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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 598x446, ECONOMIC EXPERTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54022520 No.54022520 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54022555

She also vehemently fought anyone asking about maybe cutting gibs a little bit to save the gib programs long term

>> No.54022562

just look at all that diversity!
it's our strength guys!

>> No.54022564 [DELETED] 

These black women must have passed calculus and hard math to get into this positions and understand finance really well. I am going to trust them over buying cryptographic currency to ensure my money is safe.

Also why not,


>> No.54022573 [DELETED] 

>3 sheboons of the niggerpocalypse

>> No.54022579

this is like watching a plane crashing in slow motion, anon

>> No.54022590
File: 221 KB, 2560x1302, 38ECAA7D-4CB8-4955-945F-73ABA6568AC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark roast, light roast, medium roast

>> No.54022591 [DELETED] 


>> No.54022592
File: 1.63 MB, 540x540, 1675267196221404.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed will print in the event of a disaster, it's a nothingburger.

>> No.54022597

>they say trust is the backbone of every good economy

>> No.54022603

Not memeing, but what was her reasoning?

>> No.54022606 [DELETED] 

I just went to get food at the grocery store. Every single nigger in the store, and there were lots because I live in the ghetto, had a diffferent look in their eyes today. Somehow they instinctively know they're going to be publicly made visibly responsible for the downfall of America. It's fucking hilarious. ACCELERATE. Absolute mutt catastrophe is warranted.

>> No.54022608

>I like getting fucked up the ass, as long as the cock is white
Cuck mentality.

>> No.54022626


>> No.54022631
File: 24 KB, 402x517, 1664208736401258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you ever met a competent black woman? Even black men hate them.

>> No.54022635


>> No.54022651

Almost every black woman Ive known is extremely anti-white and very aggressive

>> No.54022652

talking about plane, you what would really help as a good diversion right now? A good ol' war on terror

>> No.54022660

More money for Ukraine!

>> No.54022670

Why are mutt women speaking to us

>> No.54022679

>social security going to dry up within the next decade
>uhhh lets send 50 billion to Ukraine

>> No.54022689

How about a good old war on russia that includes European nato nations and genocides as many white christians as possible? That might get us out of this mess, eh?

>> No.54022696 [DELETED] 


>> No.54022702

there is no fucking way I am clicking that link buddy. Post an odyssee link please.

>> No.54022719

>The White House
What should we rename it?

>> No.54022728

Guys I've been looking forward to this day but I'm scared

>> No.54022733

Uncle Remus' Rib Shack

>> No.54022734

>these are the people in charge
Are we on 4channel the only ones who can see how silly and insane this is?

>> No.54022739
File: 333 KB, 490x1280, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true. it's because they can't have us (white men). Makes them violent. Like babboons denied toys in the zoo.

>> No.54022751 [DELETED] 


>> No.54022757

why? we warned them long enough. They wanted it to happen. Women should have never been allowed to vote in the first place. Just keep that in mind whe you will be out of the bunker

>> No.54022762

Putin could stop the invasion at any time. NATO is the only reason Russia hasn't invaded Poland or other countries, killing more whites. You /pol/ tards are so fucking brain dead. Fuck Putin and fuck Russia and fuck you. The US spend 6% of it's defense budget giving weapons to Ukraine to destroy the army of a geo political rival. It was a great investment and I'm glad my tax dollars are going there to put little Putin in his place.

>> No.54022769

na, normies see this too but they're inculcated to react badly if you bring it up. they'll only admit they actively let all this happen at gunpoint in the very end when a nigger is home invading them because niggers are survivers and whites aren't.

>> No.54022789

Yeah, I just wired all my funds out of commercial banks into my credit union. Bail in's are coming.

>> No.54022796

>I posted the funny celebrity commercial
Kill yourself bagelkike.

>> No.54022800

I hope ukraine and you lose, kike cia officer.

>> No.54022806

> banks are failing and you might not be able to get your money back because the government is broke from sending trillions to ukraine

You will be eating out of a dumpster after the FDIC gets liquidated and still be supporting Jewkraine

>> No.54022823

Maybe jews are right about goyim.

>> No.54022832

Hail Russia

>> No.54022923

Won't happen, Putin will lose and you will cry. I know you look up to him, but his pathetic army is getting destroyed. NATO is saving white lives you Russian piece of shit. Hopefully you get sent to the front lines to die for Putin, so this board doesn't have to put up with your retarded ramblings.

Government isn't sending trillions to Ukraine, you absolute fucking retard. Do you enjoy sitting on Vlad's dick as you type out these responses? Do you clench your ass to try and get him to cum quickly so he leaves and you can spew your retarded shit in piece?

>> No.54022944

this is some high level countertrolling vladimir

>> No.54022958
File: 54 KB, 700x639, d34b4ae7fad907d13e58c7a5c8dcb15491effc66cb14bd0c633a6e2913b34a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could end the war tomorrow.
All you have to do is let me kill a few globalists at the WEF, disband NATO, and let the retarded Russians have their warm water port. But western leaders have too big a dildo up their ass to realize it takes two to tango and that the Russians see this war as a defensive one despite being the aggressor. You will read that last line and go full retard because you are not capable of intelligent thought and reason and will cry about how its all evil Putins fault just like your leaders, instead of realizing the leadership of both sides are retarded and should be killed.

Short of killing a lot of western rulers, the war will go on until they run out of new toys and goys to play with even if Putin stroked out first thing tomorrow morning and installed a literal CIA puppet to replace him. There is too much money to be made and war is good for business.

>> No.54023023

>despite being the aggressor
Oh good point it was NATO that invaded Russia. Jesus Christ you must use an iron lung when you type because you are too much of a fucking brain rotted alcoholic son of Vlad piece of shit to focus on typing and breathing at the same time.


>> No.54023031

Yeah ditto. I’ve met a couple that I’ve really liked. But for the most part…ugh.

>> No.54023063

keep dreaming. niggers wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for welfare.

>> No.54023066
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1678485930923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks

>> No.54023082

godly-levels of unholy based. many wasted digits were wasted when this post deserved all of them.

>> No.54023081

They are doing this on purpose. They want us to hate niggers. As the financial system collapses and we are too consumed with curb stomping niggers and launching niggers into the sun and roundhousing and all that, the bankers will slip out un noticed. Unfortunately this cannot be avoided.

>> No.54023084

Ok I did go full retard and read your post wrong

>> No.54023091

i've met some very competent black women ngl

>> No.54023093

This, if not for sportsball, welfare, medicaid and affirmative action niggers wouldn't even exist in the west

>> No.54023117

Yes. It was NATO that decided to enter Russia’s geopolitical sphere. Glad you finally understand.

>> No.54023120
File: 192 KB, 973x1024, BB1725AD-E52D-4E9F-AB60-C7DB34FAAB21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. This is now a pro Russia thread. Fuck off zogbots.

>> No.54023131

I think its worse than that. They are degrading whites with this. They are not only shifting blame, they are flat out mocking the white christian patriarchy that this nation was founded on. We are being trolled by very satanic international click

>> No.54023150

Nah, you’re just a drooling midwit.

>> No.54023167

>a bunch of happy haird brown government women are going to tell me about finance

Sometimes I’m amazed this clown show hasn’t collapsed already

>> No.54023186

It is it’s just a slow controlled collapse.

>> No.54023198


>> No.54023209

He's talking about pornography retard.

>> No.54023291
File: 17 KB, 474x266, THE_DON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this lil nigga liek you wouldn't believe.


>> No.54023313

No it wasn't, Russia doesn't have a political sphere that controls what other countries can do. Any European country that wants to join NATO can try. Russia is a pathetic country that has been 200 years behind Europe since the beginning of time and still are. Your life as a Russian will never get better, it will always be terrible until eventually Putin or someone else runs it into the ground completely and it's taken over by your Muslim friends.

>> No.54023326

Of course these idiots would downplay it

>> No.54023348

Russia is a shitty country and there is a reason eastern European countries want to join the west.

>> No.54023405
File: 41 KB, 749x499, 1677614109120707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These black women must have passed calculus

>> No.54023430



>> No.54023439

Professor Goldsteinberg gave them passing grades for diversity and inclusion points at the college. These are affirmative action hires being used to parrot talking points to the goyim while signalling that white men are weak and phased out

>> No.54023469

Jesus I hope there’s a higher bar to being there than just being black and passing calculus.

>> No.54023487

It has literally nothing to do with Putin any Russian leader would be under the same pressures to control their Eastern European buffer states that have been part of the Russian empire or under Russian sway for hundreds of years

The only time this wasn’t the case is literally the last 30 years because Russia collapsed and nato moved into the vacuum that created

>> No.54023609

Is this a Saturday Night Live skit?

>> No.54023626

Saw three baboons

>> No.54023629
File: 135 KB, 555x1200, Fq55L1kWwAkLPxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder tech bros are putting their money in Starbucks.

>> No.54023680
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>> No.54023706

Bail in's are going to be so bullish for Bitcoin.

>> No.54023737
File: 146 KB, 310x421, 1677987650767868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54023742

This is the true and final blackpill.

>> No.54023822

And now they are independent, good for them! Would you rather live in the Baltics or under Putin where you are getting shipped to die in Ukraine, where your live expectancy before the war was like 55, where you would get arrested if you said something mean about the government? It's good that countries don't live under authoritarianism any more.

>> No.54023830

Nigga we doin' derivatives and shit but your cracka ass out here talkin' some gay shit like Ford-Fulkerson and shit get fucked nigga BITCH you don't know SHIT graph theory my ass nigga that shit fuckin' GAY nigga.

>> No.54023844

>nobody being able to buy bitcoin will be bullish for bitcoin

>> No.54023871

Your reading comprehension is shit. Faggot

>> No.54023888


>> No.54023933

this is bullish

>> No.54023970
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>> No.54023992

what do you even do for the country?

>> No.54024130

imagine believing this

>> No.54024163

This picture does not inspire confidence.

>> No.54024232

god you are one retarded nigger, I know this is probably bait, but that region of eastern europe has gone back and forth for millenea between russia the slavik nations, there is exactly 0 benefit to the american people in involving ourself in this confilct. Choke on a fucking bullet, kike.

>> No.54024270

Combined IQ of what? 225?

>> No.54024290

kys ESL

>> No.54024308

>three brown women
ZERO diversity

>> No.54024328

i don't know what esl is but i have no intention of kys

>> No.54024358

they really should get rid of the u.s. flag, it's synonymous with debt and makes those economists look bad

>> No.54024362

There is a 82 IQ person. A 77 IQ person. And the one in the middle clearly has at least a 90 IQ.
Full representation of all people not officially retarded.

>> No.54024388

I will be calling all women of color this for now on.

>> No.54024420


>> No.54024421

Yup, a dollar we give to Ukraine to fuck up our enemies is a dollar well spent, better than spending a dollar on some shitty weapon systems that will sit in storage never get used. /pol/tards are fifth column useful idiots

>> No.54024425

82 and 77 were official retarded before the law was changed during the civil rights era because it was discovered that most blacks were legally retarded... the more you know.

>> No.54024511


>> No.54024512


>White lives
>On a board full of literal poos
Lmao even

>> No.54024529


>> No.54024557

link with audio?

>> No.54024583

>Pol Boogeyman

>> No.54024639

Why is Russia your enemy? What exactly is there for US and Russia to fight over? It's just a bunch of cold war era retards trying to settle their old scores before they die of old age.

>> No.54024672

>Biden administration is trusting our entire economy on women and minorities like this

holy fucking kek how bad does it have to get before even the cuckold lib white people are like "ok I'm broke now and might lose my job, we need to change something"

>> No.54024709


>nothing to say so just type 'lol'
You retards know I'm right. You have nothing to say because you know nothing about this, but think Russia = based because you see yourself as a mini Putin. You are all balding manlet retarded cuks.

>> No.54024719
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>> No.54024734

>Biden administration
As if. Do people really believe the "current administration" has anything to do with what's going on?? The powers that be are levels and levels above. At least try to understand the world you live in.

>> No.54024735

where are the economists? I don't see them anywhere I think you picked the wrong picture

>> No.54024998

Literally shaking...

>> No.54025074

stupid idiot

>> No.54025126

Americans are so damn fucked between the senile old corpse and the niggresses in charge.

>> No.54025153

you forgot jews

>> No.54025249
File: 83 KB, 750x500, 1565500614333139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top economists in pic

>> No.54025281
File: 437 KB, 750x1154, 07F7817F-A920-4C3F-B0E0-46851624BC4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being racist you guys, you’re making a jewish troon seethe want to kill itself

>> No.54025282

hey shlomo hows the weather in haifa

>> No.54025283
File: 18 KB, 721x720, 2978 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup, a dollar we give to Ukraine to fuck up our enemies is a dollar well spent, better than spending a dollar on some shitty weapon systems that will sit in storage never get used. /pol/tards are fifth column useful idiots

>> No.54025336

Prostitutes do not count

>> No.54025357

unwashed slav hands typed this post

>> No.54025374

I haven't heard of SVB until today. Is it just me? Is it really that big of a bank and happening?

>> No.54025395

no. another nothingburger

>> No.54025441
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 03.08-theylive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54025500


>> No.54025512

idk anon if I remember correctly 30 years ago NATO's borders stopped at czechoslovakia

>> No.54025544

the true enemy lives in israel

>> No.54025570

D. did Hitler have a vagina?

>> No.54025587

oh no
oh no no no no

>> No.54025602
File: 609 KB, 1179x1023, 392B46EF-5EBC-4D14-B3A4-B792DE7A9775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this post yes, I would rather take a White cock in most cases unless the nob-white cock in question belongs to a cute twinkish looking brown boy or a futa.

>> No.54025762

go away cia nigger, the usa needs to get the fuck out of eastern european affairs, handle your own shit, or don't.

>> No.54025858
File: 61 KB, 236x254, 1677961773577140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point and laugh at this user

>> No.54025933
File: 124 KB, 626x399, 1665529871547555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao THESE are the people running the show?
America is done.

>> No.54027892
File: 190 KB, 1200x1196, buckle up nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry guys, laqueesha is on the case

>> No.54027914


>> No.54027979

What an absolutely embarrassing joke.
No one intelligent would EVER take advice from such ugly, incompetent niggers.
Nor believe a single word they jive out.

>> No.54028035

The humiliation is endless.

>> No.54028072

>his wealth isn't backed by gamestop instore credit

>> No.54028142

Kohl's Cash is the currency of the future

>> No.54028179

i recall people making the same argument regarding iraq. would you say the iraq war was a sound investment that benefited the american people?

>> No.54028215

>Russia doesn't have a political sphere
All states have the ability to ensure their national security proactively the USA claimed as such with the Iraq war.

Russia just so happens to have Nuclear parity with the other nuclear super power.

>> No.54028218

>not being a homedepot card patrician
Enjoy your no lumber life you mud hut dwelling niggers.

>> No.54028237

I'm gay and racist so, yeah

>> No.54028254

russia thinks they have nukes
they haven't audited the silos in 35 years
the nukes were either not maintained and are non-functional
or the workers sold them for adidas apparel

>> No.54028308

I wonder why all the ex soviet states ran away from the frozen shitholes exporting dictatorships and corruption

>> No.54028347

Yes, we
>stopped the spread of international terrorism (just like we stopped communism and the Nazis)
>saved the world from chemical and possibly nuclear WMDs
>helped install democracy and freed millions of people from a brutal tyrant
The only problem with that war was that selfish cowards and isolationists pulled us out before we could finish modernizing Iraq and making it part of the free world but overall it was definitely a success

>> No.54028487

Lol literal who?

>> No.54028677

there is no trans person therefore it is bigoted and I am offended

>> No.54028770

dude, this is biz
90% of the board isn't even in the US

>> No.54028871

We couldnt have a better caste of characters presiding over the rapid implosion of the united states.

>> No.54028929

They like to make excuses but good to fuck as long as you pull a jamal and don't stay with them. I would lose my mind dealing with the petty shit that goes on.

>> No.54029022

>Mr. President, the American people need reassurance that our financial system is stable and this is not indicative of a system failure in the banking sector
>Quick, round up every nigger we have on staff and put them on stage

>> No.54029071

Holy shit you’re stupid

>> No.54029089

>you know I’m right!
Calling card of the truly stupid

>> No.54029117
File: 41 KB, 668x389, 164434446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know i will put all of my precious money into $HAMI or any other reward coin out there and wait for the time until everything burns right?

>> No.54029187


>> No.54029203


>> No.54029286
File: 464 KB, 1390x880, IMG_2424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Russia so much it's unreal.

>> No.54029432

>jews in the positions of power
>nigs in the cameras
What did Democrats mean by this

>> No.54029512
File: 119 KB, 1079x720, R (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright. Smart bank kikes are literally pulling all their strings for them

>> No.54029545

Why would Russia end a war they are clearly winning?

>> No.54029559

Look closer are the 19th amendment!

>> No.54029594

>Government isn't sending trillions to Ukraine
The EU funded energy prices to a tune of $800B since the start of the war.
The true cost, and not just the "we sent money to Ukraine" cost is certainly in the range of $1.5T at this point.

>> No.54029602

This kills the coulrophobic

>> No.54029629

Based bait. We should ABSOLUTELY funnel more productivity in to creating weapons in order to kill humans

>> No.54029660

Man you really rustled the incels with a decidedly light post

>> No.54029768

I think Biden is dead and they’re just going to use him as the fall guy for all these fuck ups. They just want to wait until it’s over to announce it

>> No.54030115

you may not like it but i feel bad for black men who have to deal with fat black women.

Its as if they were the first cage animal bullied by Laquisha and have to deal with it. No wonder most of them marry out of their race