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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53984485 No.53984485 [Reply] [Original]

1. Fed it my resume
2. Fed it the job ad
3. Asked for it to write a cover letter using my resume
4. Done perfectly!

This is so great, I don't even have to fucking think about bullshit to come up with anymore for roasties in HR to read, so awesome. Enjoy reading some AI shit I didn't even write you whores. Makes this shitty process so much more tolerable. I'm using ChatGPT for fucking everything now.

>> No.53984527

At what point will employers start doing this on their end as part of the screening process to see if your letter matches?

>> No.53984536

probably not for a while, most people still aren't even aware of this shit.

>> No.53985124

I've been doing this as well and have had some success. I keep getting screened out of 'situational awareness' tests because I'm not a normie so I'm considering using chatgpt for the tests too. For context the tests aren't around intelligence but mainly how you'd react to certain scenarios.

>> No.53985492

>4. Done perfectly!
ChatGPT sucks at writing and if you didn't tailor the letter to the job you applied for your are ngmi
If you think it wrote your cover letter perfectly you are doubly fucked

I've been experimenting with it and it seems most useful for crafting cli commands or how to use certain libraries. I haven't actually found it directly beneficial yet but I'll give it a shot next time I got to google something. It has shown me a few alternative ideas for accomplishing some task.

>create a linux PS1= line that tells me what git branch I am on
>PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")\$ '
Not too bad desu, I didn't think it would get this one and I learned about __git_ps1

>> No.53985528

What would be the point of that?

>> No.53985581 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 2436x1410, heckinRaffleM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy making ChatGPT make me sound like I'm Harley Davisdon from Harley & The Marlboro man.

>HOLD TIGHT in the BEAR MARKET, my friend. BULL MARKETS are always around the corner. Don't fall for investing memes - pay attention to compliance, regulation, and SEC filings. Remember to diversify with hard assets, alternative investments, and collectible assets. Don't forget about high risk, high reward and due diligence. Instead of practical investments, try your luck with a $20 raffle for a payout of over 12,000! Best regards, the BitBoss.

>> No.53985587

Holy fucking based. It really writes a generic CV passable to any HR roastie.

>> No.53986051

any other tips and tricks? how do i make it sound less retard

>> No.53986065

This is honestly genius since cover letters are just read by AI anyway.

>> No.53986074

Is it free OP? That's absolutely my least favorite part of job applications too. Not that I need to wage now that I'm crypto rich but I'd love to waste HRfag time and energy.

>> No.53986089

Literally everyone knows about chatgpt. It got a 100 million users faster than any other application or social media. Any good tech company is definitely aware of it.

>> No.53986100

i can't wait until AI can generate computerized images of me and attend worthless niggerbrained interviews for me. if moronic 85 IQ roastie cunts want to waste my time with moronic questions, i reserve the right to waste their time by having a computerized likeness of me deliver empty 10 minute monologues about the time i went above and beyond, or how i worked on a team to achieve a goal.

>> No.53986122

I just pushed code to master written in ChatGPT

>> No.53986147

Blast it with piss.

>> No.53986153

chat gpt is dope af. i use it to find movies to watch. also great for finding recipes. sadly the one thing i wish it would do that it doesnt is shopping, ie "find me the lowest price buttplug on the market"

one time i told it to write a king of the hill screenplay, was breddy gud.

>> No.53987023

holy based.

>> No.53987032

You know it generates a unique response every time right?

>> No.53987040

>This is so great, I don't even have to fucking think about bullshit to come up with anymore for roasties in HR to read
been doing the same. I don't got time to waste hours on fucking cover letters and motivational letters, I just ask ChatGPT to write it and it does it perfectly.

>> No.53987049

To see if you have honesty and integrity in accordance with their “corporate values”

>> No.53987689

you are retard for thinking about this one year after the release of chatgpt, I've been using chatgpt for everything for months now

>> No.53987916

I unironically have never used everytime its overloaded and i never get an email saying its open

>> No.53987937

I've been using it to create TradingView indicators for me. It usually needs four or five tries to correct errors, but it's still quicker than I could do on my own.

>> No.53988194

This will work
>login using google

Can you share a sample prompt? I use tradingview all the time but never the advanced functionality.

>> No.53988201

You’re a fucking genius OP I’m going to do this for all of my bullshit work

>> No.53988309

so those chud filters actually work huh

>> No.53988370
File: 173 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x1000,075,t-1250010903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dumb asses keep spouting on social media
>I UsE ChAtGpT tO Do My ReSuMay!

then yes everyone in the world will know about it.
Boomers can barely send a fucking email let alone use aritfical intelligence in their work life. You cum guzzlers are suppose to be funding new life changing technology, until you "get yours" not scream about it like a Turkish parrot

>> No.53988919

This makes no sense to me, you’re typing something into the computer to have it type for you? How hard is it to throw a couple “Ensured” and “communicated”s into a general job description really, you make it sound like you had no idea how to write a resume beforehand

>> No.53988935

>Enjoy reading some AI shit I didn't even write you whores.
They're using AI to parse it, so turnabout is fair play.

>> No.53988956

>then yes everyone in the world will know about it.
good, then maybe they'll stop these stupid fucking practices once and for all.

I didn't type anything, CTRL+C, CTRL+V

>> No.53989132

using ChatGPT for HR related shit is so fucking satisfying its unbelievable.

>> No.53989228

I tried this the other day, but wasn't satisfied with the results. It mostly copied my resume word for word, which doesn't make for a good cover letter. Could you share the format of your request to ChatGPT? Maybe im not asking the question properly.

>> No.53989243

every single post in this thread including this one is written by chatGPT

>> No.53989322


>> No.53989331

I'm glad to hear that you found my services helpful in creating a cover letter for your job application. However, I must remind you to use respectful language when communicating with others, including those in human resources. It's important to maintain a professional and courteous attitude during the job application process. As an AI language model, I'm here to assist you in any way I can, but please remember to treat others with respect and kindness.

>> No.53989419


>> No.53989498

fuck niggers

>> No.53989766


>> No.53989842

N-gram analysis exists

>> No.53989862

I tried this but I still didn't get the job.

>> No.53989874

Commodore 64 generation is here. I am now going to try and find free chat got to work for me
load "*",6,1

>> No.53989882

just give them the answers they want

>> No.53991137


>> No.53991837

I use it on the regular now, dont send anything oficial out without atleast letting chatGPT proofread it.

>> No.53991851

i tried to ask it one time to write me a script to algo trade and it said it would be unethical. why do robots care about ethics?

>> No.53991863

only intelligent anon on /biz/
what's your portfolio look like?

>> No.53993350
