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File: 13 KB, 411x109, bcash-logo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5399393 No.5399393 [Reply] [Original]

rip anyone fomo buying bcash now . it will be rendered useless when lightning is out and will probs go to zero

who wants to buy a coffee with me on the LN in the near future?

>> No.5399435

rip btc too.

>> No.5399460

>when lightning is out
Don't you mean, IF lightning is out? Forever in 2 years.

>> No.5399484
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>using lightning for a single transaction

>> No.5399503

Haha cuz everyone is going to use lightning just like they use segwit now right?

>> No.5399524

lol LAUGHning NOTwork

>> No.5399533

>lighting is decentralized

>> No.5399589

LOL board is overrun with roger shills. Is jihan paying u guys in BCASH?

>> No.5399592

>Don't you mean, IF lightning is out? Forever in 2 years.





LN is already pretty much out. You can go use it on testnet. Q1 2018. get ready for a ass fucking.

>> No.5399603

Segwit was supposed to lower fees and speed the network up.

It raised fees through the roof and bottle necked the network. And you think LN is gong to be good. So far deviating from Satoshi's will has been a disaster. Cash is the original bitcoin.

>> No.5399645

Lightning network is vaporware.

>> No.5399685
File: 73 KB, 650x400, weekendatbernies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it was going to enable LN (which it is) and that was the scaling solution. not the .7MB block increase you retarded mongoloid

>> No.5399725

centralized garbage that won't even fix the high fees issue we have right now.

>> No.5399750

if it's legitimately good they'll just put it on bcash as well, i don't see how ln gives btc the win. it's literally all open source.

what both bitcoins need to worry about is literally every other coin being way better than both of them.

>> No.5399788

dude, please. you have absolutely no fucking idea what youre saying. youre making correlations based on very incorrect assumptions. you are straight up spreading fud.

>> No.5399849
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look another dumb faggot. BCASH doens't have Segwit.

>> No.5399851

Can't wait to see Bitcoin to 0. And it will happen, you just have to wait and see for yourself.

>> No.5399854

>lighting will lower fees
>doesn't realize that lighting is literally just delaying your transactions until it's done, then the transaction will happen on the blockchain
>doesn't realize that this means that you still can't buy a fucking coffee with your buttcoins

haha cashies btfo!! xD

>> No.5399874


> Lel. Payment channels increase in utility the more connections there are. Lightning network in the long term will result in the conglomeration and centralization of all payment channels into just a few.


>> No.5399879

yes. when the sun explodes

>> No.5399905

Lightening network on Bitcoin is absolutely irrelevant. People tried to use it functionally before and it never gained traction. At its current price and continuous pump nobody will adopt it as anything but something to speculate on.

It *may* pump up to 60k-100k next year as more money floods the market but bitcoins future is sapped from with every new addition coinbase makes.

Enjoy your literal shitcoin that may get ~4x before it goes to zero.

>> No.5399915

You are assuming an incompetent group is going to stop being incompetent and make BTC better. Thats like thinking Obamacare was going to get better after your premiums went up another 300% for the year 3rd year in a row..

>> No.5399947
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"near future"


>> No.5399995


Corecucks are delusional. Their savior LN is only useful when one wants to do many transactions with a single individual or business. It gives no benefit when sending single transactions.

Bitcoin going straight to 0.

>> No.5400019

It would cost over $30 PER USER to set up a side channel for lightning

OR the whole technology could be ported to another coin and actually be used.

>> No.5400027

You dont need segwit for LN. You need the malleability fix which was bundled with segwit which bcash implemented as a standalone


>> No.5400036

Idiots don't realize bitcoin in it's current state is a far worse user experience than ANY alternative. Even mailing private keys on paper with UPS would be more cost efficient and faster.

Core Cuck: But I can use the Amazon™ Payment Channel to pay my friend on the Facebook™ payment friends network. Thank mr Greg Maxwell. Now all my payments are tracked and under control!

>> No.5400047

BCH is going to 0.25+ on christmas.
The sky is the limit :)

>> No.5400052

True and true. Sold all my BTC at a ridiculous inflated price and I don't care if it goes to 50k or whatever (50k would be a puny 2.5x, small return in the crypto world). I won't hold it anymore on principle. There's plenty of shitcoins and solid coins to invest in.

>> No.5400077
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Why do these posts always read as if they were written by a 90IQ pajeet

>> No.5400084

60$ you also pay for closing

>> No.5400097
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x1000, listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you shameless piece of shit. You useless sack of meat. you waste of goods. You waste of air. Your dad should have busted you on a couch. you fucking faggot. Do you think fixing tx malleability was a walk in a park? specially with a soft fork you piece of shit? what did BCASHFAGs do? they increased block size! whoody fucking doo. I could have done that. you mumbling idiot.

>> No.5400145

thats what they tell you? hahahahah

>> No.5400149

they are laggards that follow what they think the general community thinks as well. Censorship works so great for core because it keeps followers like those with them.

>> No.5400171

bcash can just implement segwit, too. not sure how this is hard to understand. if ln takes off and does everything it's promised bcash will hard fork and add segwit+ln. anything btc does that works bcash can just do as well. vice versa with anything bcash does.

the only thing stopping implementation would be if people decided not to implement for ideological reasons. but faced with chain death or implementation bcash will probably choose to implement. it's not a matter of if bcash is able to follow, but if they're willing.

>> No.5400175

Keeping it simple is way better than implementing shit solutions (colluding with Blockstream and bank at the same time -- top kek).

>> No.5400197
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alright, enough goofing around

>> No.5400205

It must have been really hard work NOT increasing a variable for BitcoinCore

>> No.5400237

this is why btc is doomed. They decide on ideology and dont compromise while bcash is pragmatic.

>> No.5400253
File: 331 KB, 1668x1209, AA47113F-F83D-4C9D-A035-8145AEFC026F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That latte would be 60$.

Thank you. Now wait 1 hour until I see it’s confirmed.

>> No.5400260
File: 112 KB, 630x720, CsNwRzh_M7NO0FfpfXQeVqRaBqFCcyHUu5-1mLxwfAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5400277

Lightning network will be worse than Western Union and will bring added fees plus monthly fees to users.

It sucks, and they are absolutely not going to go through all of that shit just to use crypto, especially not with better, cheaper, more reliable options out there.

>> No.5400292

Segwit is trash. Bitcoin Cash won’t implement it.

>> No.5400325


My shit tier copy pasta coin will come to the rescue. Yea my devs only job is to merge bitcoin's PRs in. Yes they could be replaced by a bot. Trust iz so good.

>> No.5400330


>> No.5400423

Dumb people often go for the most advertised products and are their most fanatical supporters.

>> No.5400441

Sounds like a good way for exchanges to curb competition by making partnerships.

>Set-up fast lanes with any address, $199
>Set-up fast lanes with preferred exchanges, $100
>Economy transaction delivery rates: $50, estimated shipping time: 3 days

It reminds me of Net Neutrality except it's even more stupid.
They create the justification for "fast lanes" solely because they're unwilling to increase the block size.

>> No.5400486

If LN comes out, and is an immediate success, then yeah, BCH is doomed, but it really depends on how long that takes.

I'm guessing at least 3 months until lightning is on mainnet. Then, given segwit is currently only at 10% adoption, we'll need at least another 6 months to see LN being adopted to the point where it could realistaclly impact fees, and that's a generous time estimate.

That gives BCH at least 9 months. If it can gain enough traction by then, particularly in terms of merchant adoption, then it will already have won, because if LN proves to be any good, BCH can just implement it.

>> No.5400587

it's like talking to a dry wall.
you're an absolute moron.

>> No.5400663

Nah he's right, you're an idiot. The complexity of the fix is utterly irrelevant, what matters is it's effectiveness.

>> No.5400753


Yea, he is really dumb for trying to talk to you when you're like a piece of dry wall. He should let you wallow in your shit.

>> No.5400876
File: 25 KB, 678x389, 439FD48B-631F-4E0A-969B-C562F72D7A4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5400967

BCH is a shitcoin, but LN is not going to change anything.
Bitcoin is in deep shit.

>> No.5400998

No its great for us gamblers. Buy BCH, easy 2X in few months.

>> No.5401048

You're talking shit man.

When Lighting is brought to $BTC all miners will switch instantly over to $BCH. Because that's where they can make money.


>> No.5401068

It won't be an immediate success because the performance would be entirely variable. It could be very fast for some transactions and very slow for others due to the nature of its design.