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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53994033 No.53994033 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off this?

>> No.53994039
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you don't.

>> No.53994054

dubs and the kid is retarded

>> No.53994076

Offer to take night shift if your job gives you a few months paternity leave.
>mom gets to have a normal sleep cycle for a while
>for a few weeks while they're newborns you basically get to be a NEET and do nothing except feed and change them every couple hours
>mom will be happy because you have the "hard shift"

I watched the entirety of stuff like Breaking Bad in a single week when my son was born

>> No.53994077

Dubs and my kid mogs you

>> No.53994098

Checked and based

>> No.53994127

Or live in a first world country and get paid paternity leave anyway

>> No.53994131
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keked and checked

>> No.53994165
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Tho you won't profit financially from them if you're not living in Bengladesh.

>> No.53994180


>> No.53994199

unfortunately, you don't. having children is a massive financial burden.
however, it's also one of the best things to spend your money on, assuming you can afford it.

>> No.53994333

impressive. very based

>> No.53994348

blessed thread

>> No.53994446

Bottle her exploding pussy juices and sell them

>> No.53994466

Dubs and my son can beat up your son

>> No.53994473


>> No.53994475

Better than being groomed into cutting off your dick and sucking niggers

>> No.53994555
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Good to hear, now finish these jeans or you won't receive your dollar tonight.

>> No.53994637

Tax breaks I reckon.

>> No.53994651

your gains: a kid

>> No.53994656
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>> No.53994665

Checked and you don’t even know how to make jeans. Unironically post collapse vietnamese jeans will become luxury good

>> No.53994701
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congratulations anon

>> No.53994742

can i fuck her? I would pay good shekelsmoneycash for that.

>> No.53994760


>> No.53995269

And based

>> No.53995311
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You already have champ

>> No.53995330

this is an incel board, gtfo NOW
congrats on the baby though

>> No.53995331

Congrats and good luck. I have a 5 month old. Kids are awesome

>> No.53995361

Checked. Giga Chad kid incoming

>> No.53995422
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>> No.53995506

best thing is when you get a child tax credit
i have a kid with a dec 19 birthday and in his first 12 days of being alive he netted me $2000

>> No.53995515

let this be your lesson to not risk your child's fate on 4chan

>> No.53995519
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Last three digits determine how many xmr you should gift your son