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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 1920x1080, ethereum-logo-portrait-black-gray[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53946459 No.53946459 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a honest discussion about Ethereum? Is there still ANY narrative for this coin? If you had 10'000$ right now and you had to lock it in for 5 years on either Ethereum or Bitcoin what would you do?
To me it seems like it's just slowly bleeding in sats forever. There's nothing new going on. Vitalik is done with the project. Cheaper forks/copies have replaced it (BNB comes to mind).

Is there ANYTHING on the horizon which will make ethereum actually go up in value?

>> No.53946717

Nobody gives a shit.
The miners were stabbed in the back, which was the only reason it had value.
It will bleed back down to $50 over the next couple of years.

>> No.53946813

That's what I'm thinking. There's really no incentive to even hold ethereum as proof of stake is just a whale game now

>> No.53946848

Vitalik is done with the project? It does seem odd that there's news about everything but eth. What happened after staking was fully implemented?

Have total transactions decreased too?

>> No.53946882
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what a nice organic and non-biased informational thread about ethereum. it's either a XRP schizo or an AVAX baggie who must be behind this.

>> No.53946929

XRP schizos and ETH schizos are the same thing

>> No.53946968

cant wait for the dumpening

>> No.53946981


>> No.53947020

This kek. It's so obvious.

>> No.53947075

>Replace a fairly centralized blockchain (ETH) with a completely centralized blockchain (BNB)

Do any of you people even have any idea of the things blockchain is actually good for? If your chain isn't decentralized there's zero point to even bothering with it because the more traditionally centralized methods are faster and cheaper. Also XRP is shit too for the same reason and AVAX might as well be running multiple blockchains at once (as well as the double spend history) so it's only as strong as its weakest chain

>> No.53947129

>fairly centralized
no such thing. It either is, or it isn't. ethereum is centralized, as well as gay. wtf is wrong with shitcoining schizos?

>> No.53947149

I feel the same way but I continue to dca because there's no clear alternative yet.

>> No.53947150

>It either is, or it isn't.
Define the limits on when something is or isn't decentralized then. A Nakamoto Coefficient of 30+? Full nodes >100k? No single company making a majority of the code that get adopted by miners/stakers? Decentralization is a spectrum and you want to be as far over to the decentralization side as possible (and ETH ain't it for sure)

>> No.53947153
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Yeah I wonder how much they get paid for this retardation, or do they do it for free?

>> No.53947318

i think the AVAX roaches are unironically being paid, but the XRP schizos are just too deep in the rabbit hole and do it for free.

>> No.53947350

yeah, sell for pong token!

>> No.53947368
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only niggers wo 5sec dyor got stabbed the back :D

>> No.53947625

>avalanche hub
>avalanche ambassadors
They ARE getting paid. The funniest thing is they get paid in AVAX to promote buying AVAX.

>> No.53947640

>generic discussion thread
>you're a shill!
?? I'm just asking what you guys think the future of Ethereum holds. Can we get into that instead of ad nauseam garbage

>> No.53947657


>> No.53947826

I don't think you're a shill, but if you don't value decentralization in any way with a blockchain what exactly are you trying to sell?

>> No.53948131

It has all the development and users. L1’s that thought they would compete are now literally building tooling for ETH to try to capture some of the value. I don’t think ETH wins long term but right now it has no real competition. Corporate use cases are required to kill ETH and we are still a way off.

>> No.53948155

On what exactly, more NFT shit?
>and users.
Shitcoin traders?

Maybe one day a chain will get adopted for some real use

>> No.53948171
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Staking withdrawals got delayed to April, on the fence about whether this is bullish or bearish for the short term price. Later this year we'll probably get proto-danksharding for a big bump in tps

>> No.53948190

I didn't say BNB is THE alternative, just that it's cheaper and has more development and on-chain activity it feels like. Even fantom has a narrative. Ethereum is just a dino coin at this point

>> No.53948313

Imagine ETH strongest narrative being "Look guys, We can't scale, Just use L2s, third party plug in crippling unelegant non scientific solution when tx on our protocol exceed $500, It also supposedly inherent our supposedly very decentralized protocol security so you're 100% safe despite 99% of hacks happening on the implementation level, bug in the contracts and shit like this, and don't worry about current L2s not using fraud/validity proofs, You're totally safe with 2 multisigs securing the whole network"

Rollups complexity is a death sentence (Possibly x10 more complex than your typical shitcoin architecture/code, Thus vastly more prone to bugs), ETH lead dev words. Systems should first prioritize elegance, Ethereum roadmap is inherently unscientific and dangerous, something every experienced developers (not toddlers in their 20s-30s) will tell you from experience.

>> No.53948346

Good post.
Seems to me the difficulty in finding an alternative is the network effects and not so much the actual tech.

>> No.53948420

Correct. Also ETH whales basically control the narratives (They've the most twitter influencers+The media), It's ugly to watch and dragging the whole space down.

>> No.53948447


Ethereum doesn’t solve the timestamp problem. It’s useless as a blockchain.

>> No.53948474

I have no issues with properly implemented L2s for a blockchain because if you scale entirely on L1 you're inevitably going to be sacrificing decentralization of the network, and if your blockchain isn't decentralized why use a blockchain in the first place?

>> No.53948560



>> No.53948615

Isn't the narrative decentralized block building? I find that somewhat compelling but I'm also a brainlet

>> No.53948738

ETH is far from decentralized. Even some of its own devs at ETH Denver said it isn't decentralized right now

>> No.53948761

isn't there millions of ETH being staked?

>> No.53948798

ethereum is in a strange place.
it's obviously won in its category, leaving no long-term space for most other altcoins and every single altcoin platform. but it's also incapable of killing bitcoin, which leaves a cloud over ethereum because at any point bitcoin can feel the fee pressure and just decide to eat ethereum's lunch, which is trivial if ethereum begins to depend on layer 2s for scaling.
as long as bitcoin's fees remain high enough for security, ethereum is safe, and that means most alt l1s only last one cycle as ethereum simply keeps absorbing their users in a bear market.

and all alts bleed sats, that's what alts do. unless you're the largest centralized exchange by an order of magnitude you're not going to be able to keep making new bitcoin highs.

>> No.53948947


There isn't even a theoretically sound solution for the sequencers problem, And even if we find solution, It'll require the protocol who choose that route to slow the network down (Finality and throughput), Something i've 100% conviction no project will ever take the risk of doing, Something that could very well kill their competitive advantage because normies first care about UX and cost. So my prediction is that no major L2s will never take the "Decentralization first" thesis.

So when decentralization is off the mark and security is def worse thanks to additional security assumptions (relative to just executing on the L1) and contract complexity, The question remain, Why even use L2s if not for keeping the ETH narrative still alive? I can only see in the very far future a use case for proper ZK rollups (non-evm, That's a deadend and works better on appchains thesis thanks to better composability/interoperability), And that's only specific use cases, The whole narrative is massively overblown, Probably thanks to Ethereum messy technical debt handicapping the devs from innovating on-chain, So they (The whales and people with the strongest influence) had to push other narrative that align with ETH future, And there we are, relying on third parties to pull the least elegant distributed systems solution of all time.

>> No.53949189

Nah, we have grifters too. That's the '37k gubmint buyback' wing of the Xrp asylum.

>> No.53949590

>ZK rollups (non-evm
do you have an opinion on mina?

>> No.53950145
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Fucking based. This anon knows

>> No.53951081

Ethereum/LDO is the best unregistered security

>> No.53951650

There absolutely is a real, clear alternative to it that you can buy today. Some anons in this thread have alluded to it (albeit indirectly). And there is a thread dedicated to it in the catalog right now.

>> No.53951702
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This is EXACTLY like ye olde racemixing threads on /pol/ where "two anons" have a "discussion" about how they want to bang black girls

>> No.53951715

ETH is globalhomo friendly and deserves to die for that alone

>> No.53952182
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Why is biz doing this poor man takes since 2015 lol?
>To me it seems like it's just slowly bleeding in sats forever
Spent 2018-2020 bear market in 0.03 range
Spent 2022-now bear in 0.07 range
>There's nothing new going on
literally zk renaissance built as you type this l2/l3 innovation off the charts
>Vitalik is done with the project
Kinda, also how is it bad thing since growing army of brightest devs just keep adding value to eth stack?
>Cheaper forks/copies have replaced it (BNB comes to mind)
Yes and they all are forked geth (evm) and get traction only in bullmarket and trend t 0 during bear, wonder why
>Is there ANYTHING on the horizon which will make ethereum actually go up in value?
Yeah becoming consensus layer of everything crypto as you type this shit, already first profitable chain in history of crypto (don't have to delude existing holders to secure chain)after shangai staking/restaking businesses will be all rage
>The miners were stabbed in the back, which was the only reason it had value.
172 days after merge there is -45k eth
172 days if merge haven't happened there would be +2mil market dumped eth by miners
Came to conclusion that biz is full of lunch money retards as op, you don't have to won eth to enjoy gains from ecosystem you can bet on base/op/arb/or daaps, but having just 1 validator node in future will be generational wealth

>> No.53952251

>you don't have to won eth to enjoy gains from ecosystem
low IQ esl detected. ETH is dead, or dying a slow death now as competitors with better tech (AVAX) will be imminently replacing it. It is fundamentally broken and unscalable and most midwits have realised this by now. The only ones left in ETH are low IQ hopium addicts, hence the lack of discussion on /biz/.

>> No.53952268

>172 days if merge haven't happened there would be +2mil market dumped eth by miners


If mining was still going on, ETH would be at $400 now.

>> No.53952277

Blue chips will always take the lead but it'll either ORE or ENS.

>> No.53952280

Nice arguments.
Not regular on this pajeet board but had SAME discussion with eos fags back in 2018.
Now I made it and will make it 10x more in next 5 years and you will be here peddling next shitcoin lol

>> No.53952360

You're delusional.
Yes. And it's gonna balloon from 14 million to 30-50 million 12-18 months after the Shapella upgrades. L2 solutions will develop along with innovative dapps that are gonna make Ethereum L1 block space much more valuable. $10k ETH is FUD. OP is retarded

>> No.53952375

So you admit that ETH is fundamentally unscalable without the use of L2's. It's dinosaur tech that will be replaced by a better L1 with a superior consensus method.

>> No.53952388
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there is really no reason to put so much effort in replying to these shills. this entire thread was just a setup to declare ethereum as obsolete and framing some shitcoin as the golden alternative. there is no value in proving these people wrong, since they're not looking for information.

>> No.53952402

too dumb to research alternative Layer 1's. That's OK, enjoy being poor.

>> No.53952512
File: 34 KB, 545x227, 1569250301302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L1 with a superior consensus method.
consensus is not even in top 5 bottlenecks of scalability you dweb, but appreciate way you parrot shill lines served to you by you Turkish hopium seller
Its fine I hop here once-twice a year to have fun but always baffled how same SuPeRiOr TeCh shills live on after all we seen in last 5+y.
Its all software lol, if you truly believe next financial rails will be build by some team that will just deliver it to you in form of tokens you are the product of "I'm smart and early" dreams sold to you by VCs.
There's like list of 100+ dead l1s by now, but yes they new shitcoin is the one.

>> No.53952880

>bitcoin or ethereum
neither dumbshit.

>> No.53953256

I know TRAC moved over to polcadot. One of the more advanced coroprate use cases.

Eth is only good fot huge transactions, like real estate or processing papers for cargo ships.

>> No.53953344

Non kiked consesus is a bottleneck. POS can be stealthily controlled by people with access to the infinite money printer.

Look at how much money they threw on Epstein. How much more will they spend to make sure the tool of absolute financial control don't slip out of their hands.

>> No.53953396

>/biz/ hates on ethereum
>I just buyed 3 more ethereum

Remember, /biz/ is always wrong

>> No.53953835

It is THE bottleneck, why do mETHheads always bring out this line like it's some kind of argument kek. The EVM is slow, janky, and expensive because of engineering decisions that had to be made due to the limitations of Nakamoto. POS removes some of those constraints but the EVM still retains all the technical debt and ETH is still a classical protocol which has inherent limitations to the number of nodes that can actually take part in consensus and therefore decentralization. Throw all the beacon/committee/420dankstickyicky sharting/<insert new CT buzzword here> you want at it, you will never get around this fact.
All those other L1s are dead because they didn't actually provide meaningful breakthroughs or innovation. The hilarious thing is ETH2.0 is going down the same technical dead end path as those other coins.

>> No.53954754

Vitalik should fucking bump up privacy in the ecosystem.

>> No.53954780

He talked about wanting to improve privacy with ZKPs.

>> No.53954953

Privacy is necessary and ORE is making DiD management so amazing.

>> No.53955224

PoS = piece of shit. No other discussion required.

>> No.53955237
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>Is there still ANY narrative for this coin? If you had 10'000$ right now and you had to lock it in for 5 years on either Ethereum or Bitcoin what would you do?
Why can't I lock it in Index Funds like I normally do?

>> No.53955394

Fuck ETH! Migrating to POS was the dumbest shit that ever happened.

>> No.53956117

Eth based DeFi is getting better with DiD projects onboard.

>> No.53956201


chaps are bagging these DiD bluechips.

>> No.53956237


>> No.53956299

It's more gainful with cross-chain interoperability DiD project than any other.

>> No.53956324

Whale game? If you can't afford 32 ETH you aren't even in the game.

>> No.53956578

I don't fucking like games. I hold for long term, then wait to cash out.

>> No.53956605

CVP, best passive income desu

>> No.53957033

i pray to god asia never gets infected with hyper progressivism

>> No.53957170
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>bleeding in sats

you know anyone can go look for themselves to see you're clearly full of shit, right?

eth dominance has been going up for 4 years. bitcoin dominance has been going down

eth will someday take the #1 spot

>> No.53957260
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is 100 ETH enough to make it?

>> No.53957427

If you could diversify and add some low caps like ENS ORE UTK. You'd be richer at the end of the year.

>> No.53957520
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ultimate shitcoin

>> No.53957553
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>gorillian replies
>not a single mention of the endgame named ICP
>vitalik calling ICP a sister network
>meanwhile we all know its unironically going to replace ethereum
this board is fucking dead. 2017 were the days we had fucking assblaster and other high IQ folks around to share shit that mattered. now its just a bunch of zoomers that came from plebbit because they heard that 4chan is always early. there's not a single chain that will dethrone ethereum except ICP and hbar. these are the only 2 projects with masterminds behind them.

>> No.53957605

>Nakamoto Coefficient

Why did faggots all of a sudden out of nowhere start using this term as if it existed two years ago and everyone just knows what it is referring to.

>> No.53958060

I hope one day you realize your mistake

>> No.53958104


>> No.53958125
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>yfw it has the biggest use case in crypto right now

>> No.53958184


>> No.53958291

>muh flippening
LMAO there's no way you retards still genuinely exist. Didn't the merge embarrass you enough?

>> No.53959028

keep seething. eth dom and eth/btc will continue its climb

>> No.53959408

It works
has 400K nodes, some OFAC, others not
and a running a validator is still not too expensive
Gen 2.0, future crab coin, likely flipping btc by late 2023

>> No.53959462

wtf is wrong with ETH schizos

>> No.53959489

bagholding problems

>> No.53959533

>has 400K nodes,
That's bullshit
>Total 11,788 nodes found
Even if we assumed China had a bunch of unaccounted for nodes it wouldn't be much higher than the US and you're well under even 25k

>> No.53959689
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validators, my bad. Not sure why I wrote node

>> No.53959724
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>> No.53959830

>bagholding the coin that outperformed 95% of the entire market

you dont know what bagholding means

>> No.53959865

Imagine being stupid enough to know this and have not sold it already

>> No.53959881

This could be cool but I'll prioritize Identity management project over many low caps

>> No.53960172

This count every cluster of 32ETH as node, It's pajeet tier marketing trick and you're a retard for falling for it, ethereum foundation should be ashamed of ever pushing something this misleading.

>> No.53960308

>Is there still ANY narrative for this coin
Deflationy with real apy
Doesnt even have to be a narrative to be effective
Also Ethereum won basically and L2 usage is naturally bullish

>> No.53960378
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I have 2 ETH that I barely check on and have no plan on selling. Should I just stake them?

>> No.53960387

OP didn't ask for proof that ETH is an unregistered security, he asked for a bullish narrative

>> No.53960403

Pretty sure it will the #1 crypto in the near future. It literally solves the problem Bitcoin has and is super dominant.

>> No.53960440

It was going to be the one true coin, now it's PoS trash garbage with a turbo-autist figurehead who insists on putting himself in the spotlight rather than being as obscure as possible.

>> No.53960441

How is it this board is currently flooded with yids trying to prevent anon from getting more crypto? very strange