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54047524 No.54047524 [Reply] [Original]

The moment when you first exit the sewers and see the beautiful landscape of Cyrodil.. What was your initial thoughts?

>> No.54047569

I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.

>> No.54047591

I literally started playing Obvilion yesterday lol. I’m in a simulation

>> No.54047613

I was in awe at the size of the world and the landscape. Then the soundtrack hit…damn. What a masterpiece

>> No.54047616

I wish I could go back to 2005-2006 I wouldn't have smoked cigarettes, I would have worked my ass off and got health insurance earlier.

You don't know how much I just want to be secure have my bills paid so I can rest, this reminds me of times when I was healthy and it makes me sad.

>> No.54047622

wtf, I started my first save 2 days ago...

>> No.54047649

Is Elder Scrolls Online worth playing?

I haven't played an ES game since Oblivion.

>> No.54047654

I wish I could go back to the first time… but with all my current knowledge except everything I know about Oblivion

>> No.54047667

I feel you, my dad let me play this on his gray DELL computer while he still was working as a software engineer, before alcoholism got to him. My mom never let me play game like this. He passed last year, RIP DAD.

>> No.54047692

RIP buddy, lost mine I think it's been 15 years now I lost count.
It kinda gets better but that's cope to be honest.

>> No.54047727


>> No.54047736

>"how the fuck do I increase render distance?"
that basically

>> No.54047808

number of /biz/ users divided by the number of good games from 2000-2010
means there is bound to be at least a dozen fuckers who played it last night. 2 of them happen to be in this thread.

>> No.54047811

It was one of my first games on PS3 back in 2008. I think I was blown away by the graphics and immediately started running around checking stuff out.
Then I started the dark brotherhood quest and killed Rufio at the Inn of Ill omen and had about an hours worth of fun when I learned you could drag bodies. I put him in the doorway and kept opening/closing it.
Great gaming memory/10

>> No.54047823

for me its the same with morrowind though.

>> No.54047870

almost 35 and still have to play hundreds of games, like morrowind and oblivious and skyrim, feels good, can't wait, but first I make it

>> No.54047883

daily reminder video games are for man children and e-thots

>> No.54047903
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It was fallout 3 and I somehow took all my clothes off trying to put on a police riot helmet. Anyways I didn't notice there was a way point or anything and went left instead of right and went into the rolling hills of rad scorpions and yao guai armed with a baseball bat and an almost broken 10mm pisrol with a handful of rounds in my underware. I ground it out crouching in ditches with the camera zoomed out and collecting weapons. I was the only human in the game. Everything else that moved was a horrible irradiated monster. I began to wander the roads exploring everything I came across. When I encountered other humans they were raiders. I began to raid the raiders by identifying their signs and circling around from the back to attack. I took their armor and weapons. I became a raider. The 1st non raider human I encountered was alone with a two headed docile monster. He tried to trade with me but wanted bottle caps for money? I had none and he had items beyond my imagination. I butchered him on the spot and took all I could carry. I killed averting I came across. I cleared. I cleared areas for when humans would leave the vaulting walk the earth and rebuild America. I blew up this megaton place some fuckoff on an ivory tower wanted blow up just because it sounded cool and I could betray him and take the tower for myself. I unleash a horde of feral ghoul zombies and enjoyed the chaos then killed off everyone including the ghouls afterwards and made the tower my home to launch nukes off of for fun.

>> No.54047909
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I was amazed. Oblivion is better than Skyrim IMO.

I always played on "realistic" mode when I played. No fast traveling and I would eat food and sleep to keep my character "healthy".

I still remember I made a custom character with attributes called "explorer".

Usually I head to those ruins, kill the few bandits there, then head to Choral and get rid of that stupid amulet I'm my inventory to that monk. Then I start doing random quests and traveling around exploring ruins and forests, completely ignoring the main quest.

>> No.54047915

I was genuinely blown away. Because at that time our family bought our first flat screen 55 inch.

>> No.54047939

Jam your satanic artificial world up your ass pal

>> No.54047989

My pc couldn't run this or fallout 3 well so I got pissed off and didn't even complete the tutorial. Never played again.

>> No.54047991

I played Oblivion as it released and yeah it was mind bendingly huge back in the day but even then, not impossibly huge. Didn't take too long for me to visit every point of interest. The dumbest thing was that I didn't learn about fast travel until like I was at like 70-80% of the map explored and I did it all without fast traveling. No other game has hit the same way in terms of scale, Skyrim was good but it had a different feel, not the same sense of wonder.

>> No.54047995

What you're experiencing is actually far worse. A simulation would mean there is something vastly larger than your experience. What's actually happening is the world is stagnating and so we're getting an enormous consolidation of experience. There legitimately is just diminishing variation to experiences and limited options worth pursuing as everything gets sucked down the drain. You played Oblivion yesterday, so did a lot of other people who post here, because there's legitimately just not that much else to play that is worth playing. Another example of this is all women seemingly behaving like all other women. The interconnectivity of the world and concentration of wealth is resulting in complete stagnation and homogenization.

>> No.54047996

how is this biz related? gtfo

>> No.54048049
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I killed everything. I explored everything. I collected all the quest items before accepting any quests. I would find the person, take the queat and reveal I already have the item then kill them. One time I stole all the land minds from some schizo and then later found some special violin. Even later I found some old woman that wanted the violin so I gave it to her. There was a dialog option about her playing a song so I went and placed 5 land mines on top of where she would walk to and stop to play then selected the option for her to play a song. She walked to the land mines and with comic timing they went off just as she drew the bow across the strings and was blow up. I then stole all her pots and pans.