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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53977528 No.53977528 [Reply] [Original]

acquire GETH tokens and come build on base with us

>> No.53977545

this one? 0xdd69db25f6d620a7bad3023c5d32761d353d3de9 why are people buying testnet eth? I don't get it.

>> No.53977549

yes, that one

>> No.53977573

why are people buying them?

>> No.53977606

answer my questions faggot or kill yourself. I see that whales are accumulating, according to dexscreener. So, people will get dumped on and you're trying to see that it happens? okay, cool. got it. you're jewish and black and hispanic and should be gassed. okay, cool, got it.

>> No.53977612
File: 5 KB, 715x449, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good dev does his own work. i can only guide you. you are on the right track anon

>> No.53977623

that aren't whales, just projects who want to test their shit they want to deploy on the base L2 before it launches on mainnet. there is no reason to hold it and it will plummet to zero once they are done testing.

>> No.53977634


so it's going to dump and people are trying to milk a stone. just like the ordinal one scam the past two days. got it. I hate jews, hispanics, blacks and chinks so fucking much. But most of all, I hate whites that knowingly do this to other whites. Unreal racial traitor'ing going on. Our species is doomed.

>> No.53977710

If you guys actually understood what's happened with $GETH for the past week...you would be buying as much of it as possible.

An evil bitch dev was trying to control the supply of $GETH and she was forced to sell most of it. There's a big chance it will fly up to $1 to $2 by the end of the week.

Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.53977758

who is the dev. what is the wallet. give taxxens or rope yourself right now. GETH has zero value and the twitter threads are all about the thesis of geth accumulation is "it would be crazy bro". That's literally the thesis. But there is no short, no long option, you can't do anything with the token and the trading pairs are utterly gay. So what is the fucking point other than tulip mania and faggy eth-insdoor hype trading? I hate eth maxis SO FUCKING much you have no fucking idea. eth maxis are afraid of me.

>> No.53977777

Visit the telegram GoerliETHCommunityTG to find out more. Or just watch the price go up on dextools. Enjoy the show or be part of it.

>> No.53977785


>> No.53977798

despite your digits, the price is tanking right now, real-time. .loook at the 15m chart. holy fuck. bye bye. geth founder was right to try and keep price low. testnests won't get fucking used if the testnet goETH is 25x what it was. Fag.

>> No.53977802

checked quints
thanks just bought 100k

>> No.53977834

what an UTTERLY faggy telegram bro. Wow. I hope you all get killed. metaphorically obvously.

>> No.53977837

The chart DOES look fucked up to the naked eye. However, it's not what it seems. The co-founder hoarded millions of $GETH tokens over the years and these past two weeks she deliberately sold them to manipulate and crash the price.

However, the community bought the dip every single fucking time she sold her $GETH.

If you were part of the GoerliETHCommunityTG then you'd be up to speed on what really happened.

$GETH is actually going up right now btw. You're going to miss out on a 100x. Screenshot this.

>> No.53977839


>> No.53977849

you can literally do whatever you want with the token. goerli is a functioning L1 with A TON of dapps already up and running on it. you can do more with GETH than you can do with 99.9% of the other tokens.
typical /biz/ seething raging incel

>> No.53977855

insta-banned already faggot pajeet. You probably shouldn't ban people who are investigating. I heard it doesn't look so great under certain microscopes if ya catch my drift homo ;)

>> No.53977875

>can do more than 99.9% of all tokens
>is a testnet token with no new supply and therefore no reason to hold and accumulate more after tulip mania and psyops ends
>psyops are in cycles the last 4 weeks. this meme is a faggot meme and is bordering on hilariously Bed-Bath-Beyond schizo stock levels.

You're litterally going to go broke. I hope you have to suck down gobs of nigger cum on the streets of the tenderloin in san francisco. people NEED affordable goETH to test shit faggot. You're literally fucking things up and making shit inconvenient. what a fag.

>> No.53977880

You were trying to fud.

The GETH community doesn't fuck around.

Btw...go look at the top 50 wallets who bought $GETH. They are smart money wallets. They only buy tokens that moon.

>> No.53977884

daily reminder that if you bought a TESTNET TOKEN with REAL MONEY you are a dumb fucking midwitted retard :D:D:D:D:D:::D:D:D:D:
lmaolmaolmao :DDDD
you got pumped and dumped by ct fags lmao and a bunch of seething incels because one of the goerli testnet devs was a woman you cant handle that so you started some incel campaign against maria :D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:


also zoomie is reading this you are a black gorilla nigger piece of shit :D:D:D::D:D::D:D

>> No.53977898

what a raging retard. geth has been sold OTC for more than a year now. faucets were dripping 0.2 GETH/day and you had to make an account for it.
i actually tested shit on goerli faggot, and i know how hard it was to get GETH. it's literally $0.25/token right now, go buy $100 worth and you'll have GETH for a lifetime, you'll even pass it on to your grandchildren.
i guess your time is so irrelevant that you'd rather spend hours/days and get dripped 1 GETH per week rather than spending $10 and getting enough GETH to last for months.
it shows from your attitude who is the poor one between the 2 of us. and don't worry about me, im exposed to GETH but im not a retard. it could go to $0 for all i care, it wouldnt hurt me much. it's just an asymetric bet that you're not willing to take because you're either a seething dev that won't open his eyes, or a retarded autistic seething hating incel, the typical /biz/ user left.

>> No.53977900

This is why you should be buying $GETH....you just proved its value.

Devs need $GETH to test stuff before launching it on Ethereum mainnet. So now...they WILL have to pay a price to acquire testnet tokens.

$GETH is about to skyrocket in value very very soon. Appreciate you proving my point.

>> No.53977907

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU NEED TO DIE. KILL YORUSELF. It's LITERALLY illegal to ban people for ciriticizing your "project" now. Faggot. I hope you lose EVERYTHING. I hope you go broke. i hope your family has to distance themselves from you. Pure poison in your veins. I can tell that you're hispanic and anti-white. Jeeeezus christo bro.

>> No.53977920

I'm going to be here tomorrow posting about how you guys lost thousands of dollars because the price at this time tomorrow of goETH is going to be, AT BEST, 17 cents. I'm going to laugh so fucking hard. I hope you kill yourself because you lost it all trying to scam whites.

>> No.53977921

seethe and stay poor nigger. kys

>> No.53977926

I hope one of the gorilla niggers you're conning comes and murders you reverse engineering your telegram handle somehow.

>> No.53977932

Have fun watching the price of $GETH explode (like it's beginning to right now as I type this sentence).

You will miss out because you're too egotistical and shortsighted too see the 100x right in front of you.

Yngmi. Like I said... enjoy watching the price go up and feeling tons of regret. I feel bad for you man.

>> No.53977934

go back to /pol/ or plebbit newfag. stay poor

>> No.53977938


based, these nigger scammers are all bagholding because they fomoed injto a twitter psyops at $2 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:

imagine buying a fucking evm testnet token :DDDDDDDDD;D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

>> No.53977941


It's LITERALLY GOING DOWN RIGHT NOW. Go to dexscreener you fucking SCREE'ing little coomer. You're going to be forced to drinking cum for doms on Kik for BREADCRUMBS because of this. It's very funny.

>> No.53977950


>> No.53978042


THa tmeans that if $20k of sells come through, your coin goes to what I say it goes to. KEK. KEKEKEKEKEK. IMAGINE BEING THIS POOR YOU NEED TO SCAM WHITES THIS BADLY OVER $20 MEASLY CUM-SUCKING DOLLARS. You faggots are going to burn.

>> No.53978054

clueless midwit

>> No.53978069


>t, the one buying and shilling a testnet token :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D: