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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 197 KB, 1210x1148, 1672138271008249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53964027 No.53964027 [Reply] [Original]

that pic related hasn't been priced in yet

>> No.53964058

dead payment method that exposes the private key on every single payment
dead end enterprise bullshit with 0 traction
literally who
dead boomer company that is 99% irrelevant
chainlink is ok

>> No.53964072

it was priced in from $8 to $6 dumbass

>> No.53964086

Because Bitcoin dumped

>> No.53964252

As it will continue to do forever. Why do you think LINK will ever pump? Theyll just dump BTC forever.

>> No.53964259

token not needed

>> No.53964266
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>> No.53964314

>price: 6.87 and slow bleeding
Everything seems to be accounted for. Do you have 800mb schizoinfographic about shadow councils on the wef and Bulgarian price suppressors, that needs to be downloaded on PC and read in full screen mode on a 40" monitor, that can clear things up?

>> No.53964323

>Do you have 800mb schizoinfographic

How about a Vodafone website listing Mastercard, R3, Tata, IBM, and Chainlink as the principal partners?

>> No.53964419

Oh shit!!! The price of fart tokens must've gone ballistic when a tech company, that spends 100's of millions annually on a diverse array of silly r&d projects that go nowhere and get scraped almost universally, announced they were sandbox testing something! This is it. I'm so happy for you kids.

>> No.53964425

>muh direct verifiable proof
you schizo

>> No.53964434

>the price didn't pump, that means it never happened
Take your meds

>> No.53964438

You know what time it is Linkie

>> No.53964439

Also, stop evading shit coin filters. Put the name of your terrible investment in the op so we don't have to listen to you scream while you bled out from self inflicted wounds.

>> No.53964451

>partners with Vodafone
>"terrible investment"

>> No.53964456

Fuck those companies if they partnered with link, garbage trashs

>> No.53964465

The ultimate cope

>> No.53964479

fuck you link bitch

>> No.53964497
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>who cares about money? I'M IN IT FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENTS BRO!

>> No.53964506

Partnering with massive enterprise is one of the absolute most bullish things that can happen to any crypto.

>> No.53964534

>Checks the price

>> No.53964542

You know, you could just acknowledge how utterly bizarre the price action is.
Instead you're denying that partnering with fucking Vodafone is huge.

Peak schizo.

>> No.53964549

it will never be priced in because sergey wants to keep the price at a cup of coffee like the whitepaper said

>> No.53964552

We are supposed to fud this token here my friend.

>> No.53964558

Also love how the term "partnership" is used in crypto.

A company trying something out for free in a lab before discarding it as too slow and expensive is
A ghostchain using AWS is
A blatant Chinese scam eating at McDonald's is


>> No.53964565

when you're this desperate to shill your 8 year old second-wave ico token to people on 4chan, you know, deep down, that it's all priced in, and you missed your shot.

>> No.53964593
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It has though, LINK is at 3 billion dollars marketcap

>> No.53964744
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>hurrr don't call it a partnership

You're literally (literally) retarded.

>> No.53964757

>you're this desperate to shill
You mean Vodafone is desperate to shill.

>> No.53964825

Man you would look really retarded shilling a -95% erc20 token for a price checker service 11hrs/day if all of these announcements didn't arrive just in time to save your bags. Phew!

Thank God for that, huh? Oh wait... the chart still sucks. Oops.

>> No.53964839

I literally just posted the Vodafone website.
If you have a problem with people shilling Chainlink, take it up with them.

>> No.53964866

Been aware for weeks and haven’t bought. I’d say it’s priced in. Sorry man.

>> No.53964879

>Been aware for weeks
This broke literally a week ago to the day.
You tried.

>> No.53964902

Okay. I’m sure you’ll get your pump in another week.

Did you buy link when you saw this a week ago?

Me either.

>> No.53964912

>people don't buy based on news
fucking lmao the gaslighting

>> No.53964916

Whatever keeps you holding those bags, while the ceo dumps the remaining 500million tokens, is all good right?

Remember, you got in this for the breadcrumbs and announcements, not to make money, so you can't lose as long as the Twitter blog posts keep rolling and companies keep testing shit for free before passing.

>> No.53964923

>the ceo dumps the remaining 500million tokens
I don't know about you, but I've known about this for over five years lol
Sucks to be a newfag I guess.

Also, half the top 20 dumped more tokens (or USD worth) on their holders than Sergey.

>> No.53964924

>desperate goalpost moving

>> No.53964957

I'm insanely desperate. My zero dollar stake in decentralized oracle tokens is riding on the line!

I tell you what though. I'm honestly not having fun. Pointing out how retarded and delusional gme baggies: crypto edition is starting to make me less happy, so I'll stop.

>> No.53964964

>zero dollar stake in decentralized oracle tokens
t. 9 posts and 2+ hours by this id

>> No.53964990
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>put the name of your coin in the op so i can hide and avoid your thread

>> No.53964994

Did you sell based on the news then?

>> No.53964998


>> No.53965001


He is a normie. They only buy after it pumps when it is confirmed said news/event matters. They feel comfortable at that point.
Front running it doesnt make sense to people like that because their brains are operating at 89 IQ

>> No.53965006

>acknowledge that my shitcoin should have pumped!!!
kek, linkies are utterly deranged at this point, struggling to comprehend reality

>> No.53965022

>struggling to comprehend reality
That's the market.

>> No.53965037
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>> No.53965048
File: 5 KB, 203x248, C2EF27BF-A955-4E72-BE6A-D763F135AB73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s only been known for a week
Then it’s priced in
>no it’s not!
Did you buy more link?
>people don’t buy the news they sell
Did you sell?
>reeeeeee it’s not priced in! Ree!!

>> No.53965052

Markets don't necessarily price things in immediately.

>> No.53965091

>muh news
dunno about you faggots, I sold the moment the "staking" details were officially disclosed by the team in November, and I didn't even think for a minute that muh vodafone partnership would effect the price in any way, so as far as I can tell, this is certainly priced in.
keep bitching and moaning about the market "not understanding link!"

>> No.53965101


You baghold LINK

>> No.53965105

>i-it's already priced in
wishful thinking

>> No.53965119

kek, not anymore fag, I'm finally free
>i-it WILL be priced in bros, keep on holding trust the plan
now THAT's wishful thinking

>> No.53965126

Partnering with Vodafone is pretty massive, anon.
Plus there was no official confirmation from either party yet.

>> No.53965143

>muh partnerships
youve been filtered

>> No.53965154
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it really isn't, associating with Digital Asset, IC3, SWIFT, BNY are all much more important milestones, and as we all know absolutely nothing came out of them.
We already had T-systems running an actual node 3 years ago, another telecommunications entity doesn't mean shit at this point, it's too late.
>bagholding a depreciating asset for 2.5 years after it's peak is actually "frontrunning the market"
lmao, the absolute state

>> No.53965162

>Vodafone isn't huge because [x] is more huge

I'm talking to a literal child.

>> No.53965168

>i-i-it's massive because it just is, okay?? trust me on this
>the market will price it in I swear!111
>I'm talking to a literal child
the irony

>> No.53965185
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>>i-i-it's massive because it just is, okay?? trust me on this

>> No.53965202
File: 43 KB, 539x512, rolfl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bro, you lost

>> No.53965213
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>Vodafone isn't huge because T-Mobile is huger

>> No.53965237

>>enterprise adoption is nothing!

This is just next-level cope lmao

>> No.53965241
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1641237546006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-systems, SWIFT, BNY, BASE, staking were never priced in but Vodafone will this is it TRUST ME GUISE BUY NAO

>> No.53965257

Link had a whole string of announcements in early 2020 that never got priced in, until all of a sudden summer came along and people were clawing their eyes out wondering why Link was pumping "out of nowhere" lmao

>> No.53965274

Oh, and Link was the first major coin to pump coming out of the post-2017 bear.

>> No.53965279

it's been 3 years since then, what makes you think this once in a lifetime pump will repeat itself?
wishful thinking perhaps? survivorship bias? emotional attachment? gambling fallacy?
all of the above?

>> No.53965302

I'm just saying this Vodafone news is objectively huge.
And it hasn't even been formally confirmed yet by either side.

>> No.53965315

objectively speaking it is peanuts compared to every other "news" link has had so far and you are desperately grasping at straws, trying to justify the abysmal price action
do you even hear yourself
unironically go outside and get some air

>> No.53965322

Never would've wasted my time, if the thread was filtered with the other few dozen last run tokens threads.

>> No.53965333

>objectively speaking it is peanuts
This is cope.

>compared to every other "news" link has had so far
There's a lot of massive news that also wasn't priced in yet, yes.
Mostly because of Bitcoin dumping in response.

>> No.53965337

your posts are cope bro, jesus christ
are you like 15?

>> No.53965347


> 9 posts

thank you for your concern about my financial well being.

>> No.53965351

>you didn't filter the Link thread
>so now I have to spend hours in it

Mental illness.

Look at how hard you're trying to argue that fucking Vodafone isn't a huge partnership.
You're trying to convince yourself, not me.

>> No.53965362

there we go again
>muuuuuh hecking btc reeee
just buy BTC then, or even better yet, short it
all of you faggots bitch and moan about suppression yet none of you act upon it
>28pbtid + 1pbtid from a brand new id
thank you shill for correcting the record
look at how hard you're trying to argue it is bro, neither the market nor anybody else is convinced and you are desperately trying to justify why that is

>> No.53965370

>look at how hard you're trying to argue it is
It objectively is.
It's Vodafone.

>> No.53965389

it objectively is not
it's a Deutsche Telekom competitor with a decreasing revenue

>> No.53965393
File: 214 KB, 720x1303, Screenshot_20230307-082626_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking retarded. -95% over 2 years, completely missing the bullrun, then accelerates dumping on ponzi staking release and "HUGE PARTNERSHIP" news.

No hint of embarrassment. Just endless threads about why they should've made it, but didn't... BUT STILL CAN SOON.

>> No.53965396

fucking Morningstar endorsed a chainlink hackathlon and absolutely NOTHING HAPPENED and you're trying to argue about muh Vodafone digital broker bullshit
fuck off you gaslighting Chainlink marketeer

>> No.53965399

>it's a Deutsche Telekom competitor with a decreasing revenue
Top peak cope lmao

>swift is dying!

>Morningstar endorsed a chainlink hackathlon

>> No.53965402

you know you've lost the argument when your only retort is "cope"
go market your shit on twitter and tiktok

>> No.53965412

Vodafone is objectively a huge multinational company.
It's really telling just how desperate you are to downplay this.

>> No.53965418

all of the other "partnerships" were objectively bigger than vodafone
it's really telling just how desperate you are to hype this up.

>> No.53965432

>Vodafone isn't huge because other partnerships were huger

The mind of a literal child.

>> No.53965444

>none of the other entities moved the price or led to anything meaningful but vodafone will
the mind of a literal child indeed.
I think it's time you leave the thread with dignity instead of continuously embarrassing yourself

>> No.53965453

And so youre investment thesis is that youre buying into something where theres corruption that wont allow it to pump? Hahaha that makes a lot of sense. Sounds like gamestop, but at least they have stores and products

>> No.53965466

You're so intelligent bro. So special and smart. I fully understand the arrogance and smugness now. That's why you're down here on /biz/ 12hrs a day posting about a busted shit token being a secret lottery ticket 2 years after its top despite every real world metric to the contrary literally bankrupting you.

>> No.53965473

>>none of the other entities moved the price
They did. T-Mobile is one of the primary reasons for the August 2020 pump.
Google pumped Link 4x
etc. etc.

seething and obsessed

>> No.53965484

>3 years ago
and we go full circle here>>53965279
>wishful thinking
>survivorship bias
>emotional attachment
>gambling fallacy
>it pumped once years ago, so it WILL pump again broskies!!!
your "partnership" is worthless, cope and seethe

>> No.53965490

>your "partnership" is worthless
Spend more hours and posts trying to convince yourself of that lmao

>> No.53965492

nice english there fella, it seems cl can't afford to pay for native speakers huh

>> No.53965497

no, you should spend more hours and posts trying to convince the market that "this is actually huge guise, you should pump my bags nao"
>35 pbtid and counting

>> No.53965507

So you think you have some window into secret news that no one else does? The delusion here is pitiful at times. No one cares nor places any value on this, nor should they. Link is all talk, zero action. The boy who cried wolf

>> No.53965517

Tell me more about how Vodafone isn't a huge multinational company, anon.

Great! No reason for you to pay any attention to it then.

>> No.53965530

You actually think news releases made it 5x or whatever it was? Every alt typically gets one massive pump and then die as a barnacle of bitcoin. What if it was just a group of whales that decided to run it up and exit?

>> No.53965537

>You actually think news releases made it 5x or whatever it was?
The Google Cloud thing made Link pump 4x, yes.

>> No.53965540

See the thing is twitter already turned on Link some time ago. Every time the team/sergey posts they are btfo by their community. Biz is the last place all in on this

>> No.53965541

>Great! No reason for you to pay any attention to it then.
>let me just make 15 filter evading threads so it's easy to not pay attention to

Fuck off broke retard.

>> No.53965549

The logo is right there in the pic lmao
Are the voices in your head compelling you to seek out Link threads or something?

>> No.53965580

Exactly the opposite actually. The shilling of your terrible investment reminds me that the world is filled with poor and angry idiots who are desperate to find fresh blood to suffer along side them.

That's why I filter threads about your last run shit token.

>> No.53965602

>I filter Link threads
t. 14 posts and 3+ hours into a Link thread

>> No.53965700

>stop replying to my filter evading spam thread for financially rekt shit token bro!
Wouldn't be here if it was filtered, would i?

>> No.53965718

>the thread isn't filtered, so I am compelled to spend many hours and posts in it

mental illness

>> No.53965732

Checked. No one is preventing you from leaving the thread but yourself

>> No.53965956

I missed out on the initial announcement.
Could you share some links and more details about this and what it means?

>> No.53965970

There was no announcement yet, the website just suddenly went online a week ago.

>> No.53966105

Is this what caused the BTC dump?
It's getting tiresome...

I don't follow IoT well, but this should improve logistics and reduce costs.
It can also enable interoperability between different company and their system to create new collaborations and business models.

We should see this appear in shipping companies soon.

Chainlink is literally doing everything what other L1 chains promised, and getting this insane suppression from greedy VCs who are coping from not having a cheat pre ICO easy x100 bag and being forced to buy from us.

>> No.53966116
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>> No.53966187

This absolute state of samefaggotry

>> No.53966235

Why is no one leaking the identity of this corrupt mafia?
This is not done by Nexo.
They don't have this power and would have gone bankrupt without their BTC dumps from shorting LINK.

If we could get their identity it would make it extremely difficult for them to continue this as it would generate a lot of negative PR for them even if it must already be negative.

>> No.53966405

One positive news to counter this is that the Celsius bankruptcy is starting to give back money to their users who can recover 70% of their funds.
I think they had something like over 10 million LINK dumped during their bankruptcy and maybe more lent to short sellers before.

When they recover this money they will attempt to recover their initial stack which means $50-100 million is going to go as buying pressure for LINK.
Without this CeFi cheating it would have created a short squeeze without enough supply when they would have attempted to recover it.
It caused a delay and selling pressure instead when they sold everything for $ instead, but this will generate the opposite force with a delay which is going to manifest this year when their customers counter this.

>> No.53966579

enjoy the $3 range retards, kek

>> No.53966647

>enjoy the [headcanon]
you had 2 years subhuman kek

>> No.53967558

>Why is no one leaking the identity of this corrupt mafia?
I'd love to see an in-depth investigation into this, but truth is it's very easy to obfuscate.

>> No.53967598
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based OP

>> No.53968286

They probably did buy high and then lost everything to bancor/celsius/ftx/leverage and now seethe 24/7. Imagine reading about Link for years and didn't buy when it was dirt cheap, then decided to buy the top and lost it all. Anyone would go insane, but these people are autistic fucks so they spam fud 24/7 to cope.

>> No.53968511

Nah they were fudding just as badly back in 2019-2020

>> No.53970418

>dead payment method that exposes the private key on every single payment
Blame yourself to death roasty. You have CryptMi that fits into any merchants/user's crypto payment taste, but you chose ignorance.

>> No.53970845

>low information investors see partnerships
>LINK pumps to $50
>they do their research about tokenomics
>it dumps

>> No.53970958

>They probably did buy high and then lost everything to bancor/celsius/ftx/leverage and now seethe 24/7.

Or they could've lost 95% of their portfolio regardless just by holding like you did.

>> No.53972157

Remember that fud article saying LINK was going to $3 when FTX went bankrupt from CZ's attack?
We just need to look at the connections and who is funding these articles to get the name of some of them.

>> No.53972194

The irony is that people scammed by Celsius will recover more than FTX users who didn't participate in any earning program.
They will recover 70% of their funds which will come back as buying pressure on the crypto markets after Celsius dumped all their tokens during its bankruptcy.

We don't have a lot of time left in this accumulation range, because the market manipulators will have more competition once these groups want their token back.

>> No.53972326
