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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5398888 No.5398888 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5398918

I never sell link, I only buy. Nice digits.

>> No.5398938

I hope it does. My idiot brother never bought any and it it goes down this will be the perfect time for him.

>> No.5398940

I don't care about the price before main net launch.

>> No.5398972

Just dumped to .30 holy shit just market sold my stack, quick bros everyone needs to market sell all Chainlink tokens ASAP!

>> No.5399064

you're pathetic attempt to get cheap coins ain't gonna work

>> No.5399068

AWWWW looks like the no linkers are mad that they missed out on all of the cheap LINK and are trying to get in now. Good fucking luck you mouth breathing morons

>> No.5399087

It's at 57 cents retards

>> No.5399118

Im about to dump 500K coins soon lol

>> No.5399130

Going down to 3750.

And then up to 4500.

And then down to 4000.

And then up past 6k.

>> No.5399143
File: 143 KB, 558x588, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 11.56.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fud retards, look at order book. fucking no one selling.

>> No.5399154
File: 6 KB, 225x225, pepebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it anon! before its too late

>> No.5399238

Today is the last day you can buy link under 4k sats. Get ready for the news in -24 hours

>> No.5399369

Im going to buy 1M coins soon. So thats np my friendo

>> No.5399402
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>> No.5399447

handle is forming

>> No.5399457

Lol, it's literally mooning again right now. This is never going under .50cents again, it's the new floor.

>> No.5399770

Im about to dump 3 million soon.>>5399402

>> No.5399802

Sorry i miscalculated. Im going to buy 100 million chainlink

>> No.5399837

I typo'd I meant 300 million. Brace yourselves guys.

>> No.5399850


well, the market is going to get rekt soon

>> No.5399871
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, aAvENN5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to dump one billion link in 256 seconds...nothing personell guys, just biznes.

>> No.5399882 [DELETED] 

hahahaha look at this desperate nocoiner trying to get people to sell so he can get in

youre too late. but there is good news. any link under $1 is a steal. just buy now.

>> No.5399900


>> No.5399920

Is there anything left to buy?

If I throw five grand at this price can I even buy anything??

>> No.5399932
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1513415277800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


text book bump and dump

>> No.5399954

lol. your fud not going to work anymore

>> No.5400026

sergey used $20 million dollars of the ico money to buy a mansion with his OWN mcdonalds restuarant built in there...how can you people still trust such a person?

>> No.5400045


>> No.5400083
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don't do it, soon everybody will short it to safe their gainz

>> No.5400109

Yeah, for once everyone knows this is the real deal. It's no secret anymore and this will only grow faster and faster from here on out as more folks FOMO in. This is the next Ethereum for .60 cents.

>> No.5400125

sounds pretty fuckin baller to me, man

>> No.5400163

Nobody in their right mind is going to release news on a Sunday, let alone a day before Christmas. This is merely whales manipulating the order book

>> No.5400164

let the half price jigaboos eat their cake. halcyon fields are upon us.