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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53987403 No.53987403 [Reply] [Original]

Where do i find app developers that won't steal my patent? I just want to make it and marry my high school crush.

>> No.53987435 [DELETED] 

"white" people aren't supposed to tan like that she's gonna get all wrinkly

>> No.53987467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53987476 [DELETED] 

I need to smell these women's open assholes

>> No.53987487
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Your idea is pretty much worthless. I can guarantee that there are hundreds of people who have the same idea. Ideas are not worth shit.
What matters is execution. Do you have resources and discipline to take to market?
If you do then it is good.
Do you really have a patent, though? Don't be a retard who worries about others stealing his idea. Start working on your product

>> No.53987495 [DELETED] 

they look nice. now imagine them quivering from BBC, which is the only thing they think of when it comes to "good sex"

>> No.53987502 [DELETED] 
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What a shame, oh well into the trash it goes

>> No.53987505 [DELETED] 

imagine entering the bathroom immediately after they've just had a massive reeking shit in there, thoughever

>> No.53987627 [DELETED] 

those are men

>> No.53987776 [DELETED] 

Imagine sucking baby penis after chewing its foreskin off moishe

>> No.53987793

nobody steals ideas. and if it's patented then you can sue if they try. now tell us your idea and we'll let you know what we think.

>> No.53989431


>> No.53989444 [DELETED] 

the one on the left has a huge face

>> No.53989580
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>> No.53989583
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What is the source my good sir

>> No.53989609
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Tell that to the Winklevoss's

>> No.53990670

It was written by a woman(female) and this was something that literally happened to her.
He had never seen a real vagina and was spooked. She was offended and scared for life.

>> No.53990701
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this happened to me

>> No.53990711 [DELETED] 

I find them attractive
>no homo

>> No.53990753 [DELETED] 

Those are someone's 17 year and 364 day old son's you sick freak.

>> No.53990773

your high school crush will be sucking off a guy in her college circle to fit in while you are busting your balls with your apps. its a devastating feeling that every boy has to go through to become men

>> No.53990808 [DELETED] 

My high school crush is too old for me now

>> No.53991142 [DELETED] 

both of them are fat now and I have it on good authority they still slam ass but now it's not with chads.

>> No.53991143 [DELETED] 

I have literally never had a female show any sexual interest in me

>> No.53991166 [DELETED] 

once you start hating women and viewing them as the insecure, deceitful, crazy and unhappy pieces of shit they are (like every other human being is too, guys included), they just want to suck you all the time. Try it. women love to be hated/known but loved too. It's a trip.

>> No.53991179 [DELETED] 

That's not true. I've had multiple women directly say that I'm creeping them out or seem angry about them, as well as hearing second-hand gossip about me confirming the same.

>> No.53991193 [DELETED] 

stop being a lurk, stop wanting to have sex with them and start acting like you're better than them and everyone else but also just be happy with yourself. women are MISERABLE. If they see a happy man who could fuck them but chooses to be about himself instead, they can't stand it. Women are truly so fucking insecure, just exploit it. They will exploit any insecurity you show so just fight fire with fire. Men win in the end over women anyway.

>> No.53991202 [DELETED] 

it's like you didn't even witness that muscle building chad who died who was always talked about all over the site who made all of us men actually start to love ourselves again. sigma grindset is real. do some manly shit like jacking your car up and changing your tires and shit. fight back against the emasculation/feminization of the world.

>> No.53991206

No one can steal a patent, numbnuts

If they steal it and make money with it all the money is yours plus damages

>Today on “Bizraeli asks /biz/ something he should’ve asked a lawyer”

>> No.53991292
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>please sir build your app so I can reverse engineer it

>> No.53991300

You don't need to have a working product to file a patent. Just have it documented and work with a patent lawyer to submit.

>> No.53991613
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I did it a few times with my older sister's panties, the smell that emanated from her vaginal fluids gave me a stone erection, I recommend 11 days after her menstruation that is when they emanate those fluids because they are in their most fertile days.

>> No.53992403

sauce? and more stories?