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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5398743 No.5398743 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a real discussion about coins other than just shilling: which coins do you think have the most potential on being an alternative to real money and why (not if they will but hypothetically)?

>> No.5398774
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bitcorn 5m eoy

>> No.5398812

Obsidian. imagine being able to pay for anything on your phone with 100% confidence that no one will ever know about it. this is better than XMR because that coin is for tech autists only, not normies.


>> No.5399079

Oh thats shilling.
There is no need and no demand for their product. Monero has secure and trustable. ODN isn't.

>> No.5399326

For spending I think RaiBlocks has potential, and I expect other privacy coins to become more popular, especially ones that implement zero proof. Monero is better known at the moment though, and I think it'll pick up.

There's other things crypto can do besides being used directly for payment though. I know it gets shilled here 24/7 but LINK or other coins that focus on solving actual problems are going to be important.

>> No.5399375

Not an alternative to currency, but LINK stands far and apart from all the other coins and tokens in the cryptosphere for what it intends to accomplish.

>> No.5399472


>> No.5399556

>real discussion about coins other than just shilling

>> No.5399558

>which coins do you think have the most potential
>no shilling
this will go well

>> No.5399588

okay I don't mind shilling but then you have to sell it with good arguments other than "uh it's goin to moon"

>> No.5399682


>> No.5400105

I believe that Raiden Network's scaling of the Ethereum platform and its partnership with REQ, which in turn partnered with Kyber Network, will make these 3 projects among the biggest winners of 2018.

I am heavily invested in REQ but don't have any ETH, RDN or KNC.
Am considering on getting some Raiden tokens and KNCs

>> No.5400165

Forgot to mention that these partnerships will take crypto to a new level of adoption.

REQ has the potential of becoming a fintech giant with solutions for e-commerce and accounting. However, it can only be successful if the Raiden Network is able to scale the Ethereum platform to new levels.

>> No.5400238

BUY dopecoin! It's the next THC and as you all now THC went up 400% last week.

>low marketcap
>has a working payment platform
>technically better coin than THC

>> No.5400280

IOTA or Ripple.

>> No.5400349

honestly I believe iota. I love the idea of the internet of things and they have huge partnerships. can't actually believe it's current low marketcap.

>> No.5400384

I think /biz/ is shilling link just to make money and sell sell sell and than it will take 6+ months to actually get to a dollar

Someone is lying

>> No.5400435

The one that will be promoted by the illuminaty

>> No.5400532

Thanks Anon, you made me look at RDN and KNC. Do you recommend buying now? I'm currently reading about the tokens and don't know the valuation right now.

>> No.5400590

Any coin that goes on to become a mainstream currency will do so by first becoming accepted in the most marginal markets, and I mean legal and illegal. Drug markets, porn sites, prostitution, sex doll vendors, etc.

Bitcoin was on its way, but then politics and technological stagnation derailed it.

Whatever coin is gaining uptake in the dark net markets right now will become the future of currency. That’s your leading indicator.

Guess what coin is?

Spoiler: it’s monero.

If you think I’m a shill, you don’t need to take my word for it. Just go to dark net markets and forums for yourself and see the flippening happening in real time.

XMR will be the currency of the internet in the near future (less than 2 year’s imo).

You can keep playing babby’s first speculative bubble, serious investors looking for value are in XMR.

I hope you’re smart money /biz/.

>> No.5400800

If you understand what Link is trying to accomplish, you know the shilling/fudding on /biz/ is irrelevant.
Imagine every datastream that comes to your mind (flight, weather, gps of transport-trucks, firewall-status, stockmarket...).
And now imagine, for every of those datastreams you can now set uo a smart contract (travel insurance, a contract which pays based on a firewall-uptime of a certain amount of time, automatically pay out bonus to employees if stockmarket reaches a certain level.)
The communication between all these different APIs is, what CL is trying to accomplish.
Chainlink is for contracts what
the internet is for PCs.

>> No.5400826


> literally meme coins

I swear everybody on this forum is either poor or an idiot.

>> No.5400866


I think BCash will integrate its way into most grocery stores and local businesses first, given that Ver continues his shilling.. I can see him going to TV commercials and other public methods of force -fed advertisement. He's just a dick with aggressive ways of promoting his baby and I think that's what it'll take for it to be noticed by the general public.

>> No.5400940
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Maybe a bit unrelated but I think that is one of the future winners of 2018.
As always though DYOR

>> No.5400968

What interests me would be what criteria a coin must have to force the banks to go with the flow. I mean they obviously want control and don't like anonymous coins, those are good for the darknet though.

>> No.5401049

XLM because they don't try to take on the big banks (who will just build their own systems), going after third worlders who the banks haven't/can't reach, and offer a product up to silicon valley startup standards

>> No.5401067

>made me look at RDN and KNC. Do you recommend buying now?

I believe now is the right time to buy. I know there are big news for both of them in January and due to yesterday's crash, they got cheaper!

I just don't have any spare cash at the moment or I would be jumping in, however, my advice is if you don't have any REQ yet, get that instead. It is, in my opinion, the most professional and promissing crypto project out there.

Good luck!

>> No.5401073

Nah they are going with xrp :).

>> No.5401099


Banks might use distributed ledgers for financial transactions, but they’re certainly not gonna run them on an open platform with tokens bought and sold on the open market. That’s just giving away control of what could become an essential piece of financial infrastructure.

Anonymous coins can be treated as cash. Banks don’t care about anonymous transactions. It’s the government that does. Therein lies the biggest risk with anon coins like Monero.

>> No.5401126

plausible but not certain

>> No.5401140

State your reasons then you faggot!
Its free to call any coin a meme, but lets dig in to that trash can you call brain and find the reasons why those coins are memes.

Also, what coins do you recommend? Lets hear

>> No.5401249


XMR for internet money, and maybe ETH to get exposure to innovative use cases of distributed ledgers beyond currencies (like digital collectibles, smart contracts etc), but I think their potential is overhyped, nobody really wants smart immutable contracts and digital collectibles is basically investing in digital beanie babies.

Everything else is a meme coin or a scam.

>> No.5401296

i love that ethereum is pivoting into literal beanie babies lately. topkek

>> No.5401318

Listen to this guy ppl

>> No.5401347
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i like this thread

>> No.5401403

No argument from my part in relation to XMR. Top coin if there ever was one.

As for ETH you do understand that Raiden Network is trying to scale it right? That Vitalik is an advisor?

If you believe in ETH then you shouldn't dismiss RDN since they are basically trying to save it from falling into oblivion due to kitties and blockchain pokemons

>> No.5401442

we get it you're all in on XMR.

>> No.5401477

>you made me look at RDN
People have been talking about RDN on here for weeks now, how have you not bothered to read about it until now? It's not even shilled, it's just legitimate discussion when ever it's brought up here.

>> No.5401666

how about cashing out? right now there are plenty btc<->usd/eur exchanges, but no monero. Also, monero is quite traceable if you invest some time

>> No.5401726

dude buy BAZINGAcoin lmao the normies LOVE it

>> No.5401784
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Thoughts on pic related?

>> No.5402675

which coins are actually getting used on the darknet currently tho?

>> No.5403021


Kraken, BitFinex, LocalMonero


So Raiden Network just builds on top of Ethereum? Why not just hold ETH?