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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54017524 No.54017524 [Reply] [Original]

>be me 24
>Smart boy
>Dad worked his entire life, never got to spend time with us kids
>found a qt gf when we were 19
>Love her truly
>Want to have kids of my own with her in the next 4-5 years
>Plan on doing F.I.R.E. so I get to spend as much time with my kids as I want to
>Worked my ass off for the last 5 years
>Average day is getting up, studying medicine for university since nobody needs old software devs, eating, working, studying, a quick run and pull-ups in the park, straight to bed
>Haven't watched a movie or TV in years
>Work as a self employed software dev
>Be lucky since I make six times what the average guy my age makes since the company relies on a custom codebase only I have experience with
>Save 90% of my income so I can do the fire thing and spend time with my future family
>Living off $600 isn't hard since I don't do anything that costs money other than eating and sharing rent with my gf
>Everything goes to plan
>Proud of delayed gratification
>I've got the brains and the attitude, I'll make it
>I've proven my endurance the last 10 years, I'll easily be able to pull off 5 more
>Start feeling some pain a couple of months ago
>Go to the doctor
>Another couple of follow ups...
>Anon, it's manageable but not curable. You'll have to take these pills, do that for the rest of your life, have these procedures. It'll slower the progression. It's weird since you're so young, this normally only affects older people, but you know all of this from university anyway
>All my plans failing
>I've always lived a healthy life, never smoked a single cigarette, don't ever drink, no red meat, daily workout
>I didn't expect to have to deal with shit like this that early
>I thought I could make it before falling apart
>Cry a little

>> No.54017575

Eat red meat it's good for you.

>> No.54017598
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>no red meat
there's your problem, should have had more steak ma boy.
apart from the crass joke am really sorry if this is trye anon, i really hope it's a larp.

>> No.54017609

Hahahah fuck you normal faggot I hope it’s terminal fuck you and your cunt whore gf maybe there is a god if this is how he punishes cunt normies with GF

>> No.54017624

What is it stomach ulcers?

>> No.54017637

So you're saying god punishes me for having a gf?

>> No.54017659

>>I've always lived a healthy life, never smoked a single cigarette, don't ever drink, no red meat, daily workout

that's the problem, you fell for the clean diet jew. there is literally nothing wrong with some steak and a little brewskie every once in a while. treat yourself, your body deserves it.

>> No.54017669

Yes. Hahaha I’m a neet with perfect health your gf probably got some kind of STD and gave it to you

>> No.54017682

Guess you had everything figured out except dealing with failure. Here's your chance to learn your lesson.

>> No.54017715

the universe punished you for being a goodie two shoes faggot
also you probably got vaxxed and thats why you're dying

>> No.54017767

You probably have a couple of 'the joker' posters in your basement alongside bateman on your nightstand. It's easy being edgy when you're not affected

>> No.54017775

That's what you get for taking the vax.

>> No.54017783

Hahaha based af. Get fucked OP, also eth is a security and will be worthless by summer. You gonna die poor too

>> No.54017858

The progression started before covid, I just didn't know until now

>> No.54017889

worst case scenario youve prepped for whatever time you and your wife have left. im sorry though anon thats fucking horrible.

what the fuck is with the revival of the steak obsession?

>> No.54017958
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I know a neighbour, former para trooper, who had to retire because of sclerosis. It's been 6 years and he's still doing a lot of sport, can raise his kids just fine, and gets to spend all his time at home since he can't work because of his illness. It's tough but you'll do just fine as long as you keep your willpower.

>> No.54017967

>no red meat, daily workout
ppl retards lose again

>> No.54017987
File: 21 KB, 370x370, shibasteakportal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
i'll spoonfeed you anon; shibarium projects are doing fucking great, simple as. steak just one of many, imo will print.
this anon is right, keep your chin up OP, willpower is the key, always.

>> No.54018076

You took the vaxx didn’t you

>> No.54018086

so whats you condition faggot?
>It's weird since you're so young, this normally only affects older people
unstable spinal cord?

>> No.54018087

Unironically try Ivermectin. You probably have worms and can be cured right up. My only request for this wisdom is to help others in a similar situation when they need it.

>> No.54018134

what about cofee? is it good for you??

>> No.54018139

maybe you shouldn’t have thought you were so much better than others

>> No.54018161

kek i thought it was legitimately just about eating red meat as like an anti bug stance or something

>> No.54018214

>time to leave the office
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

>> No.54018237

you should also not $eetzebugs tho

>> No.54018452

Literally pajeets using my story about my cancer in CHATGPT to make threads to shill their shitcoins.
I hate you all beyond words.

>> No.54018547

> No red meat
Retard, you just neglected your body for years.

>> No.54018753

Doctors are cucks and retards and this is a huge opportunity to prove you have real genius with medicine not just a king wagie. Cure yourself.

>> No.54018846

pffft whatever /biz/ says do the opposite im bug maxing

>> No.54019056
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so you did get vaccinated, got it.
no regrets for you, libtard cattle normalfag. go die so the niggers you love so much can replace you.

>> No.54019141
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I should bought some coffee and it was on sale but it's cheap coffee and is in a blue plastic tub instead of my preferred metal can that I can use a bang-bang drum after I am done drinking the coffee.

>> No.54019241

I was cursed with eye floaters last year, it's not something that's going to kill me but holy shit it ruined my mental health

>> No.54019295

Just looked that up. How do you cope?

>> No.54019406
File: 48 KB, 509x527, 1664521041646403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiple myeloma?

>> No.54019486

My dad has never smoked, drank, always eats healthy and loves God.

He got diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor last month. There is no Justice or payoff for being good in this life.

>> No.54019544

it sounds horrible. I'm sorry for those who have this, unless they're evil pieces of shit, in which cases it probably is a good starter-punishment for their soul-debt.

>> No.54019554


>> No.54019564

I try and be good just in case God is feeling spiteful and wants to hurt me for going outside of my narrowly self-proscribed lane, bro.

>> No.54019649

Take mushrooms. I mean it.

>> No.54019821
File: 119 KB, 640x896, 0riktb_7d8ca9c292990f6950c3ad8c96dd2115fd48a592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 24
>Smart boy

When you hear about a new social media website don't hesitate to jump in its going to light up the industry.

(ie... especially like when Its being figured out what crypto to make or take.)

Don't make the same mistakes others will.

Just be careful there are no grown-ups left on earth and now that any asshole can check your ass keep your cards close to your chest.

>> No.54020155

I've literally always had them and thought they were part of life lmao

>> No.54020451
File: 70 KB, 306x306, 1617455556194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no red meat
this is where you fucked up

>> No.54022096

>no red meat
I feel bad for you. You like many zoomers felt for the ((healthy eating)) propaganda. You would be most likely fine if you would eat daily red meat like me its the healthiest food.
Also daily exercise is incredible bad.
>Proud of delayed gratification
You have a gf you know nothing of this tho.

>> No.54022123

Toxic bean soups avoid

>> No.54022189

>never smoked a single cigarette, don't ever drink
And in fact this is overrated.
Especially drinking up to 3 times a month isnt a problem. If anything it frees your arteries by making the blood flow more then usual which i think is good now and then

>> No.54022273

>All these incels ITT seething at OP for having a GF
Lmao. You all know deep down his life was better and more fulfilling even while living as a robot for the past 10 years. Simply because he had a faithful woman at his side while you were angrily masturbating in your basement, and will continue doing so long after OP has been buried by his loved ones.

Godspeed OP. Hope you make it despite your condition.

>> No.54023155

As you can tell, biz is a cesspool of losers, racists, and generally lazy and evil people with crab in a bucket mentality. You need to leave and enjoy your family. Goodluck out there anon

>> No.54023312

>stresses out about making it asap for years
>thinks he lived healthy
moreover the red meat thing shows you are retarded

>> No.54023366

Stress is actually a huge bad factor aswell
I give you the source
His old videos
His not banned channel but currently he switched to blackpill and away from diet a lot

>> No.54023367

And yet here you are

>> No.54023383

Whether you are truthful or not, I feel sorry for your situtation, and I hope you do enjoy life. Godspeed anon

Verification not required.

>> No.54023691

Once here, you're here forever. But maybe op has had enough of a catalyst to reach escape velocity

>> No.54023786

What did you even get that was so devastating, anon?

>> No.54023838

Kek the little faggot OP will be dead from his disease soon NEET chad victory

>> No.54023936

Why did you take the cancer enhancer? I feel so sorry for you mitwit bastards you wouldnt believe.

>> No.54025009

Dump her and get a new 18 year old gf

>> No.54025091

You're gonna feel like a damn fool laying in the hospital dying from nothing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6grI16niGXA

>> No.54025197
File: 176 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1678382169041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is with the revival of the steak obsession?
It's cheaper than fast food, for one.

>> No.54025216


>> No.54026226

Don't fight the ride.