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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53977708 No.53977708 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53977726

Tell her.

>> No.53977728

what about her butthole

>> No.53977730
File: 8 KB, 206x245, 1639171661988pe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I was a kid (~4 yo) I used to insert coins into her coocoo playing it like a vending machine slot (she was 5 yo at that time). The smell unironically was intoxicating ngl

>> No.53977731

I told my first gf her pussy smelled like fish lol

>> No.53977746

do you and your sisster have sex and stuff? how is this biz related? are you her pimp?

>> No.53977754

i like seafood

>> No.53977760

What do her fish smell like?

Bizarro world

>> No.53977766

who's this guy

>> No.53977768

not you

>> No.53977769


Now you know where she keeps her Chainlink

>> No.53977775


>> No.53977776

or is it

>> No.53977781


>> No.53977782

there's so much wrong in this post I'm not even gonna bother

>> No.53977784
File: 151 KB, 600x780, starecosmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...from how far away

>> No.53977818

Might be a Yeast infection or some other bacterial soup going in there, she should get that checked out.

>> No.53977960

lol kill yourself faggot. I told you were a gorilla ape nigger on tg and I'm blasting you the fuck out on your MULTIPLE gaytard threads here on our precious BLUEBOARD that you are shitting the fuck up shilling a TESTNET token. Imagine being this ANTI-WHITE. You must be SO FUCKING hispanic. I bet your name is Gabriel or maybe Esteban and you're your mom's absolute FAVORITE. lol.

>> No.53977988
File: 17 KB, 384x384, DYqwViOXUAAiPUU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her sister posting somewhere on the web
>my brother's dick smells like cheese

>> No.53978043

Probably this guy >>53977730

>> No.53978056

>tfw no sister to sniff

>> No.53978068

time to go fishing

>> No.53978633 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 1024x1024, OpenBet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, lets just say that I theoretically put $4000 into crypto, watched it quadruple and now I theoretically had $16k in crypto. Now lets imagine that I theoretically put half of that so $8000 into this funny haha gambling coin called OpenBetAI or something in August 2023 and just forgot about it cause it's funny to put a lot of money into degenerate industries. But theoretically lets say that it turned to $8 billion in a bit over a year and now I want to cash out and move it to my bank account. How would I theoretically go on about this safely if I theoretically had this much money in crypto, in theory of course.......https://openbetai.io

>> No.53978677 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 1280x720, OpenBet0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love OpenBetAI token.. All the drama, the memes, the community surrounding it, it's really something. But what I love most about it is knowing that in couple years I will be a billionaire. It's not even a 99% chance, it is quite literally guaranteed. As a result of that knowledge, I stopped showering and brushing my teeth over a year ago. There is simply no reason for me to do it when I know I'll be rich. I will be fucking whores every night and laughing as they're throwing up from my disgusting, stinky body and mouth. As they kiss me on my rotten teeth, or suck my stinky, 2 year unwashed hog. It will be quite something. In fact I am already seeing effects of my stinky adventure. Yesterday I went to a shop to buy some cheese and make a stop at McD's for a big mac and the cashier at the store was visibly gagging at the smell of me and trying to hide it. Other customers were standing like 5 meters behind me. It was truly hilarious. And none of them have any idea of my guaranteed, future riches. They must already be so jealous of me. The stinkiest billionaire ever.................https://openbetai.io

>> No.53978690

My sister had the same issue. For a while I thought all pussies smelled like fish but then I found out that my grand mothers and aunts pussy didn’t