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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5395462 No.5395462 [Reply] [Original]

So I told my family about my almost $800k profit from crypto since 2012 expecting them to be happy for me. They were not.

>is this what you have been doing instead of getting a job?
>do you know how much fucking trouble you will get with taxes?
(i have paid my taxes)

>you can start by paying your part on the house because you have been living for free for 3 years now
>i never raised you to become a criminal
(i have paid $450 each month in rent)

>you owe me $7000 because i lent you my phone and car
(this was 2 years ago)

Fast forward 1 week:
Friends and people I've met like 2 times give me these types of calls/messages:
>hey anon i heard you won the lottery or something, could you lend me a few bucks and I'll pay you back in 3 months
(a few bucks = $15,000)

All my friends have become money-hungry leeches trying to be my best friend thinking I will buy them stuff or give them money.
What the fuck is this bullshit, /biz/?
Why are everyone so greedy. I have no family left and no friends left. I am forced to find new - rich - friends that I can fit in with.

Oh, and my fucking girlfriend's family is trying to leech on me as well. What the fuck is this?!

I thought this was supposed to be the best thing to ever happen to me but I was so fucking wrong. I have destroyed my connection to my family and friends.

>> No.5395493 [DELETED] 

sonm mooned going to mars dcorp is next

>> No.5395512

Just shout "CANT CASH OUT BABY!"

>> No.5395531

keep making more, BUY a wife, BUY some friends, leave everyone else behind, make sure you tell them to go fuck themselves beforehand too

>> No.5395538

nice larp faggot.

>> No.5395547

can you fuck off with this spam bullshit? Fuck it's so obvious which coins not to invest in based on this board.

SONM BZC and DCORP are all utter trash, FUCK OFF

>> No.5395548

>(I have paid my taxes)
Never gonna make it

>> No.5395554

This is what you get for not buying LINK

>> No.5395558

Tell you lost it all and move far far away

>> No.5395572


anyone else lost it at this bot comment ignoring ops issue? LMAO

>> No.5395590

>Destroyed connections to family and friends
>family and friends
Anon. Please. You did the right thing. Now live your life. No ties are sweet as fuck you will feel so liberated.

>> No.5395607

Now you know why the jews jew.

Leave those gentiles behind, welcome to the tribe, shalom.

>> No.5395609

this thing is fucking *EVERYWHERE*

>> No.5395619

Your family is shit, rip. It could have been different with your friends though, I don't mean finding "better friends who like you for you" judt people who don't look at money like its mana from heaven. A dollar is just a unit of measure, they see a candy bar or a couple sticks of gum.

>> No.5395622

Fuck em. Move out. Buy your own mansion with a gated yard and laugh at them through the gates when they visit you.

>> No.5395639

>Thinking capitalism creates nice People

Just say you lost it All and move to Singapur which is rich af

>> No.5395646

>tfw I'm telling everyone I'm buying crypto now so they can only hate themselves later when i reveal my gains

>> No.5395647

Youve got any other friends who dont want your money? If you cant find anyone we can be internet friends, anon. always nice to find like-minded peoples

>> No.5395662

unless you live in bumfuck nowhere alabama, 800k is not rich

>> No.5395663

i dont belive anyones family is this fucked up. this is not a company this is not a business. they are your goddamn family. "loved one" you pay rent to your family because you live with them ?
whos gonna take care of them when they get old.
your sister will need you in somewhere her life.
you ask money too then.
wtf is this ancap paradise family ?

>> No.5395688
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>I told my family about my almost $800k profit
Even your wife shouldn't know about your massive financial gainz. Congrats, you've lost your friends and family forever. Even if you say that you lost everything during "that recent bitcoin crash" they will think of you as a greedy loser. Forever.

>> No.5395713

your mistake is that you told people specifically how much money you have made. OP you should have just said your investments in crypto have been doing well and left it at that.

if I were you, id just ignore them all and flat out tell them no you aren't giving them any money. you won't need any of them in 3-5 years from now, so fuck em

>> No.5395716

why don't you simply move out?

>> No.5395718

Fuckem. Don't take care of them when they're old if they treated you as a means to an end.

>> No.5395725
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>tfw I surround myself with highly motivated individuals who have their own money/opportunities and never try to get anything from me

>> No.5395735

I really don't see a problem. That's all it took to get rid of those heavy bags.

>> No.5395754

I had a job where I made 40k annual and literally did 5-10 hrs of work a month, from home, and never had to go in to an office. Had this for for a couple years. The subtle resent from my own mom was so obvious.. "I never made that much in 30 years at the same job..."

Yes, family gets jealous over gains

>> No.5395762

sounds like you've had a good three year pump on this family thing probably a good time to dump imo

>> No.5395772

He is a low energy sack of shit and that is why they are disappointed.

>> No.5395791

>i don't believe anyones family is this fucked up.
you would be surprised.
if ill ever make it, ill just pay my family 30% because they have let me live here for years

>> No.5395815

This is why I would never tell anyone my gains past 20k. Normies are consumerist zombies and just want to spend as much as possible. In reality what is a couple hundred thousand when real estate goes up 100k in a year? I would always just act like I'm poor. It has never ever been a good thing to reveal wealth to anyone for any reason.

>> No.5395824

wait for the next dip and tell them you've lost most of it

but yeah, you should move on and surround yourself with better people

>> No.5395831

That sounds like paradise to me.

>> No.5395851

>has $800k
>still living with and leeching off his parents

>> No.5395899

>pay rent to your family because you live with them ?
white people kick their kids out when they reach 18

no concept of family which is why their women are all ending their bloodline getting BLACKED

>> No.5395902

I feel you. My Dad called and told me he heard about BTC on CNBC a d the EXPERTS said it was a bubble and would go to shit.
(I explained his mutual fund is 8% emerging tech) he responded that didnt the founder dump all his "share" before the crash (he confused about litecoin and bitcoin) - I responded - Yeah that guys an asshole.
He called gloating with the 30% fall in my portfolio yesterday - i responded with 20% recovery today...

>> No.5395920

>i dont belive anyones family is this fucked up.
Tons are, and it's sad. 800k isn't a ton, but people who win the lottery have this problem. Just go watch judge Judy and see families squabbling over a fraction of that. People are messed up

>> No.5395922

epic story bruh

>> No.5395923

Doesn’t sound like you should have a problem starting over. Get a trad waifu and don’t need tell her what you have. I told my wife about crypto, but only told her about bitcoin, which was 10%, but she’s ready spent all of it.

Have a big family and get a job and keep up normie appearances just do it all on easy mode.

>> No.5395928
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>making their own children pay rent
westcucks lmao

>> No.5395930

You are still fucking stupid even in your larping

>> No.5395947
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>used to work for dad
>got into stocks
>made more money in stocks than with dad
>started investment business with friend
>turned 10k into 30k
>dad tells me it's risky business to try and get my money back
>tell him it's not like that with investments
>keep making money with stocks
>he keeps making me feel like im doing something wrong
>get into bitcoin
>double my money
>cash out
>bitcoin keeps going so i get back in and double again
>quit working for dad
>he starts acting like ill be back
>6 months later im making bank on cryptos
>don't tell family how much i really have because they are all negative toward it
>live life like im poor just so i can keep stacking bitcoin and other investments

>Mfw i am better off than my parents and they don't even know it
>mfw when they think i am struggling but i am really doing amazing

>> No.5395952

>I had a job where I made 40k annual and literally did 5-10 hrs of work a month,
what job

>> No.5395994

are you me?

>> No.5396012

>He called gloating with the 30% fall in my portfolio yesterday - i responded with 20% recovery today...
this is kinda similar to me friends rubbing it in my face that it crashed like never before and even normie shows on the radio on the way home were talking about it here in england with tons of normies calling in saying crypto is bullshit because it crashed but here we are.....already recovered. in fact on my portfolio I gained 1k in the last 24 hours so it's definitely recovering fuck them

>> No.5396019

sorry for you anon, you never should have told your family, surround yourself with decent people and life a comfy life, buy some apartments. and dont tell anyone

>> No.5396050

how much profit are you at

>> No.5396081
File: 140 KB, 850x896, __monika_doki_doki_literature_club_drawn_by_oz_kun__sample-56eac1824b7983de978ba79ce9e8ffe8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs 3D when you have Monika? Fuck your family and "friends", they have proven they are worthless.

>> No.5396097

fuck bro thats close to my life

>> No.5396110

>spent all my liquid on investment as soon as I get it
>100k in equity
>Girl tells me it's not in my bank account so I'm poor


>> No.5396124

I'm the same way. Both the people I surround myself with and most of my direct family is too.

It's just such a weird concept to me. I definitely know it exists, and have seen it too. But entitlement and greed to someone else's success...why...

Even before I made any money off of crypto, and was a regular guy (still am for the most part...milfag here). I always treated people with money the same as others. I never sought after taking advantage of them for my own selfish reasons...why the fuck would I? They got theirs, I'm happy for them...and ultimately I have no doubt I'll one day get mine.

What an interesting time we live in...There has always been an opportunity for the working class man to make it big, but with crypto that chance has risen immensely. Let's see who our true friends and family are.

>> No.5396125

i taught myself how to do siding estimates using software called Planswift. I basically input all the formulas for breaking down sq or lin footage directly to pieces and then wrote the guy his order and pay sheets.

This would take 4+ hrs minimum without the software per house, I could do them in 15 mins with the software. I literally just drew lines and squares on PDF plans and then transfered the piece list to excel.

I ended up only having to do a few a week. It was the cushiest shit I have ever had and I probably won't see anything like it again

>> No.5396126


>> No.5396145

>you pay rent to your family because you live with them ?
if you have boomer parents.. yest you do

>whos gonna take care of them when they get old.
once again, entitled boomers that think their kids are supposed to stick around and take care of them forever because their life is always more important than their kids

>your sister will need you in somewhere her life.
girls that were raised by boomers think everything should be handed to them and that everybody should cater to them

boomers are the problem with the world and are blind to it. they have caused a domino effect of everyone gets a trophy life style.

>> No.5396157

Hey OP not sure if you're serious but when I started making good money 10 years ago I had to change pretty much every single friends I had because the poor always become beggars when they see you rolling in a 80k car. Sucks that you can't change family so easily.

>> No.5396172

Are you the anon that said you were the richest in your town of 2000 and that you wanted to build an orphanage?

>> No.5396228

Tell them to fuck off then.

>> No.5396242

Never talk about your true value with anyone.
You undersell or oversell.
You give them vague answers or tell that you keep that private.

Cowboyconservatives keep religion ,finances, and sex to your wife or husband only. Becuase they dont want big things between everyone else.

>> No.5396259

That's sad. My mom would be so happy that I found a job where I can stay home and hang out with her as well as making good money. My parents have never expressed any desire to kick me out, so I'm really grateful for that I guess.

>> No.5396268

P.S. the biggest fuckup I made during this was that I actually had insane amounts of monthly money, and I bought bitcoin for the first time at $350 in 2014 back then. I had crazy amounts of extra money, I could have been buying 2-4BTC per month for at least 2 years, but I sold them after 2 weeks of holding. Literally started buying them within a month of landing this job, and $350 was almost the bottom exactly.


>> No.5396277

Why the fuck you disclosed your crypto winnings with anybody? You only do that with anonymous biztards here. Nowhere else.

>> No.5396286

stupid game made by a spic

>> No.5396289

>because the poor always become beggars
Yup. There is a reason why people stay poor all their life

>> No.5396302

It's a good time for you anon to weed out people who you don't need in your life.
This is the moment that you learn who is with you for you.
Be happy that you have this opportunity

>> No.5396314

Get with it dude. You have 800 grand and you live with your parents?

Here is how the world works. Ether you handle your own business and live your own life so you don't have to answer to anyone or you live off other people like you are doing now and they get a say.
Quit acting like a child and get your own place, do your own cooking and cleaning, pay your own bills and manage you own affairs instead of living with your mother. If you want to do what you want that's the price of admission.

>> No.5396332

my mother did this to me when i was too sick to work, i had to pay her monthly rent with the inheritance from my dead father

>> No.5396340

In the long term your loosing your current social circle will benefit you. Don't hang around parasites and don't give or lend anyone money.

>> No.5396344

over 150k with stocks and crypto combined, it's not alot but i've been spending some here and there to live. i also have a couple rental properties that they think are what is supporting me, but honestly the rental properties are shit return and im thinking of getting rid of them, i basically break even on them after taxes, utilities and other shit.

They keep telling me to get more rental properties and i just shrug it off, like ummhhmm ok. yeah. ill think about it.

They just don't understand how much money is to be made in financial markets i guess.

my dad was basically using me the whole time and trying to direct me where to go, but everything was retarded, telling me to buy certain rental propertys that don't add up when you put all the numbers together, some of which i would only make $50 a month on after all the bills are paid and he didn't understand why i would pass up a "good opportunity" lol

>> No.5396417

I haven't found an apartment/house yet so that is why I live at home still. I am 21 years old.

>> No.5396420

this is why you don’t tell normies about your crypto gains

>> No.5396425

Give your family $5,000 each, tell them that's all you will ever be able to give them.

Tell the other mooches to piss off.

Move to a new city.

>> No.5396445


Same here anon, I can’t imagine having such shitty parents. My own parents never made that much money, but they were huge risk takers, which is probably what kept us out of poverty. seeing me take risk and win makes them happy I think.

>> No.5396473

Fuck no, they have never given me anything. I was the last priority in this family.

>> No.5396505

Always hide your power level. I get screamed at on a regular basis by my insane uncle that I will "never find a job" and I how I will "never be able to care for myself".

I gave 100k in bitcoin I couldn't care less

>> No.5396507

>(i have paid $450 each month in rent)

This never happened you larping low effort faggot.

>> No.5396524

Yeah I don't get it. Me and my family, we're a fucking gang and will always look out for each other no matter what. I guess this is a mentality that only lower class people have. Rich folks don't need each other like that.

>> No.5396540

Should be have

>> No.5396553
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Leave the house & those people behind and don't give them a cent. Change cities or even better yet move to a different country.

>> No.5396599

"Money doesn't change you, just the people around you"
-some nigger quote in a movie made by jews to make the silverbacks seem human

>> No.5396601

Are you stupid? I've paid rent since I turned 18. It's the norm here that you leave or pay when finishing school.

>> No.5396642

At least white kids know their fathers. Get outta here with that white people FUD DeShawn

>> No.5396666


>> No.5396673

are you doing better now? sorry to hear that man, but try not to hold a grudge

>> No.5396675

»le edgy racist

>> No.5396704

Never willingly attach a number to evaluate your net worth to your natural person. Learn and move on. Family and friends stop where money starts. Remember that, friend...

>> No.5396740

i think it's a lot, the only thing that keeps me going is that you need to double 3k eight times to get 1 million

>> No.5396796

lmao, cause Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have 80% of their net worth doing nothing in their bank accounts right?
That girl knows nothing on money, yet had to bring you down a peg.

>> No.5396797

What % did you pay as taxes?

>> No.5396816

My parents are coming over today and I’ve already told my girlfriend not to mention a word about crypto.

My mom especially is deathly afraid of the unfamiliar. Particularly related to money. Now when I make lambo level money I’ll feel comfortable telling them. Otherwise, I’ll get lectures about how I’m wasting my money and all that until then.

Not saying shit about it.

>> No.5396818

Pay some syndicate to "kidnap" you, and give you new identity so you will never be seen by them again

>> No.5396860

Is this a written law? Does he have to obey what you say? Where in any where in the world say he has to do what is written here? Is there an official guide? Are you saying this because it's the right thing to do or are you projecting because this is what you want to do?
Also go fuck yourself
If I got the chance for my parents not to kick me out and have 800k, I'd make sure they were comfy

>> No.5396891

I bet they have way more in cash than that anon, so the girl might be right in that particular case

>> No.5396912

>made 800k in crypto
>still lives with parents

>> No.5396917

My normie fucking friend always pops up and asks "how's your bitcoin doing" everytime it crashes. Been doing it since I bought in at 2900 lmao.
Told him to buy on the crash to 3300, and he scoffed at me.
Normies, eh?

>> No.5396963

i pay 400 in rent every month to my dad and im a wagie rofl

>> No.5396974

Why did you tell him exact number?

Why not say: I’m making enough money in crypto to not have a real job for now.

>> No.5396986

>I have destroyed my connection to my family and friends.
You've merely gotten rid of the ballast

>> No.5396999

he literally can’t cash out

>> No.5397005

Niggers are subhuman

>> No.5397021

>ancap paradise
just a typical american family, the mother makes thanksgiving turkey under gunpoint from the dad who is forced to lend his car to his son because he's threatening to detonate a dirty bomb in the house. it's a scientifically established game theory equilibrium.

>> No.5397034

he said he pays taxes so whytf not

>> No.5397055
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>(i have paid my taxes)

>> No.5397071


Nice LARP.
But you know, it really makes you think, in a few years that legitimately could be you, my dear NEET friend. So why don't you drop those shitty altcoins, sell some useless stuff from your house and buy more BTC?
Even the Moon is not far enough for us right now.


>> No.5397113

give your family the money they ask for and leave anon
make sure to drive by them in your lambo when you have 10x your gains

>> No.5397122

>mom is browsing Yahoo
>"oh looks like bitcoin is down 25%"
>"what's bitcoin mom?"
>"it's like digital money...I don't really understand it"

You're doing it wrong op. Don't tell people shit.

>> No.5397150


>> No.5397163

Americans are like that. Subhuman mongrels who hate family and push their children to take loans to buy houses they can't maintain because Mr. Goldberg should take his fair share.
Worst clan of people on earth.

>> No.5397267

Yes thats how it goes.

I literally lost all my friends because I made miney with a startup.
I was dumb too and didnt understand for a long time why everybody started being a scumbag around the time I started being successful.

You already said it. You now need rich friends who are also risktakers and understand the grind.

>> No.5397302

>falling for the family, friends and gf jew
Your family is not a real family. You did this to yourself for not noticing they are just NPCs.

>> No.5397308

This right here OP.

If you want to brag and have to tell people just say your a stock investor and you're making some gains. Don't tell them the amount. That's where other people get greedy.

I mentioned it to my ex at the bar drunk last night. Next thing I know she's kissing me and grabbing asking to come to my family's Christmas party. Ignore trades when drinking anons.

>> No.5397339

You will regret

>> No.5397357
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Underrated post

>> No.5397476

Something else to keep in mind is not only will alot of the world be selfish douches and treat you differently, some trying to suddenly get "their share" of your wealth...

But blackmail is also definitely a real thing. It's not only about who you tell, but it's who they tell.

800k...people have done Horrendous things for far less. Don't put a target on your back, anon...

>> No.5397479

Only poorfags check in absolutes. Investors check in percentages.

>> No.5397496

that sucks tho, forces to make stupid decisions and and is not sustainable

>> No.5397500

Borderline LARP. Only 800K since 2012 is such poor performance.

>> No.5397573

Just say you are going to a trip cuz there's no cash out machine in your city, pack essentials and never get back, delete your phone and move to different city. And after few weeks send postcard from around the world (there's something like that like someone else sends your post from Asia or shit) that you are fine and they don't deserve You. Enjoy your moniez

>> No.5397597

He could have invested $1 for all you know

>> No.5397791

That's disgusting. Boomer moms are the worst

>> No.5397801

Wrong place to say this. But dude, money is literally evil. This is the kind of shit it brings to your life. Just buy a normal house, normal car, and just live comfy as fuck.

If you appear rich, that's all you will ever be to people, you stop being human, you just become a stepping stone.

>> No.5397906

Same, I work for myself and make in one day that my friends/girlfriend make in 2 weeks. Resent is real. feelsbad.jpg

>> No.5398001

>money is literally evil
fuck off commie

>> No.5398093

These aren't bot comments anon. How would bots solve captchas? This is an actual, real life Pajeet sweatily typing all this shit out in every thread.

>> No.5398121

Money is freedom. Fuck off. Why would I settle for less than my full potential because I'm afraid of what people think of me?

Fuck those guys. Go ahead and tell your 80 year old self the reason you didn't take risk and go for it was because "it's evil."

All that will be left is you and the mirror of tears. That, and a dream that you allowed to die.

Own your fucking life. There's no excuse not to get the most out of life, not only in financial situations, but in your career, relationships, experiences, everything.

If you immediately think "that's just cheesy bullshit"...you've already lost. Your pessimistic attitude is holding you back and keeping your mind closed. Until that is fixed, you'll never be truly happy.

>> No.5398327

>What the fuck is this bullshit, /biz/?

Unless you spend decades working for it and are old EVERYONE will think your money isn't yours. Even then you'll be pestered.

TELL BASICALLY NO ONE your crypto holdings. I have $22 MM in crypto.

I've told like two people my portfolio. Good friends but not people I see on a daily basis. One was when I was drunk. I'd say it went relatively well, but keep in mind these guys were lawyers who went to a top 10 school with me. $20MM is a lot to them still, but it's not nearly as alienating showing someone making $200k now with the potential to make $1-10MM a year if they make partner and serve people worth as much as me if not many times more.

If you make it

1. Forget about normie wage-cucks.

2. Friend elites. Doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers, investors, entrepreneurs, fund managers, perhaps an influential writer, political types and grad students with intellectual pedigrees. Some of these people will have money, some of them won't. But those that do will have learned to be respectable about it, and all will at least be understanding of having a significant amount of money.

3. Avoid rich assholes. These people make themselves entirely about money. They buy the fanciest shit just to try and impress other rich assholes. Stereotypical Las Vegas Guido types. Rich Kids of Instagram types.

>> No.5398420

Bots can already solve google capchas with decent accuracy. And there is always the 4chan pass.

>> No.5398469

pay up and don't be a fucking freeloader fuckface

>> No.5398473


Wtf!!!! 20MM show proofs

>> No.5398496

if you were my friend my greed would take the form of questions and investing advice. like that parable about teaching a man to fish.

your friends and family are begging you for fish instead of asking for your advice on fishing, which you would likely gladly give.

greed isn't their only problem, they're also short sighted

>> No.5398505

Seriously never tell anyone you've won the lottery or have crypto.

>> No.5398617

Your senpai is white trash a.f. senpai. Odds are you also white trash. Move as far away as you can and never look back.

>> No.5398650

If not larp ditch all of these fuckers and cut any kind of contact. You deserve better.

>> No.5398770

800k isnt enough to really help your friends and family out but at least help your parents

>> No.5398814

>No family
>No money
shut up op

>> No.5398834

>caring about a roasties opinion of money
Senpai pls

>> No.5398862

Yuri or gtfo

>> No.5398863

Quit bitching, try starting as a really professional drug dealer and throwing gains into cryptos for years. My family knows all of this, they just gave up resenting me because I made it too easy. My advice, just be humble and give them so much ammo that it's a dead horse to even bring it up. That's worked out fantastically for me, just be honest and don't project any insecurity of your own about what you're doing. They create a world that is incompatible with your values, you refuse to die and they refuse to kill you, so the burden of acceptance is now theirs alone and you just have to assuage them by being warm and polite.

>> No.5398873

holy shit why do you hang around with such awful people? You have almost a million dollars.


>> No.5398920

>cash out

pick one

>> No.5398959

Man you guys have toxic social circles. I'm at $600K CAD and it's been great.

My parents are super supportive. They're always worried that I'll lose it all but they just don't know any better. They've never asked me for money. Dad actually texts me crypto updates to help me trade (though he's always late). He actually helps me with ideas to pay as little taxes as possible (when I eventually cash out), etc. Any concerns they brought up have been in good faith.

My friends know, too, and literally nothing has changed. They wish to have that kind of money, sure, but the only thing that's changed is they got into crypto themselves and are always curious to hear my advice. They've been nothing but supportive and I've actually made even more money from ideas I've bounced around with them. We're all just trying to "make it" by the time we graduate and it's amazing.

Idk man, I just don't relate to many of the experiences you guys bring up at all. You guys are surrounded by shitty people.

>> No.5398963

Holy fuck you are the worst at burning. Leave the phone and SIM in a dumpster, no postcards.

>> No.5399002

Buy a condo, get one "fun" (off-road or touge monster) and one DD, go have a shopping spree at your closest Ikea, buy some figures and a build a good rig. All of this can happen for around 300k if you live somewhere cheap like Ohio. Congrats, now you can retire, maybe become a streamer or some shit if you wanna shell out another 10k for good equipment + clothes and more furnishings.

>> No.5399033
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>800k in profit
>still lives at home

>> No.5399138

>800k in virtual coins

>> No.5399153

Here's your (you), attention starved homo

>> No.5399205

>t. cuck

>> No.5399213


>> No.5399328

Hey man, you are your own person, and shouldn't let your old man's expectations dictate your life. That being sad, keep a good relationship with the old guy. You will regret it if you won't.

>t. lost parents 2 years ago

>> No.5399430
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Pretty much this.
I pay $400 for a room also, parents don't cook, fridge and pantry full of shit processed food, no room for my stuff and they toss it constantly.
Constantly bitches about tossing out the 4 bins I have in the basement to "get rid of that crap (everything from my childhood). Meanwhile in excess of 1000 sq feet are just home decorations to "look good for the neighborhood".
Loaned them $75k (saved like a fiend when I got my first job and it paid shit)during the financial crisis as the idiot was "creative with taxes" and now owed a ton to the IRS on their business. Took 5+ years to pay it back during which they would brag how well their stocks and 401k were doing, and they payed for one of my sisters weddings + receptions (at a nice shore estate). Took a huge effort to get it back.
Same sister, they now babysit and feed her kids starting from 4 months of age and on every weekday and some weekends for free.

Never really had anything nice to say to me in my life that wasn't some backhanded comment, and would always complain something about me in the same breath.

I wouldn't piss on them to put em out, give them even a dollar loan for cancer treatment anymore.
They are my siblings problems when they get older.

They also constantly use the old "Blood is thicker than water" shit about anything shitty they do...

>> No.5399480
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>not just saying you made money in the stock market /forex or some other normie bullshit.

>> No.5399666

I got one of them to reply yesterday, so it's a real pajeet I think

>> No.5400001

my dad literally told me to pay him 500 dollars a month in rent, now that the school semester started and I came back home for it. Greedy senpaitachi are real as fuck. I decided to live out of my car because fuck em.

>> No.5400049

Are you quiet/aspergers/antisocial?

>> No.5400057

When I showed my mom my gains and she realized I had 20x her savings I needed to start paying rent.

>> No.5400059

Mr. Bond <3

>> No.5400129
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I told both my parents about my gains.
>Wow, good job Anon! I knew you could do it!

Why does it seem that everyone else's family is made up of psychopaths?

>> No.5400158

My parents support me, and the only friend I talked to about this is joining me so we can buy cryptos the both of us, and who knows maybe even manipulate the market if we become big enough.

>> No.5400182

I want to make it just so I can see how people treat me.

>> No.5400221

>Why does it seem that everyone else's family is made up of psychopaths?
Because you're on 4chan. Why would a normal person be attracted to a website where there are no persistent identities, everyone hates everyone else, and there is a constant overwhelming feeling of disgust and alienation?

Go to Reddit. They have amazing families. It's frowned upon to talk about bad families there.

>> No.5400224

Well, they are gonna tell the police You are missing and they will look for you internationally. Why would you want that, simple postcard you don't care about them will save you lot of trouble

>> No.5400228

Yes it is written law. BB King even wrote a song about it.


>> No.5400284

reddit is just 4chan with usernames

>> No.5400287

The only thing women know about money is how to spend it all on depreciating crap. Since it isn't in your bank account, it isn't "real" to her since she can't immediately spend it.

>> No.5400351

>and they will look for you internationally.
And then what? The police somehow find you, you're pulled aside and asked if you're okay for 5 minutes, and then you're left alone?


>> No.5400358
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I don't get how this is a problem. You have $800k... cash out $400k and buy a house. You can literally buy a nice enough house for you, your future wife, and like 3 kids. You don't need to rely on your parents for their house. You still have $400k to invest in more safe stocks or some shit or just put that back into crypto.

Why are you still living with your parents?
>is this what you have been doing instead of getting a job?
You've literally made more money than your dad has probably ever made in his life.

Do your parents know all this shit is legal? What the fuck.

>> No.5400360

Okay guys. Just spoke with my parents about me not liking how they are right now.
The responded, and I quote: "You've become such a stuck-up moron now when you have all this money. You have until new year's eve to move out, and I want you to stay at a hotel during christmas"
I told her that she was crazy because I'm not allowed to celebrate christmas with MY family.
She responded that I had "changed" and become greedy.

I wish I was making this up.
My family is leaving me because they feel the right to get half my stack. Jesus christ, I guess family isn't everything.

>> No.5400366

Kick your friends to the curb.
Unironically go to /r/financialindependence and read about how telling people that you have money turns out, and when, why and how to tell

>> No.5400406

just jokingly tell them to fuck off

>> No.5400409

I got my uncle involved . told him to go 50% Ripple 25% REQ 25% ICO

>> No.5400442

That is a 4cahn stereotype you've somehow fallen for, in spite of being here. The vast majority of posts are just general harmless bants and fresh unfiltered ideas. Persistent identity is ego-BS, the ideas are what matters.

>> No.5400461

Just know you're not entitled to love them regardless of what they do just because they're family...

You CAN cut ties with them. They are selfish and trying to guilt you into submission. Don't fall for it. Live your life and don't ever look back.

>> No.5400497

I really hope this is just a LARP. I'd manipulate and guilt the fuck out of my parents if I were you. Cut them out of your life anon, they're not worth it. Go up to your mom and tell her word for word that "You're kicking your own son out of this family because he has money now, I haven't changed at all, everyone else around me has. You're leaving me all alone because I don't want to give you money" or some shit like that. Honestly, if you really want to fuck with them. Give your family like $10k... not to any singular person, just your family. Watch them fight over it and just abandon ship anon.

You can literally buy a house with no mortgage and I reckon the extra $400k if you invest it correctly will give you a comfy life. You legit don't have to work at all anon. You're in a really good place right now, fuck your family.

>> No.5400524

you fucked up man. move far away and never look back.

>> No.5400546

One of you will do better than the other and you will fall out.

>> No.5400548

Leave, and go no contact for at least a year. Sorry but your family is fucktarded

>> No.5400565

That's fucked up , I told my mom about crypto and she gave me some of her money to invest to it too. So I'll give her a fair share but half ? Fuck off

>> No.5400605

lol, it is way above the average net worth of 45-60 year olds just about anywhere in the world except for maybe Monaco, Switzeland and Luxembourg

>> No.5400610

Wheeeew laddie

You better gtfo and move away. Make sure to make a couple million and let them know how much you have now and that they arent getting any of it.

>> No.5400653
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>> No.5400654
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>That is a 4cahn stereotype you've somehow fallen for, in spite of being here.

>Persistent identity is ego-BS, the ideas are what matters.
You admit this, but you don't comprehend that exactly that quality attracts damaged people to this place?

I grew up in a family where I was always discriminated against and disregarded because of my place in the family. I could give travel directions and be told to fuck off simply because I gave them, and then my sister could give the exact same directions and be praised. A day couldn't go by without me being screamed at for daring to have opinions.

I love this place and I can't leave because of it's ephemeral quality. I can't stand places like Reddit or Facebook because there's always some fuck waiting to derail things into a meaningless argument about me having different opinions about a different topic 3 years ago.

I can't even talk about this shit anywhere else because I always get accused of "making things all about me" and "being an attention whore".

This place is full of people who have terrible families. If you deny that I'm afraid there's a place you need to go back to.

>> No.5400671

This is not too bad. At least you didn't marry your gf. She would take all your gainz.

>the woman you marry i not the woman who divorce you.

>> No.5400699

funny story buddy

>> No.5400711

you started crypto as a 16y old? Nice anon, that is impressive

>> No.5400788

We all see what we want.

>> No.5400816

Asian famiry here. I invested $15k of my money last year at $300 and asked my parents to give me $10k to invest in January when it dipped from $1000 to $800 or so. I now have over a million and they haven't even asked for their portion of the money they just have complete trust I'll provide whatever they need in old age.

>> No.5400898

Not really, he barely made it. It's all larp here. You must be a brainlet to believe anything here without proof. Sure you can subtly brag but i don't believe any of these larping, brainlet faggots.

>> No.5400950

This board is fucking embarrassing. So many youngsters.

>> No.5400965

will you, anon? i hope i will be able to provide for my family (sisters, mum, and all of my sister's children)

>> No.5400981

Also have millions, albiet from another industry. My crypto portfolio is getting close to breaking 7 digits though. This is great advice.

If you're gonna show off anything, show off your lifestyle, not your shit. Shit doesn't matter all that much.

>> No.5401026

Barely made it?
I don't know anyone else in my age, among my social circle, that is as rich as I am.
I'm set for another 20-30 years.

>> No.5401043

They are fucking asian. Not fucking whites. Asians live off of rice.

>> No.5401046

fuck all of em, move somewhere else they are all leeches

>> No.5401076
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>tfw made my first serious gains in crypto
>parents are happy for me, they give me 4K euro (Eurofag here) to invest for them
>I get to take 10% of the profits

They won't hate me if I make them rich too

>> No.5401077

when i told my parents i was a millionaire (not from crypto) they cried and hugged me

>> No.5401086

Dude you need friends that are as wealthy or even richer than you. And cut ties to your family they seem like heavy bags with no future.

>> No.5401160

OP, you really must tell them to fuck off for now. Go buy some type of property and a nice car. If they actually love you, they'll come back and be proud of what you've accomplished.

>> No.5401193

Yeah of course for my parents. My sister and her children are her husband's responsibility tho.

>> No.5401203

I did something similar. Then it dawned on me that it would all go away if I killed them all. They call me "unusually ruthless anon" in prison now. "Ruthless" because I killed them with dads electric hedge trimmer, "unusually Ruthless because I recharged it twice before I was done.

It's literally that easy to make them stop.

>> No.5401317
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Hello OP

Try to learn from your mistakes. Nobody likes a rich trader. Make a company, get respects.

>> No.5401396
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>tell friends about my gains
>they get butthurt because they're wagecucks still stuck in the system
>constantly talk about how good it feels to be rich and rub it really in

>> No.5401437

dont worry man. I wish I had started trading cryptos sooner so that I could have more gains. I beg you tell your family and friends to fuck off and gloat about your cash because in the end YOU are the motherfucker that earned that shit. I would love to be you no lie because despite having most/all of your relationships fucked up, you have moneys

>> No.5401581

Elisha Cuthbert

>> No.5401667
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>tfw my dad is a commie, registred member of a communist party
>tfw he hates rich people
>tfw he hates japs
>tfw can't wait to tell him about my crypto gains once I buy my one way ticket to Japan

>> No.5401693 [DELETED] 
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>telling normies about crypto gains
You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?

>> No.5401695

Nuclear-roman-mediterranean model of family is one of the best out there, desu

>> No.5401984

>buying a 400k house with half your assets
fuckking waste of money. Anon is right to keep a majority of his assets making money. Get some cheap rent in fucking vegas or even cheaper if you go international.

"Muh house is an asset" meme is just boomer propaganda. It's only an asset if you're renting it or flipping it immediately.

>> No.5402123

God that sounds nice. embrace it anon

>> No.5402217

my dad invested a shit ton, and I told him to pull out near 20k. he got out at 19.6

He made over 70 grand. he bought the dip and made another 30.

I'm unemployed, i have a 1000 dollar btc portfolio, and after all of this he is telling me he will charge me rent on the 1st of January. I fucking hate him honestly.

>> No.5402323

You can't rent or flip a house you don't own, don't make renters and rent insurance companies rich.

>> No.5402375

You shouldn't, your father is doing the right thing even though it sucks for you. Welcome to the real world anon, at the very least he won't bilk you.

>> No.5402388

thats the point, so don't own a house if you're not gonna rent or flip it.

>> No.5402400
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>> No.5402442

>telling people about your earnings
Hahahahahahahahahhahaha. How insecure are you?

>> No.5402462

well I'm out. I'd rather live in my car than pay him back whatever christmas cash I could invest in crypto. I'm starting school in January using my GI bill so I'll just shower at the gym and make made money gains this next year

>> No.5402478

This desu senpai

>> No.5402524

so true. Women are depreciating assets. Don't buy in to them until you're 35 with massive wealth and you're shopping for an 18 year old polish blonde who wears knee socks

>> No.5402557

News flash: most people are small, jealous, and worship money. Yes even family. Expect false allegations from ex girlfriends and even girls you've never met.

Since the cats out of the bag, the only thing to do is say you lost it all. Rent a house and spend time there for your "job" while you research places at least 1000 miles away. Then buy a house, live in it, say you are wagecucking in Nebraska, leave and go full ghost.

>> No.5403151

Read about the family of almost any sports star in the US.


>> No.5403221

Yeah the main thing is never tell your family the numbers.

>buy and sell eth
>make nice profit
>put profit into BTC then into altcoins
>Got into NEO around $2
>cash out
>buy a sweet apartment in the centre of the city
>already appreciated 20%
>parents think I am a haxor or drug dealer

>> No.5403272


Sounds like you do owe your mum dad and sister at least 10k each you neet fuck

>> No.5403297

>having poor family and friends

>> No.5403305

Can you explain to me how buying a house isn't worth it? Why would I rent an apartment if I can have my own property?

>> No.5403327
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I really aren't going to bother signing my shit again but here's something. I've been posting since I had idk $4MM $5MM a couple months ago

>> No.5403361

always buy new. used always seems fine until you find out how extensive the damage is

>> No.5403377

Jesus anyone else family is not this cruel.

My mother and father would their ass for me, they would literally die for me.

They always motivate me to go study abroad or move there cuz if it goes bad I always have a home to return.

Is this just Amerimuts or? Here where I live, family is like N1.

>> No.5403389

Starting money?

>> No.5403396

Stop fucking LARPing

>> No.5403404

Yeah, but it will change once you tell them about how much wealthier you are compared to them.
It's human nature to be greedy.

>> No.5403420
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>american families

>> No.5403475

>tell my Mom that they should have listened about cryptos instead of calling them a scam
>tell her I'll give them one more "buy ada"
>they don't
>currently between 4x and 5x after a few weeks.

Only 2 guys have listened. One got into the RISE ICO with me and made 20+ grand and the other bought ada and made 5x. People act like I'm trying to scam them.

>> No.5403525


No it wont. But even if I get rich I will give some shit to my parents, they deserve it. They went through lot of shit to put me out there in world.

If u dont do that you are no better than a animal, hell even some animals take care of their family.

>> No.5403547

Cost of capital, cost of ownership, uncertainty of living in one place among other things.

Long term, US real estate has yielded around 2% beyond inflation. So maybe if you get into a special market you'll do better or during an upswing, but that's just guessing.

Then you're giving up all those investment returns for 2% in adjusted gains. Consider two situations. Situation 1- you buy property for $X. Situation 2- you take those $X and invest, spending off this money for rent. If your investment returns are decent, your monthly earnings will pay for your rent forever and then some. If you're in crypto returns are fucking nuts- had I bought a house for $500k this time last year I'd be down $10MM

>> No.5403554

Latinamerica or what?

I honestly feel bad sometimes because I feel my family loves me more than I love them

>> No.5403583

Around $200k I think. Average basis was probably $300/BTC. Sold 70% of my BTC for Bitcoin Cash when Segwit2x failed

>> No.5403612


If this is not a troll your family and friends sound cancerous as fuck. Do you come from a poor family? That is the only explanation I can have for everyone around you to act like this.

I would suggest getting away from that shit.

>> No.5403615

"Bawww anyone who's done so well must not be real!"

>> No.5403642

I'm doing this too. I owe my parents a lot just for raising me.

>> No.5403646

This is what "family" is like in america.

I need to get the fuck off this continent

>> No.5403673

My parents are just happy that I am doing good for myself.

When I do good they are doing good and vise versa. Isnt that how families are supposed to work?

>> No.5403697

>white people kick their kids out when they reach 18
*american people
They're the only ones with this weird fetish for kicking out their children the second they turn 18, regardless of their actual potential to make it

>> No.5403802

>Cowboyconservatives keep religion ,finances, and sex to your wife or husband only
This. To paraphrase my grandfather, who was an actual, honest to God cowboy: "You never ask a man about the size of his herd. That way they never have a reason to resent you or feel that they're better than you."

>> No.5403812

>. I have destroyed my connection to my family and friends.

You don't get to pick your family. My family never really cared for me, or my opinions. I never really had money to invest in crypto. Unfortunately. Begged my old man to drop a few coins in btc back when it was 400, then 800, then 1200, then 2000 - he just called me a retard and that I failed my studies (studying Business Economics and IT, and acing it)

I started reinvesting a week ago. But I know I missed most of the mooning. I'm at a point now where it's about 50/50 I either x4 or 0.5 my 2k investment in about half a year. So in the end all I'll get from it is, a high end computer? I don't know. Was always poor anyway.

>> No.5403823


You're a fucking moron, we keep telling you fags DON'T TALK TO NORMIES ABOUT CRYPTO OR YOUR GAINS period.
This should be like the 1st rule /biz/ like of 4chan/fight club.

>> No.5403829

Yes. Functional families.

>> No.5403842

>you have been living here for free
>i have paid $450 each month in rent

Have you ever simply pointed this out to her?
If so, how did she respond?

>> No.5403858


castrate them

>> No.5403874

all these people giving the larper attention on christmas so he doesn't neck himself

so kind 4chan

>> No.5403892

Yeah I learned its a bad idea to tell anyone. They tell me to pull out its gonna crash but,they think its the stock market. They don't understand it all. Its why we come here and keep shilling the same coins,to each other I,guess

>> No.5403901

>I am forced to find new - rich - friends that I can fit in with.
you are nouveau rich. that's who you need. and enjoy it with them for the time it lasts

>> No.5403924


go full robber baron and ruin them financially by making them buy 3 tons of link then getting shorted by Ivan adn Pajeet

>> No.5403931

underrated post

>> No.5403949

no shit, you are like top 2% (in the US) probably top 1% anywhere else

>> No.5403951

Mo money mo problems

>> No.5404030

>Buy house in another state and move out
>cut all contact with your parents and sister
>get plastic surgery
>get hotter girlfriend
>buy lambo
This is what you should be doing

>> No.5404058

damn, your shift into BCH really paid off

>> No.5404118

And send postcard with a pink wojack

>> No.5404194

This will teach and hurt them

>> No.5404316

No don't hang out with new money that's exactly not what he needs. Find old money who haven't rotted through and learn to be tasteful and quiet with your money

>> No.5404323

Feels good to be in a financially sound family with loving parents who genuinely want me to make it. They have let me live with them while I struggled through life and have financed my education. My mom maxes out her 401k every year and they have plenty for retirement. When I started working they helped me set up a Roth IRA.

All the inheritance they would rightfully be she has skipped them completely and went straight to me and my sister, by their own decision. Around a quarter million dollars and I have more on the way.

The only thing my parents would disapprove of is if I didn't give my 10% to the church.

Money brings out people's true character. If I made $100M on crypto my parents would be overjoyed for me. I have spoken to people who immediately sound defensive and bitter when they hear about crypto. Those are the people who LOVED yesterday's crash. They want crypto to fail because they don't want you to win. They can't stand to bust their ass for a check while you make money on something they can't even understand.

You find out who your friends are.

>> No.5404449
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>your mistake is that you told people specifically how much money you have made. OP you should have just said your investments in crypto have been doing well and left it at that.

Old school big traders didn't say shit, if somebody asked them about stocks they'd smile and say things were adequate, they could be losing millions and not a peep, making millions the same. Now everybody has to splurge their guts the first chance they get. And beg for opinions all fucking day, without end.

>> No.5404489


>> No.5404501

I disagree with this completely. If they turn against you due to your success, or if they rejoice in your failure, then they are not people you need in your life. It's a painful process.

>> No.5404515

that sounds so nice. I wish I had an environment like that.

Maybe one day i can make an environment like that, but i doubt it.

>> No.5404643

Lmao what kind of shit bag family is jealous instead of proud
Is this really what happens in America?

And op you fag, give your parents some money for their mortgage
Idgaf if you helped each month, they are still your parents and raised your ass
and give your sister a couple grand.. she's your sister

You talk about greedy yet you're too jewish to share
Get fucked OP

>> No.5404690
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"real world" - you disgust me.

>> No.5404776

Hi dad

>> No.5404894

Not really. About 10% of households are millionaire households in the US. Around $8MM-12MM puts you in the 1%


>I don't know anyone else in my age, among my social circle, that is as rich as I am.

That's because you're a prole, not that you're wildly successful. I bet you didn't go to a top 10 school. You probably live in a place that doesn't matter.My friends are mostly successful doctors, lawyers, consultants, business guys and bankers now. One of my fraternity bros sold a patent his senior year for $20MM. No, not everyone is rolling in money. Plenty of people are still paying off loans even if they're making $200k+ a year. But they at least are familiar with it that $800k isn't remarkable.

$800k isn't that much money to people who matter or shit that matters. Most private banking won't even take you with less than $10MM. Most hedge funds won't look at you with less than $30MM. $800k will buy you a broom closet in SF or NYC (Places That Matter). You aren't poor, but you're not some anomaly that doesn't exist. There are enormous communities of millions of people better off than you.

>> No.5404922


>> No.5404943

what is MM?

>> No.5404977

>About 10% of households are millionaire households in the US.
The average American household doesn't not even have savings you mong.

>> No.5405011

>doesn't not

>> No.5405040

>told my friends and family
>they're happy and just ask for crypto tips and leave it at that
>zero have asked for money

Feels good to have a supportive network.

>> No.5405045

I meant by his age

>> No.5405046

Hey son remembered that time I caught you sticking Legos up your ass and didn't tell your mum? Yeah, that's gonna cost you

>> No.5405049

Yeah there's this thing called rampant wealth inequality. Look it up sometime. Literally 50% of Americans make less than 30k yet 10% are millionaires. This fucking economy is a massive pyramid

>> No.5405050

honestly if you have more money than your mom and you live off her there is literally nothing wrong with you paying a rent (if the asked rent price is reasonable and normal)

>> No.5405074

Nice try IRS.

>> No.5405105

multimillion, its 4 times a million so 10MM is 40million actually

>> No.5405176

>Most private banking won't even take you with less than $10MM
not really true, 1M will get you private banking in most banks. Only some of the biggest would require 10MM
>SF or NYC (Places That Matter).
Matter only to people living in SF or NYC
the rest of the world doesn't give a shit

>> No.5405198

In case this is not a larp (which it most likely is), here's an advice: You're looking at this wrong. You feel that you've lost family/friends over it. Look at it this way: You've finally found out who they really are - they're anchors. You're free now. Move out and be happy.

>> No.5405201

A thousand thousands

>> No.5405276
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10 lakh

>> No.5405282
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I can relate to all this so much.

>> No.5405318

It's not just about the other people, it's about yourself. Don't put pressure on yourself by even creating that self awareness loop of thinking what others are going to think.
Opinions - Some of the old school guys would literally run if they saw some notorious windbag coming down the street, they didn't want to hear anything that would affect their own judgement. This is most important when the shit really hits the fan, not many can think clearly then.

>> No.5405406


>Now everybody has to splurge their guts the first chance they get. And beg for opinions all fucking day, without end.

yeah thats how starved people are for real social interaction.

>> No.5405709


Never reveal your power level. Your family only see you as a disposable asset. Your Dad is a faggot who is mad that he worked for decades whereas you were born in time for matrix money. You symbolize a fantasy life which he never realized. Your Mom is a greedy cunt who has branded you a fucking criminal. Your sister is a greedy cunt who wants 7 grand for lending you stuff years ago. Your friends are beggars and hangers-on. You have a gf (big mistake), and her clan wants your money too.

This was the best thing that could ever happen to you. As soon as they knew, they showed you their true selves. Not only are you rich, but you know who to excise from your life now.

Ethical treatment is earned, not mandatory. You give what you get.

>> No.5405906


>I don't believe Boomers are greedy even though they sold off their kids for gibs before they were even born

wew, lad....my mom stole my identity and racked up thousands in debt, my Dad stole $8k
that I was gonna use for school so he could buy a used truck and leave, etc ad nauseum.

My first week at my first job, I found a $50 bill on the floor. I turned it in at the service desk. One month later, they tell me no one claimed it, so it's mine. I fucked up and told my mom about it. She stole it from me (this was after I'd moved out btw) and blew it on cigarettes.

If you think most families are not inherently abusive and parasitic, you're dead wrong. Stories like OP and mine are the rule, not the exception.

>> No.5406053

Wow I'm glad I don't have a bastard hedonistic mother. My mom would never ask me for money, she constantly tells me it's mine and nobody is allowed to tell me what to do with it, let alone give it to them.

Unlike my retard father who his reaction was a happy chuckle that if I ever get rich I'd give him 100k. But he isn't such a bastard to outright ask me for money and deride me like he's a stereotypical cartoon character.

The only reason I'd instantly give 300k to my mother out of my own voalition is because that's what she was originally suppose to have before her ingrate criminal brother and her mother stole it and wasted it, ruining her life forever.
I have another person in mind I'd financially support, but I'd first extensively talk to her to know exactly who she is before I even tell her what I want to do.
I am so sorry for her, I could have freed her in 2014 if I had simply learned about bitcoin early on. Maybe I can still save her. I love intellectuals with lost potential, it drives me insane with pity, but I know there's millions of the exact same people with the exact same problem so I need to choose wisely.

Please Anon tell me exactly how you parents are. I am fully aware that there are 1 dimensional human beings in the world and drives me insane. I'd happily kill all of them, they are an impossibility to the human consciousness.
>But they're family
No, there's social loving family like the irish and then there's rival families, full of hypocritical bullshit like the gipsy greeks, italians, spanish, filthy americans.

>> No.5406060

Yeah the fuck, that sounds like horrible parents

>> No.5406123

Does everybody on /biz come from broken homes.

>> No.5406595
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>get interested in bitcoin in 2012
>dang this website wants so much information from me to buy a handful of bitcoins wow this is hard oh well this is just dumb fake money anyways
>today I live with my parents, unemployed, and have $350 in my bank account
>read this thread