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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.53995749

you fruits see SnowCone DAO running an airdrop for on shitsalanche?

>> No.53995790
File: 1.37 MB, 896x1344, F6AEBD16-377C-4A21-8A9D-8552477D6202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEFYCA chose Avalanche to launch a new protocol that aims to open access to the $1.6T private debt market on-chain by tokenizing traditional debt securities & loan portfolios.

>DEFYCA intends to solve volatility challenges within decentralized finance while enabling faster trading in traditional markets.

>Tokenized assets are issued, securitized, and structured into liquid pools, which can be traded instantly and without the friction of traditional trading platforms.

>Avalanche will operate as DEFYCA’s treasury chain, enabling participants to access liquidity across multiple blockchains–with low fees and near instant transaction finality.

Learn more here:

>> No.53995849

Tokenizing real world assets has become the common denominator here. Use cases everywhere

>> No.53995858

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.53996151

>On board a firm that manages more money than Crypto total marketcap combined

This is getting out of hand, Avalanche got more bullish news in the last couple of months than Ethereum did since 2019 and the price action was actually fucking negative. This is the worst underperformance i've ever seen on any financial asset all things considered, Shit should be valued x10 against the market by now

>> No.53996186
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Do you think it's suppressed? Or is it just the bear market?
I'm quite comfy because I know it'll eventually get priced in, plus Avalanche has always pumped slowly in comparison to other cryptos, but indeed it can get frustrating to keep on dumping despite the massive flow of bullish news.

>> No.53996553
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Bless this crab pumping piece of gold coin. Going up faster than you can say nigger.

>> No.53996649

Wouldn't be surprised, after all, Sam Fatman-Fried used AVAX tokens from FTX to buy SOL and pump its price action, who knows what other shitty deals are going on behind the scenes.

>> No.53996767

AVAX is too good to miss out. Must have in any portfolio

>> No.53996803

It used to be funny, now it's just getting old anon

>> No.53996916

dammit op, what should i do? this bear market is killing me. I'm tired of eating instant soup every single day.
Please tell me something to do with my coins. (I bought at 40 so I'm not selling)

>> No.53996969

with my last paycheck I already got enough avax 2 make it, Im ready for the bitches n the good life anons

>> No.53997069

I don't get it, they have all these partnerships but literally fucking nothing happens to price. It's still below scam trash like Söylana.

>> No.53997075
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A token that can't be missing in any portfolio if you know how the crypto business works and think about long term profits.

>> No.53998031
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>> No.53998874


>> No.53998994
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Sorry anon your poverty doesn't let you see beyond the basement walls of your parents' house

>> No.53999185
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>> No.53999585

The best thing I can recommend right now is to do it the way you have been doing it, don't sell. The bull is not known to be coming very soon, but it's coming.

>> No.53999755

They call it Avalanche because all it does is go down.

>> No.53999852

Soon $10

>> No.54000224

danielesiesta wonderland cartel had more and it had zero effect on avalanche.

>> No.54000342
File: 1.14 MB, 896x1344, 1671734960662123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any alpha lads ?
shill me your ava shitcoins
yak seems to be the most promising one for me, xava a close second for potential returns
Joe is still a useless VC shitcoin
Png is meh
all other dexs died lmfao
ecosystem still seems virtually nonexistant
oh ALOT looks interesting though

>> No.54000452

>any alpha lads ?

>> No.54000571
File: 1.32 MB, 896x1344, 1675054747834851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealing ICP meme
>pajeet-tier pic
go back Kumar
How about Echidna? Lowcap, it might be a good strat to get a nice bag before the bull run just in case. Also, Yak has the comfiest yields if you wanna just sit and live off rewards.

>> No.54000959
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let's go AVAX bros. I filled my bags early. Bullish about what's to come.

>> No.54001176

Do we have the absolute worst whales/marketmakers or what boys?

>> No.54001341

Does anynone know roughly when will the Loco Legends Subnet start being active?

>> No.54001770
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bought the dip lads

>> No.54001799
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I also want to know.

>> No.54001957
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Avalanche will certainly go mainstream, and it's just a matter of time, once that happens, all the shit it has been accumulating will pop up, making it the best option, this is pretty clear to me, idk about you
Imagine thinking that price action resembles real chain value in this case

>> No.54003857


>> No.54003982


>> No.54005766


>> No.54005818

n-word used