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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53969589 No.53969589 [Reply] [Original]

Coffeezilla just trashed Chainlink on JRE. It's over.

>> No.53969611 [DELETED] 
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>Red pilled
>Da jooz
>How can I profit from this?
>E-Celeb xy
>Wymen should have sex with me
>Jew, Kike
>How do I short xy
>How do I long xy
>White dev
>What does he/she hold
>This board was always a /pol/ colony
>Go back

>> No.53969616

noooooooooooooo not the heckin coffeezilla nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.53969625

literally never heard of this guy

>> No.53969626

no link to podcast
>checks jre schedule
he was never on jre

fake fud

>> No.53969633


>> No.53969637

Uhm... ok? Should I sell 100k?

>> No.53969640

Check Spotify

>> No.53969713
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do you really need a guy to tell you its a scam to realize its a scam? I mean the project has been for years yet nobody uses it, they sell 500k weekly so that cocaine driven russian buys another yatch.

>> No.53969722

>dude e-celebs!
You faggots still don't get it

>> No.53969743

Timestamp please

>> No.53969765
File: 23 KB, 516x540, 892FCE3A-390C-400E-B969-001D6AA3C910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao i thought it was fake but he really is on JRE.

>> No.53969774


>> No.53969785

Checked. Literally just released. You little niggers are so fast with this kind of stuff.

>> No.53969796

>e-celeb worshipping
>phone screenshot
>no link
everything is wrong here, dont post ever again before lurking some more

>> No.53969805
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 1633018099246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this fucking faggot with his cheap ass shirt and suspenders when he surely can afford decent quality shit
His fucking job is to appear on camera and he can't be bothered to not look like shit, I fucking hate this faggot

>> No.53969871

>mentions the butchered ICO
>mentions Celsius/Bancor/Linkpool fiasco
>mentions the team dumps
>mentions Sergey's net worth and condos
>mentions the 3-of-20 multisig centralized issue
based zilla btfo link baggies

>> No.53969893
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Even Coffeezilla is a bulgarian kike fud tranny this is so sad.

>> No.53969897

Coffeezilla probably paid by bulgarians to fud on live

don't care
never selling
comfy holding my 100link stack

>> No.53970189



>> No.53970216

Op is a gigantic lying faggot just kys

>> No.53970368

Listening now. No mention of CL yet

>> No.53970614


give the fucking time stamp

>> No.53970721

the timestamp you fucking nonce

>> No.53970752

There’s no time stamp cos it never happened

>> No.53970819

ive listened to an hour of it
never mentioned link
mentioned that proof of reserves is still unreliable bc a company might still hv debt

since op is a lazy faggot fuck magget and wont post exact time stamp, i cant tell if link is mentioned
im not listening to another 2 hours

fuck you op you pathetic fuck cunt. kys you pathetic inbred weasel faggot shitbrain fuckhead

>> No.53970919

Coffee is a shill

>> No.53970970

Just imagine Sergey going on Joe Rogan.

>so that’s the thing about oracles
>*hits joint*
>they are truly trust less…something people are incapable of
>”Sergey is it true you have a following of 4channers that make constant memes about you?”
>yes Joe I don’t know what causes it but those people took a liking to me, they have made close to 400,000 different jpegs of me being fat
>”wow that’s crazy! Jamie can you pull some of those memes up?”

>> No.53970996

i wish i could be the guy that pulls up memes for joe. he prob makes millions per year

>> No.53971023

A shill for what?

>> No.53971069

Shut up bulgarian

>> No.53971133
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great i got something to listen to at work tonight

>> No.53971164

He’s a mega influencer, Youtube stars basically run the economy.

>> No.53971218

Sergei deserves it after having to put up with linkies all these years. Imagine working with mentally challenged kids except 10X worse.

>> No.53971682

damn, that'll buy you 100 coffees

>> No.53971921

I’m an hour and a half in. Really only mentioned FTX and Logan Paul in terms of crypto. Will report back once I’m done.

>> No.53971967

anyone interested in this is also listening nigger u dont have to report back you are not some reporter you are just a manchild living at his parents home broke and kissless virgin

>> No.53972031

Why is he shilling VeChain? Should I buy some?

>> No.53972046

literally who

>> No.53972061

Yeah its fucking stupid, like a stock channel that only talks about enron, madoff, theranos. Actually worse because centralized shit like ftx and Celsius aren't even crypto.

>> No.53972107

so he ported link to java or what is the point if this?

>> No.53972131

where do i see this without spotify jew

>> No.53972156

I was trying to be helpful because I’m able to listen at work. What I should have said is I’m a hour and a half in. Don’t listen to this shit, they hardly talk about crypto. Goodbye

>> No.53972181

I want his report I’m not listening to 3hrs of that shit

>> No.53972193

you wont get it suck my nuts lazy ass wagie

>> No.53972405

Newest episode right now. Talking about ftx and stuff

>> No.53973254

he shouldn't have mentioned the burgers, that's a pretty low blow

>> No.53973269

Chainlink is a good protocol, but the tokens are worthless. Idk why people still buy link desu.

>> No.53973325

cant believe he so succinctly and elegantly dismantled the entire scam like that.

>> No.53973330

Hes so ng good work going after influencers and scammers likr tate and logan paul.
He is also an illiterate faggot because muh criminals only use crypto.

>> No.53973425

Did he even mention once about SBF’s father being Genslers professor? Lel I wonder how he feels being a coward and effectively controlled opposition to wrangle normalfags

>> No.53973494

why is joe so popular? what even took his podcast to the top when everyone is making podcasts nowadays, all i ever heard of him is related to the damn podcast

>> No.53973542
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Token not needed

>> No.53973573

Low iq handicapped nigger spotted.

>> No.53973693

he had enough clout to get "intelligent" ppl in front of him, and the ability to ask them laymen questions.

>> No.53973790


>> No.53974058

I can tell from his attire this guy is pure cringe

>> No.53974647

I just watched the whole thing and chainlink is never mentioned. Congrats, you just outed yourself as a normie faggot who doesn't do his own research. Have fun never making it. SWIFT is literally in the process of integrating chainlink. The tokens will be needed and I'll be rich meanwhile you masturbate to anime and ponies.

>> No.53975028
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>> No.53975345

Poojeet spotted

>> No.53975389

>He is also an illiterate faggot because muh criminals only use crypto.
He never said that lol linkies stay losing.

>> No.53977346

Ftx was a low blow to crypto anon, and showed me more reasons why decentralized storage is better. Now I store my Bnb, Ride, Hero and Mana in my Trezor wallet

>> No.53977354

>Bnb, Ride, Hero and Mana
Nobody wants to steal this trash anyway

>> No.53977492

1. he's been doing it for like over 10 years, which is way more than most of these new wave bandwagon podcast faggots
2. he was a celebrity before his podcast meaning he has the connections and pull to get interesting or popular ppl on his show which attracts listeners

>> No.53977588

Fuck off I'm not listening to three hours of this coffeenigger retard

>> No.53978379 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 975x821, OpenBet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand OpenBetAI token. Its future applications are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of computing and economics most of its possible functions will go over a typical investor’s head. There’s also PD’s free market outlook, which is deftly woven into his creation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Robert Malthus, for instance.The shills understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise that it is not just speculation - it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike OpenBetAI token truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the brilliance in PD’s brilliant programming method. Blockchain, which itself is a cryptic reference to Haber and Stornetta's Merkle trees. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those constipated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as our lord and savior's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a OpenBetAI token tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid................https://openbetai.io

>> No.53978450

I've literally never heard of this guy

>> No.53978962

They literally spent like 20 minutes discussing money laundering, coin tumblers, and sending money without banks or physical delivery and how its used extensively by criminals for this purpose.

>> No.53978970
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Oh no no no no no

>> No.53979229

Hurrr durrr I spam made up fud for a coin a hold. It's so funny, instead of making millions I've made 100k. I don't care through. Who needs money? I love for the fud. Hopefully that 100k will turn to 10k if I keep up the good work.

Anyway. Waaahhh pumps the least dumps the most

>> No.53979246

Why do people namepost /here/

>> No.53979262

convinced me

>> No.53979317

>muh 4chinz shitposting has caused the god protocol to crater in price
kek, the absolute state of coping marines

>> No.53979387

the world is full of jamies and jamies-to-be, if you wish to be something why don't you wish to be someone actually useful, like a farmer?

>> No.53979784

It's boring. 6 years of boring.

>> No.53979820

yes, six years for a measly 50x in crypto is boring, I agree
should we start shitposting about the power of positive thought so you could be more entertained as you patiently wait 5 more years for the singularity?

>> No.53980584

that dude sucks and chainlink sucks