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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54029202 No.54029202 [Reply] [Original]

Interlinked: >>53974964

news and updates:

>Terra Rebels is dead, they rugged the community for $150,000 worth of LUNC and gave it to Discord tranny mods
>Joint L1 Task Force with Ed and Zaradar has lost Jacob & Notional Labs (due to Z+Ed's faggotry)

official /tlcg/ validator is finally launched, delegate with it so we can vote in our best interests on governance proposals:
>Nova: https://terrasco.pe/classic/validator/terravaloper16e75e62ztl6yzkulfck0p99d4cua9zjcdarnsz

official nova discord:
>discord (dot) gg (slash) SVqaGAPH

exchanges supporting offchain burns:
>binance, coininn

helpful links:
>Terra Rebels Website
>Terra Finder for Classic
>How to stake on Terra Station
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

>Ed Kim
>alex forshaw

>LUNChads anthem (Listen 3 Times Daily to Sustain Pumps)


>> No.54029250

$1 epy 2024, eat my asshole fudders.

>> No.54029253
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Remember to hold at least your suicide stacks... there's nothing to lose at this point. The great shakeout will come sooner or later.

>> No.54029302

Haven’t checked in on this in about 6 months. 50 mil stack here give me the bullet point udate

>> No.54029485

Just bought another million during this dip. 32M and counting

>> No.54029558
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The daily reminder that POOlyjeet is a curry scam coin with bots and paid shills, also paid fake and gay useless "partnerships"

sell while you still can

Instead, buy LUNC

everybody hates jeets and smelly jeet scams

>> No.54029590
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same was the case with the Queen

>> No.54029612

God save the queen

>> No.54029755
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>30 minutes since thread was created
>Not even 10 posts
LUNCsisters?!?!?!?!?! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!

>> No.54029762
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This coin is still alive? Hmph. You will never see LUNC at $1. Not even CZ can save you after I send the SEC to arrest him myself. SBF worked for me. I made LUNA crash. Do Kwon is my bitch. I told him to fork. Terra Rebels was a front to manage my operations. Thanks for the $150k minted directly into my pockets. I was the one who reduced the burn tax by controlling Allnodes to do it. I was the one who controlled the compromised validators. Alex is just one of my loyal servants who got paid a handsome amount of money. Tobias Anderson, the one you know as Zaradar, is one of my most loyal operatives to bleed the price and increase my shorts while each of you sell one by one. And the group called Nova? Please. The Mars protocal will NEVER work. But I'll make a generous offer to you. Sell. Now. This is your final warning. I'm going to destroy everything you love and take it all away from you. As for now, enjoy the waves of botposters in every thread. I have an army of 250 jeets who get paid $0.20 an hour. You will never stop us. Cease your efforts. The L1 team is in our hands. You will never take back what little control you had. Centralization always wins.


>> No.54029951
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just remember this jew closed his shorts long ago..
Anyone Betting against Lunc, will lose

>> No.54030009

Absolutely BASED

>> No.54031040

People holding USDC should swap into USTC and get exposure to a stable coin with upside instead of downside kek

>> No.54031664

LUNC will make me unfathomably rich.

>> No.54031670

Rollin for green

>> No.54031794

TLDR on the Mars project?

>> No.54032612 [DELETED] 

I wish CZ did something with it right now...pump it so lunc does it as well

Based, buy another mil...a tradition

I don't remember if i read in the previous thread about it being bullish for lunc and having something to do with repegs/ swaps and sheeit

>> No.54032776
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I wish CZ does something with USTC right now...pump it so lunc does it as well

>>54031670 #
Based, buy another mil...keep the tradition alive

>>54031794 #
Read pic related

>> No.54033211

Everything is falling into place.

>> No.54033229

Literally me

>> No.54033231


>> No.54033251

>CZ id
Everything is indeed falling into place

>> No.54033453

if green lunc will make me a millionare

>> No.54033852


>> No.54033872

WEW lad.

>> No.54034265

every time I look it’s gone down again

why is this happening

>> No.54034623

How will ATH happen boys?

>> No.54034771

You go back in time.

>> No.54035053

The prophesied Great Shakeout is happening as we speak, this will be the greatest shakeout since the crash of LUNC.

Oh how blessed are those who can hold their stacks during armageddon, for those are the ones who will inherit the riches of this earth in abundance.

Those who are holding without any doubts right now are the ones who made it.

>> No.54035583

>TLDR on the Mars project?
Don't believe his (Bilbo) lies.

>> No.54035607

CZ is so fucking based. he knew.
delisted USDC long time ago and forced binanceoids to swap to BUSD. now said binanceoids are COMFY as fuck and don't have to worry about the USDC depeg. if CZ now somehow pumps LUNC and maybe even repegs it, I will create the CZ cult religion and we will do whatever he demands.
>rinsed demonic SBF kike
>makes US glowniggers seethe
>makes believers rich
CZ second coming of christ confirmed. and this time he isn't asking to give your belongings away. he tells you to take them back.

>> No.54035848

Have you been watching the binance wallets, anon? Prepare the incense for your new altar.

>> No.54036043

Did it hurt to lose so many millions during the FTX crash you fucking retarded birdo lmao?
Ok, lunaticniggerlover69

>> No.54036086

Wasn't there a post about how CZ was going to do something with ustc?

>> No.54036856

what do you mean?

>> No.54036899

see i think this is where we are. the people who arent ultra rich are just still buying regularly. when it pops again? theres gonna be a wave of inflow and anyone who just looked away is gonna be good i think. whatev

>> No.54036985
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>> No.54037124
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Bought another 1.2 million
>sooner than anyone cares to admit

>> No.54037149

Is a million still the sui stack on this?

>> No.54037213

I think the biggest challenge in the upcoming future will be to figure out how to safely offramp any massive gains and not have to keep it stored in a bank(s) or even “stablecoins”. At the end of the day, it’s just numbers on a screen

>> No.54037226
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>> No.54037232

If my 900k lunc becomes worth something I'll get a portrait of that chink above my fireplace.

>> No.54037501
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Wealth beyond measure, Outlander. I'm fucking salivating at the thought of adding a zero. I swore I wasn't going to buy anymore. My staking rewards have raised me to 25 million LUNC. If we add a zero, I'm going to 50, fuck it. This is too cheap to pass up at this point. Even if half of what the various faggoty developers are planning manifests, you're going to get a nice bump on this position this year. I hope White men of good character are smart enough to see this and not listen to undesirable minorities fudding.

>> No.54037653

is wluna worth holding? i have about 1 mil hidden in my wallet

>> No.54037877

Shorting until Monday
>Had the chance to sell at 0002
>had the chance to sell at 17
>Shorted but was scared by bounce
Not buying back until it hits bottom. This time baby.

>> No.54039296
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No kike, no bureaucratic faggot and no discord tranny shall touch and defile LUNC

>> No.54039305

Who here still has most of their stack staked?

>> No.54040016

70% staked

>> No.54040039
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I have 50 million staked. Should I unstake? I stopped following LUNC. What’s new? Are there any use cases in the pipeline that will drive price? Is the burn still in effect? Catch me up lads

>> No.54040541

what a fucking shitcoin.....

>> No.54040898

LUNC is the worst performer in the top 100 now. DAMN, what a fucking shitcoin. And I bought 6000 USD worth of this shit just a couple weeks ago. Now its worth 3600 USD. Fuck this shitcoin. Might as well played the Uniswap and BSC casino.

>> No.54041670

Just chill. USTC will do its thing here very soon.

>> No.54042115



If you don't see wants happening and the plan for lunc/ustc you deserve to be poor

>> No.54042255

whats with the overwhelming positivity in this thread? has anything positive even happened for LUNC in the last day?

Im doubling my 50M stack next month anyway but I dont see anything to get excited about, everythings a shitshow

>> No.54042392
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>the overwhelming positivity

>> No.54043922
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Quick rundown on the recent CZ/Binance/USTC update? What happened with it and what does it mean for LUNC?

>> No.54045003

Forget you have it. Check again in 6 months

>> No.54045051

Slowly approaching green reaper territory.
Feels good ma

>> No.54045255

Can you just tell me?

As Ive said here>>54040039 i have been out of the loop

>> No.54045964

Trips say I buy 2k worth of lunc

>> No.54046176

WAGMI 2027. My green numbers declare it so. Plus it sounds like a nice year.

>> No.54046363
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I saw 4.37 in 2025 when I was schizoing out earlier, I can take it further and try to see more in a bit

>> No.54047399

so, wtf is going on with krtc?

>> No.54048194

Lunchad, we roiiiise
$1 is fud

>> No.54048366

>luna still following lunc
this needs to stop. can dwo kang get jailed already

>> No.54048425

>there are people who still believe this coin is going anywhere

>> No.54048461
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I will absolutely compoond daily for 4 years

>> No.54049023

did they finally re-up the burn rate or is the governance still pozzed

>> No.54049248

Looks like a messed up price feed. I just hope it's not being exploited. There is almost no liquidity for KRT/KRTC anywhere. There's about $100 worth on terraswap but I couldn't find it listed anywhere else.

>> No.54049659

Has the march burn happened yet?

>> No.54049824

Yes, only for wa whale to dump it the secodn it happened. You literally had no chance to sell because the second Binance send the tokens to the burn adress a whale dropped over 2 million USD worth of LUNC and other followed suuit...

>> No.54049884

Is now a good time to undelegate? Its takes around 20 days to undelegate and I pretty much have 99% of my stack staking.

>> No.54049904

What if CZ’s plan is to make a 3 pool a la curve leveraging BUSD-USTC-USDC?

>> No.54049925

Damn 200 dollars gets you over 1.5 million of these right now LOL. Do you really think it will repegg? How the fuck is that even possible when they'd suddenly have to pay everyone holding tiny dollar amounts of this millions or even tens or hundreds of millions of dollars???

>> No.54050324

Burn a few trillion, repeg a stable with it after the burn, set up a swap between the two. The last part already exists and all it'd take is someone accumulating and burning a bunch of USTC to get LUNC back up around cents if not a few dollars.

>> No.54050523

No one is going to throw their pile of money just to make you rich. Either everyone burns or no one does. Since TR ruined lunc by removing the burn tax during a period where there was a substantial amount of volume per day, it's only getting more and more ogre from now on.

>> No.54050593

Funds are safu

>> No.54050658

how does repeg work btw? Is there a white paper or something I can read?

>> No.54050707

How much lunc would I get a month if I staked my 50 mill bag?

>> No.54051148
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Will give more deets as we get closer.

>> No.54051453
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when does the moonride begin

>> No.54051610

>a whale
>implying that wasn't cz buying with fees at current prices and then dumping his postcrash lunc tokens instantly with an alt to get back that money
>gets good pr for burning
>costs him a few grand after buying and then selling
the Kaifeng Jew never loses , never.

>> No.54051667
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no fucking way.. Im literally shaking right now
the LUNC monke NFT collection release is next month and nobody has even made a thread about it? The lack of attention would be warranted if this guy was only spending 20 minutes on a Cintiq to create a half assed MS paint-tier drawing using 3 different brush sizes, but he is litcherally the Hieronymus Bosch of this era. I guess this is why only the early believers of Bitcoin made it to the promised place, the cattle are shortsighted.
My god.. itd be a miracle if I could one of these bad boys for under an ETH.

>> No.54051834
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Daily reminder we're not done, yet.

>> No.54052067

Still waiting on answer to this >>54043922 luncbrehs

>> No.54052208

Why even do that at all instead of just abandoning this coin?

>> No.54052723

Because control is as valuable as money. Both are forms of power.

>> No.54053034

what’s sui, 1m?

>> No.54053123

he’s making bullshit up

>> No.54053131
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no subhuman female woman will get her tiny paperhands on my lunkies i would rather eat a rats asshole than give my lunkies to an ugly stupid little goblina

>> No.54053203

Remember, LUNC will take place of BTC.

>> No.54054550

There's going to be a massive bank run tomorrow

We won't even need to goto a 1$ now lmao just hold

>> No.54055094

perfect storm

>> No.54056360

A massive bank run would kill LUNC for good though. So many people already panic-sold just from the vague possibility of one, the price almost gained another zero.

>> No.54056461

the world has moved on, smart money is out of banks, into bitcoin, gold, yes, even tether,
and you're here still holding something completely forgotten not even a year after inception

when did you guys realize you're just not cut out for finance?

>> No.54057305

If you have an arbitrage system that allows people to make a small bit of money for burning then people will burn.

>> No.54057341

Manifest positive thoughts. LUNC will surpass all time high and be worth $1000. We will be able to buy bread in post hyperinflation America and we all will make it.

>> No.54057399

>burn lunc get ustc in return
>lunc pumps, repegs ustc
Funds. Are. Safu.

>> No.54059007

kek. too many zoomers to get the joke

>> No.54059183

Brainlet here,
I think it's just a new trading pair.. the only hopium i think is that most of the stablecoins are either getting fucked by the market or by the SEC, and USTC might be CZ's plan B in short/long term to seek refugee or something.
Whatever is the case...seems suspicious

Who knows but you tell me why the richest guy on the industry wants to "burn" millions of his own money to save a "dead" chain.?

Yeah but at current prices should be at least 3 or 5 mill... also take in mind the jew tax after you make it so...

>> No.54059280

CZ is burning millions of his dollars FOR US. Have some fucking respect

>> No.54060574
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Kikes in open warfare against crypto now, their math is kinda fucked

>> No.54060591

just like the roman empiree

>> No.54061464
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>1444 1888

>> No.54061978

I think it's more likely they let it all deflate and then offer to secure deposits with CBDC when they try to "fix" the problem.

>> No.54063264

I hate you monkeyball. You want to be a thing so bad. It's cringey as fuck. Hope you fail.

>> No.54063306
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>Throws away $1.5M beginning of March and people whine about it

>> No.54064726

1m lunc isn't going to do shit for you. 20m plus. The devs aren't serious about burning.

>> No.54064910

When pump?
Where are the jeets selling?
0.000120 stablecoin.. funny
I'm just wondering what's going to happen tomorrow once the stock market opens and CPI numbers are announced...

>> No.54065013

How many lunc per day would I get if I staked 40 mil?

>> No.54065020

i have 25 but am 4 days away from unstaking 24m and leaving 1m for 5 years in the future or whatever
done with lunc

>> No.54065053

Just to kinda play devils advocate here, but isnt CZ only burning 50% of the trading volume now? Meaning he makes some money regardless, and the math might be such that burning 50% means the volume is high enough that the 50% you keep is more than the 100% youd get to keep if you didnt burn at all (since LUNCs volume would persumably fall off a cliff).

>> No.54065227

It is all coming to fruition gentlemen. Can you feel the landscape changing?

>> No.54065276

Not at all. Care to explain?

>> No.54065335

Yet you also have CZ and even guys like Hoskinson talking about how Do Kwon had the right idea. If anything this whole situation is shining the light on the value of a working algo stable.

>> No.54066043

About tree fiddy

>> No.54066116

SIRS why is this shitcoin mooooning?

>> No.54066859

by the way the things are shaping up deindustrializing germany it looks like the "elites" faggots are planning a big war in the middle of europe in the future which hopefully will end up very badly for themselves
wake up euroniggers and stop calling reasonable people conspiracy theorists

>> No.54067521

Yes. Like some other anon said wealth is not destroyed, it is only transformed.

>> No.54069018

Why are the validators slow AF to vote?

>> No.54069329
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I never sell until prophecy fulfilled

>> No.54070019

How's bitcoin above 21k and lunc stuck at the same price? Wtf is happening...
Isn't lunc supposed to be moving along bitcoin?

>> No.54070564 [DELETED] 

why the price goes up? I thought it's going to dump more..............................

>> No.54070688
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>> No.54072371

Because btc is scam wicking in preparation for the shitstorm tomorrow.

>> No.54074148

So, is this the take off?

>> No.54074374

Back to regularly scheduled crab downwards tomorrow

>> No.54076346

>losing top 100 ranks

>> No.54076815

What would the price be right now if we had a 100 billion supply

>> No.54076829

This wooden chair made my rips sound so good

>> No.54076985

1 million dollars

>> No.54077383

I sold and bought d0b0
keep holding your bags faggots. I made money on d0b0 last November and bought back in. At least it’s actually moving.

>> No.54078111

how do I trade or swap KRTC? Can't find where

>> No.54078472

>KRTC? Can't find where
Is that one of these stables you get as rewards when staking?

>> No.54079018


>> No.54079040
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>> No.54079059

Tossed a few shekels back in, it is hard to believe any long term gains without any movement though

>> No.54079064

Photoshop lunc into his hand lol

>> No.54079784

Think, in context, about why this is intentional.