanking just means life will be harder for the rich fucks poor people will survive as they've always have.
what jerome and his masters are worried about isn't the parachute for whichever silicon fag or rich crypto neet is crying about.
he's worried for his jew masters losing power in a civil war type situation where enough poor people are fed up that they are easily corralled by some alt light tiniest white light figure.(i have extremely low expectations for the alt light)
he and his masters are worried they might boil the frog too much leading a balkanization and civil war in the states and this chaos would be used by many multiple actors to do as they please across the world.
ie the world will become a better place.

>> No.54042641

>thinks inflation is worse than a crashing economy
It absolutely is. Inflation seeks to undermine the psychology of money. If that gets thrown out then society collapses.

>> No.54042644

doesnt matter how we got here
protect the deposits
or watch shit go down

>> No.54042646
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Crashing all these fake and gay institutions with zero liquidity is the entire point of raising rates.
He's doing everything correctly.

>> No.54042694

>>thinks inflation is worse than a crashing economy
Literally any non CommieSocLib economist will tell you that inflation is the greatest threat to any economy and fighting it is the fundamental goal of monetary policy.

>> No.54042704

lmao get fucked all these people are trying to grow their little technocratic dystopian nightmare to envelop all of america
we can only hope SVB finds no buyer, but everyone with common sense knows they probably will

>> No.54042706

You sound like someone who’s been betting on a pivot since April of last year and been getting ass raped the whole time lmao
Maybe the idiot is you? nah it’s everyone else who is wrong

>> No.54042727

>muh, inflation at 5% is too high because my textbook says so!
autistic screetching begins

>> No.54042740
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The plan is to make shit go down.
Make EVERYTHING go down.
College isn't worth 250k +
A shitshack in the mountains isn't worth 300k +
A standard vehicle isn't worth 60k +
An apartment isn't woth 2k + a month

The plan is to literally crash prices, so the economy can work for everyone again. To crush inflation. He literally stated this clearly. It's a good thing.
Thank you Jerome BASED Powell

>> No.54042788
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You started here
>your money is afe
now you're here
>the plan is to crash you

>> No.54042819

>Your money is safe
>The plan is to crash you
To crash asset prices, not the value of the dollar
Fighting inflation is LITERALLY protecting your money.

>> No.54042853

its not the job of you or anyone else to determine the value of assets
thats up to the market

>> No.54042948

>Assets drop 10%
>Wages drop 50%
Thanks for playing

>> No.54042974

>It's not the job of anyone to determine the value of assets
There are tens of millions of jobs that people do, where they determine the value of assets.

>> No.54043001

There is no economy without money. It's a little late for us to go back to bartering with each other.

>> No.54043005

>Assets drop 10%
Cool, we must be just getting started
>Zombie corporations wages vanish
Good, they weren't solvent companies anyways, just loan druggies.

>> No.54043047

its called the free market, you fascist nutjob

>> No.54043075

Yeah, the free market decided people should regulate and determine the value assets/prices.

>> No.54043084

>free market
Biggest myth in the US right now.

>> No.54043100

Not the FEDs job

>> No.54043369

>>thinks inflation is worse than a crashing economy

it is! People are in denial if they think we're are not a house of cards economy of overvalued goods,services and assets.

We need a correction so prices can go back at fair levels and we need those yupies with fake white collar jobs to get fired and find a real job.

Yes that means a lot of rich people will see their paper wealth shrink but that is necessary.

If we keep going this way we're going to be living in the "you vill own nothing" scenario.

>> No.54043387
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his crusade shall not be stopped by blood or steel. don't expect mercy

>> No.54043397

It is absolutely the FED's job to regulate the U.S dollar. If there is too much, which is seen in inflation rates. They suck cash out of the economy, which crashes asset prices.

>> No.54043409

when prices are too high they correct themselves sooner or later
its called the free market
we dont need an autistic sperg at the helm of the FED for that

>> No.54043423

How much money do you need to fund serially knocking up a new 19 yo old every few years? Is there a cap for what childsupport pays?

>> No.54043495

>its called the free market

You think QE is free market? assets going up and up regardless of fundamentals is not free market.

FED is trying to fix their own mistakes? sure but as long as they exist they have to do those things.

>> No.54043756

Bruh he doesn't even know what a market is, let alone the idea of a banks liquidity being limited.
I've talked to people that think money is a division of labor. They called ME a communist while thinking like that. Totally illiterate financially.

>> No.54043838
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>The Nu-Normal American Dream
>gig economy job where you can be your own boss!
>refabbed shipping container tiny home that you can move anywhere
>subscription meal and entertainment services
>grubby hubby and instacart so you don't have to get off the couch

>> No.54043842

I never mentioned QE

>> No.54043855

Most bank branch managers don't know shit about their company. It's really a personal management position.
I knew a branch manager at BoA, he had a degree in organizational psychology. It's very much wagie wrangling.
Sure they know the products their selling, but they don't analyze annual reports

>> No.54043908

That's the tech topia, where you can only afford to subscribe to shit.
J-Pow is trying to LOWER prices to avoid that crap by fighting inflation. THINK ANON, just a little bit.
That sounds like you should avoid that bank then. My Bank manager knows pretty much everything, and they are very healthy right now.

>> No.54043928

whats your bank, just in case we can laugh at you in two weeks

>> No.54043940

>thinks inflation is worse than a crashing economy

It absolutely is you eternal retard. A crashing economy just collapses zombie trannie tech companies, while runaway inflation collapses entire nations and governments. JPow is doing his job exactly as he should be, in fact he should've been raising rates earlier instead of just brushing it off as "transitory" for months.

>> No.54043961

>thinks inflation is worse than a crashing economy

For the US, it is. If the USD stops being a medium for global trade, suddenly you guys have the purchasing power of the third world.

>> No.54043980

i guess he looks at it like
>option a: doomed economy
>option b: doomed economy but the dollar survives and continues to be used as a means of exchange

>> No.54043988

inflation has been low for months now

>> No.54044004

You're an idiot.

>> No.54044027

6%+ is horrible. And those are just the cooked numbers. Fuck off, tech trannie.

>> No.54044039

If 170 billion $ just disappeared, then they're less money in the system hence lower money supply, hence lower inflation. DOes it work like this?

>> No.54044051
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sure buddy

>> No.54044057

Inflation has been 14% when you use the 70's metrics and uncook those books.

>> No.54044090

You have shown your cards, kike
You want to crash the economy exactly as I said

>> No.54044093

He's based.

>> No.54044182

comes from the guy who goes orgasmic for hyperinflation

>> No.54044200

thats not hyperinflation: >>54044051

>> No.54044215

>Crash the economy
By preventing hyperinflation?
Whatever you say bud

>> No.54044241
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>money is in a ledger and is safe
>also the bank gambles with your money and keeps the profits and gives you an interest rate that doesn't even match inflation

>> No.54044243


>> No.54044284

It would be hyperinflation is the Fed didnt work to mitigate it with interest rate hikes. It's literally the job of the Fed to control inflation, mandated by Congress.

>> No.54044322

Its mandate is also "maximum employment", why do you leave that out?

>> No.54044343

Were not at high unemployment levels yet are we, retard?

>> No.54044413

>not yet

>> No.54044520

Yes both are true bro.
A checking account that doesn't accrue interest, is a ledger.
A savings account that does accrue interest is invested.
Depending on your bank your checking account may also be used for assets investments. You are responsible for knowing where your money is. They gave you the fine print, and you chose them.

>> No.54044534

This kiked system is unironically in its death throws. Hyperinflation is the inevitable end state, and it's for the better, because it's a prerequisite for Hitler to come back.

>> No.54044686

Powell could use a stache.

>> No.54044795

>so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates

>> No.54045723

>A checking account that doesn't accrue interest, is a ledger.
And oviously not safe, you fucking moron

>> No.54046246

t. overleveraged bobo retard

>> No.54048317

that doesnt even make sense

>> No.54048519
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Listen dumbass.
SIVB was fucked no matter what, because it was run by retards who didn't hedge for shit. Everyone is already bidding for their treasuries, even hedgies are salivating for the pieces.
That said, as for Jpow imagine this; You're currently faced with among two problems, inflation and and a skewed supply/demand in the jobs market.
Inflation was primarily caused by excess liquidity from covid stimulus. Liquidity needs to go down, and rates are slow acting. Now SIVB comes along who is known for it's malinvestments and poor risk managment, where nothing of value would be lost should it go down, and best of all it poses no systemic risk. It goes down, BOOM liquidity issue is fixed.
Job market? Fixed as well, from VC's getting shafted not being able to make payroll. Zombie startups connected to SIVB will have to axe employees fixing the the skew in supply and demand.
4D-chess move or retard luck? You be the judge.

>> No.54048595

Before WW1 the Austrian Empire was one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

>> No.54048625


For the millionth time the USA is controlled by Jews. Hitler came about because of hyperinflation. The Jews will do anything to make sure that doesn't happen again. You will be eating dirt cakes before the fed pivots.

>> No.54048656

Recessions are good for the economy. Inflation leads to revolutions and concentration camps where inmates are at risk of typhus and starvation.

>> No.54050543
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Inflation has already normalized for the last 6-7 months

>> No.54052207


>> No.54053490
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bump because nothing else matters

>> No.54053543

Fucking Faggot we don't even need a FED, the fed has been the source of our problems for a long time.

Bring back the dollar being tied to real tangible assets, no more of this IT'S WORth WHATEVER WE SAY bullshit.

>> No.54053643

so basically tech startups go under and tech nerds become unemployed
go ahead i say. worthless industry riddled with liberal faggots

>> No.54053842

jews are terrified of based Powell destroying their global financial system