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53982282 No.53982282 [Reply] [Original]

i talked to some normie friends yesterday who work in tradfi
>they're all bearish
>"did you see powell? he's going to fuck the economy.."
literally everyone and their mother is bearish, expecting a recession in 2023 into 2024

the 10Y-2Y yield curve inverted (this worries me)
but unemployment is still near lows

how can we crash when literally everyone is anticipating a crash?

>> No.53982349

people waste their money hedging/shorting and expecting black swan event. Because people put on more than they actually need, and many get net short, downward moves become muted by profit taking.
If we don’t crash in 2023, that’ll be two years of wasted money on muh three sigma event. Less money to hedge with in 2024, plus an expectation that far otm puts never really print.
That’s how we get set up for a floor gives out type dump. People bidding up vol because they didn’t keep enough stashed away.

>> No.53982421

I agree. Twitterfags are calling for new lows on the back of big crypto company failures, as if we didn't just endure Terra, 3AC, Genesis, FTX, Silvergate, etc etc etc etc
What, exactly, do they think is going to happen to push us to new lows? Or do they think that these events have somehow not been priced in by the market?
In my opinion, all this angst we are seeing is bearniggers and doomtards inventing reasons to sell the bottom.

>> No.53982443

>how can we crash when literally everyone is anticipating a crash?
retard tier reasoning
>how can two cars driving head-on into each other crash when literally everyone is anticipating a crash?

>> No.53982473
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Not sure what to believe

>> No.53982737


How can a harvest fall through if everybody is anticipating a good one? Maybe it’s missed rain, fungals, disease, maybe sabotage, maybe lightning sparks leading to fire.


Some portion of this insane chain in our globalistic finance system will break. It’s up to you to figure out where, why, and how to avoid the fallout. This is not just a recession, but also a liquidity crisis and an inflationary period of extremes. I myself have no idea how to navigate it. It scares the shit out of me.

It’s going to be really, really nasty.

>> No.53982759

they are right, until retail doesn't buy our bags market will not go up

>> No.53982810
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The market is never rational chudcels and the market makers are always doing the opposite of what everything is expecting. Just give up you are the normalfags not the le smart minority. But you won't because you are happening addicted little chudcels.

>> No.53982891

>In my opinion, all this angst we are seeing is bearniggers and doomtards inventing reasons to sell the bottom.
this. large crypto entities imploding is just part of the day-to-day at this point. nobody gives a fuck anymore if Centralized Crypto Company #32837 goes under at this point. those that are left in the market want this centralized shit to go away anyways so all these collapses are unironically bullish.

>> No.53983138

>implying I'm not simultaneously a chud and rich and a shitposter and having sex

>> No.53983152

awfully weird how crypto winter will end in 2024 a real head scratcher

>> No.53983170

because that's what happens..

if people are looking for the doors they tend to clog if someone yells fire.

how do you think bank runs work?

>> No.53983275
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>> No.53983327


>> No.53983563
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I follow a few hooker girls online. From the busted ugly nasty ones to the ultra hot 500/hr ones.They're all taking *very* lavish vacations. Every.Single.One

I work in finance and I'm trying to quit since I hate numbers, but here's what my gut is telling me:
We are not crashing anytime soon. It's going to be a sideways market for awhile. You'll see a lot of these twitterfags, and YouTube fucks fall off one by one as they get tired of shilling you "buy gold, silver, the crash is tomorrow"

You'll get tired of hearing the same Bs on the news, you'll grow tired of hearing the lies the politicians will say "were gonna do this were gonna do that!" the market will react to all of this.

The hikes will happen and each time "oh boy!" but nothing, in fact the market could go up. You'll be annoyed, tired and maybe drunk/high to even care. You'll hear of a looming possible crisis and think nothing of it.
That's when the crash will begin.

>> No.53983567

Bad news doesn't have anything to do with it. Terra, 3AC, Genesis, FTX, Silvergate etc are all symptoms of what the obvious problem is with the crypto market.
None of the crypto institutions can survive without being able to borrow money or draw in new bagholders. There's no more money coming into the space and the elaborate juggling act of debt and fraud is going to fail.
You guys are truly retarded to believe that every one of those institutions failing was some sort of one-off isolated occurrence. It won't be obvious to you until it's all over.

>> No.53983609

So far this is the most reasonable take.
Not sure what your hookers have to with this discussion though kek.

>> No.53984149

The economy is unironically and legitimately going to crash in 3Q2023.

Do you not realize what all this societal insanity has been building up to?
Great Depression 2.0 - 2023-2033. The Silicon Dustbowl.

WWIII. 2033-2044.

Prosperity beginning 2045.

>> No.53984392

because in 2014,15,26,17,18,19,20,21,22 everyone was bullish, and the market still went up

>> No.53985443
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>how can we crash when everyone is expecting a crash
Time is cyclical and everyone learned that.
Don't care all my money is in crypto and arab princes will keep my bags afloat. Get into cryptogpt before it's too late and sell all your Tesla or whatever gay shit you have.

>> No.53985499
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Shorting is a perfectly valid strategy.

>> No.53985518

stop posting
some corrupt whales with dirty money from asia giving a lot of money to e-whores doesnt mean things are fine

>> No.53985525

you are a faggot but tesla is indeed a gay stock.

>> No.53985919

I'd rather not, I own 0 (zero) Tesla, so I'm ok I guess

>> No.53985925

Everyone in this board is either gay, nigger or tranny, your point?

>> No.53985947

Niggers will be niggers till EOT (End Of Time for the illiterate faggots) so I wouldn't mind, besides, we already ARE in a horrid crash kek

>> No.53985949

so you are saying the crash will be in H1 of 2024

>> No.53985954

No, literally not a single chance, faggot

>> No.53985974
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>He doesn't know what to believe
>He's definitely pooskin faggot
In yourself anon, just believe in yourself ((You) will never be happy nor will you ever make it)

>> No.53985985

Buy land with fresh water source, buy lead ammo, buy gold, get fit, learn survival skills. Don't waste money on women. Don't waste money trying to be an NPC. Get serious now or die later. You have two years.

>> No.53986522
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