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File: 157 KB, 1062x1012, Boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53939742 No.53939742 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday a boomer asked me how big my desk is in the office the company gave me. He thought I had a couch in the room.

I told him that nobody gets a room these days, everyone has to sit in the open office so the boss can see them and everything they do.

They have no idea how the world works these days.

>> No.53939781

Comic also could be used to show how whites became rich off the backs of BIPOCs, then refuse to give them the money they deserve (reparations).

>> No.53939784

Those cliffs are rocks, but they have trees growing on them?

>> No.53939843

Is Boomer hate justified? What did they really do to screw people over?

>> No.53939902

i for one am swimming in cash thanks to a nigger chopping sugar cane part time in the 1800's

>> No.53939911

Amen soul sista. BIPOC deserve reparations on the order of %15 of world GDP so they can buy all the menthols and jordans and crystal they want. Shout it from the rooftops brotha. This would be very intelligent and would have no destabilizing effects and be extremely fair.

>> No.53939927

You won't get enough kek (you)s

>> No.53939937

This, but unironically. 15 million in the trust to this day.

>> No.53939939

>Voted Reagan into office, giving us Reaganomics
>Reverse mortgages
>Absurdly stubborn, selfish and arrogant generation- the over exposure to lead may have something to do with it
>single handedly ruined the housing economy

>> No.53939980
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Trust meaning your spoiled ass can't do shit with it

>> No.53939990

I was trying to buy a house last week from some cantankerous boomer. He couldn’t stop bragging about how much money he had made, essentially by helping ruin America. He absolutely wouldn’t budge on his ridiculously high asking price. Then the contractor saw the place and said it needed 100k in repairs. Fuck boomers do not buy their bags

>> No.53940037

It’s invested in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds that surely outperforms your investments. And it pays a quarterly dividend of course, which means yes I can use it, not only for ski trips and sailing, but also I can leverage the income to afford houses, cars, even rental properties. I’m pretty sure that’s how all rich people buy stuff

>> No.53940066

post nose

>> No.53940076

>With WHAT?!
>>Not my problem

>> No.53940097

how is it even possible to build a bridge in this situation?
you gotta be able to get to the other side to lodge the wood into the ground and tie the rope up, right? how would you do it?

>> No.53940112
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>> No.53940193

The joke is the bridge was built before the boomer came along. He just took the saw that was left behind and cut the bridge because why? Fuck you that's why I got mine

>> No.53940215

Fucking kek

>> No.53940251

no it's just another "us vs them" psyop, when we're old it will be millenials caused this etc, there is no country for old men

>> No.53940250

the boomer didn't build the bridge, idiot. imagine missing half the joke.

>> No.53940816
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Boomers are unironically one of the worst generations but they will pay for their sins.

I vibe more with the generation before them that used to slap their little dumb butts around.

>> No.53941237
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this. it's something zoomy faggots do these days to try to get sympathy from their boomer parents.
It's mostly a reddt thing.


>> No.53941253
File: 111 KB, 1170x1665, KYS [sound=https2F2F7pygn7.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because they voted for all the policies and politicians that ruined society and never ever voted to roll them back because "I got mine those kids can deal with it lol" doesn't mean you can blame them, you stupid fucking zoomer

>> No.53941260

No country for old men refers to literally a wasteland of criminal spics murdering each other you dumb fuck, so when millennials are old it will quite literally be no country for old men because boomers replaced the white population with murderous spic criminals.

>> No.53941266

Shave pedostache please.

>> No.53941429


>> No.53941769

Every "muh bOOMER" insult/joke/argument falls on deaf ears and only makes me hate gen-zers more because I am not American. I do not fucking understand where you're coming from.
I come from a commie country where you either treated your kids like shit not because you didn't have what to give them but because you were a genuinely selfish arrogant sadomasochist who enjoys watching people suffer or you were a benevolent normal in the head person who wanted to see your offspring succeed and kept treating them nicely to the point they became too babied and were incapable of learning and living for themselves.
While specifically in my country after the communism fell they sold everything to the foreigners and everything became privatized so there's that 1 common point between my country and Ameritards, it still doesn't excuse the latter I just mentioned.

Whenever I hear this "muhhh old people ruined everything" all I hear is whiny bullshit from coddled up lazy good for nothing "gibs me dat" niggers, gypsies, mexicans who are too fucking dumb to use the resources they are given and blame their inability and failures on their parents for sadly not even coddling them too much and not teaching them useful skills, but for a retarded lie over "Muh old people sold us to the jews(kinda true) Muh old people burned the planet alive and now I have nowhere to live" which sounds like nigger speech for "I'm a lazy piece of shit who refuses to evolve, so it's whitey's problem cause he told me he was suppose to help me evolve, but he didn't ... so it's whitey's problem the niggers are dumb, not that niggers, spics, gypsies are irradiated retards and niggers are simply dumber than most genes from the middle east, even indians as much as they are they are hard working ... just not smart/bright."
Meanwhile asians succeed at everything cause they have both the smarts(not as smart as white people) and the effort and the organization.

>> No.53941818


>> No.53942845


>> No.53942919

It probably has to do with heights our boomers let us fall from relative to yours. Our boomers were able to buy a new car every 2 years, spend 10k on new toys like motorcycles and boats, and buy two or three properties throughout their entire lifetime on nothing more than a basic teacher or janitor salary. That may sound insane but it's true. Now all of that is out of reach or in the hands of immigrants our boomers invited into the country. By contrast your boomers just let a shitty communist country become slightly more shitty. The stakes weren't the dame.

>> No.53942953

It shouldn't be understood in the sense that those people were naturally evil - if zoomers were in their situation, it would naturally have had the same development.
It's just that in the post-war decades, the US lived in a way unsustainable in the long run, and the world is transitioning into the unsustained phase

>> No.53942966
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>> No.53942970
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35 years prior

>> No.53943020

Not really bevause the whites beat them fair and square. 1v1. The boomers just stole from their kids who werent alive to challenge them its pretty fucked up. They threw their nations into welfare states nerding endless debt to prop it up. They are cunts.
Countries fighting 200 years ago was just a battle of the best. Sorry niggers lost so much.

>> No.53943037

They held the demographic voting power.
When they were young (at least in Aus) they voted for free uni. Then they scrapped that and voted for low taxes when they were in their 30s and 40s. Then they voted for low tax special savings vehicles (super). Now they are increasing taxes, removing those tax benefits and increasing the cost of healthcare and pension.
Its just they vote for themselves and because their population power is strong they live on easy mode.
Thw politcians are always pandering to them.
Right now high interest rates are being used to reduce inflation. Which means millenials with mortgages take the brunt of the pain. While boomers keep spending due to no mortgages.

>> No.53943074 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 320x320, redrabbit7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only 69 years old. I loved Red Rabbit so much, I downloaded all the videos and memes. I'd pray to Red Rabbit every night before I go to bed, thanking for the honor I've been given. Red Rabbit is love, I would say, Red Rabbit is life. My mom’s boyfriend hears me and calls me a neet. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Red Rabbit. I called him a nocarroter. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Red Rabbit. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, Think Bigger. He grabs me with his powerful dev hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I open my metamask wallet for Red Rabbit. He inputs the RR contract and tells me to sell my Chainlink (TICKER: LINK). It hurts so much, but I do it for Red Rabbit. I can see the green line go up as my eyes start to water. I push the button and sell the rest of my link from other wallets. I want to please Red Rabbit. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my portfolio with his love. My mom’s boyfriend walks in. Red Rabbit looks him straight in the eye, and says, Red Rabbit Keeps Pumping. Red Rabbit leaves through my window. Red Rabbit is love. Red Rabbit is life.

>> No.53943217

>I come from a commie country
Bro you could have saved yourself a whole bunch of time by saying "I'm from an irrelevant shit hole, please ignore everything I say"

>> No.53943295

Bro, Americans are mentally retarded, nothing more to it.

>> No.53943347

My grandma said I should buy a house and I told her I couldn’t afford it and was going to leave ca to somewhere cheaper. She said the idea was terrible and everyone who leaves always comes back. I asked what she would do and she said obviously I want to much and need a starter home. I clearly stated my net monthly take home pay and the price of a starter home in CA. Yes I could do it but a single hiccup would bankrupt me. She then circled back about how much I would hate it if I moved with zero real solution. Fuck I hate old people.

>> No.53943360

Shut up thirdie.

>> No.53943402 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 512x512, redrabbit0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Red Rabbit token.. All the drama, the memes, the community surrounding it, it's really something. But what I love most about it is knowing that in couple years I will be a billionaire. It's not even a 99% chance, it is quite literally guaranteed. As a result of that knowledge, I stopped showering and brushing my teeth over a year ago. There is simply no reason for me to do it when I know I'll be rich. I will be fucking whores every night and laughing as they're throwing up from my disgusting, stinky body and mouth. As they kiss me on my rotten teeth, or suck my stinky, 2 year unwashed hog. It will be quite something. In fact I am already seeing effects of my stinky adventure. Yesterday I went to a shop to buy some cheese and make a stop at McD's for a big mac and the cashier at the store was visibly gagging at the smell of me and trying to hide it. Other customers were standing like 5 meters behind me. It was truly hilarious. And none of them have any idea of my guaranteed, future riches. They must already be so jealous of me. The stinkiest billionaire ever.

>> No.53943405

there is no denying that boomers ran up the price of housing living in the easiest period of human existence without actually contributing anything to the economy especially in my country of straya

>> No.53943563

It would return to normal within a few weeks, but those 2 weeks would be full of murders, looting and riots.

>> No.53943577

You do realize that the younger generations are going to be saying the same thing about you right?

>> No.53943589

my old job moved corporate HQ like 3 months before the COVID pandemic. they went from cubicles to open office. only controllers/directors/VPs had their own office, but they were so tiny compared to the old building, you can barely fit a desk and two chairs in the new offices. kek. of course the chief execukikes had their own private suites on the top floor of the building that required special key badge access to get into.

>> No.53943597

>will be millenials caused
We did. We're doing nothing to stop it or the entire woke cancel culture. We still have something to lose. We're at fault because of complacency and inaction. We're handing an even shittier world to gen Z and our kids.

>> No.53943654
File: 215 KB, 1181x866, old_people_redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomers inherited a 90% white country and the strongest, most prosperous economy in the history of mankind
>boomers are leaving behind le 56% and falling muttville plus a completely fucked economy/job market/housing market, they permanently ruined their country's demographics to enrich themselves
>as an added bonus they're all massive supporters of le greatest ally Israel
You tell me who was behind this.
Same shit here in Burgerland, due to their massive numbers boomers quickly surpassed their parents and grandparents as a voting bloc then they didn't have enough kids to be surpassed so their out of touch politicians/policies go unchallenged.

They took advantage of tons of social spending programs like well-funded higher education and pensions then gutted them as soon as younger generations would need them. They put off problems they knew would happen like Social Security budget shortfalls hoping they could exit scam their kids and grandkids. They use their dominance of local/state politics to restrict housing supply and pump their real estate bags. Boomers could easily get a good job straight out of high school with just a firm handshake, then when they got into management they put up tons of barriers to entry for us like requiring a degree for jobs that don't need it and demanding experience for entry level jobs and outsourcing and H1B Pajeets and gay psychology tests and half a dozen rounds of interviews and diversity hires.

Fuck boomers, canceling all Social Security payments immediately to anyone born between 1945-1965 would be a good start to getting that shit generation back for a fraction of what they have done to fuck over everyone younger than them. Unfortunately younger people are too cucked to shamelessly vote in their own interest and fuck over other generations like boomers did so there isn't support for policies that make boomers suffer for once and we'll just wallow in the ashes while boomers ride off in the sunset.

>> No.53943859

>20usd McDonalds salary, low taxes, low price levels
They are, almost everybody is poorer than them. And don't come to with the fucking health care, you don't even need healthcare before 50 most of the times.

>> No.53943892

Im fine with reparations provided it comes out of the jewish slave owners pockets and also that the blacks are repatriated back to their ancestors country of origin

>> No.53943906


>> No.53943912

People dressed so nicely back then

>> No.53943915

Zoomers will be too busy dilating to do anything.

>> No.53943939
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>> No.53943954

Wrong. We can't prevent it but that doesn't mean we caused it. Boomers happily knocked down 100s of dominoes and the dominoes keep falling. We can't slow or reverse this now that it has started. We could with violence, but boomers won't allow that either.

>> No.53943956
File: 1.36 MB, 576x1024, 1677690088126086.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. People are just retarded.

#1. There are plenty of Boomers (like my parents) who didn't agree with all of the taxes, Medicare, social security, bailouts, subsidies, etc. Just like every other fucking generation, some boomers are Communist, some are Fascist, some are Libertarian, some are Centrist, etc.

#2. The oldest Boomers didn't even start getting serious political power until the late 80's - early 90's. Remember, Boomers were born from 1945 - 1964. They had NOTHING to do with WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, or the first gulf War, social security, Medicare, going off the gold standard, giving women voting rights, creating the Federal Reserve, opening up the borders to mass 3rd world immigration, etc. All of that shit happened before they were born, or they were in their 20's - 30's. Most politicians are 40+.

#3. They just used the system that was already created. Just like Millennials and Zoomers are going to use the system as much as they can to their advantage.

For fucks sake, the current president of the United States isn't even a Boomer. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and many other politicians are older than the oldest Boomers.

BTW, your vote doesn't even matter anyways. Policies are controlled by mega-corporations and elite/technocratic organizations.

Everything I just stated is a fact, but you'll still get all the Rebbit Commies, 4chan Fascist LARPers and incels, bitching and seething about Boomers.

>> No.53943962

Pre ww2 fashion still trumps this.

>> No.53943964


People born between 1945 and 1965 are some how responsible for

>adult women in the work force after WWII
>immigration act of 1965
>removal of the gold standard in 1971

Uh okay. Pretty sure it was the adult Jews who immigrated here during WWII.

>> No.53943968

Definitely. People stopped bothering around the 60s and it's been downhill since then.

>> No.53944059

It's very important to keep in mind no one voted for that immigration acr and at the time politicians were promising that it wouldn't change demographics

>> No.53944113
File: 120 KB, 640x780, 1505000534912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please sign up as a volunteer for the russo-ukrainian war.

>> No.53944122

If you demand an office you get one usually, or you get a nice cozy corner you can wall off with office separators and potted plants.

>> No.53944262

If you voted for the politician you voted for the act

>> No.53944285

jews aren’t white

>> No.53944322

Imagine believing in politics so much. The whole thing is a show to make the population think they have a say. The politicians are just puppets doing what their masters say. We have little to no say in what goes on in the world unless we have a French revolution.

>> No.53944342
File: 81 KB, 756x768, 1677665515425571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spics are a recent parasite and nogs have cost us far more than we ever gained from them pickin cotton.

>> No.53944354

Just because you come from a shithole country doesn't excuse der Ewige Boomer from squandering the resources of the nations who were not already ruined

Like China, you mentioned, of course they have the motivation to get better because they're a 2nd world country at best with 1 billion "people" and an aging population
America has none of that but instead of going to space and protecting our environment the boomers played fucking music and built suburbs
Maybe it was inevitable in the course of civilizations or with the ideology of America to begin with but that doesn't stop me from calling it retarded

>> No.53944356

"BIPOC" sounds so gay when you say it outloud i'm still convinced this was an elaborate psyop from rightwingers to make leftwing nutjobs sound retarded

>> No.53944375

Man that guy is dressed very well. I wish people would still dress like this and I wish everything was back like this. Huge buildings were made, beautiful architecture. All gone, because of jews and niggers

>> No.53944386

So all nogs alive today only cost 35 trillion. They can print that out of thin air

>> No.53944396

you mean jews. If you were born a boomer you’d do everything boomer npcs did

>> No.53944412

French Revolution was a precursor to whites being eradicated in their own countries by jews. We need an Alexander Adolf Caesar

>> No.53944414

Yeah the boomers did nothing wrong. The boomer who doesn't even know what AI is, doesn't even know you don't get your own office anymore, he's fine. He's a perfect specimen. Just use your firm handshake to get a million dollar house

>> No.53944433
File: 129 KB, 1024x664, Boomer wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another shitler to give the Jews Greater Israel is what you're saying you stupid boomer.

>> No.53944471

oy vey who could be behind this jewish post

>> No.53944493

Is not about asking for free stuff, is about having the opportunity of growing like others did in the past

>> No.53945304

Voting patterns and taking all the credit of fiat currency money printer whilst leaving the debt to today's generation

>> No.53945847

Fuck off, look at your own countries they're trashed. Don't come ruin ours and expect a payday too nigger.
>built America
>actually just picked crops
kek niggers can't even

>> No.53945986

Most millenials are hardly any different from boomers in attitude.

>> No.53946475
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yeah but then it would be wrong and cringe

>> No.53946651

This country was being destroyed before the boomers were kids. Without being able to talk to one another via the Internet, dissemination of good info was impossible. They all deferred to tv which wasn’t even as bad as it is today. Us vs them is one of many distractions to get people to stop talking about Jews.

>> No.53947655

Americans are retarded, yes, but then what does that say about your people if the best you could do was make yet another failed commie shit hole?

>> No.53947752

You can't steal from kids what they never built or created in the first place you absolute mong.
All spending is done with CURRENT RESOURCES.
They produced and they spent it.
Currently people my age don't produce jack shit. I do and I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY.

But the vast majority of people under 40 don't do shit to produce anything. They have "service" jobs.
The ones that do produce (boilermakers, oil field operators, farmers etc.) have money.
It's not their fault you all retardedly wanted to teach or be faggots serving coffee.

>> No.53947788

Literally gross.

>> No.53947820

Meanwhile you have access to all the things boomers built like roads and parks and basically everything that exists.
What was the last thing a millenial or zoomer built?
What was the last thing they pulled out of the earth?

This is what you faggots don't get. YOU ARE SERVICE WORKERS.
That's not the same as actually producing something. You are paid accordingly.

>> No.53947833

It’s always been that way. The only people who get a private office are higher ups or those who will have regular client meetings (so they dont always use the meeting room). You’re romanticizing a past that doesnt exist.

>> No.53947867

You chose debt, 100% of the people who chose to pay off their debt or chose to not go in debt are paying more for literally everything because retards like you didn't expect interest rates to ever go up.
I hope they pump the rates sky high so you all need to rent again and so my cash actually increases in value instead of decreasing thanks to literal parasites like you.
Also my house is fully paid off because fuck debt. Also I'm in my 30s, not 70s.

>> No.53948005

niggers are fucking retarded, they should be happy they arnt still throwing sticks starving in a jungle had it not been for white intervention. now we just keep you alive like zoo animals out of pity

>> No.53948160

Any source i can find says that minimuim wage has never went past 11/hr in todays funds. But who actually works a minimuim wage job? With no education, ive landed plenty of 18/hr jobs.

>> No.53948178

Yeah, this. I dont do service jobs because I AM NOT YOUR NIGGER. I always work a factory, or some kind of job that does something. Ive had like nine, in the 5 years ive been working.

>> No.53948244

A millennial made this website you're using to bitch about millennials, faggot. As for building physical things boomers made it not nearly as lucrative for us as it was for them with mass third world immigration and outsourcing driving down wages. Boomers weren't competing with every Pablo and Chang in the world for their blue collar jobs.

>> No.53948398

Boomer never did a damn thing. Anything they claim to do was their parents doing. Hell the WW2 gen realizing how destructive boomers were often fought tooth and nail to keep them from getting a hold of their property. In classic boomer fashion they then would sell off or trash what their parents left them.

Boomers also have a very odd facisnation of hoarding worthless items and overvaluaing them then trying to pawn them off to others. They overvalue the fuck out of their homes. They are also responsible for the last 3 major stock market crashes making sure to liquidate their retirement fund every single market dump. This isn't getting into the absolute spite they feel towards everyone else. On top of that I have worked customer service in the past and besides Niggers I have never seen a greater group of scammers and grifters. At least niggers I can forgive for being niggers. But what excuse do the boomers have. They act as though they are gods gift to earth. I blame their parents a bit for sheltering them. Also amongst Boomers is a phenomenon where they are waiting for their mommy and daddy to clean up the mess they made. See the Boomers were fuck ups from the start who needed mommy and daddy to bail them out.

So thank you. You old lead brained retards. Thank you for being such massive pieces of shit that 3-4 generations have worked their fingers to the bone to try and fix your fucking mess.

You all belong in retirement homes like you did to your parents before you sold off all your parents assets and blew their wealth that was meant to be habded to the next generation and doomed your descendants to salvery.

I can't wait for you to die off because we'll be the ines writing about you. If you think those kids are mean now holy shit this is a preview. You have no legacy. You old fucker. And yiur shitty house is worth 80% less then you claim it is.

>> No.53948550

Their parents built that you double digit IQ thundernigger How are you even capable of booting up a computer? And do you even know what debt is? How any market works? How even social security or Medicare works? Jesus dude.

>> No.53948680

Greatest Generation
>sent the first man to the moon and continued manned missions to the moon
>crashed the Challenger, never went back to the moon
Millennials and Zoomers
>first people to set foot on Mars will be from these generations

>> No.53948691

>zoomers doesn't realize that wood grows on trees

>> No.53948713

"Boomers" are a boogeyman created to throw you off the scent. Boomer have nothing to do with younger gens' problems.

>> No.53948718
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>kids these days are so lazy, why don't they just pull themselves up by the bootstraps
Heavy Kek. What's left to fight for? Even the most basic human activity, getting married and having kids, is completely skewed and is financial suicide for our generation. There's nothing left to fight for, just let it rot.

>> No.53948764
File: 69 KB, 620x538, djangounchained_620_101112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers were and always be beast of burden. Clown world won't last, no matter how much (((they))) want it. Goodnight.

>> No.53948828

>Is Boomer hate justified? What did they really do to screw people over?
Basically they worked 100 hours a week to raise their children in the best and the most wealthiest and comfortable world of all history.

Hard times create boomers, boomers create good times, good times create millennials and zoomers.

>> No.53950186

Don't tell him who the tailors and the people popularizing the hip new suit cuts were.

>> No.53950209

>Meanwhile you have access to all the things boomers built like roads and parks and basically everything that exists.
Everything Boomers and Silents built made life objectively worse, save Ralph Baer and DJ Kool Herc.

>> No.53950227

into the trash it goes