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File: 1.67 MB, 1436x1817, Screenshot_20171223-123232~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5400989 No.5400989 [Reply] [Original]

"Bitcoin will be $1mn by 2020, or I will suck my wife's sons Big Black Cock"
What did John McAfee mean by this?

>> No.5401039

>gets married to a fucking nigger prostite and takes in her children

what the fuck is with rich people and their garbage wifes, just look at zuckerberg, he managed to find the most vile and disgusting gook possible

do they know something that we dont????????????

>> No.5401045

wow he looks so much like his dad

>> No.5401055

oh fuck he actually has a mixed breed
doesnt he know about the medical problems caused?

>> No.5401081
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It's his wifes son

>> No.5401085

>Men's night

>> No.5401090

john “my wifes son” mcafee

>> No.5401134

McAfee is s degenerate loser.

Dump anything he pumps.

>> No.5401176

His wife who is a prostitute

>> No.5401178


It's one thing to have a fetish for blacks which actually causes you to think they are attractive. It's disgusting, but the dick wants what the dick wants you can't really blame a guy for his sexual preferences.

But having children is a choice in this day and age, and creating one more nigger is something that you can blame a man for.

>> No.5401229

Aww, he's cute! :3

>> No.5401237
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It's almost Elijah's birthday!
What kind of kicks is he gonna get from John this year?

>> No.5401240
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BASED MACAFEE. Its what all true men do


I'm 21 Irish/Scottish and have 200k and I'm planning to do the same

>> No.5401306

Difficult to marry once you get rich. Dating with girls that has much lower salary makes shit weird. Looks matter less after 30s too.

>> No.5401339
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Love at first shit

>> No.5401366
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>> No.5401405
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I call this one, trouble in paradise

>> No.5401479

You can't breed black out
even 1/8 black people are referred to as 1/8 black, not 7/8 white

>> No.5401593

not true

Britney venti is not only conservative/white nationalist and BASED but 33% black

LOVE to breed her

>> No.5401625
File: 36 KB, 634x419, 403E57A600000578-4500686-image-m-35_1494615163828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a badass couple, gee whiz

>> No.5401651

> he thinks mulattos are white.

Venti is no more than 25% black and it shows.

>> No.5401675

He meant BCH will be 1 mln in 2020

>> No.5401728

McAfee has AIDS from all the pussy hes torn through. He likes to do uppers and cum buckets. There is no stronger nut than taking amphetamines and getting your cock sucked off by a BLACK whore.

Marrying niggers us the best PR move a rich white man can make these days due to spreading liberal insanity. If you have a nigger wife then you can do no wrong.

His wife is still a prostitute.

Buying the niglet(s) new Jordans and making PR posts on FB every now and then costs less than the gold leaf on the TP that he runs across his balloon knot every day.

You fucking virgins.

>> No.5401737
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>tf no black gf

>> No.5401762

She LITERALLY did a DNA test and was 33% West African you dumb fuck

>> No.5401771

when you're rich there are gold-diggers EVERYWHERE trying to get with you to take your money.
McAfee and Zuck got lucky

>> No.5401787
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Night night monkey bones

>> No.5401800


>> No.5401849

Jesus Christ imagine holdings an ape.

>> No.5401851
File: 396 KB, 640x626, ImDxsFf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Nazi virgins.

>> No.5401903

>Zuck got lucky
funny concept of luck

>> No.5401905
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>nAzI vIrGiNz

>> No.5401917
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>> No.5401930

So shes even less white than we thought. Whats your point? Also those DNA tests arent totally reliable. Go ahead and sell out your people and your heritage for some rancid pussy that will never respect you anyways. Enjoy the kinky haired jungle children.

>> No.5401945
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>> No.5401972

>being this angry about random people fucking black pussi

>> No.5401975
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>> No.5402034
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Lost all respect after this. Fuggem

>> No.5402054
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>being this excited to have nigger babies.

>> No.5402085

I would far sooner torpedo Venti than coal-burning Lauren Southern

>> No.5402163

This can't be real. I won't be surprised if it is though.

>> No.5402177

She's got a worse hairline than I do.

>> No.5402213
File: 140 KB, 900x1200, DOEmSDnWAAA80Uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yours to compare

>> No.5402255

Someone is trying to kill this guy? What's up with all the guns. The girl will end up fucking him over however, most likely.

>> No.5402312

>Someone is trying to kill this guy?
Yes, his wife's son has a hit out in him because John didn't buy him enough shoes for his birthday

>> No.5402398

>big forehead
>large eyelids
>crooked teeth

no wonder he settled for a black girl

>> No.5402404

There’s no way. Statistically, she’s simple minded and high time preference, for her the way to get what she wants is to just be nice and give him what he wants. It’s smarter women who can talk themselves into thinking but that’s its morally justified to divorce-rape a man, take half the shit bounce from cock to cock until your pussy dries up

>> No.5402427


they're in a chilis, can he not afford better?

>> No.5402480

>it's a "3rd world people complain about black people" rerun
come on guys, its almost Chirstmas, stop being angry for once.

>> No.5402511

No,. Nigger stole my girlfriend in senior year.

>> No.5402510
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She on eggheads level

>> No.5402564

>Dating with girls that has much lower salary makes shit weird.
you are doing it wrong LAMO. The majority of women do not thrive in a work environment and are much happier and contented being creative in the home and eventually going on to be creative in the community or to work on art and works of literature.
The only wife you will find who likes working (outside of perhaps charity work or some hippy shit) is a man with tits.

>> No.5402581
File: 160 KB, 1200x800, ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

character assasination squad out in force tonight

probably taking a break from attacking lauren southern on /pol/

>> No.5402610

Zuck married a Chinese woman because it's a symbolic marriage of families between Jews and Chinese.

>> No.5402634

>character assasination squad out in force tonight
Yes, i admit that's what I am doing.

>> No.5402735

who's paying you? you probably aren't even told lol. do you work from home or is there an office somewhere?

pro shills are real and for hire btw in case anyone didn't know, they're everywhere. usually working for the establishment through middlemen companies

>> No.5402853

I'm in my parents basement

>> No.5402952

looks shopped

>> No.5403036

you haven't made it till you've got a corner office and soros himself signs off on your every shitpost

>> No.5403148

God I wish I had Jewish connections

>> No.5403174

Lol the beta orbiting, mangina cuck sandwich white knights are here too

>> No.5403214
File: 1.18 MB, 734x948, LaurenCoalBurn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a good example of how white women are two faced race traders

>> No.5403241

You didn't buy BZC yet anon? Kek

>> No.5403289


yeah this is just a symptom of our cuck society. Finding a hot young wife who is stay at home and raises children should be a no brainer, ESPECIALLY if you're rich. that's the entire freaking goal wtf
if you cant manage that when you're rich, when can you?

>> No.5403318

it's the same people attacking john now that have an ongoing contract to attack lauren southern

i don't know how much more obvious this needs to be

>> No.5403354

>it's the same people attacking john now that have an ongoing contract to attack lauren southern
They are both race mixing degenerates

>> No.5403373

most white women prefer white men and vice versa fuck off rabbi

>> No.5403407
File: 51 KB, 615x441, 1507724847628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More black people means a shittier world for everybody. It's rational for people to be upset about people breeding with negroes because they do have a stake in it: The average quality of people in their society will also to some degree influence their quality of life.

>> No.5403441

as a guy who gives a fuck about the future of the white race, i hate people like you. hired i'm sure to make people like me seem fucking autistic

individual cases of racemixing aren't the problem. there problem are government policies which encourage excessive levels of migration. with reasonable immigration levels and without the constant racemixing propaganda from the media, almost nobody would racemix.

racemixing is mostly about reducing the nationalistic tendencies of european ethnostates in preperation for a global government. thats the real issue and thats what i'd like to talk about not this autistic shit you're spewing across the board right now

>> No.5403464

This is fucking disgusting, who sexualizes a child? Nasty perverted cunts, people like you deserve to die alone.

>> No.5403504

Beautiful woman are raised shallow whores
Ugly ones are forced to learn the hardships of life

Then there are unicorns

>> No.5403509

Lmao godd that projection. The fucking IQ among you /pol/ niggers must be in the negative

>> No.5403514

well it's not like half decent people would accept a paycheque in return for crude shitposting character assasinations.

humanities finest these people aint

>> No.5403520

>individual cases of racemixing aren't the problem.
Fuck off back to redddit, Jew boyy

>> No.5403521

>there are golddiggers everywhere
>marry a literal whore
>S-She's not a golddigger guys, I got lucky
Sure you did John.

>> No.5403562

t. Janice McAfee

>> No.5403572

you couldn't be making it more obvious what you are right now

>> No.5403588

>first of all, the Irish aren't even human, let alone white

>> No.5403605

White women are garbage. Search your feelings.

>> No.5403616

so am i jew or a black woman. make up your mind. you can't attack properly if you don't stick to your guns on the insults. so sloppy. people pay you for this shit?

>> No.5403625

McAfee is Irish, so I suppose he isn't really race mixing, because Irish are pretty much niggers

>> No.5403651

Pretty much, there's a reason that black women/white men combo has the lowest divorce rate. White women/black men has the highest because both of them are garbage.

>> No.5403658
File: 378 KB, 1200x1555, 1200px-Whoopi_Goldberg_at_a_NYC_No_on_Proposition_8_Rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you be both?

>> No.5403698
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Why does the "Master race" have such weak genes?

>> No.5403805

I'm actually obsessed with celebs private lives after getting so redpilled by /pol/ I turned into a 14 year old girl! Thank God there's not a single board whose topics are too obscure for epic /pol/ discussion of the highest calibre.

>> No.5403826

>rich as fuck
>live in absolute squalor


>> No.5403835

Guys can't you leave this guy alone? He is more successful, richer, charismatic, influential and most of all happier than all of you. What the fuck is your problem? Is it to any relevance what kind of pussy he likes to fuck or how he treats the children of his wife? Get a grip...

>> No.5403897

Because he was born trash and he'll die thrash.

>> No.5403911


>Finnish IP

>> No.5403930

t. Cuckie cheese

>> No.5403977

Only a retarded beta would be happy for someone who is more successful than them.

>> No.5404013

why is silk so easily teared? why is glass so easily broken? why can your eye not endure even small particles on its surface, if it's so great?

>> No.5404018

back to le reddit

>> No.5404020


>> No.5404048

Hookers never change

>> No.5404065

we need to eradicate everyone who is dumber than the smartest whites (which I'm naturally among)
>Asians and Jews are more intelligent thus whites must also die by my logic

>> No.5404088

so you want everyone who is doing better than you to fail?

>> No.5404103

Anyone who says no is lying.

>> No.5404127

>whites must also die by my logic
Most whites do deserve death, but some deserve to live. ALL darkies, nigs, jews, and Asians (except Japanese) deserve death.

>> No.5404135

Is he going operating with her or what?

>> No.5404160


>> No.5404244

They are hunting Bitcoin

>> No.5404251

Retards. There must be something out there you like. Guess what, if the person making it isn't succeeding then they're going to stop making it.

>> No.5404286

No, only pure Yamato shall Inherit the world. You disgusting subhuman barbarians is why Nippon hasn't colonized mars yet. Go start another war and finally kill yourselves off for good barbarian. You, niggers, slavs and the rest of your ilk is keeping human intellectual evolution back.
>b-but I'm one of the GOOD guys!
Even the best western pig is still nothing more than a pig, no matter if you dress it up in a suit.

>> No.5404295

so if any of your friends or family succeeds you in any way be it financially socially academically you want to see them fail?

>> No.5404300

>if the person making it isn't succeeding then they're going to stop making it.
I'm fine with that, most everything is chink garbage sold by kikes anyway.

>> No.5404307


didnt zuk start dating miss chink eyes before facebook though ?

>> No.5404332
File: 222 KB, 796x600, ark mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a fuckin real drink into ya kid or you'll turn into a soyboy like your cuck daddy.

Ill fuckin fight ya, come on

>> No.5404337

Haha, I wish

>> No.5404373

Fuck off Elliot

>> No.5404405

You idiot Zuckerberg is just bowing before the Chinese. He'd trade his soul to get access to Chinese peoples personal information, it's a goldmine for him

>> No.5404559
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So should I look for a mildly retarded wife?

>> No.5404617


Why are people responding to this vile racist garbage?

>> No.5404650

do you know what website youre on??? niggers not even once

>> No.5404697

this guy's wife is stunning, mcafee's is horrifying

>> No.5404710

Nigger lover

>> No.5404719
File: 71 KB, 500x550, 1467069507846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the purple haired nigger fucker

>> No.5404732

Fuck off, jew.

>> No.5404766

He literally asked Xi Xinping to name his son. There's a reason why he has a meme about being a soulless robot/alien

>> No.5404804
File: 60 KB, 1333x900, 1512963605693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't bait, gtfo back to tumblr

>inb4 *le /pol/
4chan has always been like this, but I'm sure a newshit like you just thinks it's /pol/'s doing.

>> No.5405052

>50% Black
>50% Irish
>0% White

>> No.5405371

because it's not as great as it deludes itself to think it is. Not every silk, glass, or set of eyes are worth a fuck, so they live through the lives of other silk fabrics, glass panes, and set of eyes that are.

But get butthurt when they can't validate their own shitty existence because the silk, glass, and eye that are worth a fuck live for themselves and not by some code of ethic that keeps them from being happy with themself, and not as a fantasy for the silk, glass, and eye that aren't worth a fuck.

To clairfy maybe if you spent more time on your own life and choices you wouldn't be so angry at the world cracka ass cracka.

>> No.5405378

If you are that rich you can literally buy a 13yo from some taiwanese farmer and groom her for 5 years to turn her into proper wife material.

>> No.5405804

He's got half a dozen green berets and navy seals running his security
Listen to what his vision his, you will understand why