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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 162 KB, 705x1023, 1678010031664341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53943118 No.53943118 [Reply] [Original]

I thought depression wasn't real?

>> No.53943126

total nigger death

>> No.53943138

He has lung cancer

>> No.53943152

play him back his videos every time he whines about something

>> No.53943160

>Sex Trafficker
I thought prostitution was legal in these shithole countries
Romania isn't even a real country

>> No.53943165

He probably pissed off the wrong people to get caught

>> No.53943167

Serious question: if he's found not guilty, can he successfully sue whoever wrote this article for calling him a sex trafficker without using the word "alleged"?

>> No.53943178

It's illegal to be a pimp unless you pay the government a cut, basically.

>> No.53943186

>says inside source
but it would totally fit, he's such a weak man that he can't bear any criticism, suing people for being mean to him is right up his alley

>> No.53943188

>according to inside source

>trust me bro

>> No.53943198

Hello agent of the matrix. Why do you hate the top G so much? Can you give some non NPC reasons?

>> No.53943211

>self-help masculine consumistic faggot can't survive in prison
/pol/ needs his own night of the long knives if retards there are lusting for e-celeb faggots like tate.

>> No.53943212

just look at him

>> No.53943268

It's not just "being mean", though. It's actual slander if the sex trafficking charge has not been proven to be true in a court of law
If someone went around saying you raped little boys and you got mad about it because it wasn't true, you wouldn't want people seeing your anger over it and minimizing it by saying you just "can't take criticism"
That's a horrible crime you're being falsely accused of by someone with no evidence to prove it

>> No.53943302

come on what. top g like him should just be the boss of his block. he should rape the raper, he should stab the stabber etc. top g and all. lol who the fuck calls himself top g unironically? the most gangsta this chinless uber retard has seen is now inside romanian shithole. he has points but the way he says them is retarded. isn't this the moment top g's would thrive, show they don't care, they are above the common peasant and just know they already won? yeah i guess guys the real life ain't so rosy. motherfucking top g!

>> No.53943398

I hate narcissist and psychopaths

>> No.53943415

What does /pol/ have to do with Tate? Nobody cares about your political categorizations.

>> No.53943421

romania is 2nd in internet speed because they have so many webcam whores

>> No.53943433
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>> No.53943442

he trafficked a mob bosses daughter.

>> No.53943462

Where do you get off making shit like this up? He would be gone if that were true not locked up

>> No.53943488

How is he still in jail? Can't he even post bail in this corrupt shithole?

>> No.53943497

Thank you Romanians <3

>> No.53943534
File: 26 KB, 500x415, 3195f65f41730373becfc05a2c403fb9--keep-fighting-the-matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More lies keep em comin or not, Tate brothers will WALK

>> No.53943611

yeah I get it and now they kill him, say it was a suicide like epstein like mccaffe and then you get a bunch of bots to say "karma, deserved etc" but can you not post this on my brap fetish forum thx much love from a sneedcel

>> No.53943689

This guy is such a fuckin idiot. He could have had a chill life fucking pussy and driving cars, instead he decided to cgallenge much big fish.
Now he will be a gaping asshole for all the dirty gypsy dicks for the rest of his life.

>> No.53943712

He was toying with an asset of the WEF. He knows there's evidence of greta being a child sex-worker. He made it really obvious by asking her if she wanted some pizza in his last video posted immediately before being bagged and removed by corrupt police. Satan is working against us all, but he has focused on tate here recently.

>> No.53943718

true redpill here
he probably let 10/10 girls live in his mansion rent free in exchange for sex, one of those girls probably was a relative of some romanian politician who got a sniff of whats going on

>> No.53943729
File: 135 KB, 1000x1486, MV5BNTQ0OWVlNGMtYmY2ZS00NDNlLWE2NjEtOTBlNjBmN2Y2YjdhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODgwODE0NzA@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Says he moved to Romanian because it's an easier corrupt country to exploit
>Never thought of the possibility of a big fish who has more clout could usurp him

Yea him and his brother can fuck off and there is nothing more cringy than people taking life advice from Tristan who has really accomplished nothing in life other than sponging off his brother

>> No.53943756

journalists shouldn't be sued, they should be shot

>> No.53943766
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So why are /pol/turd losers worshiping this guy again?

>> No.53943805

Why is he accused of sex trafficking? just for the sexcamers?

>> No.53943844

Yeah and my dad works at Nintendo. Holy shit the hitjob on these guys is insane. It's obvious they want to limit his influence over military aged men

>> No.53943867

the funny thing is, if he had consulted with any eastern european, they would tell him how much of a retarded move it was to move to a corrupt shithole like romania. it's common knowledge, and this is his own fault for being retarded and naive

>> No.53943945
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>says someone

>> No.53943969
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Checked FPBP

>> No.53944022

No, you can call public personas generally whatever you want without risking slander. It's private persons that could sue and win for something like that.

>> No.53944053

He was literally a sex trafficker, though. Truth is an affirmative defense against slander.

>> No.53944056

Where was he to go? He needed white women for the sexcams with as little interference as possible. Feminist western Europe was out, and all of Eastern Europe is corrupt. So not much else place to go.

>> No.53944069

Suicidal thought u say? Is it time for suicide by bullets to the back of the head?

>> No.53944094

He was a psyop from the start. No one gets that much attention that isn't astroturfed.

>> No.53944133

He is cancer
Help thyself, mouthy mutt.

>> No.53944146

>If he's found Not Guilty
I spotted the flaw here

>> No.53944170

Didn't he say right before they arrested him that if they start saying he's suicidal and he kills himself it's because they went after him and killed him in prison?

that is the point of prison in shithole mafia states like Romania, right?

>> No.53944175

I want him to be free because he's pure entertainment. Out of curiosity, I'd want to see the results of him being suicided.

>> No.53944183

Only envious poorfags, women, and children disagree with Tate brothers. Also if you think being detained for 3 months with zero charges being filed is ok you are as corrupt as Canadian commies or worse and shouldn’t even be on this board

>> No.53944192

he is an inmoral person
but they are clearly going to suicide him
they're already prelaring they goys for the "suicide"

>> No.53944194

>I lives in Romania, because shithole mafia state, and I tough guy
>Wah! R-Romania is SHITHOLE MAFIA STATE and I PUSSY AF, elp!
Suck it up rentboy. Literally.

>> No.53944198

Ask me how I know you’re brown

>> No.53944210

I’m a white Nordic god and Andrew articulates some really good and strong points. If you don’t think like he does (not his PR stunts where he insults women) you will never make it. I’m in 97th percentile of NW for my age group ask me how I know you are not

>> No.53944413

Brownie confirmed kek. I’m so glad your brown master (((tate))) is locked up I hope they sui him

>> No.53944522

"woman"/tranny hands typed this

>> No.53944652

thats not how you use ((())) you disgusting shill faggot you stick out like sore thumbs

>> No.53944675

Who is this faggot? The new Roosh V?

>> No.53944894

if this guy actually dies in a romanian prison then I'm convinced there is a God

>> No.53944897

Just sit down and actually watch his debates - not your 8 second libtard Tate hate clips on tiktok. You’ll think differently of him if you do.

>> No.53944904

Since when did this board get filled with actual libtards and trannies. This is a conservative board. Leave

>> No.53944916

escaping the matrix is when you do sex trafficking

>> No.53944936

What kind of retard would break the YouTube algorithm and become a high profile contrarian if he had women chained up in basements as sex slaves? He’s not a retard like you. Also he hasn’t actually been charged and be moved to Romania because he fucks a new girl every weekend and didn’t want to get metoo’d. I know you think he moved to Romania because they don’t pursue sex crimes but that’s just your libtard media lying to you. We need more masculine hero’s we literally have NONE. Go back to your beta faggot Ethan Klein and Hassan piker tranny faggot

>> No.53944945

who said he had women chained up in a basement as sex slaves? the guy has claimed on multiple occasions that he moved to romania because sex crimes aren't often persued and a high degree of corruption in the justice system would allow him to bribe officials. you're a cultist, big homie

>> No.53945042

>actual libtards
no, its actually non-retards - go suck your gaoled mutt scammers cock elsewhere. Also, this board is 18+ - just go away in general.

>> No.53945085
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Back to >>>/pol/ nobody wants seething /pol/ chud losers on /biz/.

>> No.53945091


If he did that he would be dead.

>> No.53945097


What are you talking about /pol/ mocks the shit out of that nigger.

>> No.53945098

Nobody wants a broken buck like you.

>> No.53945115


There's been leftist raids here for a while. If you ever see someone calling you a "tourist" or a "/pol/tard" it's obvious what they are. Apparently they have to come here because talking to each other is too boring.

>> No.53945162

>If you ever see someone calling you a "tourist" or a "/pol/tard" it's obvious what they are
nah /pol/ users are the most annoying faggots on the site and should stick to their containment board

>> No.53945166

It's to spread board drama between /pol/ and the rest of the site by pushing a single chud stereotype for a board made of multiple groups, faggots shitting on anything slightly right-wing as well. E-celeb cancer like tate exist only to bait retards into thinking being a narcissistic faggot is the only true way of being a man.

>> No.53945200

Rage inducing retarded 80 IQ whitoid

>> No.53945209

Yes I’ve noticed a huge influx of literal socialist sympathizers here. Actual retards

>> No.53945234
File: 750 KB, 1180x1400, 1673812772628005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true why are chudcel national SOCIALISTS invading /biz/ and trying to change the board culture?

>> No.53945267

Why are you such a tryhard faggot? Anyone who can use an archive knows this place was 10 times more nazi years ago. At best you could say people liked to LARP a lot and post things for shock value.

>> No.53945306

Most true comment in this thread. This man knows.

>> No.53945323

Also this. Seems like he might get Epsteined by the elite that brought him there.

>> No.53945324

Hate this guy. I work as a primary school teacher and lately a lot of the boys have come up to me, asking in broken English: "What color you bugatti?"
I act very strict when they do this and bar them from recess, but inside I piss myself laughing, thinking tiktok and the like will be the downfall of civilisation.

>> No.53945334
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Lol it is exactly the other way around. Anons used to tell chuds like you to go back to /pol/. Post the so called "10 times more nazi" threads from the archive. Only threads before 2019 are allowed.

>> No.53945348

> I work as a primary school teacher
hahaha fucking loser

>> No.53945364

not really. there were widespread nazi themed trolls but felt libertarian in general

>> No.53945370

Because people here would never lie or larp on the internet right?

>> No.53945387

Gay people in prisons is a black American thing sorryz

>> No.53945400

He literally said this would happen. Hes getting epsteined by the matrix. He was calling out the WEF and NWO and making it viral.
He will be a martyr

>> No.53945425

Yeah because thats all they got.
Convincing your gfs to show their boobs on webcam isnt sex trsfficing. Thats why theyre holding him so long without any charges, theyre not giving him a chance to post bail

>> No.53945456
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>>>/pol/ is that way.

>> No.53945486
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This roodypoo glows like Chernobyl. He's a psyop. Always has been.

>> No.53945595
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>> No.53945625
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This. Tater tot is being put away for a long time.

>> No.53945633
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Hitler had no gold because it was stolen by the Jews after WW1.

Additionally, that jewed picture is criticizing Hitler for feeding his people adequately during the great depression, a time when jews were literally starving millions of Christians to death just a few hundred miles away from him, and people were actually starving in the US as well.

>Boo hoo, 1 in 3 times you went to the store in germany during the great depression, you couldn't get meat!

What a fucking kiked article you dirty fucking kike.

>> No.53945639

It's all just a state of mental weakness and failure anon, Andrew told me so.

>> No.53945694
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>> No.53945709


Yeah it's a childishly obvious shilling campaign.

>> No.53945712

Polonium poisoning, many such cases.

>> No.53945715
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Everything you wrote is 100 % made up inside your own mind.
Jews didn't stole any gold from germany, it is exactly the other way around, german national SOCIALISTS stole gold from jewish families and all the conquered territories.
Also the great depression was nearly over when the national SOCIALISTS took power in germany. National SOCIALISTS stole food from all over europe so they wouldn't starve during the war. They even managed to turn the anti-communist ukraines into pro-communist by stealing all their stuff.

>> No.53945742
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>didn't stole any gold
ESL alert

>> No.53945745
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>> No.53945760

you have to let them go to recess, otherwise they'll post their garbage here, just look at this thread

>> No.53945762
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>board being libertarian means there were no other types of right-wingers
It was pretty much a "FUCK KIKES AND FUCK NIGGERS" every day and at least a good portion of /biz/ came from /pol/.

>> No.53945769

Why qould the matrix hate him? His entire message was for men to become hyper consumers of luxury items, to pursue near impossible life paths (make it with crypto, etc) and to fuck hoes and not marry them.

End of the day you end up with guys who blew their money in expensive useless crap like rolex, who cant marry decent women (since all of thise few decent one look at them as degens), and is probably broke or has zero net worth because he thought TateGInu was going to moon.

>> No.53945802
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Post the threads (only before 2019). It is true that a lof of /pol/tards came to /biz/ during the last bull run, got rekt and never left. But they stick out like a sore thumb.
>and at least a good portion of /biz/ came from /pol/.
LOOOOOOOL no /pol/tards always hated bitcoin even to this day.

>> No.53945812

>don’t insult my mongrel hero the thought of him fucking white girls give my mutt ass hope!
so glad I quit pol years ago. I’m sure this tate retard is considered white there

>> No.53945819


>> No.53945831


>> No.53945842


>> No.53945873
File: 70 KB, 636x382, 1674065626981-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 threads in 1 year? WOW le hecking nazi board.

>> No.53945905

People were more nuanced back then and the word "Hitler" could be mentioned and unbiased discussions could be had without every ADHD-riddled overpoliticized retard on every side pissing and shitting his pants in impotent anger and frustration.

Drumpf media ragebait destroyed people's ability to participate in critical thinking and discussion and covid politics was the final nail in the coffin forever. We will never have a civilized society again.

>> No.53945917
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How does it feel to be a gaslighting loser (who should gas himself)?

>> No.53945978

>Drumpf media
I still remember when even fucking reddit allowed people to openly consider themselves fascist or nazi or communist and discuss in a polite way before the shitshow that was the SJW movement becoming a huge circlejerk in the industry (fellow gamers...) and creating drama about "muh nazi problem" inside communities, but drumpf was a reaction to it not the cause of hysteria.

>> No.53945980
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I can't figure out this webm

>> No.53946024

He did a microaggression without even realising, like when you f'yard but actually a little bit of sh'yard happens

>> No.53946053

i didn't say there were no nazis. i said they were not as widespread as you're making it seem. the overwhelming hardcore authoritarian slant only started after 2016. but that's not even the part that makes them annoying, it's the paranoid schizo posting that makes absolute zero logical sense

>> No.53946104

Thanks anon

>> No.53946107

Incorrect, retarded kike! Hitler brought Germany out of the great depression a decade ahead of his western counterparts, who only emerged from it during a total war mobilization of their economy at the behest of jews like Morgenthau who wanted to crush insolent Germany for getting out from under the jewish thumb.

You're one retarded jew, I'll give you that.

>> No.53946124
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>what is the holodomor

You jews are so disgusting.

>> No.53946145

The way Ukraine became "pro communist" was jews starved literally all of the good people to death and all that was left were jews and cowards.

>> No.53946204

I never said it was widespread, /pol was always for freedom of speech, i just can't stand retards pretending that /pol/ is this alien who invaded the very peaceful and absolutely "moderate" 4chan that was at the beginning of the story. Every type of faggot always existed on 4chan included hardcore authoritarians.

What changed? People is now using the "go back to X" not as a way to purify the site from faggots who needs echochambers, but because they want their own echochamber in every board.

>> No.53946225

They finna epstein this nibba

>> No.53946245

DUDE literally just clean your cell! it's all you have to do! Clean your cell and everything'll be alright.

>> No.53946326
File: 221 KB, 1920x1281, 1674065626981-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are saying that you were lying and that /biz/ was never a le epic nazi board? Why are /pol/turds like this?

>> No.53946354

I'm jacked but I would never touch 350lbs bars maybe if I was roiding my brains out, wtf was this chimpanzee thinking?

>> No.53946386


>> No.53946465

>libertarians can't live with nazis in the same community
>what is the alt-right?
You got me dude, /biz/ was an anti-nazi board who hated jews and niggers all along.