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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53959324 No.53959324 [Reply] [Original]

Resident schizos: what does this mean for finance?

>> No.53959332

Well, it'll have a negligible effect on Earth's gravity and that's about it.

>> No.53959346

it means chainlink is gonna moon

>> No.53959354

Invest in daughters, their make up, have them play with toys, make sure the customer wears a condom if they aren't paying extra, and don't be afraid to turn your son into a daughter.

>> No.53959355

Looks like a bearish divergence to me.

>> No.53959367

The Golden Bull Run starts literally

>> No.53959386
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What the fuck.

>> No.53959391

>Last time it happened was 1996

Wasn’t that an amazing accumulation period for stocks, especially internet/computer stocks? Anybody have a history of the stock market when Saturn was in Pisces? Maybe the pattern will repeat?

>> No.53959397

The outer planets have far less influence but since it takes them years to move from one sign to another, people think it's some really big deal when it happens.

>> No.53959402
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Is this some Moloch-Saturn worship shit?

>> No.53959412
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Death to the Saturn cult . Saturn cult is a death cult

>> No.53959430

Well last time Saturn was in pisces was 1993-1996. We had Shemitah 1994 incl. The 1994 bond market crisis, or Great Bond Massacre.

>> No.53959451

Dude jewish Kabbalah is just /pol/ memes for psychopathic kikes. In two thousand years people will talk about pepe wojak and digits the same way they talk about muh 666, saturn and all seeing eye

>> No.53959458

Saturn was in pisces during the mid-90s, the mid-60s, and the 20s. It's a great time for culture, for the creation of fictional worlds, but real world problems tend not to get solved during those periods.

>> No.53959597
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I just looked up last 3 times that Saturn was in Pisces. There is no market patterns. Means nothing, but there tends to be a high frequency of historic happenings, not so much during last time but in the previous two times before the 1993-1996 one had some big historic shit gone down

>> No.53959610

Pisces is basically the blue haired trannies of Astrology. It is the represents everything the Left stands: sensitivity, progressivism, rebellion, manchildren, day-dreamy, lazy, fantastical thinking, new-age sprirituality. Meanwhile, Saturn is the restrictive planet of karma and discipline, and the "strongest" sort of grandfather of all the planets. So basically when Saturn enters Pisces, go short on every piece of shit wishy-washy bullshit woke company or instrument that came up during the last 10 years: ESG ETFs, any reddit-tier "2021 paradigm-shift" bullshit scam tech stock, some progressive-maxxed bullshit woke company like NFLX, anything to do with solar or clean energy, eyc etc, you get the idea. Get ready for shit like ESG and worthless HR departments in Tech companies to fall to the wayside as interest rates continue to rise and financial conditions continue to tighten.

>> No.53959612

>great time for culture
Nigger rap and hollywoke movies?

>> No.53959623
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Maybe hard times will make the industry focus on shit that doesn't suck so they can make money.

>> No.53959635

Were entering the Pisces age. Two thousand years of emotional wishy washy crap? This can’t be right

>> No.53959645

They haven’t needed money since 2008. They own everything and can print money to buy all the assets they want and we’re left with bags of worthless fiat

>> No.53959657

Look around you these days. Are you surprised that we are in a Pisces age?

>> No.53959659
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2008 and its wake were wild.

>> No.53959672

saturn into pisces doesnt mean we are entering the pisces age, we are already or starting to enter aquarius age

>> No.53959708

you’re right, I mistook one for the other. What can you tell me about Aquarius if you’re in the know?

>> No.53959726

Makes sense that almost the entire last two thousand years we have been balanced with emotion driven ideologies from christkikery to neomarxism

>> No.53959757

tech advancements galore in a nutshell , the age of a transhumanism enlightenment

>> No.53959766

That will most likely change soon

>> No.53959784

>Be Aqua
>Love getting things a few months ahead of everyone else
>Now surrounded y Aquarius cultural energy
>It's all massive faggots somehow more sœy than Funko pop collecting millennials

>> No.53959794

You're probably underestimating Pluto in aquarius, which is big stuff

>> No.53959801

Not if kikes have anything- wait are you saying we are destined to win against kikes?
How do you imagine that? Based autists can finally create free content thanks to web3?

>> No.53959816

RIP my man Pluto you will always be a planet to me.

>> No.53959828

I’d rather subvert humanity into believing in flat earth than accept heliocentric model without Pluto

>> No.53959841
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>> No.53959868

ironically the aquarius age is a hell for aquarius people kek
no , in fact this is what they want. transhumanism just means the last stages of human species decay

>> No.53959907

So psychopaths in eternal power over half robo half bio npcs? This technocracy is not enlightenment, it’s the opposite from it.

>> No.53959963

so 03/23 it is

>> No.53960022

Ok, no, fucking amateurs.
Saturn does this shit on the regular, Saturn being a malefic planet and the last of the 5 visible planets from Earth (and 7 traditional wanderstars total, including the sun and moon) signifies the limit of something and a grave turning or decision point
Much like the crisis of death as Evola puts it, Saturn marks the terminus wherein a being or phenomenon will either make the Olympian leap or falter at the critical moment
Just as things are dying and being reborn all the time so too is Saturn regularly marking the end or rebeginning of a thing

The real event to watch for is Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23rd my friends.
Pluto, being one of the 3 smaller, modern planets moves slowly and rules the fragile forces of the modern world
Being one of the smaller, further, and only relatively newly discovered planets its association with revolution and technology to me are clear
The last time Pluto was in aquarius for example was 1777-1797

Starting March 23rd Pluto will enter Aquarius for three months, exiting on June 11th 2023, these 3 months acting as a preview of what's to come as it enters aquarius again in January of 2024 and will stay there for about the next 20 years

Only time will tell who the revolution favors this time

>t. based, male, real astrology knower

>> No.53960024

enlightenment in itself doesn't equate only good things for us. its just the ability to find new means of power that can shift us from an actual state to a new slightly better one but those newfound means will always be misused so certain figures can profit from it.

>> No.53960042

Idiot, Saturn is life itself. The next handful of years will be positively life changing for those that allow it to.

>> No.53960055

It means everything tech related is gonna moon

>> No.53960066

So what do we short or go long on in the stock market?

>> No.53960068

This. Also, Jesus was the avatar of the age of Pisces so... maybe be respectful ?

>> No.53960073

What does Cancer represent in astrology?

>> No.53960080

My post was about Saturn entering into Pisces, not us entering the age of Pisces.

>> No.53960088

And what does aquarius represent in this sense?

>> No.53960106

If Pisces is the blue hair trannies of Astrology, Cancer is the trad, but slightly high maintenance, Stacy housewife.

>> No.53960146

Read >>53959757

>> No.53960153

Saturn is Jewish globohomo

>> No.53960155

>enlightenment is about power and profit
Only if you’re a psychopathic npc which we both know you are

>> No.53960171

So I just looked some of this shit up. What is scorpio then?

>> No.53960177

Jesus is an astro theological myth incarnated as a fictional man whose existence is not mentioned anywhere until the second century

>> No.53960181

Saturn is based and is the force that keeps these blue haired weirdos in check.

>> No.53960185

The psychopathic elite are enlightened, they understand the esoteric truths of reality and have a deep understanding of natural law. What makes them evil is they use their knowledge/wisdom against everyone else for their own benefit instead of using it to elevate humanity as a collective

>> No.53960189
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Hell ya. I'm getting a buff. I want more stats into charisma and str.

>> No.53960191

You either lack basic reading comprehension or english isnt your first language if all what you got from what i said was just enlightenment = power & profit

>> No.53960209

So another psychopath revolution (after Akhenaton’s, Babylonian, jewish, christian, islam8, glorious, French and bolshevik revolutions)

Any tips?

>> No.53960219

Saturn is the demiurge that represents time and materialism that kikes worship as their God, it is opposite of sun (Aryan) spirituality behind the furthest planet visible with the naked eye from the sun. and in alchemy represents lead. Fuck Saturn and fuck Jewish kike globohomo Saturn worshippers.

>> No.53960229

You equated it to means of power that can be profited from. Enlightenment is neither of those things. Seems you don’t even understand the meaning of things you believe and say.

>> No.53960233

Call Him whatever you like, He still created this Kingdom and you live in it.

>> No.53960252

What do you read to understand all this?

>> No.53960256

They’re not enlightened anymore than a snake oil salesman knows how to trick people. Sooner or later he and his methods will be exposed and he’ll be done for. Their esoteric knowledge is narrowed only to the understanding of how to manipulate and trick people.

>> No.53960270

>instead of using it to elevate humanity as a collective
why would they though? They're disgusted by normal people

>> No.53960276

Esoteric knowledge? Psychopaths? Please, the information is all spread out in the open for your viewing pleasure. Make no excuses for goylets: they choose to not believe.

>> No.53960278

only retards fall for cgi images

>> No.53960284

Yes psychopaths. That’s what they all are and always have been, the seed of evil.

>> No.53960330

Thanks for confirming that you severely lack reading comprehension. Re-read what i wrote and maybe you'll get it this time

>> No.53960494

Most of you kikes are ignorant the only reason you get ahead is because the rabbis and elite kikes who are in the know direct you to be of usefulness for the Jewish race, you are still NPC’s but unlike goyim that get directed to be self destructive you get directed to advance Jewish agenda. It is quite obvious that most kikes are NPC’s as for example nearly all Jews believe the fake bullshit historic narratives that they were an oppressed race and the insane stories about the holohoax, but only the kikes/rabbis that understand the truth that it’s all lies, but lies that serve a purpose to their cause are truly initiated. If the head of the snake is severed so is the connection all kikes have with it’s central command which would leave a power vacuum that would be filled by a goy to take command of the NPC Jews. This is what happened with Hitler for example, Hitler was the spiritual command of his people directing the NPC masses to the Aryan will and once the kikes slayed our king left a power vacuum in nazi Germany that’d be filled by Jews who then took control of our peoples spirts but unlike Hitler was hostile and directed them to be self destructive and serve world Jewry.

>> No.53960552

The horoscope section of vogue.

>> No.53960562

>sensitivity, progressivism, rebellion, manchildren, day-dreamy, lazy, fantastical thinking, new-age sprirituality
I hate that you described my past life to a tee.
t. pisces

>> No.53960597

What you describe are a small subsect of Jews. There is more diversity in thought than you think, and many lone wolves that form new sects. Jews largely find accomplishment in their own way, even the successes are not unified ones.
Do you realize how many Jews are against Israel as a nation state?

>> No.53960600

has astrology workout? whats your win rate in life using this

>> No.53960610
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If you can't see why the geometry and infinity symbols are sacred, you need to think harder

>> No.53960634
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>association with revolution and technology to me are clear
Interesting that the WEF "predicts" technological mishaps, then.
Also, isn't it funny that CBDCs are set to roll out by the end of the month? Wouldn't surprise me if there's an overlap with that observation

>> No.53960670

>Starting March 23rd Pluto will enter Aquarius for three months, exiting on June 11th 2023, these 3 months acting as a preview of what's to come
What are the implications of this in relation with the financial situation of an aquarius man like myself o based, male, real astrology knower

>> No.53960797

The split between fact and fiction is coming to a close. We're probably going to see the rapid collapse of some very large narratives.

>> No.53960822
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This is disconcerting.

>> No.53960870

I hope you're right wizardanon

>> No.53960909

>believing in gravity

>> No.53960928


>> No.53960950
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how would there be any astrological significance to Pluto and who would define it; a planet no human knew existed since 1930?

>> No.53960958

>a planet no human knew existed since 1930?
I knew it existed

>> No.53960992

What does it mean for a male to be born under a feminine sign or vice versa? What's the male version of the
>trad, but slightly high maintenance, Stacy housewife

>> No.53961021

Based Clyde Tombaugh.

>> No.53961099
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pisces man here, how can I profit from this?

im very sensitive be nice pls

>> No.53961129

They're probably going to acknowledge alien life this year or next.

>> No.53961162


>> No.53961165
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>> No.53961174

>how could cosmic radiation possibly affect human health; a phenomenon no human knew about until the 20th century?
Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean it won't affect you.

>> No.53961188

Only if:
>You're holding BTC/eth/anything tether
>Got vaxxed
You get the idea.

>> No.53961218
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Nope, I'm too paranoid about the glowniggers to touch either.

>> No.53961230

>cosmic radiation

Thank you for bringing up a point no one was contesting you absolute faggot

>> No.53961239

>y- you lack reading comprehension
>npc can’t explain how my interpretation based on his words is wrong

>> No.53961277

>oy vey got in believe our pilpul
It’s Orwellian structure, one psychopath ruling a small subject of psychopaths ruling jewish goyim like the ones that were sacrificed to be savaged by bolsheviks and later world war II

>> No.53961296

It’s just a language of symbols to contain some truth and most importantly to allow kikes to communicate. You can take the truth and threw the rest of abrahamic memes into trash.

>> No.53961310

Kek they literally lay out their plan
>extreme weather
>cybersecurity measures
>digital inequality (wtf)
anyone’s got info on what to expect from those?

>> No.53961327

Redpill me on Taurus

>> No.53961335

Listen, I am not your average goy, don’t fkn bullshit me. Have an honest discussion or shut the fuck up and leave

>> No.53961338

>mfw you’ll be spared crypto holocaust if you bought DBI

>> No.53961357

I’m a Leo and I approve of this outcome.

>> No.53961359
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it's all man behind the curtain shit though. (((extreme weather))) just means they're changing the color gradient on weather maps kek

>> No.53961364

>have an honest discussion
They never do. They’re either psychopath npcs who lie or cattle npcs who don’t know shit.

>> No.53961384

It’s extremely underwhelming kek
So cyber attack and wtf is digital inequality? Do they take away our internet since that’s how kikes always dealt with inequality

>> No.53961414

they can't shut down the internet because it's their main tool in controlling the goyim. the cyber pandemic will probably be some fake/gay elite hackers attacking systems that only reduce quality of life for the goyim and magically have no effect on the political/financial elite.

>> No.53961417 [DELETED] 


>> No.53961422
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I'm sure weather can be manipulated on a small scale.
If nothing else, something like picrel, people are going to die from clot shots and they'll play it off like climate change is doing the deed (even though people can live in 30C+ weather year round)

>> No.53961435

also extreme weather means you'll be getting FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY notifications on your phone

>> No.53961436

>dumbfag cant even read and yet he still tries to act ironic about it

>> No.53961440

So a cyber attack that will probably push more ID laws online and maybe slow down the Internet. What about this digital inequality though

>> No.53961444
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forgot pic

>> No.53961464

>still no argument
that’s a bot
yeah I noticed that both in last summer and winter, 30 degrees is “extreme” even though we’ve had 35 since I remember, same with 0 degrees in winter

>> No.53961482

>doesnt have the balls to even (you)
Yeah dumbfag knows he’s illiterate but still doesnt wanna admit kek

>> No.53961492

>digital inequality
Probably getting the billions of people who don't have indoor plumbing online.

>> No.53961498

>What about this digital inequality though
the citadel meme is real

>> No.53961542

So the way I see it
>digital hackery leading to ID laws
>last bull run and greater depression of all markets, hyperinflation
>mass debt
>internet will start failing
>natural collapse
>AI or some experiment tech wreaking havoc

so this is a simulation and we are players, aren’t we

>> No.53961554

beep boop

>> No.53961565

Better to be a player than an NPC

>> No.53961595

the important web3 protocols are kingmade. early adopters will be allowed into the citadel and proof of stake ensures that latecomers can never catch up. the crypto market is an IQ test.

>> No.53961596

>his poor illiterate mind got turned into a beep boop mush in 3 replies and yet he thinks he is a “player” in this game
The audacity of some soulless npcs is baffling. Poorfag will soon understand though kek

>> No.53961604

btw since this board is 90% bots (don’t believe me drop (you) and watch most posters stop replying) I’m tired of this shit website, shills bots kikes etc. I’m starting an anonymous tg group for real human anons
>inb4 fed
I don’t give a fuck anymore, just don’t be a dumbass and don’t show your phone and name

>> No.53961615

Which projects?

>> No.53961619
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I only really post in /cmmg/ and /smg/ anyways. Very rarely do I come to a thread like this, I try to filter out the cryptoshitter threads too.

>reminder that /biz/ started as a containment board for cryptoniggers on /g/

>> No.53961620

I’m okay joining
I see their point

>> No.53961635

you might not like it but this is the only future for white families

>> No.53961647

i'll let you figure that out but if you've spent any amount of time on this board it should be obvious

>> No.53961653
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It’s link isn’t it?

>> No.53961668

It’s alright. The offer is extended to any real based human tired of being stifled by subhumans

>> No.53961742
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The full moon will be upon us soon as well. Be financially prepared.

>> No.53961850

it means you have 1 day left to buy

>> No.53961862

Gravity's not real, chud

>> No.53962186

>not using vedic
kek. a baby scholar at best...

>> No.53962240

Pluto is too new of a planet and doesnt count as one of the classic, original 7 planets that Astrology was founded upon. Anybody quoting Neptune, Uranus or Pluto is a LARP. The planets end at Saturn.

>> No.53962306

You forgot Rahu and Ketu, the spirit planets.

>> No.53962464

You wish moshe

>> No.53962489

Watch The Dimming

>> No.53962514
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>> No.53962981

>hasn't occurred since 1996
three years later dot com bubble crash

>where it will remain until February 13, 2026
chainlink bullrun until then

>> No.53963083

made it about 2 minutes in and had to turn it off kek

>> No.53963089

The minions of Molek tongue my anus

>> No.53963090


>> No.53963094
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t - A pisces guy

>> No.53963964

shemitah was 2022, whatever risk it posed is passed

>> No.53964453

>thousand year old science has been reduced to "stupid woman hobby"-thanks to normalfaggots and charlatans
Some people don't deserve knowledge.

>> No.53964499
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A sacrifice is needed, me thinks

>> No.53964514
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saturn in pisces is cool. but the real big movement this month is pluto into aquarius

>> No.53964851

no one worships the kaaba. why are poltards so intellectually lazy.

>> No.53965354
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Clown World Jesus here,
Tartaria is making a huge comeback.
"The new became the antique".

>> No.53965439

not a planet

>> No.53965454

I'm male though

>> No.53965543

They need digital IDs rolled out, so they can 100% control the flow of information because AI, fake news, disinformation etc. In effect they want monopoly on information & censorship because things with uncontrolled access to internet with anonymity are getting too spicy for them. Basically free speech and uncontrolled information is antisemitic, goy.

>> No.53965623

Aquarius will be defined by the growth of AI and the eventual singularity

>> No.53965662

I dont know but last summer 4000 people died because of the heat in Spain, more than in 40 years of terrorism

>> No.53965688

>Resident schizos: what does this mean for finance?
144 replies and 26 images omitted

>> No.53965807

pluto isnt a planet tho...

>> No.53966217

As players, its not our fault for the hand we were dealt, but it is our responsibility in how we play out the game, refusal or "opting out" isnt an option. Your goal is to become self aware of the fact that you're here learn something and not get soul trapped into coming back down here again, some call this metaphysical guilt, others may call it ephemeral Jewish sorcery, but all of us were charged to honor this agreement from before we were born, you chose to be here, just like the rest of us.

>> No.53967506

It's called an allegory retard
The point of my message was in the second line, and I compared OP's conjecture to a similar one in the first. No one knew cosmic radiation would fuck up humans until we sent a dog to space and they dissected and studied the corpse. Likewise, no one knew the astrological effects of Pluto until it was first discovered, that doesn't mean that it didn't affect them.

>> No.53970607
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says the guy with folder of underage girl reaction gifs

>> No.53972329

It isn't about what it physically means, it's about what the lunatics with enough wealth to pay people to tell them what it means will do

>> No.53972351
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With Aqua in charge, everything will turn out great

>> No.53972860

shit bros im a pisces does this mean im finally going to get laid and make money trading

>> No.53973606
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>so this is a simulation and we are players, aren’t we
This is rapidly becoming the only thing that makes sense.

If you owned the world, why not just lead it into a successful multiplanetary species and have everyone happily follow you as their leader.
Why are the owners set on fucking with everyone, destroying every people value and causing problem after problem until it gets out of control and we nuke ourselves. They already own everything, doing it for more control doesn't make sense when they already have all the fucking control. This shit is all a simulation and we're meant to overcome some devil level final boss as a human race to prove something to someone, either to be accepted as a collective spiritual angel/god level entity or to be accepted as a species by some aliens motherfuckers

>> No.53973636

first post reddit post

>> No.53974080
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>> No.53974142
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1996 was the start of the decline of Western civilisation. It's going to be Mad Max time for the next 3 years, isn't it lads?

>> No.53974274

>mocks "new-age spirituality"
>believes in astrology

>> No.53974293
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So I got fuckin shrekt today; is that what this means?

>> No.53974657

I’m a cancer, my preferred planet is Jupiter, and i hold LINK. What does this mean?

>> No.53976047

December 23, 1913 was the start of the decline of western civilization

>> No.53976058

the fact that poo witch didn't even post ONE thing about this proves that it's actually important.

>> No.53976066

what happened ?