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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54044731 No.54044731 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54044759

a house is not an investment but a depreceating asset
the sooner this sinks in, the better

>> No.54044762


>> No.54045007

not soon enuff

>> No.54045079

kek, bizzaro world savant right here

>> No.54045109

>cat child
Burn it all down

>> No.54045125

i dunno but the top signals are everywhere

>> No.54045251

>woman holding the shovel
>pear shaped bald neckbeard holding cat like a child
Fuck that picture is pretty sōy.

>> No.54045252

housing doesn't top though it just goes up forever

>> No.54045283
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Here is mine zestimate from the past month

>> No.54045285
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hopefully soon

>> No.54045320

>he has a zillow account

>> No.54045324
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>> No.54045327

in 14 more days!

>> No.54045336

in real life the basedboy gets the girl

>> No.54045345

i do but more often than not i use realtor.com because it's less jewish

>> No.54045347

Mortgaged houses bought in 2020/2021 are the same as bonds bought in that period - their value can only go down as rates go up which will rek everyone like bonds rekt SVB.

Housing crashes take time to play out though, on average 5 years from peak to bottom, don't expect prices to rug immediately. Plan on buying in 2028.

>> No.54045357

looks like a top to me

>> No.54045360

Why is it going up still??

>> No.54045361
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they're ironically referencing american gothic

>> No.54045373

it always fucks me up when people deny something so obvious.
property ages and needs constant maintenance to stay in a livable condition, yet every retard will go
>haha, you don't know anything anon!
because they are too addicted to jerking off to the fictional value of their own property to accept anything that implies it might be a very stupid bubble.

>gets the girl
*is owned by the girl

>> No.54045386
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when the gibs run out.

>> No.54045395
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>> No.54045403

I have $380k ready to put down on a house and I make $175k/yr but I don’t want to buy a 1960’s moldbox for $550k and I don’t want a new beanerbox for $1.2m with $5k/mo payments. So I rent a $1,800/mo apartment because it’s lower than the monthly interest on the bank loan. If shit crashes I swoop in make a bid on a well-kept 1985-2000 house, but until then, I’m fine waiting.

>> No.54045426

its also how how houses get treated at the tax office
you can write them off over 50 or so years, because the assumption is by then they are worth nothing

>> No.54045528

Only about 10% of homeowners keep their homes in good shape at best. I’ve seen so many that are painted over shitholes. If I had enough cash I’d buy up a whole block, tear down all the old houses, and build mine in the middle to have the area to myself.

>> No.54045538

beta bucks

>> No.54046023

Never, there is an unlimited amount of demand, as soon as there is a hint of affordable housing the Government will just ramp up immigration.

>> No.54046140
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A future we must prevent at all costs

>> No.54047084

This can be done in you buy up old ghetto land in NW Dayton ohio, or other "Detroit like" city. I'll move across the street bro, we can bring back big yards and armed patrols

>> No.54047109

next week people will be scrambling for something "safe" to stick their cash in

>> No.54047112

all of you braindead zoomer cucks are priced out

>> No.54047122

>the guatemalans will prop up the housing market
uh ok

>> No.54047139

yeah and that's not the top of the real estate market at near 7% interest rates, kek

>> No.54047143

After the tech crash when normoids can't afford their homes. You'll start seeing foreclosures rise. This won't happen until after there is blood in the streets of silicon valley.

>> No.54047162

It's the land that appreciates dude. The house sits on the land. If u think buying a house is literally just buying the house and not the land, then I feel sorry for ur room temp IQ brain KEK

>> No.54047167

if they have cash the rates don't matter
also notice how I put safe in quotes

>> No.54047173


hOUSING MARKET will never crash again. Buy now or get out priced.

>> No.54047197

>has a child
>owns a home
I thought this was the LE 4 CHAN DREAM you faggots wanted?

>> No.54047199

>raising your own child is a bad thing
Don't understand this at all. I agree OPs pic is soi as fuck but taking care of your own child is something that should be encouraged.

>> No.54047225
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>bought a house in Detroit 80 years ago

>> No.54047243

I'm basically never ever going to buy a house. The best I will do is 0 dollars for your house

>> No.54047356

Birth control makes women attracted to less aggressive men. You wouldn't believe how many white teenagers are mainlining that shit at the approval of their fathers. It's disgusting.

>> No.54047386

they don't own a child he's just holding his cat like a child H

>> No.54047400
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Never. Energy is only getting more expensive and whatever remaining energy we produce is dumped into servers to run AI and apps to be converted to monopoly money. Energy in the past was used to create physical goods and services nowadays its wasted on worthless junk tech products made by oligarchs. Nothing of practical use was invented/created past 1939 and nobody cares about repairing/improving power lines and gas powered turbine generators that power the programmer welfare complex.

>> No.54047438

hmmm no
i think im gonna wait a year and get a discount
thanks for your concern though

>> No.54049256

It gives me great satisfaction having morons like you pay rent to me.

>> No.54049282

see that right there
that's a bull trap

>> No.54049297

incorrect. Spring 2025

>> No.54049316

It's gradually been correcting, but will correct more over the next couple to few years.

>> No.54049318

Well if the economy collapses Monday then... Monday?

For real though, it's coming. This market isn't sustainable and everyone knows it.

>> No.54049376

based and crackhouse pilled

>> No.54049470


In the same boat. There's no fucking way I'm paying a million dollars over the life of a loan on some shitty plywood shack.

>> No.54049551

Never, supply too low

>> No.54049597

Same. We have 100k saved and are just waiting. Hopefully everything goes to shit soon so we can at least be poor in our own home.

>> No.54049609

Already crashing, housing is illiquid, takes time. Remember it took 3-4 years for the market to bottom after the GFC

>> No.54049640
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Also remember that there's boomers actively shilling that housing is good because they have this one last stab in the back for future generations.

>> No.54049660

In meme markets like Arizona and Idaho it already is. As long as Portland and San Francisco allow literal communists to run their cities, expect depreciation there as well. In stable economies with large amounts of steady revenue and steady wages (boomerbux, pharma industry, defense industry, etc), probably never.

>> No.54049664

$150k ready to go here but I would rather die in a rented apartment and never have a family than pay current prices

>> No.54049676

You guys realize you can pay the mortgage early right?

>> No.54049681

>well-kept 1985-2000 house
Discussing. Enjoy your spic built moldy cardboard cuckshed.
>t. turn of the century Victorian master race

>> No.54049702

They just kicked the 2008 can 15 years down the road. It goes down for real this time.

>> No.54049710
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>housing is cyclical

More horrendous advice from renters.

>> No.54049767

Enjoy your money black-hole

>> No.54049854
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Anyone who has a mortgage and is still paying it off has a rate below 5%. You are better off investing than dumping it into a mortgage.

>> No.54049874

Now adjust it for inflation.

>> No.54049882

That's Seattle for you. It's one third of the onions capital along with Portland and San Francisco.

>> No.54049903

what a horrible rate of return
anyone who buys a house at these prices cant put two and two together

>> No.54049907

Own my home, actual, not a mortgagecuck like you. Housing in the last decade has been a classic low volume scam pump, housing has 4-5x since 2000, and 2x since 2010, and how much of the market has turned over in the period? 20-30% since 2000 and ~10% since 2010. It's FTT times a trillion, never forget that the boomers didn't buy in 2021, 2010, nor even in 2000, they bought in 1980 for $20k and a pack of smokes, their cost basis is effectively zero, the floor for the market is rental prices, which at current rates would put the floor around 2016 prices. Cry and seethe all you like, doesn't change the facts.

>> No.54049940

>enjoy your solid house build by Whites and construction from thick old growth wood
Thank you, I do very much.

>> No.54049994

It's actually an appreciating liability but think whatever you want

>> No.54050001

She also wears the overalls in the "family."

>> No.54050029

What does dancing like a fag have to do with caring?

>> No.54050032
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>> No.54050077

>appreciates steadily for 8 years

>> No.54050105

you know im just not gonna pay someone 'more money' because they bought thing before me
im just not gonna buy it, ill be in my van

>> No.54050125

In your chart there's a 40% increase retard. Not everyone bought the top, even those that did will be very well off in 10 years. I know you can't understand this but people own homes for decades, not 6 months like your doggy coins. They also live in them while they own them. Enjoy paying someone else's mortgage.

>> No.54050209

Those Boomers just keep moving up from that initial $20k. Then when they die, their mansion on the lake us owned by a trust, that the rent cucks from their other properties pay for. The majority of the nicest houses in SeTtle are owned by banks, trusts, real estate faggots, with if course the highly successful person here and there. The banks get the mo ey for free, so they can indefinitely hold properties until they get what they want. I have been dialed into King County assessor parcel viewer since 2007. Real estate is the easiest fucking money in a shithole like Seattle. Hopefully that class of parasites finally get it. None of them rent the shit out, just hold and flip. You don't want tenants.

>> No.54050232

two more weeks until boomers and gen x cut the prices

>> No.54050301


>> No.54050355

>t. boomer

>> No.54050372
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I'm a retard and don't get my financial advice from people on 4chan, but what's the deal with buying a house?
Like, for what? I can't fathom a place near the beach being equivalent in value to 700 thousand mcchickens.
If you just want space, land, a house, why not take your parents house when they die (if you want to stay to your roots) or go to one of those places where you get paid to colonize/repopulate a dying town?

Buying a house seems really fucking cucked, granted rent cucking does too, but being in a city is generally gay as fuck irregardless.

>> No.54050456

>If you just want space, land, a house, why not take your parents house when they die (if you want to stay to your roots)
Because you'd have to wait 50 years and it only works if you have no siblings and the parents never take a reverse mortgage
>or go to one of those places where you get paid to colonize/repopulate a dying town?
This isn't really a thing in America, at least not enough for it to pay the cost of housing
>Buying a house seems really fucking cucked, granted rent cucking does too, but being in a city is generally gay as fuck irregardless.
So what do you do, live in a van?

>> No.54050495

>This isn't really a thing in America, at least not enough for it to pay the cost of housing
yeah because America is fucking gay, leave
>So what do you do, live in a van?
Yeah, or leave america

the root of all suffering is desire.

>> No.54050500

I view homeownership as separate from my portfolio. I couldn't give a fuck what my house is worth. All I care about is that I own it and can do whatever I want with it. It's mine. When shit breaks, I fix it. When I wanted a half-bath on the ground floor I built an addition. If I want to paint my walls I don't have to ask permission. Purchasing a home should be purely transactional.

>> No.54050558
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paid $135k in 2017. Did the entire market jsut go up ~1.5%?

>> No.54050590

Its probably fucking nonsense

>> No.54050597

stocks and dogcoins arent going to keep you warm in the winter you fucking idiot.

>> No.54050626


Appreciation in the value of your house is how the vast majority of the middle class build wealth and their net worth. Especially the ones that are shit at investing in their retirement accounts.

It also provides you a relatively consistent monthly housing cost if you live in a place like the US with fixed rate mortgages, vs being at the whims of your landlord if inflation is up and he decides to raise your rent 30% like people have seen the last couple years. You may have to worry about your insurance, property taxes, and maintenance going up a bit, but the biggest chunk of your housing-related payments (ie. the mortgage) stays the same for 30 years or whatever the term of your loan is. This is especially important when you retire and might be on a fixed income.

>> No.54050674

>cat child
Please let these two find all the landmines

>> No.54050742
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This all makes sense, I can't imagine ever having enough money that it would matter to me.
I think I'd rather build a shack for 40 grand that I own rather than put down 200 grand as a down payment on a onions mcmansion
I know as I get older and make more money it'll change, but it seems totally incomprehensible. There's no connection between that "point B" and "point A" i'm at now.

>> No.54050753

You buy a house to be freer. King of your own little castle. Fuck the cunts outside.

>> No.54050817

Nice barrows gloves

>> No.54051062

Zillow making bullshit prices up is half to blame for real estate insanity. Add in parasite agents trying to grub max commission and zero down loans to any fuckwit with a heartbeat and straight to the moon, Alice!

>> No.54051149

Yes, people that actually buy houses instead of living with mommy and daddy get one.

>> No.54051170

You nailed it
They want to make people feel good about their houses
So they make up numbers

>> No.54051217

>1 year later
>price is 20% higher
Thanks for playing.

>> No.54052173

>The average American family in the 2020's is composed of a fat woman and a soiboi with a cat/dog "child"

>> No.54052235

>crashes 20%
thanks for playing

>> No.54054563

I don't care. I won't eat a house, I want to live in it.

>> No.54054611

so pay 350k for a shitbox and shut up
hope you can pay in cash, cuz paying 7% interest rate is no better than renting

>> No.54054786

It will go bust in SF and Austin, anywhere else overinflated where techfags exist. FARRRRRRT

>> No.54056409

because everyone knows the dollar is going to take a massive shit and printer is coming

>> No.54056448

this is painful

>> No.54056663

this might be the only actual action that is taken by the government concerning real estate is a much stronger regulation on information displayed by sites like zillow and redfin. people who cant afford houses hate zillow because their zestys are too high and people who have homes hate it because it will eventually go down from a peak and it scares the etsy moms. its a political slam dunk.

>> No.54056696
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it already is crashing, low volume due people not wanting to abandon an existing low rate is keeping it propped up for now
i expect housing to bottom in 2025, about 35% lower from today

>> No.54057918

Don't laugh, all these incels were able to reproduce...

>> No.54058073

see, this is what I dont. If you are looking for a place to settle, why not just build. Its cheaper and you can tailor the home to your exact needs. If it is an investment, then just look for condos since people are eager to live in concrete jungles

>> No.54058103

Perhaps being alive, although a blessing with its own unique values, is the result of having been ensnared in some type of higher dimensional trap, and the subjective experience of existence is that of a relentless fever dream in which we finally wake up from.

>> No.54058139

This house has very clearly been freshly renovated. Theres literally nothing wrong with pouring 100k into repairs and then selling the place for 200k more than your purchase price

I share a board with children dont I

>> No.54058175

>housing prices are still surging in my boomer-dominated shithole because OOPSIE SEEMS LIKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES LIKE JUST WONT LIKE BUILD MORE LIKE HOUSES HAHAAHAHHA

>> No.54058189

Kill yourself. That house has not had 200k in value added to it, no matter how much work was done. It should be fucking illegal to sell a home after less than 5 years of ownership. Housing should never be a short term investment.

>> No.54058212

Why do you think it was listed for 180k but sold for 130k

Take your time, work it out

>> No.54058238

New construction doesn’t help when A. Everything from the labor to the material is still ridiculously expensive and B. The only houses being built at McMansions.

My area has tons of new houses but they are all 700K+ compared to the house I bought for 390k 2 years ago and they are about the same size.

>> No.54058254

In the current market, the housing market value will look a lot like womens market value.

Rates have increased, but there price perceptions are still anchored from the past where times were better and rates were lower. As rates stay at this level or even rise, the demand gets less and less, while the supplied value gets in worse and worse shape. As some point, there will be a reverse FOMO in that ANYONE willing to buy this asset will do, at ANY reasonable price.
The asset owners who then still have a delusional price will just not find a suitor, but their asset will nevertheless just continue to decrease in value.

Timing-wise, the housing market right now is a woman aged 29. In a year they will realize things have changed, and from that onwards every year it'll just become more difficult to find a suitor.

>> No.54058278

Excellent analysis and analogy

>> No.54058296

That house is going to look absolute shit in 5 years.

>> No.54059264

>If shit crashes I swoop in make a bid
This is why the housing market will never crash.

>> No.54059422

That thing is a shovel? Geez, I must have been missing all these advancements in shovel tech.

>> No.54059667
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>> No.54059676

>people waiting for a crash means it'll never crash
why are you so dumb

>> No.54059692

It also dries the pussy up and has god knows what other ramifications. And girls stay on it for years. Completely fucking with nature and their natural hormones for years. I'm sure it won't effect anything though.