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File: 323 KB, 464x447, greekwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53951146 No.53951146 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit bros I'm hardwired to want a woman so bad but there' so much risk vs reward. The reward is momentary pleasure that fades away slowly.. The risk is financial ruin, death, disease, vax shedding, kissing her knowing how many bj's she probably gave, her being a left wing cunt, etc

The list just goes on and on of negatives not to mention acquiring and keeping a woman is insane and I don't have the money or physical prowess to do it. But I want a woman so damn bad. I hate this paradox. But even if I wanted to do it I am physically unable to. This is hell.

And also I'm relatively good at getting 7's and 8's but terrible at keeping them. They all slip through my fucking hands in a few weeks time. LIFE IS HELL

>> No.53951197

just jack off lmao

>> No.53951199

You need to focus on bettering yourself, and let whatever happens come naturally. You will never be confidant enough until you build strength, physical & mental.

Focus on women = lose women

Focus on yourself = you'll be ready for good things

>> No.53951200

you get a trad, conservative women from a second or third world countries like Morocco, MENA or India, Vietnam not western white whores who hate children and families

>> No.53951239

Besides my earlier advice, there are some REALLY horny women in churches looking for a man to dedicate herself to

once you marry anything is possible with those girls

>> No.53951270
File: 331 KB, 800x1200, PIPER-DOLL-140cm-Silicone-28kg-Doll-Phoebe-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get a love doll and finally know what its like to wake up hugging something humanoid bro

>> No.53951282

that's why prostitution is common among all humans regardless of evolutionary level (white to black), economic level (billionaires to welfare leeches), and intelligence (mensa to black).

no male actually wants to spend time around women in general outside of sex.

>> No.53951301

this. based. I might get demoted to $50K/yr shit grunt work but I won't care if I have my robot waifu

>> No.53951348

> no male actually wants to spend time around women in general outside of sex.
This is key to understand. The more I realized this the more I became comfortable with my life situation where I basically just have some sugar babies here and there and otherwise pursue my own interests.

What kind of fantasies do you have about women? What do you actually want from them? If you’re like me, you basically only think about sex or sex-adjacent things like cuddling or exchanging “the look”.

I have never once fantasized about engaging in a conversation with a woman, or listening to her opinions on things. Why should I dedicate a massive portion of my life to those things if it’s not how I want to spend my time? YOLO

>> No.53951375
File: 55 KB, 747x425, 2548564846121384691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53951381

That's a man

>> No.53951390
File: 84 KB, 640x517, 1659571512406736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm relatively good at getting 7's and 8's but terrible at keeping them. They all slip through my fucking hands in a few weeks time
fuck this keeps happening to me. It's like initially they want to spend time with me but after a few weeks they get the "ick"

>> No.53951551

So many wars were fight so a virgin incel ends up fucking a piece of plastic, kek. If our forefathers knew this would probably have begged Truman to nuke the whole world back in the 1860's

>> No.53951567

imagine the normies seethe if the most popular models are underage looking. or 4 ft tall tiny little kid ones but with huge tits. Not saying I would always go for that model but would definitely try one..

>> No.53951591

This is a very sad way to think. With the way that things are, I can understand if you've both had bad experiences with women, but there's something about girliness and feminity that is just really great. Obviously sex is really good too, but it's like that's just a bonus when you meet a girl you really get along with

>> No.53951759

nice projection. all of those things revolve around sex, if you haven't realized. the only value is a mother for your children, and obviously that relies on a completely different kind of woman, but that's a decision a man can delay for almost as long as he wants.

>> No.53951799
File: 899 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20230305-215113-194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck off, wars were fought due to squabbles, interests, and propaganda of kikes/royalty/elites

majority of the site was that

>> No.53951930

I feel you man, I hate my stupid fucking monkey brain for having these desires.

>> No.53952072

It's not women's fault you have a loser's mindset.

>> No.53952222

your forefathers were thrown into the meatgrinder because a bunch of greedy jews couldn't stop being greedy jews and you know it you mouthbreathing nigger
if you glorify war and defending the western world so much why dont you jump straight into the battlefield in ukraine? pathetic coward

>> No.53952695

what a retard you are.

>> No.53952730

>risk vs reward
>momentary pleasure
>have kids
Which one is it op? what do you really want?

>> No.53952794

>le ur ancestors did le epic stuff
this is the most retarded meme to propagate on the internet, our ancestors did epic stuff because they had to, had they been born today they would be as onions as you and me