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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53993686 No.53993686 [Reply] [Original]

What cryptos will benefit from this?

Pic related

>> No.53993694
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And what do they mean by interlinking using APIs? What does this mean?

>> No.53993707

as usual with everything swift
>ctrl+f 'chainlink'
>zero results

>> No.53993718


What is chainlink? I see it in the top 30 but never looked into it. I'm more of a ripple guy

>> No.53993730
File: 315 KB, 1360x1207, Swift..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53993732

It is more likely than not that no crypto will benefit from this, other than that have fun waiting 5 more years for v0.02

>> No.53993753
File: 29 KB, 1200x630, quant-network-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you fools realize this was an initiative started by Gilbert Verdian of Quant Network and that Overledger is the solution they have chosen to successfully deploy on?

>> No.53993761

did you watch powell yesterday? they are still a ways out from even testing phase.

>> No.53993776

Betrayed again

>> No.53993786


The tweets literally say, we are moving on from our testing phase to beta testing phase, so sounds like you're wrong. But what I don't get is how they're linking the separate "sandboxed" blockchains, is there a piece of the puzzle I'm missing? Is it XRP?

>> No.53993812
File: 2.05 MB, 1525x1606, QNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this, only one crypto project that has partnered with Swift

>> No.53993820

only thing tht matters is usd. No one gives a fuck about euros or whatever. I watched it yesterday and they are far away from testing any CBCD. only thing we have to maybe look forward fed now but thats probably a nothing burger. Also test to best test is not bullish you retard

>> No.53993831
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>> No.53993842


So you admit that they're already in testing phase? And then move the goalposts?

Hmmmm would you happen to be a paid FUD actor meant to shake out LINK marines at these incredibly low prices? I'm new here, hard to tell if that's what you're doing..

>> No.53993843
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>> No.53993850

lmao at posted an edited article like this, post the original Quant one >>53993812

>> No.53993859

>ways out from testing

im have not once denied that this is happening you fucking paid CLL employee. Im stating that every other currency means fuck all compared to the dollar, and 2 going from test net to beta test net is baerrish.

>> No.53993862
File: 349 KB, 1080x1545, Screenshot_20230309_073305_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you seriously lying on the internet right now??? Are you for real.

How does anyone make money on this website with all these lines? Starting to thhbj maybe this LINK thing is a big deal

>> No.53993874

Here come the CLL advocates

>> No.53993875

>Cardano Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP)

>> No.53993906

>Our solution has been successfully tested across almost 5,000 transactions between two different blockchain networks and a traditional fiat currency,
Powell can take their time, Quant's solution allows for interpoerability with fiat currencies too

>> No.53993973
File: 39 KB, 600x692, 6668FF61-C0D7-4488-B42B-70564A8B6BFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time

>> No.53993982

>Quant's solution
There's literally only one crypto openly working with Swift, and it isn't Quant.
It's Cardano: >>53993843

>> No.53994007
File: 210 KB, 1486x943, Sibos 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing you missed Sibos last year, I didn't see Charles Hoskinson get an interview

>> No.53994020

That's an interview with Brad Garlinghouse, the title is a troll

>> No.53994031

Who give a fuck about swift, the new financial system won't be using an American owned centralised system. The point of the new system is that there is a level playing field.
Verification not required.

>> No.53994034

>gilbert looks like he put on a few pounds
nice try faggot but we all know this post was a troll. this part gave it away.

for anyone interested: the actual interview linked was with charles hoskinson of cardano (hence the comments about his weight - because charles is a fat big mac eating fuck)

>> No.53995022

People are laughing and having a bit of a giggle in this thread, but there's a non-zero possibility that swift will actually use Chainlink's interoperability protocol to connect CBDC's, read that again.

Take a second to think about the potential value of this interlinking network, not to mention the ever growing catalog of web3 services that chainlink is providing. Link would quite simply be worth significantly more than the entire crypto space combined.

>> No.53995058
File: 125 KB, 1200x1264, Link Alfred's dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s the problem. You did your own research, followed the breadcrumbs and went all in on Link, but you never moved on. You never went to find a life.
>”I found Chainlink.”
>I know, and you missed the bullrun – but that’s all part of living anon. But you’re not living, you’re just waiting, hoping that Link will pump again.
>Remember when you first bought Link? Before all this, before going schizo? It’s been seven years. Seven years I waited, hoping that you’d managed to cash out. Every year, I took a trip to Florence, there’s this cafe, on the banks of the Arno. Every fine evening, I’d sit there and order a Fernet Branca. I had this fantasy, that I would look across the tables and I’d see you there, with a wife and maybe a couple of kids. You wouldn’t say anything to me, nor me to you. But we’d both know that you’d made it, that you were happy. I never wanted you to come back to the Link asylum. I always knew there was nothing here for you, except breadcrumbs, pain and tragedy. And I wanted something more for you than that. I still do.

>> No.53995067
File: 47 KB, 389x376, EF299F66-3207-4AE8-86F1-38EC7CC4E281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing RELEVANT that’s cross-border are the gimmegrants down in Me-he-co I tell you what

>> No.53995171


>> No.53995318

>beta version
>more tests
>our ULTIMATE goal...

just two more weeks

>> No.53995371


LOL Nice source. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but it's sad that people actually believe all of the BS in the crypto space. I imagine Swift is working with Ripple and Quant. Maybe using Ethereum/Polygon for some things too

>> No.53995415
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A seat at the family table

>> No.53995428

XRP, QNT, XLM and XDC mostly, but especially XRP

>> No.53995484

wake up anon the train is leaving soon.

>> No.53995860

nice just bought 100k quant

>> No.53995963

Allianceblock is one of those that stands a good chance of benefiting from this development

>> No.53996133

Privacy alts will def benefit from this. With CBDC coming, almost everyone will go anonymous onchain I bet you.

>> No.53996134


Subtle Chainlink Thread

>> No.53996373

If you literally cant google something to verify you deserve to be poor

>> No.53996379

Weve all known this for 5 years retard

>> No.53996425

>he doesn't know

>> No.53996440

singularity wen?

>> No.53996464
File: 8 KB, 259x194, ascas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it launches its Nexera this month so that it can help reduce the number of hacks in the DeFi space

>> No.53996481


It's actually 100% certain SWIFT will actually use LINK, due to its:

excellent moat
excellent track record
globally sourced top-talent team of experts
excellent subsidy program (complain about all the LINK dumps you want, it worked)
years of history working together

Anyone who says otherwise is objectively wrong. People are staring at the next crypto success story, a top 3 token or perhaps even the #1 token, and are ignoring it because it hasn't already mooned. Think of how ridiculous that is.

>> No.53996562

>people are staring at the next crypto success story
It is kind of ridiculous. I mean what else besides btc and eth can genuinely be described as a success story? Not just in terms of price but delivery of an actual product, adoption, awareness, etc.

>> No.53996606


Virtually nothing, which is why retards have a hard time letting it sink in that this is the greatest opportunity for generational wealth they will ever have, barring obscure opportunities.

Everybody here is looking for some hidden gem and wants to play make believe, but I guarantee 99% of people here don't have any sort of conviction and are just looking for a lottery ticket. LINK is the real deal Kingmaker like Bitcoin was back in the day. I think that's why there's so much FUD, LINK whales will literally become influential people and it frightens the system.

>> No.53996609

How many link to make it

>> No.53996612

Currently all networks except eth are profitable
Ccip is supposedly a near zero overhead revenue generator

Its a cascading array of monopolized verticals
Either the greater investing community realizes this and we moon
Or the sheer revenue makes that act of purchasing cl +ev regardless of understanding it
Either way its happening in the next two years

>> No.53996642


Your investment strategies are your business, I'm just here to remind everyone that there are things more important than price action and that is actually finding the projects that will fundamentally change the world we live in.

>> No.53996779

I honestly think it might be shibswap, rumor has it that they’ve developed a successful oracle solution. SWIFT only partners with the best of the best, and no one has come close to the type of gains made by Shiba Inu. I think when the beta test is done, all shibswap function calls will require payment and burning of shib. Literally 1k shib to make it. Especially when you consider the volume swift deals in, they’re gonna need a staking mechanism too, to secure the settlements. Like I said only 1k shib and you literally have your freedom for you and your descendants.

>> No.53996823

The product will definitely go live this month, what matters is Devs adopting it

>> No.53996986

Someone post the XRP gif that shows the swap between currencies with XRP in the middle

>> No.53997034
File: 2.07 MB, 300x300, nostro-vostro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53997048

>Currently all networks except eth are profitable
Yes, but the majority of value in crypto outside of bitcoin is locked in Ethereum. Everything else is just fighting for scraps.
>Ccip is supposedly a near zero overhead revenue generator
I do think it will be a game changer. But until it goes live, its a game of cat and mouse with whales incentivized to suppress the price as much as possible to accumulate as much as possible.
>Either the greater investing community realizes this and we moon
The problem is the market is too scammy to attract real investors en masse, not to say you don't have big players who are silently making their picks, but overall crypto is still not respected as a legitimate investment outside of bitcoin, and even that is debatable.
>Or the sheer revenue makes that act of purchasing cl +ev regardless of understanding it
We're likely at minimum a cycle away from that happening, we will be likely to see CCIP and staking 1.0 fully implemented before the end of this cycle. Not to say link can't moon outside of a crypto cycle, but are you prepared to watch the rest of the market pass you by another 2 years while link has a limp dick pump to $50 dragged along by btc, before everything craters again in 2026?
>Either way its happening in the next two years
I want to believe. But at the same time I think if you aren't prepared for the nothingburger until 2028/2030 scenario, you are setting yourself up for another massive disappointment.

>> No.53997106

>we will be likely to see CCIP and staking 1.0 fully implemented before the end of this cycle
meant to say, "we won't be likely"
would love to be proven wrong but would not bet on it. And without CCIP and staking 1.0, there won't be enough revenue to justify huge price movement outside of speculation.

>> No.53997127


>ctrl + f
>zero results

>> No.53997132

Nice boring fud, anon. Pity no one cares for entry level low-calibre attempts this late in the game

>> No.53997376

Soon marines

>> No.53997641

It's the only thing that makes sense.
Linkcels BTFO

>> No.53997718

1487.15482818 link whale checking in.

>> No.53997788
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>> No.53998563

I think this too. All the big banks had 10x more shib than link too. The big money is literally betting big on shib. Follow the money

>> No.53999246
