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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53993536 No.53993536 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up
>turned on work laptop and wiggled the mouse every few minutes
>learned programming for 1 hour
>wasted time on internet
>preparing for a job interview tomorrow but I hate preparing for job interviews much more than actually having them
>have only a few meetings remaining this week
>plan to read and watch tv before working day ends today

It's cold and snowy outside so I should feel extremely comfy but I'm too scatterbrained due to coffee and procrastinating the preparation for the interview.

I'm currently in a dilemma about whether to accept a job where I'd save £1000 per month with bad quality of life, but which would look good on my CV, or, if I pass tomorrow's inteview, accept a lazy and less prestigious looking job where I'd save £2200 per month with better quality of life.

Large organisations are such longhouse female-dominated places. I don't give a fuck whether my company succeeds or everything turns to shit.

I was on a call yesterday and 6/10 people, including me, were overweight and looked it. This came to mind after seeing the people in office all sitting together. I only ate 1200 calories yesterday so hopefully I can fix myself.

>> No.53993671
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>Be me
>Work for a Building Society
>Make £75k + tip
>Do 1hr of actual work per day, except the odd times where a crunch is required
>Shitpost all day

>> No.53993795

>had to be plugged in 8 hours every day
>clock in for 10 hours while only doing 3-4 hours.
>clock in at evening/night so no meetings, slack messages, colleagues trying to chitchat
>do 2x the quota other coworkers do
>life is good
>get laid off with 200 other people
well fuck, need to find another gig.

>> No.53993867

>Be experienced dev (~8 years)
>Company lays off dead weight/incompetent entry level shit
>They keep me and think i'm scared now
>Schedule meeting with management the week after
>"Hey if you don't give me a 20% raise I quit"

damn i feel like the zoomer girls from the tiktok videos. still not gonna do any work though lmao just not gonna do it

>> No.53993957

>wake up
>make coffee, omellette for breakfast. Spend hour working on side projects and reading the WSJ
>get on computer. Block 90 minutes in early afternoon as 'deep work', 'data QA', or anything else from the business lingo deck
>go to gym during this time
>sometime during the day find a way to complete an hour of actual work
>log off at 4pm
>work for company based in the coasts, get paid same as colleagues in San Fran, NYC, Boston, Seattle, but live in LCOL area
>coworkers all work crazy hours to fight for promotions. Because of COL difference I dont care
>Save 50%+ of salary, live like king, love life

Simple as

>> No.53993975

Going to the office today, there's a social after work. Gonna eat so much free food and drinks it's unreal

>> No.53994019

i basically do jack shit for my 1st job and im looking to get a second one. is there any way to jump from accounting to an analyst position? i know SQL, power BI, and etc.

>> No.53994032

I need a new wfh gig after getting laid off, bros. I have some ERP systems experience and minor software development experience, along with sales

>> No.53994058

i got fired

>> No.53994087

Reach out directly to recruiters on linkedin after you find a role you think you are qualified for. Mention that you have those skills (BI, SQL, etc.). The fact that you have an accounting/business background coupled with the data strengths should make you a pretty desirable candidate assuming you're not a spazz. Most data people arent business savvy at all and show up to work in Star Wars t-shirts and just do what they are told. If you have both skills then you can climb the ranks pretty easily.

Dont waste time throwing resumes into the wind on online applications. Reach out to recruiters directly, express interest, ask to set up time for a phone call - you WILL stand out and will get at least a response if not a conversation most of the time. This is the red pill to getting a job. Once you have done this a few times then getting interviews becomes a walk in the park.

>> No.53994284

>clocked in to work
>managed to take my local team to Champions League knockouts for the first time in Football Manager today

>> No.53994799

Do you absolutely need a Linkedin for data related jobs? I am self taught on Power BI and SQL trying to get a data job with only credit analysis experience

>> No.53994825

>live in LCOL
>love life

There's a reason poor places are poor, there's nothing to do and they suck.

>> No.53994888

That can be a real problem if you're a child who's incapable of entertaining yourself without meme axe throwing bars and concerts

>> No.53994979
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>You actually go to b...bars? With friends? And do things? Really? Concerts?
>Pathetic children
>Oh me? I'm a sophisticated man
>I don't do childish things like going to bars with friends
>A true man of culture like myself lives a solitary life

>> No.53995168

>go to church
>gym, garden, hiking
>be active in local community events
There's more to life than paying a $20 cover to get into basement shows to drink next to homeless people

>> No.53995241
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I’ve been smoking too much weed while WFH again. Basically entirety of workday… it’s making me procrastinate the little work I need to accomplish and I need to get a grip. Love WFH and will never go back but the biggest obstacle is definitely yourself and your motivation. Been WFH for about 5 years now.

>> No.53995250

there is more to do in Grand Rapids Michigan than there is in NYC bud. You just seem like an uninteresting, boring person

>> No.53995257

Hunting, building things with friends, tackle football with friends, water skiing, snow skiing, snowmobiling, learning instruments and jamming with friends

Life truly sucks out here

>> No.53995373

I have a very comfy WFH job and my wife is also WFH. The issue is her company has difficulty keeping talented workers and puts stress onto her. She works many more hours than me and we make the same $. She begs to go part time or stop working so she can watch the kid ,but we would lose so much income. We're behind on retirement planning because of aggressively paying off student loans. Not sure what to do.
Finances are very comfy overall if she keeps working. It's not an awful situation, but she says her schedule is unsustainable.

>> No.53995473

forgive the urbanite, for he hath not know what a good life truly looks like

When you're 22-28, right out of college, then yea the big city is hard to beat:
>WHOA! Check out this (insert gimmick theme) bar!
>WHOA! This restaurant is a fusian between (insert two third world countries here)
>WHOA! This bar has (insert activity here), lets play!
>WHOA! A street festival celebrating (insert made up 3rd world holiday or social cause here), look at the live music and food trucks!
>WHOA! This boutique store is great! Check out the cool (insert items you can find on facebook marketplace for 80% less here) vintage stuff they sell!

When you get some more years under ya you quickly realize big cities have nothing to offer outside of bars, food, and degeneracy. That you see those once cool bars as the gimmicks they are with as much depth as a single coat of paint. Want to do anything that is a legitiamte hobby? Good luck. It's mostly for boring people to astroturf a personality onto themselves. If you are 26 and want to extend college years for a bit longer, have hookups, etc. then by all means - it can be a good time.

But if you think there is nothing to do outside of a city then you're just a boring individual yourself whose personality likely amounts to drinking, eating, and feigning interest at museum exhibits

>> No.53996430

did you do any of this yourself? reaching out to people personally etc.

>> No.53996696

should i learn kotlin bros?

>> No.53996719
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holy shit you're a fucking faggot lmao

>> No.53997510

yea all the time. Makes getting jobs a breeze

>> No.53997749
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>have to design new API endpoint
>copy paste customer request into ChatGPT3
>oh man, that was so hard, now please pay me a subscription fee for $3,000/month for its use.

>> No.53999481

She should just join a new company for higher pay