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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 849x749, pivot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54006023 No.54006023 [Reply] [Original]

hes a one trick pony. he's gonna pivot immediately at the first sign of structural liquidity issues. buying opportunity.

>> No.54006243
File: 74 KB, 860x795, 41-416210_rage-face-meme-png-meme-face-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are out of your god dam mind
He will not let the dollar go to 0
He can not

>> No.54006262

dollar is going to zero regardless, just a question of whether they will force us all through a quixotic debt crisis first

>> No.54006266

How many times in history has a government chosen to save their currency over their economy when the geopolitical stakes were high?

>> No.54006303

you niggers have been saying that for the last six months

>> No.54006668

How many Reserve Currencies Gave up said status to save their economy? also if the Dollar goes to zero the Economy is fucked mybe even worse since we wont have reserve advantages anymore

>> No.54006703

How can inflation be this insanely out of control yet my salary is still what people were making 30 years ago?

>> No.54006724

See, I get your thinking, but where you fuck up is you don't realize that the U.S is losing their reserve status regardless, and the FED knows it. They're playing a game of pretend damage control right now.

>> No.54006749

Once wages increase, it locks in the current inflation, but at least it allows people to start building prosperity again. If I was God-Emperor:
Cut welfare 50% (In 10% semiannual increments)
Raise wages to inflation level
Lower rates

>> No.54006756

If he pivots the economy crashes, you can’t have a debt based economy and high inflation for long. That’s how you end up with an Argentina/Turkey situation.

>> No.54006800

So who is getting the fuckload of dollars that they printed? Because it definitely isn't me.

>> No.54006809

the economy will still crash even if he doesn't ease. continuing to hike prolongs and exacerbates the inevitable

>> No.54006812

tax payers bro pods and bugs and all that you know the drill

>> No.54006834

If they don't monetize the debt then anyone, including u.s. enemies will scoop up controlling interests in the u.s. economy. Killing the dollar on their terms is the last ditch effort to save u.s. hegemony.

>> No.54006880
File: 297 KB, 844x938, powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54006925

A pivot means death

>> No.54006962
File: 135 KB, 700x1051, E0C5ABA5-2B4F-42AB-B6DB-11305B30F980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would the people who loaned us all this money just suddenly charge us unpayable interest?
>surely this must be a mistake
>they will rescue us any day now

>> No.54006970

Do I need to say it? Jews.

>> No.54007012

Banks, and welfare niggers. The banks are just lending it back to the Fed for interest.

>> No.54007038
File: 56 KB, 720x794, 52FDB35F-3B8F-4068-A237-C8266021CBC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites are responsible for all the financial problems
>oy vey goyim, stop looking at the early life
see you in 3 days

>> No.54007055

>U.S is losing their reserve status regardless
No its not inevitable its been bad policy for the last 20 years and you can even take it back to 71, But there is a way to save it we just cannot know fursure what it is. in 100 years the answer would be obvious and we cannot see it now

>> No.54007072

Keep dreaming baggie. If markets are melting down that badly, you'll want to be a million miles away from assets of any kind.

>> No.54007088

This is the perfect Parallel, They are the Rat, they wont get saved this time

>> No.54007100

It's kinda sad. I'm convinced any anon asking about immigration, sbf, or wall street is just baiting reports

>> No.54007119

If the US economy shits the bed how will that play out domestically with all the racial diversity and political extremism we have been cultivating?

>> No.54007140

>insider here
>It's all obvious in 100 years
Woah guys shut the fuck up and listen

>> No.54007159

Just ask yourself, was life actually that much cheaper in Feb compared to Jan? CPI probably didn't drop fast enough for .25, it'll be .5 and hawkish talk to add fear. Ignore everyone from the fed except j pow, he's had the same plan and been clear. Waller et al only open their mouths to lie and prevent panic.

>> No.54007165

Its important to know that there are solutions to even the most imposible problems. But sure wallow in dread

>> No.54007170

it goes tick tick booomey

>> No.54007213


It's pretty obvious - get rid of the homos, stop killing babies, mutilating kids and destroying the family unit.

Really that simple.

>> No.54007224


It swallows itself, we pretend it didn't happen and return back to the normal of 30 years ago. Just as we'd done the pandemic. Duh.

>> No.54007241

This, It can be achievied

>> No.54007254

Cope harder