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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54046782 No.54046782 [Reply] [Original]

Do you realize that bank runs can completely wreck the financial system and propel everybody back into the Stone Age? Why would yoh stress the already strained liquidity situation by needlessly withdrawing your deposit when you don't even really need it? If people just kept their cool and stopped freaking out at every little bump on the road nobody would lose any money cause the bank in question would recuperate their losses through short term borrowing in the money/capital market and get back on its feet in a couple months. You're all retards.

>> No.54046811
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>Do you realize that bank runs can completely wreck the financial system and propel everybody back into the Stone Age


>> No.54046830

Did you know that under fractional reserve banking, literally all banks are permanently insolvent by design

>> No.54046848

What a load of shit. People can literally use crypto or non US banks if shit really hits the fan.

>> No.54046875

because fuck you

you run in front of the stampede, not against it

>> No.54046887

It works under the assumption of limitless growth however we all know limitless growth is unsustainable

>> No.54046896
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>> No.54047033

For the average person, it'll be business as usual. What's important for small business is the need for growth capital, which is where the bank steps in and "helps" prospecting entrepreneurs (of course helping is just the bank's way of doing business, profiting from lending capital). The problem with using crypto or non US banks and currencies is that, we'll end up with the same problem because it's human nature to pool banking resources to target larger and larger customers thanks to a larger capital reserve. Crypto isn't quite there yet in market cap to take over the world's finance needs, it'll take more than 10 years to unravel hundreds if not thousands of years of traditional finance but the final point is known, we need an easily verifiable form of confirming reserve pools to prevent situations like this from happening again... but we all also know it's human nature for it to happen again and again.

>> No.54047224


>> No.54047590

Did you know crypto has a purpose besides number go up you brocolli head zoomer faggot

>> No.54047641

Bring it on.
The day of the great equalization is upon us.

>> No.54047660

God I hope so, it's the only way I'll ever be able to impregnate a 12 year old.

>> No.54047675

If you ever want to own a house you'd better start praying that this really is the beginning of the end.

>> No.54047699

i'm financially well off but i still want this system to implode
sometimes it's not about the money
it's about....

sending a message

>> No.54047740

Because I have to get my money out before you and everyone else capitulates and heads to the bank.

>> No.54047801


>> No.54048996

Some of us just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.54049038
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>Do you realize that bank runs can completely wreck the financial system and propel everybody back into the Stone Age?
Destroying jews doesn't propel normal people back into the stone age, nigger. We'll be alright.

>> No.54049120

Fight club is a great movie

>> No.54049323

>Withdrawing YOUR money from YOUR account will wreck the financial system
So it was never mine to beguin with? Nice financial system you've got their, Shlomi.
Accelerate. Total Banker Death.

>> No.54049510

All jews will hang