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53952750 No.53952750 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much buzz about chainlink recently?

>> No.53952792

It's happening.

>> No.53952906

Chainlink Functions just made developing dApps using web2 APIs 100x easier. But as you can see from the price, the market doesn't seem to think that's a big deal

>> No.53952920

Combination of paid and for free baggie spam about fake partnerships.

>> No.53952940

Except there isn't.

>> No.53952972
File: 211 KB, 1193x927, BASEd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake partnerships
>Coinbase subsidizing gas fees for Chainlink nodes

>> No.53952989

Because of their partnership with radix.

>> No.53953025

-90% against ETH

>> No.53953032

LINK is the main character of crypto

>> No.53953087

I heard from the inner circle that Sergey has upped his McDonalds consumption to 5 Big Macs a day….expect something huge in the future

>> No.53953684

you know how everyone thinks their own religion is right one? it's a very similar type of thinking in the crypto market, everyone thinks their coin is the chosen one and will replace bitcoin and they'll be billionaires blah blah blah

The thing that differentiates Linkies from everyone else is that they are actually right

>> No.53953707

Three major news items in just the last two weeks or so.

1) Vodafone: https://www.vdigitalassetbroker.com

2) release of Functions with AWS, Google Cloud, Meta

3) Coinbase integrating Chainlink price feeds

>> No.53954100

The scam is finally starting to unravel and the community is turning on sergey. People are very nervous and uneasy anout the price potentially dumping further

>> No.53954132

Chainlink just partnered with Earth's "Moon"

>> No.53954237

Fudders are going full force because things are actually happening and token is needed

>> No.53954850

Spoken like a true baggot with main character syndrome

>> No.53955027

Is there more than usual? Feels about the same as always.

>> No.53955042

Linkies are shitposting again, that's about it

>> No.53955112

Intredasting. How much LINK should I buy?

>> No.53955136
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Looks like whales are dumping?

>> No.53955151

Rugpull is about to go off, it needs to draw the last suckers in.

>> No.53955157

You seem to misunderstand something.

Chainlink is the gateway for all enterprise interaction with defi. It will also be the gateway API for all tokenised value on the swift network.

This will not effect the price of the link token.

>> No.53955422

Essentially it's 'nodes', if I understand correctly? How are the tokens minted and given any intrinsic value?

>> No.53955441

Oh WOWWWW…say you dont have any tvl INFOGRAPHICS explaining this do you? Or wait is it TVE—ACKKKKK!!!!!

>> No.53955706

You seem to have me confused. We both work for the same people.

1bil supply cap. Team currently holds half of that. Other half in circulation.

Use the token to interact with the network. You want data, spend 0.2 link.

>> No.53955945

Work for the same people?

>> No.53955969
File: 18 KB, 164x146, Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 8.21.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no buzz
chainlink will be $7 for years to come
yall played yourselves

>> No.53956899

Yes. Same as this guy -> >>53955969

>> No.53956952

only incel chainnigger baggies KEK
you need to fuck off back to twitter chaincuck

>> No.53957079

It's nothing, go back to sleep

>> No.53958098

Coinbase joined SCALE, that is way bigger than just price feeds being deployed.

>> No.53958421

What does that mean? You guys get paid to post here? Paid to fud or shill or what? How do I sign up?

>> No.53958949


>> No.53959010
File: 319 KB, 652x1280, 1568283487075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts. BTC is grandpa Gohan, and LINK is Goku. ETH is Piccolo, and AVAX is yamcha.

>> No.53959046

Yes i am the Main Character of this world

>> No.53959911
File: 133 KB, 1040x934, 1678148338837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2019 screencap

>> No.53959930

i remember a lot of people making posts like the ones in that screencap and thinking eh we'll all still be around. and even if most of us are, they were right. the extra attention from normies, third worlders, and psychotically enraged current and former bag holders has changed the threads

>> No.53960087
File: 51 KB, 1029x282, Screenshot_20230306_193646_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Article is written with the same level of intelligence as unironic link fudders.

>> No.53960096


>> No.53960123
File: 107 KB, 659x692, 1678149806348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were thousands of larps predicting 1k eoy. After all these years the cracks are starting to form in the hopium. Even link at $100 does not cover for the massive opportunity cost that diehard linkies have suffered from completely missing the largest crypto bullrun. Only in hindsight was the clown world outcome obvious.
2021 npc normies made more money buying jpegs of apes and dog coins then day 1 link OGs who have held link for 5 years

>> No.53960227

$7 for 7 years. A fair trade.

>> No.53960344

Maybe they’re a gigabrain who understand that a fully performant oracle network can move nearly all the profitable computation off the settlement layer.

>> No.53961754

Checked. I'm so excited for you kids.

>> No.53962064


This will be the token you watch rip so hard and so obviously that it changes yoh forever, you need to find the next big thing. It will take you years be a life changing journey blah blah.

>> No.53962998

>LINK is the main character of crypto
>never become the main character
LINK will be hated by many because of its historic rise

>> No.53963051
File: 20 KB, 576x324, 61d1c574a2ee0657aad49a16244502ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe they’re a gigabrain who understand that a fully performant oracle network can move nearly all the profitable computation off the settlement layer.

>> No.53963169

There isn't. Lol Cope