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53966386 No.53966386 [Reply] [Original]

Been in crypto since 2017 still haven't made it. When does the journey end? Do we ever get another bull run or am I destined to be this way forever?

>> No.53966407


>> No.53966426

Yes, but only after you capitulate.

>> No.53966806

I think it's a little beyond that point for me, anon. I've watched my NW fluctuate go up 1000% and drop 90% so many times I can't really feel it anymore.

>> No.53966817

let me guess, you fell for the altcoin meme

>> No.53966842

yes. at one point I could have traded my alts for over 2,000 ETH and I thought about it for a few moments then decided against it.

>> No.53966906

Then let it ride and place your attention elsewhere.

>> No.53966924

>just leave /biz/

>> No.53966925

yep, I know cause same. I could have had 36 BTC with Neo...TWICE. but noooo, hodl... been nothing but a nightmare ever since after Jan 2018.

>> No.53966951

I'm here just to observe people trapped in the smaller cycles, while I myself am trapped in the larger cycles. There is seemingly no escape, not even going innawoods will work fren

>> No.53967103

I don’t even know why I’m here anymore. It feels like I’ve always been here.

>> No.53967150

Do some stretches and smoke some DMT. You won't get any answers, but you'll understand what brought you here in the far better than you currently do.

>> No.53967245

How many sub 50 cent Link did you buy?

>> No.53968563

Maybe due to people like you the next bull run will be tame. Does that make sense? People will sell earlier, making higher highs more difficult to hit.

>> No.53969732

memes ruin the whole plan ! You end up broke with a devaluating douchy piece of crap
>Do we ever get another bull run
Sure, I’ve been stuffing my bags full of Ethereum, Mbox and ride for a month now. I prob won’t touch them till the next bull is over.
>and still have like 2 on my watchlist

>> No.53971057
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You probably had shitty luck. Not everyone who put money into crypto made it, logically. Sorry anon. If you want some ok assets you can't go wrong with POND and DOGE, believe it or not. You can obtain some capital with those two almost guaranteed.
Good luck

>> No.53971165

what kept you from doing it anon? uncertainty?

>> No.53971171
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Idk if i should diversify further fuck i got like 6 different assets already

>> No.53971180

he didnt say that nigger biz is fun if you ignore obvious dogshit

>> No.53971577

>am I destined to be this way forever?

>> No.53972440

Had around 500 ETH but sold most of them for shitcoins.... Been recovering with FTM and gonna reach 1 mil$ this bull market but Im never falling for the "HODL" Meme ever again

>> No.53974211

You are prolly one of these chain maxi. Be dynamic anon. Move to where the money is. Chase narratives. Twitter and Biz are talking about web3 and DiD. You paid $0 for all this. You are welcome.

>> No.53976086

>Move to where the money is. Chase narratives.
Exactly this. What happened OP, what was your approach and why did it fail? Were you a chain maxi like this poster said? Too inflexible? What happened?
I don't give a fuck about AI on chain, but I will sure as hell pick up some AI to ride that narrative.

>> No.53976294


Yes, this is why I think a big bull run is unlikely to occur again. Too many tired retards like me who didn't sell last run and are living in some personal hell.

gl anon

I thought my alts would run harder. At the time ETH was like $120 or so and had come down from $1,000. I figured a 10x at best which wasn't bad but thought my alts would pull 100x's. Then ETH went to $4k and my alts barely did a 10x from where they were.

It's harder to do when you get a bunch of money. Making the wrong move will kill me.

I had a few good trades early on, once I hit like $200k I just sat in what I liked and started accumulating another thing I liked. The other thing I liked never really performed.

>> No.53976304

did you pay taxes each of those years or is the IRS banging on your door?

>> No.53977705

Not too late to make it anon, you just have to position yourself for the next bull run start by getting some lowcaps like NXRA, GLMR, RDNT etc.

>> No.53977713
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Invest in micro cap privacy coins, the next the big trend in crypto.

>> No.53977741

Going into the bull market you have got to diversify heavily, which is why i have a large portfolio where the larger shares are in ETH, MATIC, CYMI and TSUKA.

>> No.53978295 [DELETED] 
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Here's the thing. You said a 'OpenBetAI is a meme token.' Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a gambling addict and who studies shitcoins, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls OpenBetAI a meme token. If you want to be 'specific' like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying 'meme token family' you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of erc20 cryptocurrencies with an animal logo, which includes things like shiba inu and ApeTown. So your reasoning for calling a OpenBetAI a meme token is because random people 'call small mcap shitcoins meme tokens?' Let's get doge and shiba inu in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. OpenBetAI is a OpenBetAI and a member of the shit token family. But that's not what you said. You said OpenBetAI is a meme token, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the meme family meme tokens, which means you'd call monero, icp, and other coins memetokens too, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

>> No.53979087


>> No.53979090

YMNT will be the new tsuka and no one is talking about it. ORE looks very cheap on MEXC.

>> No.53979097

NXRA is an ID solution just like OREID ?

>> No.53979192

Same thing I will do. AI and privacy might not be your favorite but they are mostly talked about. Buy into them.

>> No.53979237

The base case for the stock market is 5-10 years of sideways movement like the 70s. Wouldn't be surprised if crypto did the same

>> No.53979523

DCA and just live your life anon.

>> No.53979581
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not too late OP
next bull run is going to be life changing for many of us and I'll be here for it.
It's left for you now to position yourself by accumulating solid gems while you can

vela vra sylo are my make it bags for the coming bull run

>> No.53979825

Don't just DCA but DCA right
You could be DCAing in something that's literally going to zero

>> No.53979842

What's the catch with this?

>> No.53979861

The same catch with any coin, maybe it fails to pump.

>> No.53979868

Lmao ZCASH literally buy any other privacy coin save your shekels anon. Zcash's guiding light is "how can we advance zero knowledge cryptography" which is noble but trashes the coin's price action.

>> No.53979898

2020 anon here, haven't made it but I've never lost hope, it's bound to happen someday.

seen it mentioned a couple of times, red pill me

>> No.53980112

What's the point if price continues to tank?

>> No.53980133

Couldn't agree more

>> No.53980157

Keep grinding soldier

>> No.53980207

I only know it have all these futurverse thing going on where it powers open communication and stuff like that

>> No.53980485

It's over nigger
Give up, you're never making it

>> No.53980490

It's over nigger
Give up, you're never making it

>> No.53980500

It's not always about price action

>> No.53980518


Every one can see right through your thinly veiled Chainlink shill thread. You guys are insufferable.

>> No.53980547

>Do we ever get another bull run

>> No.53980571
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This is the time to solidify the ground with whatever is worth investing in. I took a position with NXRA already and the NexeraID product is making waves although it is still in development.

>> No.53980579
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The futureverse could quite easily be the next big thing from the metaverse, exciting narrative and I'm waiting to see how it plays out

>> No.53980591

We're at the tail end of a bear market right now. There are a ton of coins rolling out with mcaps between 100-600k that will run up to 8 figure mcaps in the next 18 months. Most of them will be worth nothing again after the bull run is finished, but you can still ride the 50-100x waves

>> No.53980614

>We're at the tail end of a bear market right no
What are you basing that on?

>> No.53980812

I bought CYMI at the same range after looking up its utility. If I can get three more I'll be okay for now.

>> No.53981627

Not being a complete retard

>> No.53981699

China is in full pump mode to make up for covid losses. The rest of the world is going to follow or be left behind.

>> No.53981943

that seems like a stale bs narrative

>> No.53982955

Get it right in this bullrun and you can gain financial freedom.
My best bets are CYMI, ACH, GLMR and DOT

>> No.53983505

This is why I'm only DCAing into BTC and ETH

>> No.53983578

You've got a nice list there, I'm holding most of the tokens there and also using CYMI's crypto card

>> No.53983742

Pro tip: shibarium will be behind the next bullrun. It’s exactly what normies are waiting for. Better load up on juicy dog tokens

>> No.53983813
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there's so many shitcoins claiming to be the next big thing on shibarium already. betcha i'll pick half and those will dump to hell and the ones i didn't buy will be make it bags. so fucking tiring, am with OP, it's ogre, i give up.

>> No.53983856
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You gotta look for the lowcaps
Don’t buy above 1mil. Ideally below 500k even

>> No.53983894

Ok then prove it without memes, retard.

>> No.53983987
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Same here. Bought a stack of LINK with all my savings in 2017. I could've made it if I sold everything at $50 but like a retard I held
it was within arm's reach, I just had to reach out and grab it, but I didnt

>> No.53984322

Just buy trending privacy tokens and hodl before the bull run because it will definitely come.

>> No.53984346

Bobos are also slurping RAIL. you can act dumb and miss out.

>> No.53984930

end the tiresome pain with catgirl coin anon

>> No.53984947

What was your ATH folio value?

What makes you so sure?

>> No.53985073
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looks like it's on a juicy dip, you think it got legs anon? i don't even know how long these shibarium shitcoins are surviving.

>> No.53985604

We sure have another one in the horizon, don't miss out on trending narratives like DiDs and AI.

>> No.53985626

TSUKA, ORE, HBAR then wagmi.

>> No.53986551 [DELETED] 
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>only 1000%

>> No.53986552

>What was your ATH folio value?
basically $2m

>> No.53986670

fuck you
>buy some btc in 2012
>lose them on mt. Gox
>buy some more around 200 bucks in 2014-15
>make 25+BTC off of Trumpcoin in 2016
Fast forward 2023, I'm 2 months behind on rent and can't find a job because I'm a retard. I'm ending my life as soon as my parents are dead.

>> No.53987805
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I got into Crypto 2017 too and made around 200K before the fucking bear market but didn't take a profit now I'm left with around 20K, but rather than cry like a baby about it I'm Just doing more research now to know which trend will lead the next bull run to ape in, I noticed quantum resistant blockchains have potentials

>> No.53987981

Forget it you NGMI

>> No.53988299

Who Holds meme in the first place Lmao

>> No.53988459
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>last chance to make it

>> No.53988488

It is obvious since Quantum computers can hack the crypto elliptic curve, eventually, every project will move to Quantum resistant chains Like QANplatform and others

>> No.53990574

Based anon, I try to diversify with my picks and am going with BNB, MANA, RIDE, and HERO for long term gains