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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53995375 No.53995375 [Reply] [Original]

>Credit Suisse is going down folks, no FUD, that is bad


>> No.53995384

chainlink claims another victim

>> No.53995395

this. the swiss shall bend the knee

>> No.53995537

Credit Suisse stock is now actively trading under $3

>> No.53995640

Stock market is doing fine. Kek it's literally unfuddable, the pump will be insane.

>> No.53995665

Anyone I've talked to that understands money markets is wary
Everyone I've talked to that does not is extremely excited to "get back to normal"

>> No.53995735

People who said they understood markets missed out on the covid bullrun because covid was supposed to be a black swan. Now china is reopening and pumping the market and the rest of the world will fomo the second the US stops rasing interest rates.

>> No.53995798
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>> No.53995815
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>> No.53995850
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Back to >>>/pol/ happeningcels. Rembeber how you low iq tards told usthe entire world economy would rug if this shit would trade under $3? Yeah so much for that, like always /pol/ is always wrong and will stay poor forever.

>> No.53995898

>the second the US stops rasing interest rates.
>current fed rate is 450-475
>target rate now closer to 6%
So, what, in 2-3-4 months?

>> No.53995981

I think they said this is the last month of 0.25 % rate raises, then they stop and see what happens. Everyone will fomo in by the end of the month.

>> No.53996035

That bullrun was because of the CARES act and low interest rates. We don’t have those in the pipeline right now. But go ahead and go all in

>> No.53996038
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Ah the complacency stage. Seems legit.

>> No.53996092

Archegoes Bullet Swap coming to bite them after two year expiry.

People wonder why pajeets and pinoys have been stinking up GME threads for two years straight non-stop. GME threads were probably the most glowing thread for last two years. Tens of billions margin call by single idiosyncratic stock.