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53988463 No.53988463 [Reply] [Original]

>be 27
>live in Denver
>new job making 110k/yr
>all houses in my area are 500k

We were never meant to make it were we? I just want a house with a backyard so I can grill. I just want to live somewhere where I don’t worry about crime. I just want the American Dream.

>> No.53988478

Buy a little further out and get a car

>> No.53988492

I make $60k faggot. Quit your whining

>> No.53988494

Not my problem

>> No.53988495

You can’t save for 5 years dickhead?

>> No.53988505

After taxes that's like 10 years

>> No.53988513

>that mixed race 17 year old who feels qualified to give out life advice

>> No.53988547

I paid off my student loans and only have 30k, I still need another 70k so I don’t have to pay PMI when I can eventually get a house.

>> No.53988579

dude weed lmao

>> No.53988590

It’s your own fault you suck you fucking loser. Either make more money or move somewhere else. You aren’t entitled to a house

God damn

>> No.53988596

Only six figures? That's it?? Dude your life is fucking over just quit and live on food stamps at this point.

>> No.53988603

After inflation that's like 25 years.

>> No.53988630

>groveling cuckold eager to prove his unworthiness to his jewish masters
hang yourself DEAD with an extension cord you spinless nigger FAGGOT

>> No.53988650

you can have your dream but you must abandon the U.S. With that kind of money you could buy a pretty big house in south america and live like a king for the rest of your days on just on a couple hundred k's of savings. Keep waging for 5 years and leave

>> No.53988654

Get a fucking job and stop sucking on the taxpayers teet

If Op wanted a house he’d get a wife first and do it in an order that actually made sense. Too bad he, like yourself, is a sexless Incel who cries on 4chan about the joos all day.


>> No.53988669

I do have a gf you faggot but I don’t want to split a house with her. I don’t trust women.

>> No.53988693
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This faggot needs a woman to help him buy things.

>> No.53988701

suck my cock, cuck.
based and nigger cook pilled

>> No.53988718

I've never made more than $36k, if I made $110k a year I'd be retired in no time.

>> No.53988726


>> No.53989064

thats more than enough to pay for a mortage after a down payment

what the fuck is wrong with everyone? the people who cant afford houses are supposed to be the wagies making $20 an hr

>> No.53989071

You fucks moving here made it expensive.

>> No.53989099

>I live in one of the most overpriced real estate markets in the country.
Found your problem snowflake.

>> No.53989117
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I live in Toronto where I make 65k and the average house is 1.2 million

>> No.53989122

idk what niggerbrained fantasy world you live in but he absolutely cannot afford a house 5x his income with rates at 7%. $110k gross is about $60k after taxes, insurance, and 401k contributions, or $5000/month.

$500k house @ 7% with a generous 20% down is $2700/mo mortgage + $850/mo taxes and insurance + $250/month utilities = $3800/month

$3800/$5000 = 76% of his income just for a plywood box over his head.

>> No.53989123

Denver sucks. The front range is shit top to bottom. Quit your crying and move to the western slope ffs. Houses start around $200k.

>> No.53989141
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Oh I should also mention 40% of my income is taxed

>> No.53989159
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You can easily save up 50k down payment with your salary in about a year if you were committed and could live with your parents which you probably can considering you make 110k at your age they probably supported you with an education.
Also Denver is one of the most desirable cities in the US I live 2 hours from the nearest major city (Boston) and houses in my area sell for 400-450 you're complaining about bullshit

>> No.53989185

Unfortunately, it seems like the best move is to wait right now. It's a huge squeeze right now and it will definitely crash.
If you're looking to start a family though I'd worry about school districts. Maybe the world is full of fags and trannys, but I don't want my kids to be a part of it.

>> No.53989213


>> No.53989220

>thinking the deep state will ever let in another Hitler

>> No.53989242

Denver is such a miserable place to live too I don't understand why the yuppies flock to it

The area around sloans lake is multi million dollar homes surrounded by Mexican ghettos lol

>> No.53989442

Nigger its like 20y to get a house in Canada fucking rope you bitch ass

>> No.53989520

Just find a comfy wfh job and homeschool.

>> No.53989531

I make 60k as well. The way they bitch and moan making 100k+ makes you a total pussy lamo

>> No.53989653
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>know our generation was never supposed to make it
>Still make it anyway
Oh boy to be a $HAMI holder is to feel the catharsis of what was stolen from us as a generation

>> No.53989675

i have enough money to buy land but not enough to do anything with it. my dream is to live in the mountains MINIMUM 1-2 acres away from the nearest neighbor. there's nothing more i hate than stepping outside my house and being assaulted by the sight of fucking NEIGHBORS.

>> No.53989948
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So homes are 4.5x income, the same as it was from 1970-2000, and you're making threads complaining about it?

>yeah well interest rates are high

Rates were never below 6.5% until 2002.

>> No.53989988

should have bought 3 years ago. same house was probably $350k and interest rates were like 3%. fags were crying about the housing bubble back then too and calling us top buyers.

>> No.53990118

boo hoo
I make 105k and all houses here are 650k

>> No.53990150

The Colorado humblebragger
Muh six figures, bro.

>> No.53990207

After 10 years the house is 1M

>> No.53990233

>living in Denver

>> No.53990265

Oh stfu you whiny git, fuck me I have to save money for two years while making thrice what others make with houses half the price of the coast

You make me sick, you think everything should be handed to you because you graduated in the best economy in decades fuck off

>> No.53990283

>I just want to live somewhere where I don’t worry about crime.
Isn't it funny how Americans just put up with random crime and accept it like it's a fact of life instead of knocking the shit in of animalistic nignogs who can't live peaceably in society?

>> No.53990298

I’m not the one bitching and moaning about not being able to afford a house needle dick

>> No.53990383

Just pay the PMI retard. I bought a house for $350k in March 2020. It's now worth ~490. If I waited until I had 20% down, i never would have been able to afford this house. Now here I am, 3 years later, PMI is gone and I have $250k in equity. I payed $51/month for 30 months so I didn't have to save more money like a jackass while house prices skyrocketed.

>> No.53990533


Labor force participation rate in 1970 was only 43%. Household income is a scam, more people working per household working more hours.

>> No.53990651
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You have been brainwashed.

>> No.53990789

This math is completely fucked up. First, housing needs to come before max 401k. Contribution up to employer match will do, house is best bought as early as possible. Second no one pays 40%+ in taxes if they hire a semi competent accountant. Lastly unless OP has a wife and kids there's no need for a $500k house, $300-350k will be fine, point is to paid off house (no rent) by the time of retirement.

>> No.53990838

Just remember that the system is doing what it's supposed to do, which is fuck us over so that the line can keep going up

>> No.53990840
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It's just mental gymnastics by renters to cope with the fact that they're the losers in society.

They don't make enough, they don't save enough, they pick the least affordable places in the country, then claim it's impossible to do something that the vast majority of Americans have already done.

>> No.53990863

I don't know why anyone would move to denver. food scene sucks, city is dead after 7pm, bars clear out at like midnight on the weekend despite there being a million fat retard ipa breweries, terrible drivers, one of the most inflated real estate markets in the country, techbros and granola girls that think they're hippie one with nature types because they have a brand new jeep wrangler and the most expensive outdoor equipment you could possibly buy, smells like wet dog sometimes

>> No.53990877

I honestly don't see myself living in the same place for rest of my life. Should I even bother buying a home? Renting gives me the freedom to pick up and leave at any time. It sucks that I can't build equity on a home though.

Maybe I can buy a home in another country and rent it out.

>> No.53991043

If you are early in your career and willing to move to different metro areas to chase a larger paycheck then rent until you finally land a decent job.

It makes sense to buy a house if you have a stable job and the mortgage payment is cheaper than renting a similar place, because you can always pack your bags and list it for rent and have some cuck pay it off for you.

>> No.53991559

I make 41k. You're a fucking fag?

>> No.53991652
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lol this. I bought a house a few months after the pandemic started (before prices started shooting up) and everyone on /biz/ told me I was a moron because covid-19 was going to crash the housing bubble. Now the house is worth over 1.5x what I paid for it, less than 3 years later.

I have several friends who cashed out a bunch of stocks and waited for the bottom so they could buy a house. The bottom never came. They ended up missing out on both the potential house and stock gains by holding neither through the recovery.

tl;dr don't try to time the market; if you want a house and you can afford to buy one then just fucking buy one.

OP with your salary you should easily be able to save $2,500 per month and invest it in the S&P 500; do that for 5~10 years then you will easily be able to afford a house by putting down a 25~50% down payment

I don't know why zoomers feel like they should be able to pay off a 2,500 sqft house by the time they're 28 and anything less is proof that capitalism is rigged

>> No.53992437

Not a bad idea

>> No.53992451

He's based as fuck I tell you hwut.

>> No.53992467

You're supposed to marry someone who also works.

houses are for people that can get married and stay that way.

>> No.53992627

what the fuck else are you working for then LOL... you work for housing, food, what ever hobby you feel like pursuing, then raising a family of your own

>> No.53992645

110K a year that’s 5 years of saving for a 500K house, that isn’t that bad

>> No.53992671

Great bait man.

Unfortunately it makes no sense that waging at a great job for 10 years isnt the equivelant of building a small house

>> No.53992743

after taxes and living expenses, including rent, its 30+ years

>> No.53992761
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>live in spain
>make 14k a year

>> No.53992779

> need for a $500k house, $300-350k will be fine
Retards in denial. The point is that houses below $500k no longer exist. And even if they did, you’d be surrounded by niggers.

>> No.53992789

>oh gosh oh gosh i might have to save for a whole TEN YEARS to buy a house in cash
modern americans are so full of estrogen it's unreal
in the rest of the world the average person could literally save their whole life and not being able to buy a house without a mortgage
you live life on easy mode and you don't even realise it. burgers unironically take planes on a yearly basis and think they're middle class...

>> No.53993323

110k outside of NYC or SF is literally life on easy mode. If you can't swing that you should actually kill yourself, because you're retarded

>> No.53993360

>t. zoomer

>> No.53993534

Inflation is good for paying off debt because wages go up but the loan principle goes down.