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5395307 No.5395307 [Reply] [Original]

Who fell for the FUD and sold at the bottom? Reveal yourselves

>> No.5395384

The whale who sold a million link to drop the price to 1000 sats. Literally the bottom. I hope they desperately needed the money cos goddamn that was a retarded move.

>> No.5395556

no but seriously in 2-3 years, hell even 6 months from now just how many suicides are we going to see from fud'ers and bagdropers?

>> No.5395586

alright I bought at 16 cents, held it for a month, then sold at 17 cents right before it mooned hHAHAHH. I still love u faggots even i didnt make a red cent here.

>> No.5395598

Crypto take off sold at 16 cents.

He stopped posting here.

>> No.5395641
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I was asleep and missed the chance to accumulate

>> No.5395658

Bought at around 30c and added at 45c despite knowing that after SIBOS there would be a dip but not to the extent it went down to. Have held for months. I feel nothing. I dont think I can feel anything anymore. 0cents or 100 dollars there is no emotion left within my soul.

>> No.5395661
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bought at 0.17 but weak hands sold at 0.35

>> No.5395671


cryptotakeoff sucks


someone here once told me my analysis was better than cryptotakeoff

I suck

ergo: cryptotakeoff sucks

>> No.5395675
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sold at the bottom but rebought 10 more before the moon mission

sorry for doubting you, sergey

>> No.5395749

>sold ripples at 10 cents at a loss
Everything in hindsight, my friend.

>> No.5395807

I did the same. I'll buy the dip next time. Somehow this will dip into .30 again

>> No.5395812

bought 10k at 0,156 usd on the 24th of september.

>> No.5395838

I did, and for a long time I was banking on it to be my lambo ticket-- now I'm waiting for my holdings in WABI and TRX to moon to see if I can get back in. I'm worried I'm gonna get outpaced.

>> No.5395849

Still holding a simple 2k, nearly all other funds go to ICX the moon machine

>> No.5395903

Just to clarify, I didn't sell at "the bottom." But I did sell at 38 cents.

>> No.5395912

Sergey is so damn professional and this project is so solid. It's about goddamn time the whales stopped suppressing it and finished accumulating. to the fkn moon now

>> No.5395942

>put $100 in REQ (6 cents) and LINK(17 cents)
>got some extra $200 last week to put in crypto
>put it on REQ with the intention to move it to LINK afterwards, because i think REQ will moon first
>link moons


>> No.5395960

Sold 20% at 2500 sat, but these were the same 20% I bought at 1500. Still mad

>> No.5395962
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I sold at 3500/41cents hoping to buy in lower and grow my stack, and immediately after it went to 4000/50cents, so fuck me right. I didn't expect this to happen without news or some sort.

>> No.5395974

sold now at 0.61 will buy back next week or two for 0.2-0.3 as always.

>> No.5395993

i sold at the bottom, but it was only 1% of my portolio and I had only held it for a few days. Pretty much just bought it so i could fuck with the memes.

Worth the 9 dollar loss

>> No.5396031

Bought at .43, sold at .26, want to kill myself right now in general

>> No.5396192
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I bought at 39 cents and sold a third of my stack at 22 cents. Then doubled my remaining stack at 16 cents.

>> No.5396456

Where do you guys buy/sell LINK? I have some on bitttex but idk if it's the best place or not pls help

>> No.5396660
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>> No.5397471

I didn't sell a single Link ever.
Wanna know my trick?
Here it comes:
The price of Link doesn't fucking matter until the network is up and running.
Didn't care when Link dropped to 13 cents, and I don't care that it's over 60 cents.
I'm not touching my Link until the mainnet is up. See you in a year or two.

>> No.5397525

I didn't sell at the bottom, but I didn't buy more at the bottom which is almost as bad.

>> No.5397576

Same. Hodling since $0.16 and not letting go until $20

>> No.5397754

lieutenant colonel holding since presale

>> No.5397761

God I wish I had more than 4k link

>> No.5397787

Tfw linklet because I couldn't accumulate. Now I've got a tiny amount of link and there's nothing I can do because it's gone. GGWP

>> No.5397829

I had ~300k link a couple days ago. Coinbase added BCH and it skyrocketed to $5500 on binance. I traded half my stack of LINK for BCH at $5500....Instant 50% loss on that.

Saw LINK was gaining momentum, sold the bch for link and now I'm left with about 180k link. It's about 90% of my portfolio.

I've made this mistake before, and can't afford to make it again. LINK is the true moon ticket of 2018....I will NOT fuck this up. You live and learn. I've definitely learned alot...

>> No.5397837
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>tfw bought the dip
rate my tiny shitfolio

>> No.5397847

Ahahaha I remember that

>> No.5398180

mainnet is Q1 2018 btw, a basic skeleton version

>> No.5398390

Go all in on chainlink. $1 eoy

>> No.5398492


>> No.5398563
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I never bought because I fell for the REQ/biz is always wrong meme

Type S to suck my dick

>> No.5398565

get some ARN for fun and ETH for stability.

someone else shilling them up and mooning just started for ARN

>> No.5398651
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i've unironically tried sell this shit coin for the last 2 months since i was tricked by biz to buy at ~.42 per. i tried probabaly 2 or 3 times trying to transfer it from my ether wallet but the ethereum network and gwei (gay) system is so fucking shitty it never actually works.

somehow its mooning now so ill just hold onto the tiny bits i have for another 5 years hoping for a 100000x

>> No.5398685

using the ethereum network is not complicated lol