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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53970738 No.53970738 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53970778

The price of silver will be $5000 per ounce

>> No.53970796
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based $5000 per ounce poster

keep FUDing silver, OP. your threads sustain me

>> No.53970833

Your a fucking retard if you think this is for investment, a silver dime could buy you a burger in 1964 and guess what ? A silver dime can still buy you a burger in 2023 ... You figure out the rest

>> No.53970855


>> No.53970893
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>Just hold 12 years for a 1x bro

>> No.53970904

Precious metals preserves your buying power and nothing else .

>> No.53970995

how? there is 0 demand for silver outside of bizhead forums.
there would need to be a complete economic collapse for silver to increase in demand, and it'd probably last less than a year until a new economic model gets installed

>> No.53971001

Yes, but in terms of liquidity, not in terms of purchasing power. We don't know what the price of goods in general will be, but it's something you can trade with.

>> No.53971018

>there is 0 demand for silver outside of bizhead forums.
hmm no, that is incorrect

>> No.53971058

what does the average joe need silver for?
the few industries that demands silver demans derisory small amounts of it

only pmg and plebbit bizheads create demand for it

>> No.53971459

Honestly still doing better on my silver then my crypto and stocks.

>> No.53971503

5000? why not 500000000000 million??????? hahahahaha when they don't suppress it any more for some reason I'll be right!!!!!!!!!!!!!mercury dimes will buy me a girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53971527


check em

>> No.53971584

metalchuds dont realize that if the price of silver raises significantly, mine corportations will increase efforts to dig silver out of the ground.
with modern exploration technique its just a matter of economics if more or less silver is being mined.

>> No.53971620

An S&P index held for that time wouldve let you buy 10 burgers.

>> No.53971761

>t. guy who has done zero research on mining

>> No.53972325
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>> No.53972371
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The only thing I'm holding for 40 years is my beautiful wife.

>> No.53972548


>> No.53972867
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>complete economic collapse
The writing is on the wall, anon. Can’t you see it? It’s right there
*points at writing*
CBDC will not happen, a PM-backed currency will happen. Again, and again, and again, as it always does.

>> No.53973008
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>there is 0 demand for silver outside of bizhead forums.

>> No.53973194
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I work at a bank and everyone knows Gold and Silver is the Only real money.

>> No.53973216

based banker

>> No.53973223

>i work at a bank and and and
you are a teller faggot. show us your certified investment management/analyst credentials you 20yr old clown

>> No.53973245
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Dam i am 20 and i am a Teller. You are a wise one. Its still true my managers talk about gold and silver occasionally and ive saved up 20k in the metals myself

>> No.53973327

no more faith in anything Fed related
even normies are starting to notice s is htf

>> No.53973340

based honest 4chan poster

>> No.53973384

why should i trust a 20 year old on anything finance?
sorry, i won't be buying silver.. thats all, sorry!

>> No.53973411

I am just telling you the facts i am not telling you to buy it. anyway watch Mike Maloney the Hidden secrets of money and you can begin to understand

>> No.53973460

Partially true, but that wouldn't drive down prices. Higher prices means increased demand can be satisfied, not that a massive hoard is gonna get liquidated. Reserves are truly priced in

>> No.53973551

>watch Mike Maloney the Hidden secrets of money

>> No.53973625

with crypto unlocked never gonna be a demand for this crap. unless like electronics go away...

>> No.53973656

crypto fags don't seem to understand that silver is actually SCARCE. and i mean REAL scarcity, not your fake manufactured crypto scarcity.

>> No.53973666

exactly. shiny rocks are real money, they dont make you money

>> No.53973667
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>fake manufactured crypto scarcity.

>> No.53973696

>the guys at the dinosaur brick and mortar establishment i work for have dinosaur ideas

>> No.53973716

there is literally infinite amount of that garbage in the universe. earth is exceptionally rich in gold and silver.

>> No.53973733

what the metal fags don't get is if all the gold from planet earth was on the surface it would cover it about 3 feet deep ocean floors included. everything. you could literally make all floors statues walls, doors and toilets and other appliances we use from gold and it wouldn't make a fucking dent on the supply.

>> No.53973737

Won't matter because you won't cash out.
Socialism is the proverbial fire that was played with, and people will pay for it

>> No.53973757

silver is a jew scam to stop people buying up gold instead. there's a reason central banks only stack gold. GSR is an antiquated meme that will never "correct". cope seethe and dilate silverfags.

>> No.53973785

Why do zoomers insist on making such absurd and demonstrably false statements? Is it the tranny drugs you all are taking?

>> No.53973786

>all the gold from planet earth
99% of that gold is in the core of the planet and isn't recoverable

>> No.53973808

even the 1% would be more than enough to make everything we use out of gold.

shit is just not rare.

>> No.53973814

We need to colonize and terraform Mars, then leave the darkies on earth while we mine the planets core

>> No.53973819

yes that is the prevailing 4chan opinion, which means it's wrong

>> No.53973832

>Is it the tranny drugs you all are taking?
probably. they are having raging hormonal episodes kek

>> No.53973856


>> No.53973896

it is a scientific fact that every single soul on this planet could own 100 tonnes of pure gold all 9 billion and there would still be a mind numbing amount left in the core. in the whole universe gold is literally the excrement of stars made every second the suppl is worse than infinite.

meanwhile there will never be more than 21 million bitcoin.

>> No.53973905

The above ground supply of gold increases about 2% per year, I know rockfags aren't good at math so let me spell it out to you, in 50 years there will be twice as much gold above ground as there is now. Does this sound scarce considering the current supply has been built up for thousands of years?

>> No.53973908

>tyler burden

>> No.53974085

if i want to leave something to future generations that has the same economic power in, say, 100 years that it does now (if not more) then PM's or valuables like it are the most sure option.

what's the safest bet over such a wide time horizon, that you could easily leave your great grandchild?
>bet that crypto is still around and accepted in 100 years
>bet that the town you bought a house in is still as stable and safe in 100 years
>bet that the company you bought stock in is still around and successful in 100 years
>bet on bonds lmao
>bet that a 1oz silver coin could be sold in 100 years for whatever the cash equivalent of a nice meal is at the time

>> No.53974087
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Doesn't a 2% inflation sound reasonable?
Way better than the USD which inflates at least 20% per year. Why do we even need a central bank anyway, if gold does exactly that?

>> No.53974113

Did you actually google the amount of Gold on earth? or looked at any academic studies? please do atleast bare minimum research

>> No.53974174


>> No.53974335
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Can anyone name a feasable situation where guns or ammo wont go higher than gold or silver as an investment?

>> No.53974374


>> No.53974395

literally every situation except whatever dumb gun fantasy you have concocted in your brain?

>> No.53974467

nigger an ounce of silver used to buy you a hell of a weekend. it used to buy multiple acres of land. a nice meal? you must be getting your prices from jews.

>> No.53974486

>trade gun and bullets for a cow
>now you two shoot each other for ownership of said gun and cow
what could go wrong?

>> No.53974505

Imagine being so poor you don't have fuck you money to dump into pms.

>> No.53974516

a house for sure

>> No.53974577

Checked holy shit 2 more weeks

>> No.53974689

It is a scientific fact that not one single soul owns 20 billion tonnes of gold and that there is no gold in the core because the core only exists in 3rd grade cult of science indoctrination texts that children are forced to read by the state.
Meanwhile bitcorn is not fungible or private.

>> No.53975004

G this P is T
Scary the effort they're putting into this lol

>> No.53975117
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Wrong, kike

>> No.53976409

A Big Mac will cost $2000

>> No.53977511

Based anon, desu the financial market has seen better days but the picture would be complete when the next bull market comes and most investors are using this time to accumulate, I hold crypto like Bnb, Mana, Ride and Zpay alongside Microsoft and Tesla stocks for future gains

>> No.53977536

Why would someone say "bro" after requesting a 40 year commitment from me?

>> No.53977676

good enough for JP Morgan, good enough for me.

>> No.53977734
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I bougted one more kilo. I can't stop fomoing. I'm fucked lol.

>> No.53978141

1970 ar 15: $235
1970 silver: ~$14 oz

same model ar 15 now: $1800-2k
silver now: $20 oz

>> No.53978176

ah, now we see the reason why silver gets shilled so hard, russia needs to dump the endless bags it digs up

>> No.53978297

while all the high estrogen men have been holding silver and gold, everyone else has become millionaires thanks to crypto, and can buy more metal than the 2 weeks crowd could afford in multiple lifetimes.