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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 706x277, 1678482175314628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54025104 No.54025104 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54025181


>> No.54025185

SVB Isn't Bear Stearns, but the issue is we are still looking at rising rates...and if things are already this bad and we're not done hiking, and we're nowhere near 2% inflation, we're gonna have to either accept 4%5% inflation permanently going forward (which would be wonderful for the working class) or brace for total doom.

Murica won't accept high inflation. Murica is an anti-worker country. Our rightwing actively advocates against inflation, despite how much good it does working people. Most voters are also not informed or intelligent enough to understand how much inflation helps them, so they often end up advocating against their own interests on that one too, as is so often the case

>> No.54025200


>> No.54025226
File: 2.92 MB, 2048x2304, 1677396276974798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be a cohencidence.
No one nose what the implications are.

>> No.54025232


>> No.54025242

>>>54025104 (OP)
>SVB Isn't Bear Stearns, but the issue is we are still looking at rising rates...and if things are already this bad and we're not done hiking, and we're nowhere near 2% inflation, we're gonna have to either accept 4%5% inflation permanently going forward (which would be wonderful for the working class) or brace for total doom.
>Murica won't accept high inflation. Murica is an anti-worker country. Our rightwing actively advocates against inflation, despite how much good it does working people. Most voters are also not informed or intelligent enough to understand how much inflation helps them, so they often end up advocating against their own interests on that one too, as is so often the case
PS I mean imagine unemployment being near zero, real wages being sky high and each year 5% of the total value of your home mortgage, car loan, student debts or other debts just magically disappears. You can start to think, just from that, of how much good persistent long inflation helps workers.

That's why we have 2% inflation in the US by mandate of congress. To help workers and hurt the rich. But Murica has taken such a hard right turn since the mid 20th century and now exists only to serve the rich, so it will never accept the higher inflation rates

>> No.54025257

>inflation is good for the working class
Explain retard

>> No.54025280

>>>54025185 (You)
>>>>54025104 (OP) (OP)
>>SVB Isn't Bear Stearns, but the issue is we are still looking at rising rates...and if things are already this bad and we're not done hiking, and we're nowhere near 2% inflation, we're gonna have to either accept 4%5% inflation permanently going forward (which would be wonderful for the working class) or brace for total doom.
>>Murica won't accept high inflation. Murica is an anti-worker country. Our rightwing actively advocates against inflation, despite how much good it does working people. Most voters are also not informed or intelligent enough to understand how much inflation helps them, so they often end up advocating against their own interests on that one too, as is so often the case
>PS I mean imagine unemployment being near zero, real wages being sky high and each year 5% of the total value of your home mortgage, car loan, student debts or other debts just magically disappears. You can start to think, just from that, of how much good persistent long inflation helps workers.
>That's why we have 2% inflation in the US by mandate of congress. To help workers and hurt the rich. But Murica has taken such a hard right turn since the mid 20th century and now exists only to serve the rich, so it will never accept the higher inflation rates
But Fox News will just say "look at muh price of muh eggs!" and people won't be able to put together that their wages are also rising and so forth.

Of course, real wages haven't risen with inflation in our present context, but that's due to the nature of the rising rate environment and our lack of price gouging measures

>> No.54025286

I already kicked your ass last year on /pol/ and you ran away after the fed itself admitted fault and disagreed with you. Get out of my thread before I start cunny posting

>> No.54025292

you're replying to a troon

>> No.54025300

this is your brain on Keynes

>> No.54025312
File: 400 KB, 697x699, svb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, guys?


>> No.54025319

I've tried to explain in 3 comments in this thread already. You'll never accept it. No one ever does. Inflation only hurts the rich. How do you think someone with money feels about inflation? I've got money in bonds, man. You think I want inflation for myself? No. But we have inflation in this country in order to maximize empoyment and wages, as a literal order of congress. Go read the Fed's website it's written right on there under their description of their "dual mandate". More inflation = better for the working class

>> No.54025343

Ihave no idea what you're talking about and whatever perception of have of these events which you remember, which I certainly don't, is no doubt profoundly warped and twisted and not reflective of reality. In typical pol fashion

>> No.54025346

What a hopeless retard.

>> No.54025383

Funny thing is I'm sitting here trying to talk real, rational economics to a bunch of poor incel NEETs who have had their life savings in crytpo through 2022. And continue to keep their money in markets as the global capitalist economy teeters on the verge of catastrophic, western society-ending meltdown. Cuz they think things "seem bullish". So I need to remember the sort of caliber of people I'm talking to when I post on this board.

I'm talking to poor people of the sort who unironically still vote for republicans, even though they're still poor

>> No.54025386

I'm convinced the inflation is the feature, not the bug.
They want a permanent serf class, and perpetual 5% inflation is a perfect boiling-frog temperature to finally roast what's left of the middle class.

>> No.54025399
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>> No.54025410

You can cry about it as much as you like, wages are not matching inflation. That is fact.

>> No.54025413

It doesn’t help workers though. It only helps boomers who bought before inflation went up. (((They))) want to push workers to the limit by making them all rent while still pushing inflation up. So workers don’t see any gains; just rent hikes.

>> No.54025429

5% inflation is something that would help the middle class. And the poor. Both. It only hurts the wealthy. You, as rightwingers, exist to serve the wealthy.And everything you believe about the world is bullshit fed to you by fox and infowars to brainwash you into serving the wealthy. That's why they try to keep you out of college, they don't want you to know actual things so they can keep manipulating you.

The fact that you think "inflation is bad for the middle class" when it's, in economics, indisputably considered a benefit for all members of the working class, is a great example of how they seize on poor idiots and manipulate them

>> No.54025432

Lmao the tr00n thinks it can buy HRT meds with annual 5% inflation with his NEETbux

>> No.54025457

Inflation isnt good, but its not the worst thing that can happen,
Its especially stupid to destroy the economy over it.

>> No.54025458

Yes as I stated above here >>54025280 that's due to the rising rate environment where we're explicilty attempting to crush wages. And our lack of price gouging measures.

Things like this are very basic in my mind. Maybe to all of you, you genuinely don't get it. I always think you people are dishonest and mendacious, but then when I see on biz you all have your money in your markets I start to realize you're genuinely just stupid people who don't know the 1st thing about economics, politics, history or society. And you're victims of much foxnews misinformation

>> No.54025468
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, 1675794140131557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called cantillon effects you retard. That's it no you don't get to use the fed website after rejecting it in that shitty Volcker debate. This is a cunny thread now

>> No.54025474

>increasing asset prices hurts the wealthy
>never even heard of the Cantillon effect
absolute state of troonomics

>> No.54025484

If you're an economist or anyone even semi-knowledgeable about economics and finance, then you know it's not a matter of dispute that inflation helps the working class. 0 inflation, "gold based currency", "Abolition of the fed" all of that stuff, like all rightwing policies, exists to help the billionaires of America

>> No.54025496

>Yellen says "the banking system remains resilient"
It's already gone, it'll take a few months to become apparent.
You wished for the event. Here you go: the event.

>> No.54025504

>inflation helps the working class
If you're at poverty level and plan to stay there it probably doesn't do anything because your food stamps and other bullshit will get get increases, but if you're actually trying to build wealth you're going to get crushed meanwhile the actual rich have assets that will rise with inflation.

>> No.54025524

Oh fuck off, my student loans only get higher every year I go to school and my grocery bill literally doubled on 7% annual inflation in a year. I was saying this 5 years ago even that we need deflation not inflation.

>> No.54025549

>total value of your home mortgage, car loan, student debts or other debts just magically disappears.
Are interest rates for loans in america pre-fixed?

>> No.54025572

The views that you people have on this board are grossly uninformed, even intentionally misinformed by rightwing demagogues attempting to manipulate you into supporting the interests of billionaires. That's really all I can say to any of you, at some point.

The federal reserve exists to help the working class. It's an impedement to the wealthy. As is our inflation. This is not controversial or "up for debate" in the minds of anyone with an actual education on these issues. You people live in a delusional false reality constructed by rightwing demagogues who just lie to you. They win your trust by selling you racism and bigotry, which you love, and they know how to manipulate you, and once they get you, they just brainwash you with retarded shit to get you to support the interests of the wealthy without you even knowing it

>> No.54025589
File: 148 KB, 878x900, penn-reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Um, actually, if you're earning minimum wage and struggling to afford rent and groceries, here's why it's a good thing that your food, gas, energy, and housing costs keep getting higher but your wages do not
Tell me you're a faggot Redditor without telling me you're a faggot Redditor.

>> No.54025599

Keynesianism is to economics what marxism is to economics

>> No.54025603

Things got worse for people this year because we're intentionally trying to destroy their wages with high rates. It's not the same dynamic as accept lowering rates with higher inflation. The fact that you guys on this board can't inherently figure that out, immediately, without my repeatedly explaining it to you, is a great signal to me of how you're never going to be able to figure it out no matter how much it's explained

>> No.54025629

>Things got worse for people this year because we're intentionally trying to destroy their wages with high rates. It's not the same dynamic as accept lowering rates with higher inflation. The fact that you guys on this board can't inherently figure that out, immediately, without my repeatedly explaining it to you, is a great signal to me of how you're never going to be able to figure it out no matter how much it's explained
PS I mean because you just don't understand these issues. Obviously. If you can't figure out "rising rate environment, demand destruction, that's why real wages are lower right now" vs "lower rates, demand building to create higher wages".

Two totally separate economic environments but you people don't have a basic concept of how the economy works and it's various modes

>> No.54025641
File: 758 KB, 500x893, Worker's-Rebellion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all leftoids are faggot pedophiles who believe inflation is good but simultaneously Putin's fault, and you cry like little bitches each time the working class have real uprisings (e.g. Trucker's convoy, Dutch farmers, American railroad strikes, French yellow vests).
Fucking kill yourself, tranny faggot.

>> No.54025658

how is it possibly good if the working class wages hardly ever go up

>> No.54025659

I can guarantee you that you don't even know what the words "keynesian", "marxism" or likely even "economics" actually mean. And I can guarantee this based on experience talking to 4chan posters, none of whom have a basic education and none of whom understand the meanings of basic political words they use

>> No.54025682

the big one, mortgages, are typically offered in 15 or 30 year fixed

>> No.54025698

I halfway agree with you. Having a job with a bit inflation is better than no job.
Im not even sure where the evidence comes from that hiking rates brings inflation down.
Interest rates are a price like everything else. And high interest rates are inflationary. Even Peter Schiff agrees with that.

>> No.54025720

OK. "All leftoids are faggot pedophiles" OK. Brilliant 4chan commentary here.
And the yellowvests were leftwing protests. And the rail workers were the people you on the right opposed. Republicans blocked their demands and democrats supported them.
I mean, republicans openly oppose unions so duh.

Your Trucker's convoy was protesting AGAINST worker's rights in the way rightwingers always do.

So stupid on every level. It's impossible to break down every level of warped and backwards perceptions you rightwing morons have

>> No.54025743
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>actively advocates against inflation, despite how much good it does working people

>> No.54025745
File: 214 KB, 655x534, 1666826361725272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My internet bill was $50 a month in 2020, now it's $90 a month. My rent was $1800 in 2021, now it's $3000 (to renew my lease). My grocery bills are double now than what I paid in 2019-2020. My electric bill is $200 a month, and it was $65 a month in 2020.
In the most simplified terms – and without any pseudo-intellectual faggot Reddit speak – explain to me why this is a good thing.

>> No.54025774
File: 39 KB, 635x430, 1678965325784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome the economic devastation of you and your family.

>> No.54025815

Here's the problem: you pose a problem (inflation diminishes the purchasing power of savers), then propose a solution that'd eliminate that problem (workers can demand higher wages while the rich get their savings inflated away). The solution is valid, but not sound.
The demand for higher wages for work must be met by the higher demand for work. The employer must be strapped for workers in order to be forced to accept worker demands for higher pay. Demographically and geopolitically, he currently indeed is, but AI is an opposing force, and, more importantly, he doesn't actually need as many workers as he had. Due to the past low cost of labor, a lot of labor that had but little utility was added. Labor like that can be trimmed quickly too.
Look, since the 1980s, every factory job has been done in China. The price of labor in the West got so low, they hired people for bullshit jobs. When the cost of labor rises again, then maybe you don't need that low-utility labor anymore. Thus when the demographics collapse, companies do everything to retain the top-tier talent (anything above the "this guy is useless"-line), but they get rid of the people who only cause costs.

>> No.54025830

You're supposed to ignore all that because billionaires are evil, bro. Just starve in the street and trust politicians to fix it.

>> No.54025842
File: 124 KB, 950x568, issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how good this is for working people (note the false green readings in the data since CPI is subject 3 year lag as weights only change every two years and useless against suddent economic shocks)

>> No.54025848
File: 31 KB, 530x408, dunning kruger stupidity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no words for the level of stupid.
"High interest rates are inflationary"
"Even Peter Schiff agrees with that"
You're a fucking retard, dude. At some point that's all someone can say to you subhumans.

And it's not about "having a job with a big of inflation is better than no job".
With low unemployment, your wages go up. Worker's gain power to barter for higher wages. Duh. BASIC Shit here.

Here's the thing, it's fine for you to be fucking retards on the right. To be uneducated fuckwits who don't know fuckall about fuck. But goddamn it, DO YOU HAVE TO ALL PRETEND LIKE YOU'RE SMARTER AND MORE INFORMED THAN PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT OR SPEND THEIR LIVES STUDYING THIS SHIT?

That's the issue.
Every uneducated rightwing fuckwit thinks "I'm better at medicine than doctors!" And "I'm better at economics than economists!" and "I'm better at history than historians!" and "I'm better at politial science than political scientists!" and "I'm better at climatology than climatologists!"

And none of you know fuckall.
And then you say INSANE shit like "high rates are inflationsary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!"
>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!
>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!
>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!

>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!
>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!

>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!
>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!
>high rates are inflationary! EVEN PETER SCHIFF AGREES WITH THAT!

>> No.54025865

Learn to spell, retard. It is America.
Stop acting like an edgy 5 yo.

>> No.54025880

Ok, but do they know what they're talking about? Can you verify that?

>> No.54025881
File: 67 KB, 695x960, 1672761360394099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% wrong. Explain or shut the fuck up.

>> No.54025906

What are these retarded graphs, memes and screenshots you idiots always post that you think somehow make you seem credible. They don't. That's not how anything works in science or in the real world. That's literally just not how information, study and science is supposed to work.
Rightwingers literally think "If I cherrypick a graph that satisfies my confirmation bias, pull it from context and post it on the internet, it makes me just like a scientist!" though.

I think the graph I posted here >>54025848 is the only one fucking relevant on this board, fucking lol

>> No.54025935
File: 46 KB, 430x591, Bidenflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically kill yourself, Reddit nigger.

>> No.54025938

Whether inflation helps the workers is not a matter of debate. This is "settled science" in economics, as people say. Just like climate change. Inflation helps workers. Zero inflation currency helps the rich.
That's why the left advocates for inflation.
And the right advocates for zero inflation.

Becuase the right exists to help the rich, the left exists to help the workers.

You can live in a delusion all you want and pretend like "it's a matter of debate" or something stupid like that, but it's going to be IRL

>> No.54025943

>The federal reserve exists to help the working class.
how can someone unironically be so retarded? I'm surprised you don't forget how to breathe

>> No.54025969
File: 986 KB, 2000x2177, ke44mzpdw1e81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the left exists to help the workers
Silence, nigger.

>> No.54025976

You hate and oppose the federal reserve on the right because your only, sole purpose is to politically benefit the wealthy

>> No.54025995
File: 692 KB, 1044x548, CHAZ Garden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the left exists to help the workers
Tell me you're a dumb nigger without telling me you're a dumb nigger.

>> No.54026040
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my mattress stuffing bros at?

>> No.54026297

You did it again. It from a recent study from the Federal Reserve that not only in the long-run but also medium-term low interest rates result in a fragile system that hurts consumers and leads to unemployment spikes.

Again you're a contradictory tard.

>> No.54026338

>didn’t read or understand the subtitle

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.54026346

Fuck off antisemite

>> No.54026420
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>> No.54026598


Eat my fuck, Shlomo

Also, it's anti-jew, not antisemite. What even is a semite and who the fuck cares.

>> No.54026857

Shut up, everyone see through your fraud now. Bitcoin will kill the dollar, debt, inflation, and people like you will be judged and put in prison, enjoy trying to fuck up workers even more while you still can.

>> No.54026914

>Your Trucker's convoy was protesting AGAINST worker's rights
shut the fuck up lying communist shill. it had nothing to do with worker's rights.
also, shove your elitism up your reamed asshole faggot.

>> No.54027077

What a cool picture! Thanks for sharing.

>> No.54027131
File: 581 KB, 576x704, 1669337001021315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you hungry?

>> No.54027169

Hold….do people really keep money in banks? Big oof

>> No.54027174

You are mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.54027235


>> No.54027387
File: 191 KB, 1005x946, 1676039632334853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.t Robert Reich
Calm down Francis. They will be pushing out new stimmy checks soon enough.

>> No.54027413
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>> No.54027494
File: 47 KB, 700x141, 1-06-2021-LOL-B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega kek

>> No.54027569

Id be more likely to listen and debate with you if you didnt keep bring left/right retard politics. Next time dont bring it up amd itll take longer for people to realize your not a real woman without ever seeing you.

>> No.54027578

You're either retarded or a masterful b8er.

>> No.54027604

Quality cunny anon

>> No.54027636
File: 433 KB, 700x970, EE7BA3E3-6FA7-4A10-B5B8-6CC8AC9D2897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high inflation helps the working class
day of the rope soon kike

>> No.54027700

mortgage, auto, and student loans are. You can choose to get variable rate but there very few reasons to do one unless your trying to flip shit fast. Otherwise its just better to get a fixed rate and refinance if rates go down.

>> No.54027759

Ying Yang inflation deflation why would you want more than the other??

>> No.54027764

That is the best merchant so far

>> No.54027789

You got a lot of replies and even made me reread it twice before I caught it. Need to be a little more subtle, but otherwise excellent bait.

>> No.54027804

>My rent was $1800 in 2021, now it's $3000 (to renew my lease).
lol my ass
where do you live

>> No.54027812

Bro, just cool it with the antisemitism, okay? Sometimes things just happen and no one is to blame.

>> No.54027837

>inflation is good for the working class because... because the government said so!!

i'm working class and i don't particularly enjoy paying $7 for a burger when just two years ago i was paying $4. i don't see how this is good for me. is there a government website that will explain why paying double for a burger is actually good? thanks in advance, retard

>> No.54027853
File: 103 KB, 550x705, 1673153353918751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflation does good for working people
In what reality is this true? How does a poor person benefit from his wages buying less and less while his wages never go up?

>> No.54027880
File: 139 KB, 352x960, 1678413825221645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey troon have you figured out a cope for why Japan has free markets and "capitalism" but low Ievels of immigration yet?

>> No.54028007

>muh fox news
lib cope, mot even boomers touch that shit

>> No.54028012

There's no matter of opinion about low interest rates helping consumers and workers. It's not a matter of debate, bud. So I'll refer you back to what I wrote up here >>54025906:

What are these retarded graphs, memes and screenshots you idiots always post that you think somehow make you seem credible. They don't. That's not how anything works in science or in the real world. That's literally just not how information, study and science is supposed to work.
Rightwingers literally think "If I cherrypick a graph that satisfies my confirmation bias, pull it from context and post it on the internet, it makes me just like a scientist!" though.

I think the graph I posted here >>54025848 is the only one fucking relevant on this board, fucking lol

>> No.54028052
File: 230 KB, 499x497, 7AE72B04-D3D0-4EB6-9B75-3DCDD820A806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great pic. Do you have the others. Especially balmers.

>> No.54028217

>inflation helps the working class because... because it just does, OKAY!?!!?

one of the dumbest posts I've seen all day on this board. Head back to /sp/ you stupid fucking nigger. You stand out like a sore thumb here with your retarded opinions backed by nothing.

>19 posts in this thread

clear you're a schizo tranny

>> No.54028234

>words words words words words
>ass mad at pictures
>bites low effort bait every time
you're not smart enough to benefit from this place

>> No.54028264

Left wingers want you to be a wage slave your entire life. They try to convince you it's inevitable.

>> No.54028325
File: 755 KB, 646x466, 1677454677997793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most voters are also not informed or intelligent enough to understand how much inflation helps them, so they often end up advocating against their own interests on that one too, as is so often the case

>> No.54028344
File: 113 KB, 1600x518, cyprusbankcollapse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A keynsiand and a leaf, may as well be justin trudeau posting .

>> No.54028382

So you are the nigger that keeps reporting us to the jannies for “racism”. Get your kvetching ass back to plebbit

>> No.54028383
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1677825032469153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the most simplified terms – and without any pseudo-intellectual faggot Reddit speak – explain to me why this is a good thing.

Because he is a keynsian shilll working for the government seing his wage updated for inflation every year 40% while your purchasing power goes down 40% per year.

You are not "his midddle class" you are "right wing traitor" because you refuse to support inflationary policies that put money in his pockets and away from his

It's that easy he is a literal government shill.

>> No.54028387

>The Federal Reserve exists to help the working class

stopped reading after that...

>> No.54029226


>> No.54029357

>It's good for you to be poor and have to work more goyim

>> No.54029492

If wages had been rising with inflation, you'd be correct. They aren't and never will. Inflation will also rise faster, and inflating wages will only make the problem worse.
What no one talks about is that it is all systemic.
Once it starts, it's extremely hard to stop. Especially in a Country that the government itself cannot afford the cure, and apparently neither can the businesses and banks.
The real truth is, the death spiral has started for real this time, and it started as soon as the interest rates got re-elevated to just a reasonable amount.

>> No.54029633

>Whether inflation helps the workers is not a matter of debate.
Heh, yeah, I remember the 70s. Nobody could afford a mortgage. Yeah, that was awesome.

>> No.54029653

So... stack cash until approximately 2025, then go all-in on stocks and crypto?

>> No.54029798

This is spot on, and as somebody who is admittedly somewhat poor and lives in a city with a lot of poor people, NONE OF THE POOR PEOPLE ARE BENEFITTING FROM INFLATION. Poor people rent. Poor people do not own homes. Poor people are being forced into shittier, more poor areas because they can no longer afford to even rent the places they've been living for the past 5 years. Poor people are struggling to pay the grocery bills that they could once afford. Poor people's lives are objectively deteriorating and getting worse.

>ummm inflation helps the poor, akschully

just such a fucking ludicrous, out of touch nonsense thing to say. The only people that could attempt to argue this with a straight face are either high on some retarded propaganda or so far up their own ass in "theoretical" economic nonsense that they can't drive 10 minutes to the poor part of town and ask people "hey is your life better or worse now that prices of everything have gone up"

>> No.54029926

I need the loading screen with the WATASHI GA WATASHI NO

>> No.54030252
File: 50 KB, 828x809, EI2ytWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperinflation happens when the working class charges as much as the parasite class steals.

>> No.54030422

>The federal reserve exists to help the working class.
Literally stupidest post of all time.