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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54032139 No.54032139 [Reply] [Original]

Watching all of you rich faggots panic because you're too big of pampered pussies to even know how to survive on basics.

>> No.54032165

I can't wait for the end bro.
I've been waiting two decades for this moment.

>> No.54032184

Speak for yourself. I lived in the woods for a year and a half like tarzan after college. I had a mental breakdown.
I'm a communist though. I'm not a typical rich person

>> No.54032211

2009 here. And dogshit casino newfags must all burn to ash for making the last bullrun the faggiest short run shit fest to date.

>> No.54032212

Mentally retarded. Communist. Checks out.

>> No.54032227

>>>54032139 (OP)
>Speak for yourself. I lived in the woods for a year and a half like tarzan after college. I had a mental breakdown.
>I'm a communist though. I'm not a typical rich person
And PS I don't mean in some cabin, I mean I was homeless and drifting from place to place and living with whatever supplies I could carry in my backpack. No income. No trustfunds, I assure you. No money or anything unless I stole shit or begged for it and I am not much of a beggar. But also note the statute of limitations is up on all of that cuz it was so long ago

>> No.54032238

Yes I lost everything in 2021 and shouldn't have but regardless, it's time for an absolute level playing field where tall chads like myself will be elevated in status because money is dogshit and physical presence will be everything.

>> No.54032290

communists are like vegans, they have to constantly mention it even though its unrelated and no one cares.

>> No.54032382
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I think when you realize in most timelines the world has been chaos, and we have only been hanging on by a thin thread of safety veiled as an impenetrable wall that it's so much easier to accept. I've already accepted everyone I know and love will die either before or after me. Some even possibly in horrible ways. There are so many things I can't prevent that have blackpilled me to the core. I can't believe rich people are panicking when they have the best chance of survival out of everyone. It's pathetic to me.

>> No.54032412
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>communists are like vegans, they have to constantly mention it even though its unrelated and no one cares.
Yeah seriously, why is that? Why would you even want to be associated with communism. It's closer to our current state of the world than anything and we live in new faggot order now.

>> No.54032414
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They won't be rich soon.
I'm a keymaster to this simulation and I told god exactly what I think of him and his nigger humans and told him to show his face by turning every rich faggot into a penniless begging subhuman to prove to me he exists.
Today he's showing me he does, see people like the guy who just lost 2m and is worth 0.5 cents now.

This is my punishment to you stupid fucking humans I was above you all the moment I was born into this planet and you treated me and others who didn't deserve it like shit.

Now you will eat the dirt every person of affluence or otherwise you will be brought down to rung one and will kiss my fucking feet.

>> No.54032436

Imagine believing that anyone on /biz/ is rich. I wouldn't doubt that some of you are upstanding members of your villages, with one or maybe even two yaks, but that's about it.

>> No.54032461
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based schizo poster

>> No.54032496

Even making money, off a single alt coin no less, was phyrric victory. The entire catalog was publically broadcasted and stickied telegram astroturf raiding of ponzi duplicate threads allowed to hit the bump limit. 100+ theads filtered and crowding out any thread of substance or containing information junk or otherwise to better make a judgement. It was just pure idiocracy and fraud by normalfag bydlo worse than reddit. I didn't leave /pol/ for something far worse.

>> No.54032520

Only reason I make sure to constantly mention that I am communist when I am on 4chan is because I DON'T want myself associated with nazis or the rightwing. I don't want any of my populist, leftwing, pro working class messages to be, through assumption, credited to far right types who exist to serve the wealthy and oppress workers.

So nearly every post on 4chan I ever make, I always make sure to mention I'm a communist, or a far lefty, or a democrat.

If you saw that on here it was probably another post from me, or someone else similar to me

>> No.54032544

Oh I remember it went from funposting and making our lives better to an impossible place to post, locking up constantly from too many bots posting at once.
To the true oldfags out there you have my blessings, to everyone else I hope they fucking beg me not to beat their heads into ash on the concrete when the time comes.

>> No.54032558

Im rich and have a self sustaining crop field. You'll be in the food lines while im eating pumpkins the size of your next 7 meals.

>> No.54032593

Same for me I grow tons of food and tons of pumpkins. Because the seeds are a one of the best readily growable sources of saturated fat

>> No.54032609
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Just keep telling yourself that faggot. The troglodytes and heathens will come for your pumpkins and cannibalize you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

>> No.54032702

Building and growing gardens is fun. I have tons of potatoes at the moment.
My final moments will be in my fields and im okay with that.

>> No.54032714

Growing their own food is the most important thing anyone can do IMO

>> No.54032735

>Claims to be growing plants
So you're mexican then?

>> No.54032756

Yeah making money was a heaven or hell choice gambling on the complete irrationality of outcomes that came true anyway here and there, not to mention having to luck out with the timing. But even at the end of the day making jackpot didn't change the fact that frens were getting screwed, the biggest jew tourists and punk kids swarmed this place with jeetery, and the spirit of the board died. It all came down to bankiing on other people's fomo into Japanese dogs.

It was disgusting and took a giant dump on the optimism of decentralized digital currencies. 2021 was such cancer even as a market learning experience.

>> No.54032762

No im white i just grew up with a father figure.

>> No.54032875

I think it was a sign of the end, one of the retarded autistic horsemen of the apocalypse

>> No.54032912
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based you tell em.
We can burn the all alive.

After they forcibly tried to faccinate us all, they all deserve death.

>> No.54032930

Yes yes it was the sign.
I knew for a lot of reasons and shouldn't have been optimistic because I knew 2023 would be the end of the show.

Rejoice boys, I will lead the revolution when it all tumbles down and the true frens will be taken care of.

>> No.54033148

Jesus Christ anon that guy had a family.