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54013973 No.54013973 [Reply] [Original]

Suppose I'm terminally ill. Why shouldn't I open some credit cards, max them out, then give away everything I bought along with all the assets I already had?

>> No.54013990

because your family will be responsible

>> No.54014041

because your could minecraft very high target figures for glory instead

>> No.54014043

Because you know you'll die, but you don't know when you'll actually die.

>> No.54014054

Why not both

>> No.54014101

if you put all the capital you can borrow in the arsenal & your execution you'll do much more damages / have much higher chances of success

>> No.54014326

Debt doesn't work like that.
So I live a couple months in poverty, being supported by family/friends? I can deal with that and so can they since they're going to get paid.

>> No.54014409

Because it's unethical
>inb4 idgas I'm dying I can do whatever I want
We will all die eventually. If every boomer in a retirement home did this the world would implode. You hurting others just because you feel wronged by a terminal illness out of anyone's control is scum mentality.

But I get it

>> No.54014428

>terminally ill
>still posting on 4chan

>> No.54014496

You should stay in the hospital like a goid boomer and give the doctors all your money so your family get nothing except a million dollar medical bill.

>> No.54014542

>think of the poor banks you will be hurting
>t. mr goldberg mc silverstein

>> No.54014546

Not every boomer is selfless enough to do this. Most people would rather spend their money keeping themselves comfortable in their final days, not help their loved ones. And why should I care about hurting the banks?
It's a hypothetical.

>> No.54014557

To add to this, it's equivalent to gibbs

>> No.54014576

Let's just ignore the fact that you think stealing is only bad from certain people. When banks profits go down, they take more from their customers, you and I.

>> No.54014597


>> No.54014769

What difference does one person doing it make? Like I said, not everyone would do it even if they had the idea.

>> No.54014785

they can only take so much until their institutions collapse
it's a necessery step in geting rid of usury

>> No.54014801

this is the sad part. most would drain their lifetime savings to watch Jeopardy for another few months in comfort rather than help their children.

>> No.54014826

>Debt doesn't work like that.
you severely underestimate the tribe

>> No.54014874

You are basically saying you're entitled to this unethical behavior over everyone else, assumably because of you terminal illness. See, you arbitrarily decided for yourself that you are entitled to do this means everyone else is allowed to make the same argument for themselves. The fact that not everyone will do it is not the point. The point is it's still unethical. But you'll keep rationalizing it because you want to do it anyway.

>> No.54014882

Want to go after the inheritence? What inheritence? I own nothing but debt. ;)

>> No.54015035

In other words, see social contract theory. You're breaking and invalidating the social contract.

>> No.54015044

I'm not ill at all, but it is what I would do if I were. And I welcome everyone to do it. Better that than >>54014801.
Why is it unethical to make an unconventional nest egg for my family and friends instead squandering my money on fruitless treatments to extend my life by a few weeks or fulfilling hedonistic desires? I don't buy the "if everyone did it then it would be bad" argument. Becoming a doctor is good, but if everyone did it, then we'd have no chefs, mechanics, artists, actors, etc.

>> No.54015189

>Why is it unethical to make an unconventional nest egg for my family and friends instead squandering my money on fruitless treatments to extend my life by a few weeks or fulfilling hedonistic desires?
Already explained. Again, read on social contract theory.

>I don't buy the "if everyone did it then it would be bad" argument.
That has nothing to do with whether or not it's ethical. It's just an example of what happens when the social contract breaks down. Then everyone steals from the banks, the banks fail, people lose their money, or taxpayers are forced to bail them out (people lose their money). There's no way around the fact that you're stealing, first from the banks and then indirectly from everyone else. The amount is irrelavent, it's still stealing.

>Becoming a doctor is good, but if everyone did it, then we'd have no chefs, mechanics, artists, actors, etc.
This has nothing to do with the stealing we're talking about and I'm not sure how this analogy is supposed to support anything. The world needs some doctors. The world doesn't need thieves and in fact needs as few thieves as possible.

>> No.54015256

I will concede that I'm stealing. But I'm ok with that since I'm helping my friends and family at a minimal cost to society.

>> No.54015332

If you're okay with behaving unethically then that's all there is to it.
The only other thing I'll add is the cost to society is equivalent to the benefit provided to friends and family. It may no seem like it because you think 1 cent in the pocket of your F&F is more valuable than 1 cent in the pocket of joe blow, but that is just another personal bias.

>> No.54015435

More like hundreds or thousands in the pockets of F&F vs. infinitesimally small amount spread out across every bank customer.

>> No.54015689

make sure your name is not on any of the assets that the shekels can take after you die.

>> No.54015703

Right but it's still cent for cent. You're just saying
>oh they won't even notice
It's easy to overlook because everyone will have a very small effect whether or not it actually enters their conscious mind in its raw form, but you have a large number of people experiencing small effect. The effect total is still equal on both sides.

>> No.54016917
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There is no "social" cost, the anon you are arguing with is just a faggot who thinks the world still works like it did in 1810. Banks rely on easy credit to trap people in cycles of debt to make their profits. If they extend credit to someone who will not be able to pay back the loan, that's their fault. Debtmaxx to your heart's content, OP. Do NOT be dissuaded by these moralfags.

>> No.54016995

I actually am terminal but I have no credit and no ability to get money, you aren't terminal so I don't see the point of this thread.
I wanted to make money to give it to my family but it's so hard to balance working while literally dying so now I'm just a burden, suicide is the only thing I think about.

>> No.54017180

Get right with God before it is too late. Thank me later brother

>> No.54017195

I swear it's either all AI generated responses on this website or nobody reads, either way shame on you all.
OP isn't terminal he said it himself.

>> No.54017485

Doesn't matter if you're terminal or not, get a bunch of credit cards and max them out on precious metals/crypto, then don't pay it back. Simple as.

>> No.54017620

You have to give it all away before you die. If you die before giving away your property, the estate has to be probated, and the estate will be responsible for repaying the debt before anyone inherits anything.

>> No.54017838

reddit is two blocks down dipshit

>> No.54020032

>Debt doesn't work like that.
oh god he doesn't know