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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54012588 No.54012588 [Reply] [Original]

>GME tards think everything will crash except for GME
Obvious bottom signal

>> No.54012894

I love how professional traders have to routinely read books whose sole message is not to be emotional about trading and then you get this shit from NEETs and baristas who aren't as smart as they think they are.

>> No.54012978

hey even the professional traders need suckers to take money from

>> No.54013589

Literal cult shit

>> No.54013657

these bottom signals are bussin no cap. Personally, I just acquired another link sui stack

>> No.54013678

you can tell its a cult because every other sentence is just some empty cliche or platitude. i'm surprised reddit even allows this shit since theyre so censorship heavy. basically allowing people to get dragged into financial ruin

>> No.54014431

Per subreddit superstonk spends the most on reddit gold and other shit. They actively encourage it.

>> No.54014549

>every other sentence is just some empty cliche or platitude
>t. some souless retard who has given into the hedge fundies narritave
this is why you will always be priced out, and left behind in your own little sad cold world while those of us with actual insight and perception of the events that happen in front of us will get unfathomably rich.

Stay jealous poorfag. Imagine that little frog blowing cigar smoke in your face as the img I would post if I cared about your poor opinions that come from being poor

>> No.54014573

>t. totally not brainwashed into believing a failing video game retailer should be worth billions

>> No.54015534

So basically I'm not gonna sell it (GME)... I know, UGH, I KNOW... It's just I'm not gonna sell it is all HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.54016584

Yeah but we dont care
We mean it good when we "fud you

>> No.54017420

That’s why it’s remained so far. It’s spending is drying up as the cult loses cash and members though, I can’t see it still being allowed this time next year.

>> No.54017638

it is worth billions though, check the market cap

>> No.54017692

They’re GME tards. Everything that happens is a signal that they are right, usually described as an attempt (that will fail) by the hedgies to cover their shorts.

>> No.54017848

>"don't care"
>deliberately make a post in a gme seethe thread

>> No.54017960

kek these guys are so smart huh,
time will tell who's right

>> No.54017971
File: 384 KB, 1170x2188, 7u6x2b566ama1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL bump my general
you WILL create trash spin off threads
you WILL bake when baker is busy



>> No.54018005

Even their Saint DFV has washed his hands of this after making his millions.

>> No.54018057

Requesting the jannie to rename this thread “crypto baggie seethe general”

>> No.54018071
File: 455 KB, 681x370, 1677333011127937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me break it down for you guys

its fucking over

tick tock

>> No.54018796

I'm all in xen, but gamestop's the only sub-culture on the board that has so many glowniggers making threads like this and crying about making new threads - that shit does not happen in /smg/ lol

>> No.54019157

>this is about to get very interesting
Haven't they been saying that for a while now?

>> No.54019161
File: 387 KB, 680x793, GoFish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gamestop's the only sub-culture
It's a reddit colony and you all need to go back
>that has so many glowniggers making threads like this
People make threads to laugh at retards, if you can't understand why that's funny it's because there's no one stupider than you that you can laugh at. You're the very bottom. That's it.

>> No.54020721

>People make threads to laugh at retards
This is always your go to. You post low quality in /gme/, cause you're "laffin". You make extra low quality threads about GME, cause you're "laffin". You seek us out and when you want to be away, you make your own threads about us. Yet you're always seething and not laughing while we laugh about your very existence because we always seem to be on your mind.