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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54024937 No.54024937 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54024971
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>> No.54024982


>> No.54024987

Not even Cramer can kill JP Morgan.

>> No.54024988
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>> No.54024997

JPM confirmed 0 on Monday funday

>> No.54025070

Cramer screencaps get a pass
it's when OP posts a picture of a "literally who?" that such thread should be shat upon

>> No.54025087


>> No.54025097

No. JP Morgan is a fortress. He's correct on this one. Just like 2008 if something happens JP Morgan will be the lone bank standing among the rubble saying "I'm fine". It's true.

Well, I mean, if things get real bad like they did in 2008, and we don't have bailouts, then there will be nothing left of the US economy at all. Not even JP Morgan. But for the moment, in all practical contexts, JP Morgan is likely the most secure bank

>> No.54025270

You think I'll have to pay my credit card payment if this happens?

>> No.54025291

I'm debtmaxxing my Chase card bros. I won't have to pay it back if they go under. It's literally free money.

>> No.54025341
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>> No.54025498

go back
All debts will be transferred and kept at a proper (hyper)inflation rate

>> No.54025591

JP Morgan is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded.

>> No.54025742
File: 776 KB, 1603x1073, cramer vs jpmorgan vs epstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54025792


>> No.54025852
File: 381 KB, 842x568, jp morgan epstein island branch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54025948

no one knows what risk they might have undertaken, one thing is for certain all investment banks operate with a limited amount of assets that are not used to back some liabilities in one form or another. Any major miscalculation of risk or a black swan event could probably become fatal.

>> No.54026174

LMFAO. JESUS CHRIST I can't stand how dumb and uneducated you rightwing idiots on 4chan are. No moron. We literally DO know what risks they've undertaken, in fact, because their financials are public. You stupidfuck. Like all publicly traded companies, they have public financials

>> No.54026189

what about US Bank?

>> No.54026218

We didn't need the paraffin after all.


>> No.54026483

thank you reddit.

>> No.54026488

use common sense, if we "DO know" the risk various public traded companies have undertaken, then why does the market not price in this risk? how can Silicone Valley Bank drop +80% in a week, if their financials are public information.
Same with Lehman brothers, why did no one look at the so called public information and realize the massive risk they have undertaken.

The answer is that it's not public information, their risk assessment is proprietary information, and at most they disclose their risk assessment.

>> No.54026566

It'll get transferred to some other synagogue. You might get a month of interest free deferred payment though.

>> No.54026607

How can you guys be so financially illiterate?
No, it won't spread. There's no possibility that it will spread.

>> No.54026634

>my favorite eceleb gets a pass
stop dickriding this old faggot

>> No.54028059

It's not a matter of debate, you idiot. The financials are public. Jesus christ there are no words for how rightwingers are so stupid.

>> No.54028089


>> No.54028108

i meant the money i have in my account there

>> No.54028157

It's information.

>> No.54028209

He's the official mouthpiece of the .00001%

>> No.54028223

No bailouts this time. If your bank does. It dies.

>> No.54028244
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Oh to be a naieve and clueless NPC must be bliss.

>> No.54028287

Wrong see Deutsche bank also liberal fags don't belong here I can't wait til you can no longer hide behind the skirts of local and state police forces

>> No.54028295

Wait, companies are going to tell me the truth because some rule says they have to tell us everything? Gosh, let me open my mouth reeeaaaal wide and let them squirt all of those totally truthful public records riiiiight into my mouth aahhh yummmmmmmmm, tastes like the truth they didn't leave anything out!

>> No.54028299

in the upcoming dark times. they are going to fortify JP Morgan HQ like Minas Morgul. it's going to house the high kikelords and allow them to watch over the slave population

>> No.54028352

maybe it's not economy related, maybe some nigs will rob main branch of jp morgan on daylight

>> No.54028366

Exactly imagine being so ignorant you go all the way to thinking you are smarter than everyone else. Who enforces these rules and regulates banks? Well one of the key enforcement players was employed by sbc to handle compliance that should be a clue I know call your representatives they will make you whole right after they get done repaying everyone who invested in sbc who lobbied congress and the sec to the point there was 0 oversight and again wasn't the literal head of the sec on the sbcpayroll. The chickens are fine the fox is guarding them and has regulations to adhere to TOP LELS

>> No.54029021
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And? The banks are dying anyway, i would reccomend anyone with half a mind to grab everything they have, put it on reward coins or stake it on coins that are highly stable and wait for the next bullrun. I heard $HAMI is on a HUGE discount. Cause the banks ain't too big to fail.

>> No.54029081
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>> No.54029103

kek always do the opposite of Cramer and you'll be just fine.

>> No.54029115

I'm not so sure...

>> No.54029822
File: 248 KB, 1469x444, godtraders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good advice.