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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53988536 No.53988536 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53988551
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>> No.53988563

based senile old man

>> No.53988573

anything less than a 100% tax rate is unacceptable grifting

>> No.53988577

25% tax sounds like a lot no?

>> No.53988580

>wanting to give the government more money

>> No.53988584

> increase capital gain tax from 20% to 40%
> market crashes
> ?? profit

>> No.53988586

Wow what could possibly benefit from billionaires cashing out of the USD system to move to greener pastures?

>> No.53988593

How dare you tax elite pedophile lizard people?!?

>> No.53988600

>wanting billionaire pedophiles to keep their money

>> No.53988602

>> increase capital gain tax from 20% to 40%
>> market crashes
>> ?? profit
got some cash on hand and 20 years to wait too

>> No.53988610

i'd rather cut out the middle man and load them feet-first into a J.A. Topf & Sohne incinerator, but we have to work within the legal system, unfortunately.

>> No.53988616

>biden says something for pr that will never pass or even get submitted to congress
>biz about to seethe about this for 300+ replies

>> No.53988617
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same thing

>> No.53988631


I would say yes pre-2020 but they were handed SHITLOAD OF FREE MONEY during the money-printing years so 25% is way too little, way too late.

>> No.53988633

You won't have to worry about that op because you and everyone here will be too poor to care.

>> No.53988639

Worst president of all time and it’s not even close.

>> No.53988640

Because the GOP is bought and paid for by the same pedophile billionaires.

>> No.53988643
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>the way to fix wealth inequality is by giving jewish billionaires more money

>> No.53988703

>Biden and the dems will fuck over the people who gave them money despite them obviously supporting them (IE restoring the unlimited SALT deduction)
People keep falling for the same lies over and over again lmao

>> No.53988722

Is that urge more powerful than his urge for children? Kek

>> No.53988734


>> No.53988751

Based Biden trying to crash the economy so the feds can start QE again and pump my stocks/crypto.

>> No.53988753

>lets double capital gains tax

So it'll be close to 90%? That can't be right, right? You still got state taxes on top of it???

No way that's correct.

>> No.53988767

The rich will just leave and take their business and wealth elsewhere.

>> No.53988836

>Zelenskyy happily rubs his hands

>> No.53988857

I will absolutely not, under no circumstances, pay a 40% capital gains tax. Try me, nigger.

>> No.53988870

>he's going to tax his donors, for real this time
you have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.53988914
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oy vey you domestic terrorist

>> No.53988921

Lol that's not how it works smoothbrain.

>> No.53988938

Wow, Democrats are so awesome. Here's a typical example of a Democrat-ran economy that we should totally keep voting for...

>run away inflation raising the cost of goods, services and housing everywhere
>higher interest rates to tackle said inflation running the economy into the ground
>higher taxes and low-paid immigrant workers as the only proposed solution to fix said stagflation
>never ending funding for war, climate doomsday cults, needle-fetishes, eating bugs and other weird, mentally ill bullshit

This must be what winning feels like. Cool party you got there, trannies.

>> No.53988985
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Lol, I just read the bill. They're coming after all those new real-estate investors that are sitting on $1mil+ homes now. Also they're getting ready for the boomer die off when homes start going to their kids. Fucking unreal. The boomers keep pulling the ladder higher. Not even, they're just trying to shut the door on the way out.

>> No.53988999

don't forget to vote rekikekican, goy. another $50 billion to Israel!

>> No.53989000

Republicans control the house so none of this will happen, it’s just a virtue signs to his base