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53989707 No.53989707 [Reply] [Original]

>36 years old
>haven't made it financially
>no wife or kids
>living in a shithole but not motivated to start over in a new city

It's over for me, isn't it?

>> No.53989739

If you think it is, then it is. What do you want out of life? 36 isn't old. You have plenty of time to right the ship if you want to. Most people never "make it" financially so don't beat yourself over that.

>> No.53989772

BTW- you have your picrel of Larry David. He was basically broke until the Seinfeld show when he was in his late 40's-50's. George Costanza is based on Larry David's life so that tells you what level of loser he was.

>> No.53989780
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>> No.53989801

>no motivation
That's the killer, anon. You gotta find that motivation

>> No.53989806 [DELETED] 

must be nice being a part of the tribe, just up and make a TV show

>> No.53989815

thats not Larry David you newfag, thats Tony Sopranos uncle

>> No.53989832

kys ffs

>> No.53989837

same, I'm 35. something snapped this year and I feel like it's unironically over. like it doesn't even matter if I start now. even if I made a million dollars tomorrow it wouldn't matter. I'm too old. it's too late. it's over.

>> No.53989866

It was like a switch flipped for me over the last few years. I used to be happier and willing to sacrifice and take chances for the future.

Now I feel like I'm getting old and need everything now. The house, wife, and kids. I do have a well paid career already luckily.

>> No.53989867

oh shit, i just glanced at it. Same thing, Junior Soprano didn't get to the top until he was a year away from drooling on himself as an old man

>> No.53989899
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Netflix documentary on MH370 made me sad. Imagine having a waifu and she just disappears one day. #sad
At least you'll never have that problem Op because nobody cares about you. In a way, you're free to exist and make it with crypto or not.

>> No.53989914

I thought it was Larry too.

>> No.53989982

34y here same feels but I look almost 10y younger what with my low t so I don't go too hard on myself.. I'm aging like fine wine and gonna start lifting soon

>> No.53990410

If it makes you feel better I'm 26 and already bought the gun and am just waiting to tie up some loose ends. At least you made it to 36 and had some good years and are only now down on yourself. For some people it's over from the beginning and only a matter of eventually recognizing it. Unironically bring back eugenics and start sterilizing people with IQs below 100. That's what's going to save lives.

>> No.53990500

I'm 25 and relate to this. It just feels like there's no upwards mobility anymore. It wasn't like this 5 years ago. Things are just objectively getting worse. It's like a game of Monopoly that is almost over and 1 dude controls everything and everyone else is priced out of everything.

>> No.53990582
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Im an oldfag and I have given up on my retarded dreams long ago. The things that make you happy in life are all simple anyway. Going on like runs/hikes/bike rides, smoking meats, fucking a girl, watching the sun set, joking around with friends, telling your mom you love her and mowing her yard. Etc. Who gives a shit bro. Nothing that didnt make a caveman happy will make you happy. Our brains are wired for hunter gatherer, not modernity. Luckily the hunter gatherer shit that will make you happy is cheap or free. Many people "make it" and still stress out over this and that and arent happy.

What should be happening as you get older is a lowering of the intensity of your emotions. I was really close to roping myself several times in my 20s. Now I just chill and have a sip and enjoy the time I have left. I dont try to control the world and every situation I might find myself in. I relax knowing whatever happens ill probably figure it out.

>> No.53990601

>no homo

>> No.53990613

I'm 49 and these are wise & true words.

>> No.53990664

im 30 and this resonates with me. Im comfy with my life right now, got a wife and a kid,my job has a shitty boss but all is well. I used to be on the grind 24/7 but after covid everything went to shit and i lost the fire. Everythings ok now but sometimes when i browse biz i still think to myself whether i should restart the grind or just enjoy myself

>> No.53991107

There's nothing simple about fucking a girl which is how I know you're a normalfaggot tourist. It's too bad you didn't go through with roping so I would have been spared reading your dumb normalfaggot post.

>> No.53991261

Ive read the mystery method, the game, everything by real social dynamics, David deangelo, tom torero. I devoured everything about pickup artistry, as well as books like the red queen, and the selfish gene. I put in my time at the gym. I went out and failed over and over again in bars. Sometimes I was so desperate for getting pussy that I would drive to the big city and go out and leave my phone in my car and have no hotel room. Putting myself in a position where I am FORCED to talk a girl into letting me come with her.

It’s not easy if you’re not a natural. You have to struggle. You have to face the dragon head on and strike it in its heart.

But it is in simple in the way that hitting a golf ball is simple. Once you’ve practiced enough.

>> No.53991418

I never understood how anons can go most of their young adult life never getting laid.
I mean, my parents kicked me out of the house at 19 after I failed out of college and I had to live out of my car for a year.
Even then, when I was broke and homeless I still got laid.

>> No.53991422

>no wife or kids
Not memeing, yes it's over for you.

>> No.53991464


It’s mostly social anxiety and the particular brand of anxiety that makes you afraid of rejection from girls. Pretty much everyone has some level of it but some much more than others. Those who have it bad really have to struggle to overcome it. Those who hardly have it are naturals and just fuck a lot of girls without really feeling they have to try. Looks and everything else matters too but I would say this is the number one factor.

>> No.53991474


Oh man I hate to tell you this but reading all that bull shit is not helpful for you. Shit that garbage is like 20 years old now, and it wasn’t really helpful even back then. The only thing those techniques will do in a best case scenario is being horrible bipolar women into your life who will completely and utterly destroy you. The thing is, I’ve spent my whole life in the music business and fucked a million dumb whores so I know what I’m talking about. Any woman you can meet in a bar and do some cart tricks for while wearing a top hat and platform shoes and then take her home and rail the shit out of her is a woman you don’t want in your life. I know it isn’t probably what you want to hear, but all that literature just does men more harm than good. The sooner you start focusing on self improvement and actually being genuine in your interactions with women the better off you’ll be. And go meet women in a church group or something instead of pursuing these blown out bar whores.

>> No.53991476

Magnificent cope. Because that's exactly what it is that you described. Even if you have convinced yourself that it isn't, it still is.

>> No.53991479

Too late? A little bit. Don't worry anon, you can skip the marriage, kids, and divorce arc and go directly to fucking young women in South America/Asia. This is the post-divorce male end game.

>> No.53991499

its been like that for at least 10+ years now. the idea that you can work hard in school and eventually find a career that offers upward mobility is way more down to "luck" than skill. tons of people are overeducated for meme jobs or undereducated for serious jobs because the game of life comes down to a roll of the dice.

>> No.53991533
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>>who told you that you have to be "successful"?

enjoy life as best you can. Easier said, im 36 too, and basically giving up, cause all my goals never work out or the results dont come out as planned. Id like a family etc theoretically, but ive decided that getting a small house with low property taxes will be the one win on my life, and after that ill work slacker jobs or be a criminal.

>> No.53991561


I started off saying I’ve given up on my dreams I’m not under any delusions. I used to want to be some kind of James Bond international arbitrager and big tiddy whore fucker. I have managed to have a lot of fun by I haven’t achieved everything I wanted. Being able to cope with life is not a bad thing

>> No.53991575

based oldfag
these zoom zooms will never understand, but they're such natural betacucks that they've all become literal faggots and trannies, so hopefully they'll all rope soon

>> No.53991591


Lol. Mystery method is super old and cheesy with the magic tricks. The underlying principles are gold though. Replace the magic tricks with palm reading or astrology in current year and it holds up much better. Some of the other authors did definitely improve on mystery and have better advice. I would say Tom torero was my favorite. It does work objectively Tom was ugly as sin and studied biology at Oxford, went on to slay pussy in his mid 30s.

I was mostly just making the point to him that I was never a natural or a guy who just smiles at a girl and gets her in bed. And that someone who struggles getting pussy can improve and still wind up happy regardless.

>> No.53991598

>Things are just objectively getting worse. It's like a game of Monopoly that is almost over and 1 dude controls everything and everyone else is priced out of everything.
it's gotten significantly worse since 2020, however I might be nostalgic for the early 2010s
king nigger kind of fucked everything up starting in 2012 though

>> No.53991610

Things have changed for the worse man.

If you are average, below average guy Its bad, very bad, women have all the power now and they want nothing but 7 foot chad/tyrone. Yes even single mothers, landwhales, etc.

If you aint chad you are not even human you deserve nothing in their eyes.

>> No.53991670


Human nature didn’t change. The female mind didn’t change. You don’t have to play by their rules. You don’t have to go on social media begging for a crumb of pussy with your gay tryhard bio and edited photos. Just go out and meet girls they have always wanted Chad but they are stupid, and you can trick them into letting you fuck them instead.

>> No.53991896

I have standards too if the only thing i can get are landwhales single mothers with poor hygiene that expects me to beta bux because im 5'4 then its just not worth it.

>> No.53991922


Pussy isn’t a requirement to be happy. For sure don’t settle for someone that doesn’t turn you on.

But yeah 5’4 will make things more difficult but you can overcome that. I’ve known short guys that slay pussy.

>> No.53991927
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>it's gotten significantly worse since 2020, however I might be nostalgic for the early 2010s
>king nigger kind of fucked everything up starting in 2012 though
Truth. I am old and tired, I can't keep up with ever increasing cost of everything now.
Take me back to the 90's where rent/mortgage was cheap, pay was good, times were fun.

>> No.53991937

Unironically move to Portland

>> No.53991954

If you don't have a BIG BLACK COCK what's the point?

>> No.53991964

and what, live on the street with everyone else?

>> No.53991979

Idk that’s my fall back plan

>> No.53992041

Why you all want to have kids today?
It's overrated, there are so many other stuff to do in our today's world.

>> No.53992515

based boomer

>> No.53992542

newsflash most people haven't made it by 36. No its not over, as long as you take care of your health lets say you make it by 45, still plenty of time to enjoy life

>> No.53992555

This thread keeps being reposted but OP changes the age because he's a nigger. Sometimes it's "25, it's over" other times it's "29, it's over" or "33, it's over" or "39, it's over" because he's a nigger cunt dick sucker who spends all his fucking time making these gay assblasting niggerlicking threads.

>> No.53992832

This is basically Stoicism philosophy in a nutshell

>> No.53992986

Absolutely retarded normy-amoeba cope. Holy shit, old faggot, uve lived this many, whatever long, years and this is all the philosophy that uve mastered so far?


It does matter whether your training shoes are top-notch comfy pair made with durable materials that dont catch smell and care about orthopedic well being of your feet or are chinese slave workers cheap quasimodo pairs. It does matter when ur bikes seat isnt made to literally fist ur asshole or isnt made to have its chains out of place after a few rides

>smoking meats

It does matter when ur steak is ribeye and ur whether u have a good grill

>fucking a girl

if ur a cheap bastard then ur destiny are truck hoes

>telling your mom you love her and mowing her yard

What if ur mom will need a costly surgery?

>Who gives a shit bro

Literally how world is built. Your financial well being directly correlates with a quality of people u have around u.

>Many people "make it" and still stress out over this and that and arent happy.

Happiness is not the ultimate goal. You indeed have a "hunter gatherer" brain if u think so.

>I dont try to control the world and every situation I might find myself in.

Lier. If ur children will suddenly need a serious amount of financial support by different reasons (joy or tragedy) and u will find urself incapable to provide it -- then its ur fault, because u could have been prepared for it, u just hadnt.

>> No.53993024

I am turning 33 this year and am still a virgin, I don't know how to interact with women at all and just prefer to stay in my room. I have no idea what to do with myself now.

>> No.53993537

Same but 19.

>> No.53993577

You just need to make a plan. You can do it anon. Make sure you also take a little time for yourself as you work your way toward your goals. Iwent back to school in my 30s. If i can do it anyone can.

>> No.53993662

Based boomer

>> No.53993894

>He was basically broke until the Seinfeld show
>Chosen race fella who has been abusing nepotism to work on media as a writer dating back to the early 80s was a poor honest broke innocent butterfly
I guess he became 'Writer AND Producer' one random day out of thin air when he decided to pull himself by the bootstraps, very disingenuous post

>> No.53993940

The best part about life is we are all going to die
No amount of money or offspring will stop that
Be happy it's going to end one day

>> No.53993985

>>haven't made it financially
There's a very big difference between "I'm 35 and haven't made it quite yet but I'm earning 6 figures and got a couple hundred thousand in savings/investments" and "I'm 35 working a dead-end job for min wage and my net value is jackshit"

>> No.53994862

Are you the same 36 year old that's been posting all over lately?