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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54032199 No.54032199 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54032266

maybe my dream of owning a bay area vacation property will come true.

>> No.54032268

I'd pay like $100k max for that piece of shit. $80k if the area is full of homeless people and trannies like everywhere else in San Francisco.

>> No.54032286
File: 63 KB, 298x328, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>850k for a view of a wall

>> No.54032288 [DELETED] 

God you're a nigger hopefully my dream of everyone under the age of 35 dies in a volcanic tornado.

>> No.54032297

How many homeless lives nearby?

>> No.54032306

take your meds faggot the bay area is a natural paradise.

>> No.54032311

Fucking nothing. Fuck that.

>> No.54032324

All of california needs to burn every single human in california needs to die slowly.

>> No.54032424

850K Asking

>> No.54032443
File: 730 KB, 1082x1200, baf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of california needs to burn every single human in california needs to die slowly.


>> No.54032469

Sweet, a comfy really state thread

It's time for Blackrocks
>fall back plan portfolio
of affordable apartments to shine

>> No.54032514

libshits pay that much FOR AN APARTMENT WITH A VIEW OF A WALL

holy shit this is fake

>> No.54032533
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Seethe eternally

>> No.54032546

$400k here we go

>> No.54032562


>> No.54032576

>bay area vacation property
Do you like looking at crackheads shooting up in the middle of the sidewalk and side-stepping to avoid human feces every 50 feet while smelling the fresh scent of rotten piss on every streetcorner?

>> No.54032580
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>Seethe eternally

>> No.54032591

>Things are one way now therefore they will never improve
>don't buy the bottom goy

>> No.54032629
File: 556 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230311-061855_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the amount of surface disinfection

>> No.54032663

>natural paradise
It is, but civilization is not natural, and the civilization in the bay area is homelessness and shit and piss and drug addiction. So enjoy your non-natural paradise.

>> No.54032675

nyc had rough periods and was cheap and had you bought that dip you would have made a very large amount of

>> No.54032689

plus i’d want to buy in berkeley anyway

>> No.54032712

>i want to live amongst homeless, ultra-woke retards, and criminals who go unpunished
Yeah, Berkeley is great nowadays.

>> No.54032736

How many days until it gets delisted for under 700k?

>> No.54032796

>an entire geographic area is shit because i've read memes about it
Yes, you should believe everything you read on /pol/ about the Bay Area and stay out of this comfy place. I live in the part of BA where the tallest building is a 3-story office space, everything is clean and well taken care of, and I can't recall the last time i've ran into a homeless person.
Actually, i do remember. the last homeless person i saw was in Missouri back in Christmas visiting some friends. You should totally stay out of this horrible area and stagnate in your flyover shithole.

>> No.54032805

Brah... i honestly wouldn't want it for 70k nevermind 700.

>> No.54033061
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It overlooks a tiny courtyard. I wonder how much garbage gets dumped there.

>> No.54033472
File: 611 KB, 985x647, Screenshot (4539).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to buy in berkeley
Here is your "house" in Berkeley bro

>> No.54033733

>HOA fee
into the trash it goes.

That being said the main issue with these threads is that fly over fags fail to comprehend how easy it was to make money in silicon valley or in tech in general. I vest roughly 80k every quarter and I don't even work for a large company. I work for a medium size hardware company that just dumps tons of equity on its employees every year. Spending 300k - 800k for a home is kind of trivial when you are making over 400k a year.

>> No.54033752

you couldn't pay me to live in san fran

>> No.54033826

if it ain't cash it ain't shit

>> No.54033949

prices over here in PA starting to look like san fran

>> No.54034361

Why does jewjack never have ears?

>> No.54034428


Could they have at least staggered the window so you aren't looking directly in at your neighbor...

>> No.54035138

its over

>> No.54035150

yeah after we kill every last yuppie and trannie