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53967007 No.53967007 [Reply] [Original]

>be in software for 6 years now
>make 102k writing C
>dreamed of this job all of uni
>absolutely bored out of my mind with it
>on the verge of getting fired because I just haven't cared for the past couple years
This shit is driving me nuts. Thinking about taking a student loan to go to a tech school for cabinetry.
Anyone do a similar career switch? Unexpected challenges? I have a modest mortgage and I'm ready to take a pay cut if it means having a less gay job.

>> No.53967022

$100k for 6 years in programming C?
4 of those years during one of the best times to be a tech employee? How?

>> No.53967074

>be in software for 6 years now
>make 102k writing C
kek that's it?
I make $200k basically copy pasting javascript from stack overflow.
and I've only been working in the industry for 2 years

>> No.53967094

Let me guess...you're still in college and you believe everyone who lied to you about CS wages?

>> No.53967117

bees dont know math either and yet they can fly using trigonometry

>> No.53967129

been all over the place in tech and specialized late
jack of all trades master of none kind of situation
and where I live it just doesn't pay well
I could probably find a better job, but again, I just can't find it in me to give a shit

>> No.53967135

>Thinking about taking a student loan to go to a tech school for cabinetry.
kek are you me?

>> No.53967144

No, I'm a IT manager at a modest mid sized company. I frequently see devs earning well over 6 figures and even help desk makes $60-70k these days out of college. The last 10 years have been an insanely good time to be a tech employee, especially during the pandemic.

>> No.53967171

Ah, ok, that's fair. Job hopping and grinding takes a lot of work, and it can pay off if that's your thing. Have you thought about moving to a tech adjacent role like product manager, project manager, or analyst?

>> No.53967241

You're getting underpaid, remember... you did this for the money. Get a better job.

>> No.53967287

Look into Solutions Architecture and get into a consulting firm. I was burned out from coding after about 8 years and switched to SA. Now I just make diagrams and joke around with clients on sales calls (where I am just there to offer "solutions" AKA point out the obvious to the sales team and clients) and let the nerds to the actual coding. It's maybe 4 hours of work a day and pays better than a senior developer role. You also do not have to be present most of the day, just at meetings - I frequently do my diagramming and architectures at night and fuck off during the day to get outside. I was about to rope or go get a blue collar job, I know that feel all too well. Get some AWS certifications and you will be on your way friend.

>> No.53967371
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PM or similar sounds promising and comfy, would be nice to keep track of high level things and sit in a meeting once in a while instead of having to stare up and down at dumped stack frames until my head spins. That is another avenue I'm looking at.
Yeah I know pay is a problem, I live in Tampa which is a little more modest in terms of pay. Been trying to land remote jobs too but I lack specialization to justify a senior role, so I get turned down often.
That sounds great friend. What certs you recommend to get started?

>> No.53967424

Not him, but I'd recommend the AWS solutions architect. It's a great job and highly in demand.

>> No.53967597

AWS for sure, no one uses GCP and Azure is more of a niche. Get these, in this order:
>AWS Cloud Practitioner
>AWS Solutions Architect (Associate)
>AWS Developer (Associate)
If you get those 3, plus your dev experience, you should be all set to start applying to SA roles. You really just need to understand the cloud and how you can use various AWS services to solve problems, its just a lot of connecting the dots from a high level. Consulting firms are the main ones who use SA's (Jefferson Frank, Deloitte, Infosys, Ascendion, etc - or there are lots of smaller firms around as well - I work for a small/mediuim sized firm, not one of the big boys). AWS themselves also hires SA's.

>> No.53967765

Also just saw you are in Tampa. You are in a great place to become an SA. Get those certs and call up some recruiters at Jefferson Frank, they have a large office of recruiters there, they call me all the time from 813 area codes.

>> No.53968097

I work for one of those Indian consulting firms. I wouldn’t advise anyone to pursue a career here unless you need a break into the industry or your entire resume is forged or something. There’s better jobs out there

>> No.53968566

>Azure is more of a niche

>> No.53968596

does your company make a profit?

>> No.53968780

only 200k? kek.
I make 500k basically just copying ChatGPT responses

>> No.53968902

what happens if i just put that i have those on my CV and then bullshit my way through? did i save 400 bucks ill be calling jefferson frank tomorrow

>> No.53969041

Absolutely retarded take. You will get fucked. It's extremely easy to validate who has what cert. And the thing about these certs is that they test you on more than just the tech. You can brain dump all of the different services in a few days of studying, but it's understanding how and why AWS recommends things be architeced. Learning The AWS Way is a far more valuable skill than just knowing what an RDS is or how to load balance and ec2.

>> No.53969128

Only 500k? Lel.

I make seven figures forking one repo a month and making no changes.

>> No.53969169

you will never be a woman.

>> No.53969404

Pff loser.

I make 1 000 000$ a month!
Just apply for 6 jobs get hired and sell the work to Indians.

>> No.53969443

forking a whole repo? lel
i make 7 figs just collecting airdrops and clicking buttons

>> No.53971064

i'm an Atlanta resident, been thinking about moving to Tampa lately because there are way too many groids here and i like the beach.

Assuming finding work isn't an issue, how do you feel about the tampa/st petes/clearwater/brandon area? Is it a good, safe city?

>> No.53973394

I read 120k at first and was about to write you’re being paid too little

Why the fuck are you not making more?
As a developer you should be doing much better. Your base should at least be 130 by now not including eoy bonus and stock

I honestly want to help you as another dev

What are you doing???

>> No.53973507

Thanks anon, I appreciate the nuanced advice. I'll be taking a look at those
Well gonna self dox here and say I grew up in Clearwater and live in St Pete, it's just easier to say Tampa.
I stayed in Atlanta for a number of years too working at Georgia Tech. Initially I was a bit goncerned about the demographics up there but I was pleasantly surprised at the number of relatively intelligent, middle class melanated people I met there, some I still keep in touch with. Can't really say the same here in St Pete, they're all vicious animals but mostly self contained in their own neighborhoods.
I'd say it's very safe here, great if you like the water, kayaking, sailing, fishing. Not a lot in the way of hiking and nature without an hour+ drive, and the heat can get very oppressive. Georgia was a lot more hospitable in that regard.
Overall I'd say it's a good place to be. Semi affordable depending on the area, safe if you don't spend a lot of time on the road. Plenty to do if you look for it.

>> No.53973578

>be me
>get laid off
>get new job immediately
>pays less but w/e
>"bro just single-handedly rewrite two complex critical subsystems at the same time"
>"yeah bro it's cool, i jotted down a couple half-assed bullet points in a ticket for ya"
>"i know you're being paid 3/4 your market rate but we really stretched our budget for ya"
>"lemme go mollycoddle these poos all day, sorry you've had PR's open for literally 4-6 months"

>> No.53973755

thanks for the detailed response anon. yeah people at georgia tech are generally intelligent and respectful, it's a bubble within atlanta and once you leave you will see full-on groidery on display. personally i'm not much of a hiker and don't mind the heat, sounds like tampa is a good place to check out for me.

i'm actually driving down to sarasota in a month or so, and might stop by tampa on the way. anything you recommend i check out in tampa while i'm there?

thanks again anon

>> No.53973777

>Make 102k writing C
>Thinking of taking out a loan to go to a tech school for cabinetry
What the fuck, did you not save up any money in the past six years?

>> No.53974213

>Thinking about taking a student loan to go to a tech school for cabinetry.
Do you want to make furniture to sell or do you want to make furniture to other peoples spec.

>> No.53974241

>he fell for the /g/ C meme
If you wanna make money you do webshit.