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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 430 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230309-071923_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53985085 No.53985085 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah that looks sustainable.

>> No.53985094

The dump will be biblical

>> No.53985095
File: 440 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230309-072125_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53985102

And 50% will be 70IQ niggers. Imagine the dystopian slumworld that will result.

>> No.53985106

But what about muh covid deaths?!?!
Also how is this finance or business related tranny?

>> No.53985126

I'm longterm bullish on Vietnam desu

>> No.53985131

>world is 95% shitskins
Its over

>> No.53985152
File: 13 KB, 112x148, 1676151197667570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's doctor congo?

>> No.53985155

Absolutely rent free in your mind. Get off /pol/. We need to nuke China and India to solve a lot of problems.

>> No.53985170

is it all due to modern medicine and survival rate or did 'people' start fucking like rabbits all of a sudden?

>> No.53985171

>not one white country on this list
>inb4 mutts and russniggers
Once whitey loses control all the bug and mud people are going to slaughter each other.

>> No.53985172

>Comes to a business forum on an android to avoid being banned because he knows he's going to post off topic bait threads
Yeah we already knew all that you didn't have to remind us.

>> No.53985203

Why did we destroy our own empires just so shitskins could mass breed and invade?
Imagine the beauty of a world where everyone is tall, middle to upper class, white.
I mean I kind of even like a little bit of exoticism, it would be cool to absorb the best Africans/Middle Easterners/Asians. But not this disgusting sludge of mass human filth.

>> No.53985221

>God said to be fruitful and multiply
>so clearly, that means invent fertilizer and subsidize retards constantly reproducing, even if their quality of life is absolute dog shit

>> No.53985244

>Imagine the dystopian slumworld that will result.
Imagine the smell. Urine, BO, weed, decaying niggers, and cocoa butter.

>> No.53985266

Don't forget pitbull shit, mold and cockroaches.

>> No.53985274
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>> No.53985337

not a single nation on that list is on that list due to christian’s multiplying btw. actually if only christian white nations multiplied we would not be in this position.

>> No.53985359

>Whites listened to kikes
>Kikes took over
Uh duh.
romans knew better/

>> No.53985401

medicine and farming

>> No.53985420


>> No.53985439

zoom out

>> No.53985484

in the history books soon it will be medicine, farming, and chainlink

>> No.53985509

Eventually the deaths will outnumber the births and the population will come crashing down. Bill Gates is a genius

>> No.53985576

chainlink won't make you more fuckable

>> No.53985846

yes it will, when CCIP finally comes on line I will have SEX for the first time... my real life will finally begin

>> No.53985996


>> No.53986009

Sounds awful
t. Whitey

>> No.53986029
File: 228 KB, 862x485, FqemJ7eakAAfET4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont have to imagine


>> No.53986106

Between declining birthrates, COVID vaccine deaths, World War 3 and the collapse of the global food supply, this chart is going to rug like a shitcoin over the next decade.

How 2 profit?

>> No.53986173 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 2436x1410, heckinRaffleM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep stacking people on top of one another like bugs

>HOLD TIGHT in the BEAR MARKET, my friend. BULL MARKETS are always around the corner. Don't fall for investing memes - pay attention to compliance, regulation, and SEC filings. Remember to diversify with hard assets, alternative investments, and collectible assets. Don't forget about high risk, high reward and due diligence. Instead of practical investments, try your luck with a $20 raffle for a payout of over 12,000! Best regards, the BitBoss.

>> No.53986198
File: 31 KB, 261x375, TheCampOfTheSaints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go, boys

>> No.53986208 [DELETED] 

FUCK POOJEETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53986256
File: 3 KB, 576x395, oil-prd-vs-population-1-3831775013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch what happens now that we've reached peak oil.

>> No.53986282

Unironically work. Wages will improve with fewer tards tarding up the place.

>> No.53986291

Psyop shill slide thread. No bump from me and herbs

>> No.53986295
File: 9 KB, 420x411, PF_15.04.02_ProjectionsReligion_populationsizeChristian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the future of christianity

>> No.53986302

Mass repliers are the worst posters. I've yet to see them write anything original, funny, profitable, or on topic.

>> No.53986319 [DELETED] 

Brother is a dumb pastor talmudic golem who is going to Africa to promote dumb shit and bring dumb niggers to america to replace whites, can confirm this is true. they also love south americans, the closer to 100 IQ or less the better. Fucking penetcostals, man.

>> No.53986405

I think evangelical/etc denominations are a genuine psyop

>> No.53986416

They are. Bought and paid for by AIPAC most of the time. I'm not making this up.

>> No.53986449

Why is sub saharan Africa awfully high?
Same could be said about most of /biz/ and 4chan really.

>> No.53986478


>> No.53986587

>Increase population of high-iq persons
>The ability of the planet to support persons increases exponentially
It's actually more-than-sustainable, or as I've taken to calling it, hypersustainable. In fact it transcends a single planet.

Unless of course the high-IQ people all have negative birth rates and the species has implemented species-ending systems such as totalitarian democracies.

>> No.53986907

Only some of the time. On the contrary, mass repliers are always shitty posters.