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54000805 No.54000805 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the tech job market so bad right now?

>> No.54000825

Tech jobs are fucking lame, I'd be happier as a firefighter.

>> No.54000946

Lern 2 mine coal.

>> No.54000973

they need to purge the jeets

>> No.54000974
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wait until he sees how much they make. Plus, he wouldn't fit with the culture.

>> No.54000983

gtfi >>54000892

>> No.54001006

half the industry was propped up by speculative gambling not actual profit

>> No.54001042

1) A weak basedboy tech fag wants to become a firefighter? I bet most women are more physically capable.
2) Nobody wants to hire ex-Twitter tards. Everyone knows you were skating the whole time you were there.
3) Get fucked.

>> No.54001055

It's not. Most people I know are still getting tons of interest from recruiters for decently paid positions.
These people are just not very competitive after spending too long at bigtech sitting on their asses and stagnating.
If you can find it check out some of the GitHub pages for these guys bitching about not being able to find a job. They've got zero activity outside of their work hours. No personal projects, no exposure to anything except the extremely regimented and formulaic way of developing that bigtech uses.

>> No.54001089

It's not that the tech job market is bad now, it's that the tech job market was unreasonably bloated.

>> No.54001106

learn to load (trucks.) amazon wage cage is always hiring.

>> No.54001172

do you believe chatGPT will replace your $oyfilled ass now?

>> No.54001279

The fact that you are saying that with a straight face is so fucking absurd it's unreal. Imagine any other fucking job in the entire world where it's looked down upon for zero activity FOR YOUR JOB outside of your work hours. Yeah man lawyers are totally reading the fucking lawbook for fun and doctors are saving and helping people on the grocery store line.

>inb4 a pianist plays piano during his free time!!!!
yeah, that's about the only example you can give. Sure, athletes, artists etc. work on their craft outside of their work hours but those are unconventional vocation jobs.

And also I can kinda understand the GitHub thing when you have ZERO work experience and you are fresh out of school or self-taught and you need to show your worth, then it's kinda nice that you can "prove" your skills where as as a surgeon you cant just say look at my github yo im self-taught im gonna ace this surgery now ok.

But someone who has worked for a HUGE tech company and has solid years of experience should never ever need to "show activity" on github. fucking absolutely NUTS. he had a job, he fucking worked full-time, what the fuck he gotta work EXTRA for nothing on his free time, literally no other career requires that. and its fine but dont try to say that tech job market isn't fucking the absolute worst imaginable job market.

>> No.54001455

0 innovation

>> No.54001553

Simple supply and demand. The demand went down and those who've lost their job have nowhere to go. They've gotta compete with a fat incel who hasn't seen sunlight in 3 years and programs as a hobby for 10 hrs every single day. Yeah, good luck.

Meanwhile entry level jobs are going to India and even those jobs will start to taper off once AI tools make the busywork of an entry level coder redundant. Breaking into the tech industry as a young upstart is going to be painfully difficult in the years to come. The technigs who still have a job better position themselves into management or specialist roles or they're toast, too.

>> No.54001586


>> No.54001634

Because we're massively overpaid, we're being automated out of a job and alot of the work that was needed has already been done.

>> No.54001719

>But someone who has worked for a HUGE tech company and has solid years of experience should never ever need to "show activity" on github. fucking absolutely NUTS.
plus it's always weird when employers ask for your github when you're roasting winfags in issues and shit, and the other members of your project are calling each other faggots.

like yeah i've got a pretty kitted out github, but do you really even want to see it? it's my personal shit

>> No.54002069

Plenty of jobs require you to work on your skills and knowledge outside of your salaried hours.
Literally the two examples you started with, doctors and lawyers, both do this.
Doctors are constantly studying outside of work and attending seminars and working to keep up to date with their skills and knowledge. Lawyers are similar, they pull a ton of unpaid hours learning and studying.
You can't expect to have a job that pays six figures and treat it with the same level of dedication as if you were a cashier or something.

You're right that some SWE take it to an extreme and spend all their free looking at software. It is crazy to require that and any employer that does should get fucked.
I'm not talking about something that extreme.
It's not very hard to spend a couple of hours a week just doing some personal work. SWE is not a very demanding job, especially at bigtech. These guys usually don't work very hard. And the ones who do will have a competitive edge anyway because they probably ran a bunch of projects internally because they had some drive. They don't need to worry about personal work.

>But someone who has worked for a HUGE tech company and has solid years of experience should never ever need to "show activity" on github.
That's the thing though, "experience" is not fungible. A lot of big tech companies use very specific code practices and in house tools that don't translate well outside of the company. And on top of that they probably let their fundamental skills rot while they were working inside these walled gardens. Some of these guys are legitimately worse developers when they leave their FAANG jobs than when they went in.

The whole reason we get paid six figure salaries is because we have skills that most people don't and are hard to replace.
You can't expect to just be handed bags of cash if you're only putting in the same level of dedication to your skills that a service worker would.

>> No.54002204

Because of tiktoks like that "what it's like to work at a tech company" girl that shows her doing nothing but enjoying all the benefits

>> No.54002275

Yeah, the difference is really that a surgeon literally can't perform actual surgeries outside of an actual hospital therefore they can not be expected to do so in their free time. Artists, athletes, coders can possibly all perform their exact jobs on their free time, I mean for coding you literally only need a computer and internet connection to do your job. And what is possible quickly becomes a requirement in a competitive market. What might seem like a good thing at first kinda becomes a prison in a way if you get bored of the field as you get older etc. For me this basically ruined programming as a career option.

>> No.54002392

Should have gone into robotics, codemonkeys.

>> No.54002416


>> No.54002450

Why is there this stereotype...? No people not know any SWEs who live in big cities like SF and NYC? Not all, but most of the white collar professionals I know hit the gym pretty hard and are dedicated in most aspects of their lives. It's rare that somebody is a total pussy faggot and also successful in corporate America.

>> No.54002694

you've got a puritan work ethic which is neat
I just think the mindset is sort of cucked.

MBB consultants make a ton for very little work. SWEs in some pockets have spearheaded having our field be similar and I have supported/joined them.

I don't even do a couple hours a week of side work.
programming is about being able to be 130IQ+. That's our irreplaceable skill. It's like being gifted with the force. Normies can't approach the abstract

Most doctors and lawyers have a more straightforward job.
t.$250k/year engineer

>> No.54002716

There are so many incompetent nigger doctors who prove you wrong.

>> No.54002777

If you hit the gym all the time then either you aren’t busy at work, you don’t have kids or you don’t have a house to manage. OR you’re neglecting one or all of these things.

>> No.54002904

The tech job market was only ever good because of the VC startup funding bubble bidding up compensation numbers, which let engineers get rich working for companies that will never be profitable.
Now that VC funding has dried up, even if Powell decides to turn the larger economy around, it's already priced in that there will be a ton of excess techies without work. The synchronized big tech layoffs at the start of this year happened because they already knew this, and didn't want to overpay for labor that's guaranteed to be much cheaper very soon.


>> No.54002955

Fintechfag here
Layoffs left and right
Somehow survived but got a pay cut
Whatever, still at $100k and wfh

>> No.54002982

Or you built a home gym
Or do you not have a basement

>> No.54002984

>you've got a puritan work ethic which is neat
>I just think the mindset is sort of cucked.
I really don't think I work very hard.
I'm 39 hours a week on paper but in practice its probably more like 15-20. I take long lunches and breaks and leave early all the time.
I think we're very out of touch with how hard most other people work. It really doesn't take much to stay on top of the game.

>There are so many incompetent nigger doctors who prove you wrong.
Ok well I would like to be good at my job.

>> No.54002987

Because FAGMAN companies successfully mutated their hiring processes into a gay ritual where they'd hire applicants who successfully memorized the leetcode dance, except there was no actual position to fill, it was just to rob "talent" from the labor pool before the competition got to them. This worked fine during the infinite money print era, but turns out that you can't sustain that indefinitely.

>> No.54003229

Nobody forces you to self-study extra and do side projects, but don't complain when someone who does ends up getting paid more than you, getting promoted faster than you, or worse, taking your job because they know more than you.

>"experience" is not fungible
True. So many legacy companies with ancient tech stacks that aren't taught in CS curriculums or bootcamps, that only a handful of people know how to work on. Avoid those places at all cost

>> No.54003233

Agreed. I applied for 50 jobs this week. Only one call back. Last year I was interviewing non stop.

>> No.54003234

Remember to pay your student loans- no refunds!

>> No.54003268

My contract is up for renewal in May, I might not have a job after that.

Many people I know have been laid off already.

Techbros did we get too cocky?

>> No.54003269

Because it was fuelled by 10+ years of money printing and zero interest rate policy, which is now reversing.

Next question.

>> No.54003287

>software engineer
I guarentee you this faggot is nothing but front end bullshit. He spends most of his time moving buttons and downloading git repositories to get it to work

>> No.54003315

so it's already over for people getting started on it right now?

>> No.54003327

Guys, am I fucked?
>be me
>finishing BS in CS next May
However, I have 10 years job experience (management, training, etc) and a top secret clearance. What is a reasonable expectation for my first job?

>> No.54003333

teitter barely changed in years
what the fuck were these gazillion faggots coding anyway if it was just a line of code per hour that would be 35 million lines per month for all those fired faggots
Fucking reinventing wheel and browsing plebbit all day

Well anyway, so firefighters are next to be lectured about toxic masculinity and affirmative roastoid action
If you are not a Chad and g-d forbid White, don't even light a match in your house
Clown world accelerating

>> No.54003377

Buy kneepads

>> No.54003615

>what the fuck were these gazillion faggots coding anyway

>> No.54004209

Everyone getting laid off is either a low performing software engineer, a product manager, a business analyst, a scrum master, an agile coach, or one of the many other bullshit tech jobs. These people spend more time resharing other people's stuff on LinkedIn than actually working. It's actually quite satisfying seeing people with no skills complaining about losing jobs. They really thought getting $300k a year for doing nothing would last forever.

>> No.54004229


>> No.54004236

unironically that's what everyone wants after atleast 4+ years in tech

>> No.54005037

Because Elon is showing the world that you can gut these companies by 80% and still keep the lights on.

>> No.54005082


Soon it will have a contagion effect in every field. GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0 incoming.

>> No.54005100

Because these companies by and large are not actually profitable and are instead powered entirely by speculative credit which is drying up very fast

>> No.54005606

Why would the woman, who was one of the people, that sued Twitter tell the truth with that "woe is me" shit. Wouldn't be a powerful message if Elon didn't ruin lives, no? And all the supposedly smart 130+ IQ people here are taking the bait.

>> No.54005637

>10 years of experience in managing and training burger flippers and cashiers at mcdonalds
You're absolutely fucked. You basically only qualify for entry level pajeet-tier jobs.

>> No.54005701

>training burger flippers and cashiers at mcdonalds
Thank god no. I have worked in customer service, military intelligence, and telecommunications

>> No.54005780

>entry level pajeet-tier jobs
And that's supposed to be bad? That's $7k a month is a good salary.

>> No.54005790

In that case you'll be fine.

>> No.54005911

>infrastructure crumbling
>sending money overseas for no reason
>people out of savings
>"I'm gonna start a smart bathroom carpet company! How can I go wrong?"

>> No.54006076

I have a Biotechnology degree I haven't finished yet. Is it even worth going back to finish at this point?

>> No.54006144

Tech is NOT a fundamental industry, as computers are not essential for basic human survival, unlike farmers or doctors.
So during bad economic times like right now, mass layoffs.in non-fundamental luxury industries like tech is the historic norm.

Also, mass outsourcing and overliance on big shady corporations made tech a unstable industry that is horribly abusive against its earnest hard-workers.

By the way, the current artifical recession is induced by big governments corrupt feds & greedy big corporations & banks using "inflation" as excuses. It is in actuality huge cash grab done by the richest top 0.1% elites to continue the enslavement and abuses against the 99.9% poorer mass populace.

>> No.54006164

i left my 70k/yr engineer job where i worked like five minutes a day for a >250k/yr engineer job where i have actually expectations and deadlines and voluntarily work overtime even though they like my work because i'm terrified of compromising the position or company velocity

don't take your role or comp for granted anon, we might live like petty gods but is it sustainable?

>> No.54006173

I don't know anything about biotech field, but just in general; if you're close to finish the degree, then finish it out. At least you'll have some "credentials" at the end and can be open about your time when interviewed.
If you're just in the first year and having doubts, then find something else.

>> No.54006174

>top secret clearance
This will probably save you, apply to lockheed martin, BAE, Honeywell, Boeing

>> No.54006199
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>Yeah man lawyers are totally reading the fucking lawbook for fun and doctors are saving and helping people on the grocery store line.
uhhh, thats called pro bono, and the hippocratic oath, believe it or not this is a thing from the profession track,

>> No.54006246

>top secret clearance

Look for entry level private sector glowie tech jobs in Virginia.

>> No.54006274
File: 1.34 MB, 500x325, 5B3260A1-D0D3-4BC8-B6F0-4C82855EEF0A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a CS degree and graduated in 2020 and never managed to land a true tech job. Graduated with honors; worked full time through the whole thing doing .NET development for state government. Got promoted twice while I was there. Couldn’t get a single interview for a respectable outlet after I decided I wanted to leave the state once I got my degree and vaxx requirements had died down. Took a non-tech job instead that has afforded me a lot of extra time to work on my own stuff in the meantime. I wouldn’t say it was for nothing since I still use what I learned for myself. Still though, it was discouraging for a little bit. Kind of over the idea of having a job anyway.

>> No.54006392

There's your problem. I have yet to work for a company that likes or uses .NET anywhere in its application stack. The only Microsoft exposure in general in my career has been for email infra, nontechnical team coordination, dealing with files from nontechnical departments, and the occasional Azure SQL DB.

>> No.54006547

I never wanted to use .NET and none of the jobs I applied for were .NET. It was just what the state used. It’s also not what I use for any of my own stuff. I don’t like Microsoft products.

>> No.54006570

>computers are not essential for basic human survival
In third-world shithole countries. I'm assuming you mean FAGMAN companies because if you meant computers literally, you couldn't be further from the truth.
Every single developed economy absolutely relies on computers to run systems that control energy, agriculture, critical infrastructure, etc.

>> No.54006711

>first they came from the coal miners
>I laughed and told them to learn to code
>then they came for me and there was no one to speak out

>> No.54006734


>> No.54006799
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>be onions coder
>screech and gnash your teeth when someone mentions that mass immigration and outsourcing weaken workers' rights
>tell everyone they are racist

Do you think any of them got redpilled or will they still continue to cheer on their own destruction?

>> No.54006877


I think being a generic 'software engineer' is going to become very unemployable. The title 'software engineer' is kind of meaningless. What kind of software are you building? What purpose does it serve? What is the target (is it an embedded, enterprise on prem, or cloud system)? Is it a data system? Is it a financial system? A marketing system? I mean there's just so much nuance to this stuff at this point. It used to be you could just be 'the technology guy' in the office, but increasingly, everyone in the workforce is a technology person. I am not saying EVERYONE (esp. since there's a lot of old fucks still working), but that's the direction we're headed. It's no longer "Do you know technology?" but "What type of technology do you know? In what industry or domain?" I think a lot of these FAANG kids that grew up on easy money and just calling themselves SWEs and getting paid 500k to make shitty web apps or maintain some system are getting a reality check. I want to finish I think this whole process was good though. EVERYONE should be happy there was a sector that applied extreme upward pressure on wages. The only failure was the system allowed it to be compartmentalized. It wasn't their fault, with inflation and cost of living everyone should've seen huge increases in pay ALONG WITH technology workers. But now they're getting a piece of what the rest of the workforce has already been dealing with for the past few decades.

>> No.54006986


I make 200K a year (not FAANG) tech job and I go to the gym during work hours. Do you think 'not doing anything at work' is an insult? I don't live to work dude. All successful American companies are propped up by bogus VC and PE money coming from dudes that have never worked a real job in their entire life. And you're worried about 'working all day like a real man'. Lmao. Slave mindset. I'll say a prayer for you while I'm doing deadlifts at 2:30 PM on a Tuesday in between meetings. Fuck off boot licker, keep working hard. The entire American system is a scam, with the biggest scammers at the top of it all. You working a trade 10 hours a day doesn't make you any less of a sap

>> No.54007025

firefighters make good money, have lots of time off, great benefits. unsustainable imo though

>> No.54007048

What level were they at? I'm still getting an endless supply of recruiters in my inbox about some position fully remote high six figures.
But then I'm 10 years into my career.

>> No.54007093

Software is kind of like that. It's a hands on trade that requires a degree. If you only ever work on Twitter software then you likely don't have any skills that are valid outside of Twitter. They fucked themselves staying too long and not picking up new tech.

>> No.54007094

>scrum master, an agile coach
jesus christ what even is this gay shit? why is tech culture like adult kindergarten?

>> No.54007364

>just learn to code

I guess the good part is that people will finally figure out there isn't an infinite demand for coders and how stupid this "advice" was lmao.

>> No.54007464

because the west trained half of india to be code monkeys

>> No.54007489

Tech will rebound but it might take a few years. Dotcom burst in the early 2000’s made things hard for a while but it all came back

>> No.54007513

It was the "journalists", politicians, and maybe bootcamp merchants saying this, not the developers.

Are any of your projects open source? It might help to showcase your development skills outside work.

>> No.54007613

I graduate my fire academy in less than a month, I can't wait to be thanked for my service every time I leave the house.

>> No.54007678

20 years in tech 10 years "Sr"
- I work like a beast every day, it's sad.
- I do whatever I want, I ride a dirt bike during the work day.
-. Stagnated in 200K range, you really need a PhD to make big dollars these days (without dumb luck).
- People who spent their whole life in college are akin to pets that are never allowed outside. They love their creature comforts, because that is what they know.

>> No.54007683

By the time tech rebounds all those worthless, overpaid tech jobs will be replaced by AI.

>> No.54007693

Navy has interesting jobs for tsc.

>> No.54007694

>have lots of time off,
No they don't.

>> No.54007799

Doctors are constantly reading the literature and journals in their free time. Especially residents.
If you are an attending and dont read you will fall behind.
You are a moron

>> No.54007995

Probably the latter. These people have zero self awareness.

>> No.54008046


Nigger I saw a doctor use google to diagnose

>> No.54008073

>The whole reason we get paid six figure salaries is because we have skills that most people don't and are hard to replace.
If you're so hard to replace, why are so many getting laid off

>> No.54008082 [DELETED] 

I'm working 3 jobs in the tech industry and earning half a million/year. One of which is a world leader in porn.

The tech industry is great, you just have to actually be valuable and useful to the company.

>> No.54008101

I got hired on to a tech job and turned down a couple offers before hand, I’m a literal retard too

>> No.54008591

You’re sitting pretty with a clearance my guy

>> No.54008986
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>tfw you can still find 200k jobs in the crypto industry because companies that dumped on biztards during the bullrun still have a 20 years runway

>> No.54009423


>> No.54009454

I’ve never once committed to my GitHub besides for fun, never give it to employers when applying, have never been out of a job for more than a month. I’m actually working on getting a second and third job at the moment to rake in cash all year. But I don’t work in big tech I work for enterprise and smaller companies that employ engineers. Way more laid back just get paid less but the jobs are everywhere. I think most of these big tech dudes just think it’s beneath them to go work for $150k a year after making $300k at twitter to do nothing.

>> No.54009481

Same and I’m at 7. But I think the issue is what I posted above, these dudes move to SF or Seattle or Austin and get used to their $250k+ salaries and think it’s below them to have to take a job for $150k of which they are millions of empty roles that would be happy to have them. I can’t fathom a competent engineer with big tech on their resume being unable to find work unless they just lucked into the whole thing and suck hard.

>> No.54009483

tech jobs provide nothing for society

>> No.54009567

it's been coming for years
when the freecodecamp and bootcampers started flooding the signs where there

its just difficult to mvoe from dev to mgtm, most orgs prefer to hire from outside or nepotism

>> No.54009590

Programmers are cattle, awaiting the slaughter when ChatGPT Ultra hits the scene.

>> No.54009654

Depends, - if your tech job is maintaining telecommunications infrastructure, sure. But if you’re writing a new food delivery app for a non-profitable company absolutely

>> No.54009775

I don't work for free, faggot.

.t 300k FAANG Chad.

>> No.54010583

Look up the life expectancy for firefighters lmao. It's not that the job is particularly dangerous (it isn't), but all the toxic shit they inhale. "No gift is given freely"- there's a reason the pay and benefits are so generous for such easy work

>> No.54010602

Lol they dont even fight fires 99% of the time.

>> No.54010640

I know they don't.

>> No.54010671

10 years ago people who were "former google/twitter/facebook" had huge clout. Now everyone consider them entitles babies with bullshit jobs asking for way too much money.

>> No.54010706

Doctors (at least the good one) spend a huge amount of time training themselves and keeping up to date with lastest studies/recommandations. If a 50 yo doctor still practices like the day he was out of med school chances are his diagnosis methods and treatments are completely obsolete.

>> No.54010758

they exposed them selves w all the day in the life tik tok bragging videos of them not doing shit lol, that shit was not sustainable.

>> No.54010787

>> they have zero activity outside of work hours
holy fuck you are a good slavegoy. yeah you can have the tech job life, constantly work. lmao enjoy your shitty life
>> YoU sHuD do Le ProJecTs oUtsIde of WorKerINO!!!! KYS

>> No.54010796

Same I’m at close to 100 applications with maybe 5 call backs. And I have a PhD and lowball myself in the application

>> No.54010863

same here. 100 mails+phone calls. I have my fourth interview tomorrow. in the past I did 10 mails and went on 5 interviews

>> No.54011887
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>i didn't speak out when wokies said they wouldn't hire white males
>now they won't hire white males

>> No.54011896

have you ever read the story of how the brass bull was invented?

>> No.54011908

>be paid superficial amount of money
>everyone becomes a software engineer
>market is now oversaturated so no need to pay a lot anymore
>market is hot garbage I need more lambos!

>> No.54012787

Probably true. The irony being that 300k in SF is probably a 150k in Austin. I work at a midsize that pays better than the nowhere places but doesn't destroy my perspective like FAGMAN

>> No.54012827

I got laid off in September. I've legitimately applied to over 1000 jobs since then. Barely any call backs. A couple interviews. No offers.

>> No.54012860

I've been gainfully employed as a programmer for 8 years, never had to spend more than a week interviewing before walking effortlessly into a better role. Still getting harassed by recruiters every day for new positions. I'm not even that good at my job, and I've worked with countless highly paid people that have not a single clue of what they're doing. If you're struggling to find work you must be doing something seriously wrong

>> No.54012885

>Last year I was interviewing non stop.

>t. jobless/self-employed since graduation in 2020 with a M.Sc.

>> No.54012929

lol every thread on 4trans about tech rapidly devolves into seething neetoid poorfags making shit up to cope with their poor life decisions

>> No.54013225



>> No.54013444

>Total compensation

>> No.54013463

Imagine being fresh out of college in the past couple years, using your new 100k+ salary as a worthless diversity hire to buy a mortgage at the top, then getting laid off. Some of these guys are hella fucked.

>> No.54013531

>Literally the two examples you started with, doctors and lawyers, both do this.
Those doctors and lawyers are self-employed retard. They claim their "education" off to lower their tax bill.

>> No.54013576

I'm so ready to leave tech. The salary is fucking wild, and it's not hard work, but it somehow manages to be miserable anyway. There might be other jobs in tech that I'd rather be doing, but I'm a b-tier coder and I don't want to jump in the market with a bunch of just-layed-off Googlers who could kick my ass. Not to beg for another job I hate, anyway. What's next after coding? No clue, but this simply cant be as good as it gets. Not doing this shit for 30 years.

>> No.54013677

>this simply cant be as good as it gets
It really is, the only other way to reliably earn this sort of money is to work your arse off in corporate management
>Not doing this shit for 30 years
If AI continues it's current trajectory, it'll be over far sooner than that. Enjoy it while you can, the job market outside of tech is not pretty

>> No.54013795

Anyone can make money if they choose to work.

Twitter didn’t program itself… yet.

>> No.54014572

another reason for my suicide, thank you.

>> No.54014604
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This. Makes me chuckle every day.

>> No.54014684

Yeah that's pretty low. I work for a large company but probably a tenth the size of Google. My total compensation is about 260 but then I don't have to work in San Francisco pulling 80 hours weeks to earn it. If I work a 30 hour week it was a hard week.

>> No.54014772

Shalom aleichem

>> No.54014787

It's not that you need to work for free. It's that if you work for Initech doing nothing but maintenance on legacy tech and filling out TPS reports for 10 years, you'll have no marketable skills when it comes time to find a new job. Software is changing every year so you need to find at least one thing outside of your work cycle to stay at least a little knowledge on. Get a cert, read some docs, do a small project. Even doctors have to do continuing education to keep their license. Nobody cares how good you are at writing code for some outdated bullshit if everyone is looking for python c++, C#, java, or react.

>> No.54014858

I'm a commercial GC, just finished a remodel of a firestation while it remained operational at a lower capacity. The dudes were really cool, their daily lives of lifting weights, bsing around, and taking 3-4 calls a day was pretty accurate compared to how it's depicted in the media. I didn't realize how many new parents came to them to have a car seat installed. Lot of them work second jobs or go to school since the work style really allows for it. You can study for hours before getting interrupted to go rescue a cat out of a tree.

Plus they get free junk all the time. Everyday some local business is bringing them excess gourmet cookies, baked goods, etc. One lady found $100 in a Walmart parking lot and wanted to give it to the firefighters, they denied it.

>> No.54014937

Why do people keep saying this? If you plot productivity output vs tech implementation the trend is obvious. Less and less people are required to do more and more than ever. Its fine to be upset about tech but don't lie about it.

>> No.54014962

>What's next after coding
Probably best to learn solidity codes, create a few rug pulls and live in the Bahamas. Could be the ideal life for some but legit money and investment is satisfying. I'd rather secure an early spot on altcoinistdao, will print greens when the market returns

>> No.54015123
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I have the same exact feelings as you.

>> No.54015129

How are you measuring productivity? I hope it's not in some fucked metric that measures price and not intrinsic value, like post-Bretton Woods USD. That'd just be retarded to consider that a real measure of anything, you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to think productivity is going up because "money" line go up

>> No.54015177

It's cope. The idea that tech jobs can pay so much while the industry continues to grow and everyone else has their wages stagnant if not just getting fired has to hurt. They don't realize that tech is creating efficiencies that make those other jobs obsolete so they just hire more tech workers to find furthest optimization while also maintaining the previous ones. Grocery stores used to hire armies of people to figure out inventory. Now it's all software where people can order delivery straight to their home. You can run on a near skeleton crew most times. A few stockers, 3 cashier's, a manager. The only departments safe are probably the butcher and baker. For now.

>> No.54015204

The people fired from Google are mostly HR roasties and low level H1B hires.

>> No.54015252

In twitter's case because many of those people got blacklisted for their political bullshit. Japanese companies even admitted they had memos going around not to hire anyone with twitter on their CV.
In general for the US case it's because at the same time as twitter was loudly firing dead weight Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft were cutting 10k-20k jobs just to start with (way more now) and colluding to do it all at the same time to better the job market for each other. TeamBlind FAANG faggots and poojeets were screaming bloody murder over it.

>> No.54015263

Value provided per hours worked, money expended, and time spent.

>> No.54015280

Previously you spend x amount of dollars to get y amount of output.
Now you can spend x - n dollars to get that same y output or sometimes even y * b.
Big data especially has allowed companies to more efficiently place resources. Back to the grocery example, send all of your. Onions and kale to la where it will sell out immediately. You can profile your customer demographic down to the city block and appropriately place the products that will do the best based on seasons. You can algorithmically know when the best time for a sale would be. Hell you could probably model out traffic through your stores and predict the best placement for each product.

>> No.54015310

checked and I do have outside projects I just plan on selling them and I don't work for free dummy

>> No.54015313

>lucked into an industry whilst it had its golden bull run years
>does nothing to improve his skills during this time
>becomes lazy and complacent because they're earning a high salary for doing fuck all in return
>only reason for high salary is due to said golden bull run and companies making way more money than they ever dreamed
>golden years end and companies look to trim the fat now that they can no longer afford it
They get what they fucking deserve. This happens to every industry every couple decades.

>> No.54015337

It's been in a bubble for a decade and encouraged too many people to get a career in coding

>> No.54015362

Eight years here. Getting hired at entry level was hardest since nobody wants to hire someone with only hobby and academic experience, but after that everything was precisely like you described. No idea why an ex-Twitter dev would have trouble finding new work, unless they're looking for roles with the same inflated comp, amenities, and comparatively low expectations to boot.

>> No.54015394

Wait no, going on ten. Time flies.

>> No.54015595
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Tech jobs are useless jobs. All of the remote work wagies coping when everyone gets laid off around them and AI advances further and further are hilarious to me. You are literally just expandable retards globohomo corps play with for their own sick amusement.

>> No.54015686

That's the problem. They've tasted peak tech employment. No way would they want to go back to actually having to work, and with less perks. Getting laid off from twitter effectively ended their careers

>> No.54015850

I got laid off but I made a better play overall.
>Dropped out of school
>Worked some tech sales job
>Bought land in cash
Just need a half-decent job to put a home on it and I'm out. I'm interested in container homes and modular homes.

>> No.54015907

>coerce literally every high school graduate to go to college
>coerce them to study not what they're interested in, but what would earn them the greatest starting salary
>convince them tech jobs have the greatest salaries

now you have more people with degrees than you have jobs. anybody remember when this EXACT SAME THING happened with law degrees? no, of course not because everybody here is a zoomer born after 9/11

>> No.54015917

Bingo. Big tech was going crazy with low quality divershitty hires. Obviously no one wants them.

>> No.54015984

"Big tech" had inflated headcounts to work on speculative projects while they could borrow at near zero interest. That isn't sustainable in the current interest environment. The entire rest of the industry was forced to pay more to compete with these "big tech" companies.

>> No.54016190

It's brutal for freshers in the current market. Way more competition, way less opportunities.

>> No.54016480

They need to understand that salaries are going to be more inline with other professions now that big tech isn't driving up wages by slurping up all the tallent with low-interest debt. I got in about 3 years ago when the market started to cool off. I started at 80k and will be crossing 100k this year. The:
>Just get a computer science degree bro you'll make six figures as a brand new grad with no experience
Advice is now over. New grads need to prioritize working in a company's profit center and be less concerned with chasing the highest possible salary.

>> No.54017153

AI code isn't good enough to engineer an entire solution. Hell just knowing how to code is like 10% of a software engineering job. The only one coping is you.

>> No.54017488

Wow. You mean that there was a career path full of overgrown adolescents making $150k/y while sleeping all day and suddenly everybody wants a piece of that pie so it's gotten more competitive? Holy shit. What a fucking shocker. Wow. And this happened in a sector driven entirely by hype? During a mania phase? And now reality is setting in that most software engineers aren't fully developed human beings? Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. You got lucky. The luck ran out. Cry about it.

>> No.54017902
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Your post is cope.
The layoffs are middle managers and recruiters.

>> No.54018242

i’ve never met an actual engineer in FAANG that has enough free time to use the amenities.
i make 130k in pure salary right now straight out of college (not FAANG) but i also work nearly 11 hours a day.
i’m convinced that those stupid tiktoks are organized efforts to divide and conquer the non-wealthy.

>> No.54018820

The TikToks are women flexing on other women. Even if they were busy, they wouldn't show that because it isn't a flex. Every woman on earth wants to be paid a bunch of money and be entertained because they're attractive and dressed up. It's exactly the same thing as dude's posing in front of leased lambos.

>> No.54019292

This. What other jobs require you to do the equivalent of leetcode and github commits out of work to get a job? Fuck all that's what.

>> No.54019321

>So many legacy companies with ancient tech stacks that aren't taught in CS curriculums or bootcamps, that only a handful of people know how to work on. Avoid those places at all cost
I've experienced this. It's miserable.

>> No.54019377

Anon you're talking about the men. The men work 11 hours so the women can work 1.

>> No.54019384

If you're working 11 hours a day in tech you're doing something seriously wrong or you're simply bad at your job.

And no, as the other posters said, I'm not concerned about my job because I consider myself to be quite good at it and always receive stellar performance reviews. The people getting fired and laid-off are as mentioned useless middle-managers, HR roasties, and shit-tier pajeet programmers and bootcamp grads. It's practically impossible to find a good engineer in 2023 and if anyone has done any recruiting or interviewing in this space you know how many retards you have to filter through.

>t. senior SWE, 260k cash compensation (no stock option monopoly money), work maybe 20-30 hours a week

>> No.54019499

Seconded, don't fall for anything related to mainframes.

>> No.54019518

Those jobs are amazing.

>> No.54019716

The reason why they hire idiots is because HR and often hiring managers don't know how to work if someone can actually program so they just hire based on YoE.
This is also why some people struggle to get work, because they rock up with a GitHub and no-one actually has a clue whether they can program or not.
I have seen this over and over. Companies that have got bent over by consultants, will pay $120k pro rata daily rate, receive a product that doesn't work then try to hire people, reject everyone and say there is a skills shortage.
Remove the experience from your CV, replace it with a random corporate job then put your own work on GitHub, and then try to get someone to call you back...it isn't happening.

>> No.54019824

It's great at writing boilerplate code, but terrible at abstraction, solving more complex problems, and working with more obscure libraries, never mind being incapable of various facets of end-to-end development.

I think in time processes/pipelines will emerge leveraging it in different ways at different stages of the development lifecycle. GPT-4 will also likely provide code that's more accurate and demonstrates better comprehension of libraries and technoloies. That's a few years down the road, and human quality assurance and input will still be needed to some extent, but entry level, junior, and less competent senior devs are going to be ripped a new asshole.

>> No.54019971

coding is a soul draining job

I sincerely implore you to look for another career unless you enjoy sitting in front of a computer for 18 hours a day for 20-30 years.

I haven't talked to another human being for the past 5 weeks.

>> No.54020061
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>If you're working 11 hours a day in tech you're doing something seriously wrong or you're simply bad at your job.
i work with physical devices (mobile embedded). i don't know what it's like for pure software, but touching consumer hardware is full of bullshit crunch time.
the upside is that my company is as global as it gets and i'm forced to take time off whenever it's a holiday for somebody, like today.

>> No.54020085

Those jobs really are great.

Sure, you're going to spend six months to a year figuring out how everything works, and once you know your way around it, you'll spend another year writing mountains of intricate tests for it all and automating your workflow, but after that point your only work is making occasional tweaks and buildouts to a now rock-solid code/infrastructure base, and otherwise basically getting paid a generous tenure to be an irreplaceable authority on an obscure mountain of shit that almost nobody understands but everyone totally depends on at the company.

It's how I got to my "working like five minutes a day" stage at my last job.

>> No.54020260


.NET by no means is a bad framework. There are plenty of places in the US that are pure Microsoft shops with Azure, .NET, etc. I can't imagine why you wouldn't be able to get a job with your experience.

>> No.54020309

Just buy a manufactured home like a real fucking human being. Container homes are a meme.

>> No.54020350

>the coder bubble is bursting
>any day now!!!!!

been hearing this one since I started CS in 2012

>> No.54020410

because the elderly tech illiterate investors who were easily swindled are being replaced by people who know better

>> No.54020649

Container homes are fucking dumb, don't do it. They were built with the intent of being containers, not homes. You'll blow more money trying to make it livable and insulated than you would if you just bought a 177k fixer upper starter in a town that is 40 min away from a larger city.

>> No.54020713

>tech person at twitter thinks he can go be a firefighter with his noodle arms and 300 pound bulk

>> No.54021088

Wfhchads...we need a pandemic and unlimited free money...

>> No.54021244


>> No.54021897

I'm a firefighter and we work a 24 on 48 off schedule, we get about 6 weeks off per year, but in terms of total hours worked it's about 50% more than a 40 hour a week job. We get more "days off" but our work days are 24 hours

>> No.54022103

Guess he should have agreed to the rewrite.

>> No.54022340

It would be nice. I'd move out of the country this time and wfh out of some third world mountain side via starlink internet. Watch me make 300k remote from a Caribbean mountain village. Bonus points if I can rent out my condo while I'm gone.

>> No.54022527

lol this
>major in CS at a middle tier state school
>dipshit friend i used to have would repeat memes from bitter NEETs and /g/ and /pol/ that CS is a meme degree and that "it's the new law degree"
>get a developer job 2 months after graduation at a fortune 500, tons of benefits
>5+ years later i'm making six figures and he's trying to make it in the national guard because he has literally zero career prospects otherwise

>> No.54023201

no fucking clue

>> No.54023369

My friend was doing firefighter training and he said 20 of the 25 guys there had dads who were firefighters.
Basically, you can't get in unless you know someone.

>> No.54024069

/biz/ has an identity crisis where on one point most anons acknowledge life is not work and embrace movements like /wfh/ while also demeaning people who get fired from big corpos that do exactly those things - mostly because they are envious of other's success + being seething incels at the day in my life women tiktoks

>> No.54024305

I'm honestly pretty happy that bloated tech jobs are finally starting to take some hits, for no other reason than seeing some of these smug lazy fuckers getting cut down to size when the realize being paid 200k+ a year to sit in their basement at home and jack off is not very sustainable in the long term.
For the record I don't believe in the boomer "work hard" philosophy myself either, I'm in it purely for the money and I'll do as little work as it takes to achieve and maintain that.
I just cannot stand the cunts broadcasting just how useless they are and how much they get paid for sitting on their ass in their pajamas. Shut the fuck up, keep your head down and keep raking in the money. And when the golden 2021 days are finally over, don't throw a bitchfit that your expensive technically-atrophied ass is not as competitive as a new grad codecel eager to prove himself.

>> No.54024461

Post-it note job tracker employed to try and make autists talk more.

>> No.54024482

>get paid 100k just to do css and html

It's nice but I know this ride won't last forever.

>> No.54024505

my friend is a firefighter and when you start out you actually get like no time off, it's only for senior employees that have been doing it 10+ years. plus obviously not everyone in the world can be a firefighter because we can't steal that much money from the economy

>> No.54024517

Not true at all, I'm in a metro fire department in FL and maybe 1/20 is a legacy hire

>> No.54024544

do you also believe that twitter/instagram money flashers are wholly representative of people working in finance?

>> No.54024546

cos the only thing that was keeping companies that don't actually make any money alive was cheap credit.

>> No.54024571

Not true, our guys starting get around 5 weeks off per year, then at 5 years on you get 6, and it goes up every 5 years or so at around 8 weeks off when you're at 15+ years. We also all get 2 weeks sick leave on top that doesn't change with seniority. Of course these numbers are all dependent on your state and department, mine is in FL and would be considered pretty "average" on compensation metrics

>> No.54024595

4chan has just as many tech workers claiming they work 2 hours per day wfh and shitpost here on company dime. no one is working in tech and everyone is making 300k.

>> No.54024609

>silicon valley became a massive bubble with a bunch of useless trinkets and services made every single week that serve no real purpose but to swindle investors
>this made an aritifically low barrier of entry where any dumbass that said they know what SQL is and made a hello world in a github profile could get a near six figure salary to do basically nothing because lol hot market
>companies across the board were getting record low interest rates and all sorts of gov bailouts that are now doing a total 180
>coding bootcamps and pajeets on youtube gave people an overflated sense of security when they really know fuck all about coding, or could get replaced by the greasy autist thats been coding since they were in diapers
The tech industry as it is now is even more speculative than stocks. Now its just getting trimmed from top to bottom, so all thats gonna be left after a bit are those autists who are gonna get ridden like slaves. Smaller companies will probably be different, but big tech is going to be completely unrecognizable by the end of this decade at the absolute latest, likely by the middle half. Powell is about to make the Bogdanoffs look like a joke and techbros are probably going to get hit harder than anyone else.

>> No.54024620

Quality posts, anyone who disagrees doesn't live in the real world. I hate to sound like a boomer, but no free lunch.

>> No.54024623

lean to cod-ACK

>> No.54024679

I'm not talking about the zoomers on TikTok posting "how I spent 3 hours learning JS to earning 300k!!!". Plenty of people on 4chan and any online platform you can think of humblebrag about how much free time they have with their remote SDE gig earning upwards of 200k.
Which, again, I don't knock the concept of that job. If anything I'm envious (no fucking shit). But what's really hilarious is when these people act like they're literally about to get forced into slavery when bosses want their antisocial asses back in the office, or suggest that they spend some actual time honing their skills to remain competitive candidates, anything that would threaten their cushy 10-hour-a-week job paying as much as some doctors.
These people live outside of the plane of reality.

>> No.54024761

Yeah, I've never seen a tranny firefighter.

>> No.54024800

again, do you think those braggarts represent the entire industry?
it's same as any other wageslaving but with misguided prestige attached to it by the techlet masses. you only ever see those high wages in HCOL areas anyway.

>> No.54024913

I love how this guy thinks firefighter is a good backup job which is easy to get. Like, he thinks he can maintain some measure of social prestige in an unskilled job, as if every other unskilled man doesn't also want to be a firefighter and have some social prestige too. Every guy without a college degree knows he can get laid as a firefighter even if his salary is shit. But codemonkeys think they can just waltz over to the fire station and get a job.

>> No.54025406

The old ways are best, but doctors are just wageslaves to the hospitals now and must keep their treatments within politically correct boundaries.

>> No.54025810

All I know about the biotech industry/startups is they always end up with insane turnover due to investment-sinks and theranos-tier failed projects (but with less a lot funding). Shkreli infamously shorted them all the time and make a killing.

>> No.54025918

>be a firefighter

Ok techweenie drink your onions than haul 75 pounds of high rise pack in full turnout 30 stories and you have the job.

>> No.54025996

Like how tech faggots assume they can walk around into a ff job

>> No.54026937
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Yes, sleep in the office. Sleep on the floor. I remember the story of the Google employee who slept in his car in the parking lot. He ate and showered at work. Don't forget the goyslop they serve up as part of your "total compensation". Twitter was expensing $400 per meal until Musk killed the free cafeteria.

One of the biggest problems with these companies is the Silicon Valley culture. It's actually not very efficient. Busy work and "grind" but very little unity of effort because the retard managers don't actually know how to manage projects, and the typical tech employee is soi addled bugperson who can't be given direct instructions. You have to couch everything in soft language instead of getting to the point and completing a project.

>> No.54027300

When you say 24 hours isn't that just being on call? As in you hang out at the station during your shift until you get a call. Can't imagine you're fighting a fire every day all day. But I suppose it depends on what city you're in.

>> No.54027354

>bloated tech jobs are finally starting to take some hits,
They're not

>> No.54027448

I'm one of those people. 260k wfh basically working 2-3 hours of real work a day. The secret is you have to know what you're doing.
>Agile work structure
>Point tickets at the beginning of a sprint
>I rate things a 2 and my team disagrees and rates then a 3 or 5
>I get that ticket rated a 5
>Average 8 points a sprint
>The 5 point ticket is maybe a days worth of work
>Do it over the course of a 2 week sprint
The other secret is that you shouldn't make mistakes that create bugs. If there's no tech debt the job is super easy.
Thinking tech is over inflated is just cope. The people working there positions are the autistic gifted children you knew back in grade school. If we worked normal jobs we would run the company in a year. We're just not the same. Cope about it.

>> No.54027631

kinda impossible they've created a giant caste based clique at the top of many flagships of the industry, imagine jews but browner and even more tribalistic

>> No.54028331


>has top secret clearance

>brags about having top secret clearance on a literal datamining site

nice larp faggot

>> No.54028436

post nose jewy jewington

>> No.54028488

did you try a firm handshake? did you remember to thank the foreign invaders getting your job that have no merit or skill?

>> No.54028527

Depends on the country, what you say is true in post soviet eastern europe

>> No.54028556


So... Pronouns are "they"?

>> No.54028573

No larp. I had it since I was 18. Its not some super sexy shit like a Q level clearance, just means im not an idiot who can be bribed

>> No.54028597

Tons of military guys have top secret clearance and can talk about it publicly

>> No.54028839
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I always hated Elon simps and ledditors praising this guy so much and calling him a genius
but the fact that the media is OBVIOUSLY going so hard against him at this particular moment it's so funny
it's so predictable, one day he was the messiah but now the mainstream narrative tells you he's le bad guy so NPC's by default started hating on this guy

>> No.54028954

Got laid off last July and only starting a job this month.

The problem isn't that there aren't jobs, the problem is that companies can pick and choose now, so the hiring process can take months. You might have to do 5 rounds with a test, then even if you get promised an offer it might have to take a month or two going through compliance bullshit to actually get it to you.

So if you get laid off today, there's a realistic chance you'll be unemployed for like 6+ months even if you finish your interviews for a new job within a month or two, which is nuts.

>> No.54029023

*start your interviews

>you get laid off in March
>apply to some company in April
>HR person calls you in May deciding they'd like to interview you
>5 rounds, finishes in June
>Okay we'll give you an offer
>Offer arrives in July
>Renegotiate something in it
>Compliance circus starts again
>Acceptable offer in August
>Start in September

>> No.54029056
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Coz it is the bubble

>> No.54029163 [DELETED] 
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>So if you get laid off today, there's a realistic chance you'll be unemployed for like 6+ months even if you finish your interviews for a new job within a month or two, which is nuts.
i got a job at $18/hr doing blue collar shit
in 1 month of job searching.
i had to chug 1 gallon of water because i had THC in my system.
i had a drug test in 2hrs notice.
i can get whatever the fuck done.
only beta males can't get a job in 6 months.
the job market isn't bad.
the guy in OP news article is probably a shit programmer.
if he was a good programmer, he could just start his own shit or something
or find a job in a different city.
the guy in the news article 100% wont actually commit to firefighting.
guys like that just want to talk shit about how hard they have it.
they don't have it hard.
my dick is harder than ANYONE i've ever met.
cardio 3x and i make muscle gains.
most /fit/ posters are shit heads that lie about cardio.
my dick is harder than theirs and no dick pump needed b/c i do cardio.

>> No.54029206

He didn't tell you any secrets. And the alphabet org he works for probably pays him to post here.

>> No.54029293

lmao @ roasting winfags in issues

>> No.54029343

hundred percent elon will hire poos

>> No.54029457

Chud thinks being a firefighter is easy kek. The people who become firefighters aren't faggots with varicose veins who spend all day in front of a PC

>> No.54029477
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Programming is unironically the coal mining of the 2020s. All of those jobs are going to be obsolete by the end of the decade. I suggest you get into a safe career like aviation. There will always be demand for travel and airplanes are something that will never be automated by AI.

>> No.54029662
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>wanted to go into tech with cushy programming job
>ended up getting into telecom maintainance
>recession proof job making sure normies can stream porn hub to their phones while my "dream" position is ceasing to exist
fucking dodged one there

>> No.54029742

your current stack doesn't matter if the company has an onboarding phase, the issue is that the economy is in the shitter
ex-FAANG devs are applying to junior roles just to land something
market's kaput

>> No.54029754

I unironically have a job writing planes' autopilot / broader flight computer software.
We're trying to someday certify shit that would allow certain planes to fly with just one pilot but that's far out on the road map for now.

>> No.54029779

Aviation is dead too. The only reason why airlines haven't gone over to fully automated aircraft yet is because the airplane industry itself is decades behind. US Airforce has confirmed that this will be the last generation of manned fighters,

>> No.54029795

Considering becoming a diesel mechanic. I don't care if the pay is lower than software development. I don't care if the work is hard. I don't care if the hours are long. I just need a career that I can rely on.
Software was fun while it lasted, but starting last summer, the entire industry has been fucking imploding. It'll be a skeleton industry in 5 years. Mark my words.

>> No.54029815

Do you have a CS degree?

>> No.54029844

>maybe I should get a real job
these retards made AI like chat GPT and now its going to replace them.

>> No.54029931

I am just passively interviewing, only applying to jobs that I am interested in, and I am having no problem lining up interviews. I'm in the final stages of one I really want. I have 10 yoe in Scala.

I think the market is absolutely fucked for juniors and FAGMEN who are unwilling to work for less than $300k total comp.

>> No.54030177

avoided college because I was scared of debt and am classroom retarded anyway
I think I got in before they "raised" the bar
I may not have a degree but I can fix things and keep them running

>> No.54030222

i can never understand questions like this
just do what people will hire your for srs

>> No.54030232

are you seriously only making 100k in cutthroat fintech? Dude you should be at least 200k for that stress

>> No.54030299

I got 50% raise in the beginning of the year, another ~60% raise 2 years ago.
Its just diversity hires, troons and coons getting fired.

>> No.54030305
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yuropoors seethe like mad over him too, so I like him

>> No.54030519

That’s what happens when you pick a career that engineers its way to its own obsolescence by default.
There’s a reason why one of the first things you learn about engineering on day one is to never engineer something to perfection, or you’ll be out of a job.

>> No.54031767

You have TS? You're fine. Defense contractors and the DoD will take you. Being a government civilian worker is comfy, low stress, and an unfirable position. I know many software groups in the military as well.

Contractors have to suck more cock (they're truly wagies), but government workers get paid less (but being a bureaucrat is much better than being a wagie).

>> No.54031845

No refunds for the ones that gave the loan, you mean. Right? Or have you been living under a rock?

>> No.54031871

They say that, but that's not the commercial sector. Safety bureaucracy and liability means it isn't going anywhere.

I also, 100% doubt full automation of aviation if it's transporting any people.

We'll see if they fully cut out manned fighters as well. Not for utility, but for prestige. Pretty much all the top brass of the air force draws from the pilots and especially the fighters. It's almost a prereq for those jobs so they all have some sentimentality attached to it all.

>> No.54031966

most tech jobs can be done by a pajeet whos willing to work odd hours

>> No.54032015

because it was never a thing to begin with

>> No.54032349

never solve something you are paid to be the solution for. Vacuum cleaner bags for example.

>> No.54032719

I quit being a firefighter job 2 years ago to join tech. Now I can't even go back to being a firefighter from all the weight i've gained. Tech ruined my physique

>> No.54032747

You only starts making good money when you're at the officer level. Frontliners don't make as much.

>> No.54032761

I graduate next month with a BS in Compsci and am wondering if the move is to just incorporate as an LLC and do web design for mom and pop places for free while studying a specialization to fillin work history.

>> No.54032779

Fire calls are uncommon. However, RTA (Road traffic accidents) are pretty common and you get call for that at least 3-4 times per day per station.

>> No.54033638

How much do they get paid roughly? And the jobs are all out of DC no?
Currently flying so my IP keeps changing

>> No.54033933

Don't they earn hundreds of thousands per month? What the fuck where did all that money go? How long have they been working for, just go fuck off an retire a multi millionaire already jesus fucking greedy tech leechs.

>> No.54034020

>allow certain planes to fly with just one pilot
LOL never happening

>> No.54034069

>About to graduate with a degree in infosystems and business analytics
What the fuck do I do.

>> No.54034132

Become a quantitative developer.

>> No.54034231
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Why do people say this? Productivity growth has been at its lowest in decades.

>> No.54034253
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Another graph for those wondering after trumps election

>> No.54034384

Keep in mind this was also during 0% interest rate bonznza and ever increasing US labour for the rce to things always associated with productivity growth

>> No.54034400

>he doesn't know about climate change

>> No.54035728

Unless they're in the banking and air service

>> No.54036757
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>10 to 15 years of almost exponential "growth"
>all phones are still the same
>all software is just a worse, buggier version of something that Just Werks'd(TM) from the previous decade
>everything bogged with worthless tracking so that zuckerberg can sell you garbage based on the information of how many sweat pores surround your left nipple
Half a gorrillion startups, yet no one could answer where all that code goes. The tech industry by large just exists to be an adult daycare and an opportunity for entrepreneurs to get HR hoes to suck their dick.

>> No.54036890
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Avocado toasts and Funko Pops.

>> No.54037143

>If we worked normal jobs we would run the company in a year.


>> No.54038126

Doctor here, we do have to do shit outside of work, we are literally required to do shit to maintain our licenses, we have to spend a shit load of money to do it do on things called CMEs, plus you need to be doing other shit to make yourself an attractive hiree, additional skills and projects etc. Getting extra certifications doing extra QI projects being involved on comittews, publishing research, all depends what type of job you want, but most docs are doing a ton of shit outside their normal job in addition to the required CMEs. I make 550k so I'm not really complaining but it's simply untrue we can just clock in and clock out.

>> No.54038180

only good post in entire thread ygmi anon

>> No.54038244

I hope linus gets terminal cancer
his whole channel is a sham

>> No.54038257

how can things continue like this? where does one even enter the job market when you need experience for entry level positions
its so unbelievably bleak and humiliating

>> No.54038359

it will only get worse once people start using ai to automatically apply to 100 jobs per second for them and the only way to compete with them is to do the same thing

>> No.54038362

it is extremely easy to get a job at a defense contractor like raytheon

>> No.54038948

You think an above average to genius level IQ engineer couldn't come into mcwagie and run the place in a single year?

>> No.54040601
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LMAO this fucking BITCH is the exact reason why shit software is developed and then doesn't sell. All you double niggers do is point towards your title, demand respect, and attempt to belittle any and everyone else as dumb to protect your position. Enjoy the layoffs and the soup kitchen you will soon be becoming very familiar with.

>> No.54040641


>> No.54040831

20 years in tech
I can easily find time to exercise
I am constantly busy working

all the diversity hires will tell a story about how they used to do that programmer stuff but they like being waiters

>> No.54041052

>It really doesn't take much to stay on top of the game.
I don't believe this statement. Prove it.

>> No.54041514

Plane practically fly themselves already and pilots are quitting already because the airlines treat them like shit. You're retarded and this is cope.

>> No.54041701

Internships are experience

>> No.54041872
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The tech bubble has burst.

All those tech bros and STEM lords making 6 figure salaries to just do 1 hr of actual work are being laid off because their jobs were never essential in the first place. All the actual work is usually done before they even showed up and were hired by the company.

Everything else is literally just busy work with no real goal or objective.

>> No.54041892
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Guys, I'm a chemist who is trying to become a programmer by doing The Odin Project and learning the MERN stack. I am also doing leetcode shit on the side. It's a pain in the ass to work on it consistently with my full time job of inhaling research chemicals, and I am consistently troubled by doubts about ever getting into the industry. Can I really find work if I keep at it, or is the field going to implode in the next few months?

>> No.54041927

Is this some kind of flex? Programming/coding is very tedious and autistic.
"Diversity hires" as you put it are probably just normal people with non autistic brains so they don't enjoy this particular field.

I know I didn't. Only reason I even pursued a comp sci degree and got all those certifications is because theres no other job that pays this well to just sit in a air-conditioned office like that, (unless youre a middle aged white woman lol)

These jobs are an anomaly, honestly.

>> No.54042843

How much do they pay?

>> No.54043022

Yeah we stay at the station and are paid hourly for the full 24. How busy you are entirely depends on how busy your station is, at mine we run between 4 and 6 per shift, and usually we sleep all night. We also work out, watch movies, etc. It's not bad, but you can get woken up in the middle of the night often. Busy city departments can run 24+ calls per shift, our slower stations run one or none at all though

>> No.54043049

Sorry this reply was for this

>> No.54043161

Enjoy your cancers

>> No.54043453
File: 21 KB, 740x219, java_python_difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only reason I even pursued a comp sci degree and got all those certifications is because theres no other job that pays this well to just sit in a air-conditioned office like that
This, and you don't usually need to bother with difficult customers or too "normie" colleagues. Been doing this shit for a year now, and although I'm not really that balls deep into tech or passionate about it, I really like the job and the place I'm working in.

>Can I really find work if I keep at it
Sure you can, why not. I got my first IT-job last year when I was closer to 35 than 30.

You could try to leverage your background as a chemist to get your first programming job. Before becoming a programmer, I was a technical tester doing machine configurations and installations, and managed to switch inside my company to the software department, where they maintained the old codebase and developed a new one. I didn't know much about coding, and still don't, but since I had worked with the company's machines and knew how they worked, they were willing to hire me, so maybe you could try out something similar with your chemistry background.

>> No.54043481

they rely on ads

>> No.54043776

I'm changing into software development at 30, after being a firefighter for 8 years. How does this make you feel anon?

>> No.54044891
File: 129 KB, 832x1049, linux penguin suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked is a Linux system administrator in all this?
t. probably going to end up as one

>> No.54045715

how do you sleep at night ?
I dunno why but i wake up twist and turn the whole night and i'm pretty much fucked and worthless the next day.

>> No.54046608

"just learn to code" was coined as a sarcastic meme from those who did it and succeeded.
its the msm that misinterpreted the sentence, turned it on its head and tout it, because its free!!!!!! yes, anyone can!! but that only throws you into the same bucket with anyone who tries.
Today's youth who do not know computers as anything other that their smartphone are so far off of becoming talented programmers its not even funny. they have no, absolutely no chances of succeeding. Not one in a hundred thousand, maybe a million

>> No.54046644

You will never be a penguin.

>> No.54046655

I usually interview a ton of people but my company has pulled back from that until we can see where things are going to go.

>> No.54046941

As someone actually working in tech, it’s fine desu.

>> No.54047142

>learn to code
*gets fired*

>> No.54047205
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Why should he be hired as a Firefighter? What is he bringing except coding? In my region we won't take you unless you bring some useful skills and a Paramedic degree.

>> No.54047295

>the job isn't dangerous
>they just inhale toxic shit all the time
I get what you mean, the toxic shit is a bit less immediately dangerous but yeah I would say having to breathe in toxic fumes all the time is pretty dangerous.

>> No.54047832

i hope it works out for you
if you can find a job you'll probably be fine
issue is, job market's dog shit for non-senior devs + AI is improving and putting every developer at risk
AI won't replace every job, but it will improve developer workflows to such an extent that fewer developers will be needed per team

>> No.54047951

I got a degree in accounting, never had an internship during college even though internships are considered very important with accounting majors, never had a problem finding a job. I have no choice other than to believe these "I've applied to 1k jobs" people are absolute retards, convicted felons, or just liars.

I am pretty autistic and got hired before I graduated college. I got laid off from that job during covid, and when I started applying again, I sent in my resume on 4 or 5 job postings, didn't write a single cover letter, got two interviews and one offer which I took.

>> No.54048547
File: 1019 KB, 1176x948, GOFORCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech is figuring out that they have a tremendous amount of dead weight. You can see it by the women who post videos of their "work" days where they produce negative value for the company.
Signed, a dead weight tech worker who has, so far, stayed under the radar.

>> No.54048636

I got a job as a factory worker while going through college and somehow managed to move up the ranks, now my company is offering to pay for my schooling while I study software development since a good chunk of their current software engineers are aging baby boomers who will retire soon. My only fear is that I won't be able to meet their expectations.

>> No.54049600

was a tradefag and started neeting for a year. other than tradefagging slave tier existence and npc office golem what the fuck is there even left?

I dont even give a fuck about dying on the job just something that isn't soul crushing.
anons got any ideas?

>> No.54049805

there are so many glowies here off the clock it's unreal. people post about it all the time. it's not illegal to tell people you have TSC.

>> No.54049815

There is nothing, Society is clearly suicidal.

>> No.54049842

There is a lot of factors beforehand, but the major bank getting fucked will pop a big bubble forming and California is where it's at it's worst.

>> No.54049843

breddy much. i guess we'll actually have to invent things again. a lot of people aren't cut out for that kind of work. most of them can barely make an HTTP request.

>> No.54049852

Now that everyone knows how to work computers, even dirty stinking pajeets, they're starting to realize you faggots are over paid for what you do. You don't create anything, you don't make anything, all you do is bullshit customer support for a system people smarter than you created.

>> No.54049867

you need a little more specialty than that. move into cybersec. it's easy to train yourself and it's basically sysadmin for cool guys

>> No.54050028

The problem of the coder is that perfect code = you make yourself obsolete.

So a biz programmer write shitty spaghetti code only he understands to make himself a irreplaceable asset in the company. Some madlads even wrote viruses into their code that would activate on trigger to threaten the company when fired.

On top of that nobody in hiring can tell good from bad. So they hire bimbo coders who sell themself well and don't take the repulsive elite autist who smell weird but can write you perfect code. (exception exists as some department have their senior coders fish for exactly the latter and they even protect them )

>> No.54050158

Is it tho? I literally counted 52 applications since February by headhunters. And im nothing special, have a Bsc+msc in EE, been in the field for 3 years.

>> No.54050344

Crypto is based anon as there are lots of jobs in web3 to explore and there are assets that earn users passive income too like the Cloudbreakers which would be implementing Nft staking later this year.

>> No.54050374

>the virgin credentialist vs. the chad hacker
i don't think normies understand that being a good programmer is not something you can really learn. it's more like a personality type.

>> No.54050419

electrical engineer looking for code monkey work is certainly more special than CS. Its generally thought easier to teach coding than field specific knowledge.

>> No.54050503

I'm currently doing an accounting class which is part of my business admin degree. How is accounting overall? I'm interested in wanting to work in the government

>> No.54052259

I will milk my corpo job for every last penny and get away with doing as little work as possible for as long as possible, as if I was planning on doing anything different

>> No.54052307
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the coder/software field is already pretty saturated as hell right now. not surprising this is finally starting to happen

>> No.54052461

also this
at this point I'd rather pour lattes or hang drywall than report to the fuckers above me

>> No.54052547
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>tfw never really interviewed in my life and am somehow still pulling $280k
I rose from a part time student manual tester in a 3rd world country to a senior in FAANG in US over the span of 15 years and I only had 1 friendly interview through this entire time
I don't have connections or social skills outside of work, so my autism and my luck are incredible
If I get laid off though, it may be tough, but I already have some cash to tide me over

>> No.54053370

Even perfect code has implicit technical debt associated with it. Tests are needed, its dependencies may become deprecated, the context in which it operates may degrade, or its requirements may change over time.

Debt on code written by good programmers increases linearly; by bad programmers, exponentially. The rest of an operation can and will feel it.